Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 114: Under the dragon

The owner of the spring city who fell from the sky broke into the yellow sand in front of him; however, this does not mean the abandonment of the city owner; in fact, even in the process of falling, he did not give up. The meaning of a silver beam, like a raindrop, plunged into the sand curtain where Ye Qi stood.

However, as before, the attack of the beam is like a sinking sea, without any sound at all.

It was not until the spring city master broke into the yellow sand that such an attack stopped. However, it was only such an attack that stopped, and it did not mean that other attacks also stopped.

The plain sand was suddenly tumbling, and a giant, moving sand dune was formed, which hit the layered sand curtain where Ye Qi was at an extraordinary speed.


The earth trembled in the roar of the collision, even the gravel outside the town on the other side of the town was involuntarily beating, and the position in the collision center appeared a deep, full of tens of yards deep. In the middle of the big pit, the layers of sand have been removed, and Ye Qi stood in it, extending a single hand firmly to be pinched in the hands of the spring city masters included in the silver field.

That's right, it's pinch.

Whether it is from the form of the palm, or from the whirl of silver in the spring city, it is such a performance.

"You, you... have also entered 'immortal'!"

The voice of the Lord of the Springs City was slightly trembling with surprise.

"It should be considered 'immortal'!"

Ye Qi’s eyes replied slightly.

In accordance with the characteristics of the [man-shaped dragon (the ancient dragon)] all attributes increased by 30%, at this moment. Ye Qi’s main attribute [Physique] has reached 48.1, which is far beyond the ordinary 'immortal'. If you calculate the bonus of [Tough of the Bear], it will be 52.1 at most, even if the system does not display the number after the decimal point, it has 52 [physique], although the number of points of this blessing, and the actual number of points There is a certain discrepancy, but this does not prevent Ye Qi from applying it.

Just like this time, the technique based on [physique] is [barrier]. There is no stagnation in operation - after using the super [physical] as the basis, with [barrier] as the application, Ye Qi faces the impact of the spring city master, and it is very easy.

Of course, this kind of ease, there are blessings of other attribute points - [Power: 37] [Agile: 37] [Perception: 32] [Charm: 24]

Of course, the last attribute [Charming] has not played its useful role for the time being.

but. This is not the full power of the humanoid dragon (the ancient dragon) - the characteristics of which [extra long spells] and [Dragon's Wei] also gave Ye Qi more unexpected surprises.

[Spell is super long], all spell levels +1, specially marked spells +2, for such a vague explanation, only need to compare it to be clearly visible - under the premise of spell level +1, Ye Qi is most commonly used The characteristics of the spells [Bear Toughness] and [Corrosion]. They became physique +5 and agility, perception +9, natural armor +9, and false life 1 time/5 days.

After such an intuitive comparison, Ye Qi did not hesitate to choose a special spell. Placed on the [cursible surgery].

In the end, the characteristics of [cursible surgery] changed to -

[Corrosion: With the special built-in presence of the dead spirit to strengthen the body's attributes: effect: agility, perception +10 enhancement, +10 natural armor, get false life 1 / 3 days, can no longer cast other casts that rely on the sac; Duration 2 minutes / level

simply put. After opening [Human Shaped Dragon (Upper Ancient Dragon)], it was originally 37 [Agile] and 32 [Awareness], which became 47 and 42 at this time, and more importantly, the duration was lengthened, and [false] The coldness of life is reduced. If the time of the former is lengthened and limited by the duration of the humanoid dragon (the ancient dragon), then the characteristics of [false life] are obviously not in it.

This undoubtedly makes Ye Qi have more choices.

Blessed [uplifting resistance] [Mage Armor] [Stone Skin] [Bear Toughness] [Corrosion], Ye Qi's overall attribute (blessing) changed to [Physique: 57] [Strength: 37] [Agile :47] [Awareness: 42] [Charm: 24], and 15 natural armor (corruption +10, Master's Armor +5) and the resistance of all +2 (for increased resistance).

Of course, this is only the display of [the spell is too long], but [Dragon's Wei] has not calculated it - not Ye Qi does not want to calculate, but rather compared to the simple and clear of [the spell is super long], [Dragon's Wei 】 It is ambiguous, without any explanation, but it can be felt.

