Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 118: Mourning in the distance

After the exclamation, Delik’s gloomy face became more and more gloomy. After he took the shadow knight’s gaze back, he looked at Ye Qi in front of him, coldly saying: “You think that only ten shadow knights can Is it considered the Lord of Shadows?"

"I have never said this before - just that you think so!"

Ye Qi’s wave of his hand again, more than nine hundred shadow servants, appeared at the same time behind him, and more than the black knight’s shadow warrior followed the shadow servant, completely obscuring the sky behind Ye Qi. Starlight did not sprinkle again, and the moon also hidden the light.

In the deep darkness, only the words of Ye Qi -

"The leader of the meditation domain, Delik?"

Ye Qi asked again.

According to the information given by the swordsman, in the bridge of the other shore, only the leader of the meditation domain can manipulate the shadow guard; however, the leader of the meditation domain, Delik, has no fixed appearance; The legendary powerhouse of the killer is really normal.

Therefore, in front of the seemingly ordinary appearance, Ye Qi never thinks that this is true; the same is not true, there is the attitude and behavior of the other party at the moment.

"What do you say?"

Delik sneered a few times, a very disdainful answer; but in the darkness, he was acting secretly, capturing the traces and retreating toward the edge of the darkness - Delik certainly would not give up this life. As a killer who survived countless crises, he has a moment of crisis than now.

but. He lived safely to the present.

So this time. Delik still has the confidence to escape.

Just need to be near the edge...

However, a knife that shines in the darkness, as before, divides Delik into two again. When the knife is slid across the other's body, Ye Qi can feel the object of the knife. It is still the 'body of the avatar', and the next time the other party's volatility appears again. Ye Qi followed closely and followed up with a knife.

The battle that one side fled to the side of the party lasted for two minutes. After Delik thought that he could not get rid of Ye Qi, there was a considerable change - the black knights began to rush to Ye Qi.

"Your shadow knights and shadow servants, training also spent a lot of thoughts - in the face of the white flame, they are also no resistance... We are just a draw now!" Delik loudly Emphasized.

"I can use the fire of the sun. I can also control the shadow knight and the shadow servant - and when I face you, I choose the latter. Do you think this is a draw?"

Ye Qi's disdainful mouth, immediately, issued a long order to the Shadow Knight.

"Destroy them!"

"Yes, master!"

Shadow Knight single shoes should be behind. The disappearance quickly disappeared, and there were shadow servants and shadow warriors.

Unlike the black knight's instinctual battle, which relies entirely on the number, the shadow knight, who has considerable intelligence, immediately splits into two, one quickly enemies the enemy, and the other is followed by the annihilation - simply said. This is a rabble against the elite troops.

The result is naturally self-evident.

When there is another brand new shadow servant who stands out from the shadow warrior. Delik shouted again: "You are using me?!"


Ye Qi nodded.

In fact, after seeing these shadow-like knights, Ye Qi had such an intention; or tried it – but the results of the attempt were satisfactory, and the defenders were completely similar to the dark creatures. It can be a fertilizer that shadow warriors have evolved into shadow servants, even better than dark creatures, and more efficient.

The black knights who were punctuated by the accompaniment of the voices were straight surrounded by the shadow warriors; and almost two or three shadow servants were born from the next moment and joined the main attack.

As for the black knight's attack?

An attack full of negative energy is not a harm to the shadow creature, but an alternative nourishment.

However, the situation of false and uncompensated will still occur. At the first contact, more than one-fifth of the shadow warriors were splattered by the swords of these black knights.

It is because of this kind of victory that Delik can safely avoid it.

And, step by step into the trap of Ye Qi.

It is not a deliberate trap, but a trap that is inadvertently formed by the Shadow Knights. For the scheduling of shadow servants and shadow warriors, at the very beginning, Ye Qi was completely handed over to the Shadow Knight; And he is only responsible for the containment of Delik.

Simply put, this battle is different from the previous one.

It is entirely based on the Shadow Knight, supplemented by Ye Qi.

When Delik reacted, everything was late. Under the command of the Shadow Knight, the ever-increasing number of shadow servants had surpassed 1,500, and this number of shadow servants was completely able to save less than half of the front. The black knight forms an encirclement.

Perhaps the number of black knights is still many, enough for five thousand.

However, with the black knights who fight by weapons, the shadow servants seem to be a combination of assassins and wizards, a shadow shield on one side, a shadow of a shadow, the sky that will be lit up, Bringing more black lines, it seems to be chaotic, but in reality it is orderly.

The best example is the continuous impact of several times and the inability to get rid of the surrounded black knights.