It is as if you are standing in a thick fog, touching the companion beside you, you can get it, but you can't see it.

Even if Ye Qi made a special option for [Dragon's Wisdom], he didn't get much information. Ye Qi did not choose other dragon blood products, but chose [Dragon (completely ancient dragon)], very A smooth choice, no obstacles or anything else.

Let Ye Qi have to have some doubts about the ‘suffix words’ in [Dragon's Interest].

Perhaps it is really the degree of 'completely ancient dragon', but undoubtedly 'completely ancient dragon' is also a high score, just like the legendary strong, 'new Jin' is also the legendary strong, '巅峰' It is also a legendary strongman, but the gap is different.

And this ‘completely ancient dragon’ should be similar in Ye Qi’s cognition.

But this does not completely dispel Ye Qi's doubts. He is thinking about the expertise of other dragons' bloodlines. Obviously, according to this inference, these feats are only at a very 'rough' beginning. However, it has not achieved the desired effect at all.

However, for the study of blood expertise. Ye Qi did not have a very good way, just like the blame for the special expertise of the wolf before - the use of non-stop.

Blood expertise. It seems that it can only begin in this way.

But some of them, except for [Dragon's Breath] and [Human Shaped Dragonization] can be used actively, and the rest are very passive passive bloodstains.

In this regard, in addition to the advanced methods provided by the previous [blood fusion], Ye Qi does not have an effective and feasible method for the time being.

And, very clearly, this occasion is not the time to think about it -

The owner of the spring city who was stunned in the hands of the singer. Apparently, it would not sit still, the rune in the silver field began to spin up quickly, and the silver field suddenly changed in an unknown form, and in the next moment it was out of control of Ye Qi.

"I think we can talk about it again!"

The owner of Quanshuichengcheng, just after getting rid of Ye Qi, said this.

"Do you think so?"

Ye Qi stepped forward - the feeling of walking in the courtyard seems to be slow. In fact, it is very fast, even beyond the sight of someone at the place.

Including the spring city owner, facing Ye Qi, who reached 47 [Agile] at the moment, was just able to see it, but he wanted to dodge but it was not enough; but he took the defense in the silver field. So that he will not be directly cut off by Ye Qi - in fact, after entering immortality, the biggest difference between 'Witch Path" and 'Warrior Road' is the existence of this field. All the abilities and skills of the former are integrated into it. The latter is a different way to use the body as a more direct weapon.

As for who is stronger?

If it is a competition between the same level. It is entirely up to the understanding of the 'self' between the two parties, however. Most of the time, the 'Warrior's Road' is better; remove and promote the legend of the extraordinary world, choose the immortality of the 'Warrior's Road', and there is no immortality. After entering the 'immortal', choose 'Warrior's The existence of the road's has a star-like body, and even if the skill is rough, it can be hard to deal with the field of the 'Witches' Road.

If you choose the existence of the "Sorcerer's Road", you must pass the "new" and then you can choose the opponent of the "Warrior's Road."

And this standard is also the domain - the area with a radius of ten feet.

Undoubtedly, neither the dead Koscika nor the spring city owner in front of it has reached this level.

The same is true that Ye Qi does not really enter the ‘immortal’ realm with the ‘Warrior’s Road’. Therefore, at this time, when facing the field defense of the Quanshui City Lord, it will appear to be half a catty.


The silver field is under the cross of the knives, and the silvery light suddenly bursts in the muffled sounds - simply 37's [power], Ye Qi can not cause such damage, but in the cold weapon (Legend): 63] and [Secondary killings and direct hits] 300% of the damage blessing, but played a considerable effect, even the point that the Quanshuichengcheng master had to face up.

The mysterious rune began to exude a more awkward silver, gradually covering up the silver field, and in the silver field, the spring city owner, but the arms are waving again and again - this is after getting the silver disc, The only memory I have gained is the skill he can perform.

In fact, there are not many skills inside, only three.

Each one has quite special features, but it is a pity that for each of the requirements of strength, there are quite strict requirements.

In terms of his strength, even using this one is very reluctant.


The silver runes illuminate in an instant, and start with a perfect arc, and the silver field gradually shrinks in such a rotation, but there is no gloom, but instead it is fast The brightness - after all the convergence of the light, a set of close-fitting armor appeared on the body of the spring city, and the rotating silver rune was turned into a long sword.


The silver rune sword suddenly brought a light, and stabbed Ye Qi, who had just finished another attack. Even when the spring city master changed, Ye Qi did not stop any, but attacked instead. The speed became faster and faster, so that the owner of the Spring City had to speed up the completion of such skills, and even almost went wrong.

but. It is still finished.


After the silver-colored long sword and the smashing sword, Ye Qi stood firmly in the same place. The spring city owner is quickly retreating.

"I think we can continue to talk about it!" After the main station of Quanshuicheng City stood firm, he slowly said that at the same time, the silver long sword was pulled out of his sword in his hand, saying: "After all, you are now The state seems to be very unstable... you don't seem to have enough offensive skills!"

"Of course, it's not the indirect one, it's the direct one! If the single argument is that kind of indirect. I admit that you are quite amazing!"

The idea of ​​Quanshuichengcheng said something.

Ye Qi was not surprised by the existence of the [barrier] found by the other party. He was shrugging his shoulders: "My current state is far more stable than you. - What skills should you use to force? Changed your field, can this skill last for a few minutes? Two minutes? Or three minutes? Or a little longer?"

Although it is only an instant, the city of Spring City shows the speed and attack power. However, it is different from the previous ones. At least it has to be more than doubled, even skipping the degree of 'new promotion'; however, correspondingly, the other side of the other side will inevitably have a decline.

Even the immortal ‘domain’ cannot be born out of nothing. Unless you have already launched your own kingdom of God.

However, it is clear that the city of Quanshui City still does not reach this level.

Just use some techniques to forcefully change the field of their own.

"His Lord of the Shack, it seems that you know more than I thought. I am talking to you. It is even more urgent!" said the young face of Quanshuicheng, with a smile on his face. -only. Even if it is a smile, the viper is still a viper, and this will not change.


After another sword strike, the spring city master was once again shot.

However, even if it was shot, the smile of the spring city owner did not change at all; however, it made Ye Qi feel more and more annoying.

Looking at each other, it is like seeing a general uncomfortable squat on your upper.

clang! clang! clang!

The sound of swords and swords is getting more and more dense. However, in this lightning-fast battle, there has not been any substantial progress.

"I said, we need to talk, not this kind of battle..." The smile on the face of Quanshuicheng City said unchanged. "You see, you have worked hard now, but what is the result?" ?"

"The result is, I know that you sacrificed defense and increased your speed and strength!"

Ye Qi said slowly.

"What about that?"

The main face of Quanshuicheng City changed slightly, but then it returned to normal: "I have the speed to match you, and after I have strengthened your strength, I have obtained unbeaten treatment at this moment - if it is only defense, I don't think I can stick to the best, what do you say?"

“It looks good, actually...”

Ye Qi’s words are long sounds, and in the spread of this voice, he has already come to the other side in front of him; watching Ye Qi, who is slashing under the sword, the smiling sword of the spring city city meets, but, next At the moment, his face changed. In Ye Qi’s left hand, a touch of gold was flashing.

I almost didn't want to think about it. The city owner of Quanshuicheng would follow the force of the sword and pull back. However, when he just wanted to move, Ye Qi took a slight breath and then slowly. Spit out.


With Ye Qi's breathing, the invisible conical airflow instantly wraps the spring city master into it.

Then, in this cone of air, everything that is in time and light is exiled, or exactly as it is solidified - the city of Springs maintains a surprised look, and the figure remains retracted. It looks like it, but it seems to be a sculpture.

Ye Qi slightly picked up his brow, and it was obvious that after the special annotation [Dragon's Breath (Complete Upper Ancient Dragon)], he had a performance that surprised him - the time that lasted for 1 second / 20 grades was obviously extended; far Far beyond the needs of the three-second preparation of the Sun Golden Flame of the Sorcerer's Crown.

In the initial plan, Ye Qi is preparing to use the [chord sword] with [Spider Sword] and the [Dark Surgery] blessed by the super-specialty to carry out the next delay, however. It seems that it is no longer needed; at this time, it is not only enough for three seconds to prepare. And more than enough.

Three seconds, not a long time, for ordinary people, it is just a breather, but for a battle, especially the two sides of the battle are extremely powerful, three seconds Zhong has already been able to decide the outcome of a battle.

When the golden flame began to flash and spewed out, the city of Spring City restored its freedom. But it is late -

Like the sun rising in the night, the golden light crossed the night sky, like the scepter of the sun god, and shot straight on the chest of the spring city.

There is armor formed in the silver field, but it is very obvious. There is no corresponding defense for such armor, and even decorations are not excessive.

Therefore, the result is not unexpected.


The front chest to the back of the spring city master was broken straight, and the armor formed in the silver field began to collapse, and then turned into the original posture and wrapped toward the main city of Quanshuicheng.

but. At this time, Ye Qi will never give the opponent any chance to fight back again.


The knives of the knives were squirted under the application of the chords, and a blue light flashed through the night sky, which was unpredictable, and waited until Ye Qi’s figure appeared again. Already standing behind the head of the Spring City, his left hand is holding the other's head. The right hand is the blade that reverses the knives.


In the slight impact of the metal, the knives are returned to the sheath.


The headless body fell like this in the sand. The broken silver disc rolled off the other's body with the fall of the main body of the spring city. After a short distance, Straight down on the sand, without the slightest sound.

"Leaf, leaf!"

A red-breasted dragon girl who picked up a silver disc, even rushed toward Ye Qi, and when she arrived in front of Ye Qi, there was no stopping at all, she was thinking about Ye Qi; almost Instinctive, Ye Qi's slight side body not only escaped the other's 'slam', but also took the silver disc in the other hand.

Of course, the red-breasted dragon girl could not fall on the sand. In a rather dexterous position, the red-breasted dragon girl stood firmly on the sand. She asked with enthusiasm: "Why are you hiding?" ”

"Why can't I escape?"

Ye Qi, while talking to the sound of his heart, asked, as for the silver disc? Then he was loaded into the guilt of another apostle trench coat that was re-taken from the [Advanced Dimensional Bag]; whenever it was necessary to load items that could not be stored in [Dimensional Bag] and [Advanced Dimensional Bag], Ye Qi is always very grateful to the designer of the apostle trench coat.

"Your father is still a mother, who is a dragon?"

The red bronze dragon girl answered the question.

"Nobody is!"

Ye Qi answered with great certainty.

"Nonsense, if there isn't a direct elder who is a dragon, how can you make it dragon?" The red-breasted dragon girl yelled at Ye Qi's 'lie'; then, he whispered alone: ​​"No wonder, you don't have Blood and imprint, it turns out that you are a direct blood relative..."

For the whisper of the Red Dragon Girl, Ye Qi did not have much thoughts - there is a system about it, he can't say it, this is something that even the closest people can't explain, let alone a fairly talkative one. The coming person; and as for the blood in his body?

This is even a confusing thing that he has come to now, and before he finds his teacher, he can't explain it.

One cannot explain, one cannot explain.

In this case, keeping silence is a better choice.

What's more, the voice of Ye Qi at the moment of his heart has not been answered for a long time, which makes him involuntarily anxious; so that he does not want to wait any longer.

A flew out from the town on the other side of the bank. After Ye Qi turned over, he said straight to the entangled red bronze dragon girl: "I will handle some Things, come back soon, here is for you!"

"Hey, hello! Wait, you answer my question first and go!"

The red-breasted dragon girl shouted loudly, but Ye Qi, who was sitting on the back of Gronin, almost disappeared into the sky in the next moment, and did not give any answer at all.


The red-breasted girl was resentful and sullen, walking toward the body of the spring city master—although the body was dying at an unimaginable speed, but the spoils above were still there, didn’t they?

The creature of the dragon is quite persistent for its own valuable treasures, even if there is only a trace of blood, it is no exception.

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