"Let me go!"

Delik, who once again escaped with a ‘body shell’, looked at fewer and fewer black knights, very simply said

"What do you think?"

After Ye Qi smiled coldly, he slashed again, and another 'replacement body' was split into two. Looking at the 'replacement body' that fell from the air, Ye Qi did not immediately rush to the far side. Delik appeared in front of him. Instead, my eyes narrowed up and looked at them in detail.

"I am not dead! I think I have enough bargaining chips!"

Delik spoke in a big way.

"Is it? I think I can go on... After all, the sun will rise!"

Ye Qiwei blinked his eyes and said slowly.

And when I heard Ye Qi’s words, Delik’s gloomy face immediately added a touch of coldness – he was not entangled in how Ye Qi learned about his weaknesses, but how to get 'more’ Chips, or... fight a blow.

Although the killer is not an assassin, there is no shortage of mortal death.

After all, each of their missions is on the line of life and death.

"Do you want to prove something by action? Are you saying that you are not imaginary or that you are excellent? Can you be scrupulous? So you can achieve the goal of leaving Enron?"

Ye Qi seems to have seen through the other side's ideas. Said bluntly.

In this regard, Delik kept silent.

“In fact, do you think your ‘body is’ has no solution in the dark?”

Suddenly, Ye Qi suddenly said.

"Don't you be able to crack?!"

Delik smiled gloomyly, and there was a sneer in laughter - albeit in a disadvantageous position, but for his own abilities. Delik, the leader of the shackles of the meditation, has considerable confidence, and this is one of the biggest reasons why he is still thinking about the possibility of escaping or negotiating.

"My battle with Koscika and Huck has made some of my abilities temporarily unavailable! However, the same abilities are unrestricted!"

Ye Qi said slowly.

Huck? !

The insidious guy is also being used by the other...

Delik looked at the opposite Ye Qi, and the pupil in his eyes couldn't help but shrink the news he just got; however. Then I said in a disdainful way: "When you talk big, who will - if you can really do it, then why don't you do it now, but stand up and look at me like this? Never I said, you are waiting for your ability to recover!"

"I am waiting. However, it is not waiting for the recovery of ability. It is waiting..."

Saying that Ye Qi stretched his finger to the battlefield next to him - there, the shadow knight who belonged to him had already started the final stage of the attack, or ‘finishing’ the final harvest.


Delik looked at it blankly. There were nearly 5,000 numbers before, but now there are only a few black knights left. Suddenly, I know that Ye Qi kept chasing him from the moment before, and then he took him with an abnormality. The purpose of the speech - the other party has been his 'works' from the very beginning!

"do not……"

The words of prayer are not thoroughly spoken.

Blessing [Corrosion] obtained a temporary +8 agility and perception of Ye Qi figure, flashing past the white belly of the sky.


In the voice of the sorcerer's slowly returning to the sheath, Delik, who has not finished speaking, is divided into two. This time, it is not the so-called 'replacement body', but Delik himself.

And with the death of Delik itself, the few remaining black Knights, including the Barrow, are like human flesh. The bombs burst and burst open – in fact, It is because of this scruples that Ye Qi will slow down the offensive against the leader of the meditation domain.

And now the end of the effort is not finished?

It is because he perceives the fluctuations of the line of female cavalry and is approaching here - before their arrival, Ye Qi believes that the battle should end at a faster rate.

[a level task: rush (finish); gain experience: 500000.]

The system's prompts, along with the demise of Delik – coupled with the [s-level mission: the enemy of the imaginary enemy] of the Quanshuicheng City Lord, the current experience of Ye Qi, once again advanced A large section, reaching nearly a third of the position.

After glanced at the location of the experience, Ye Qi did not think more, and turned around, greeted the female cavalry chief with a smile -

"You, are you okay?"

Looking at the four ladies standing in front of her, Ye Qi’s words suddenly became awkward.

"of course!"

The chameleon replied with a smile, and the female cavalry chief smiled calmly; and the Rhines and Linda Northd nodded with a reddish cheek.

"I think we should go to the town on the other side to talk about it, not to blow it here?"

Ye Qi touched the tip of his nose. Proposed.

The four ladies did not have any objection and nodded in unison.


And when Ye Qi’s battle came to the end of the paragraph. Deep in the desert, another battle has come to an end -

嗖, 嗖, 嗖...

A thin line of transparent and taupe is intertwined and smashed, just like a two-way army with distinct colors; however, it is clear that the taupe side has fallen into a very unfavorable side, even though it is ruthless. But the roots are 'exploded' by the transparent thin line!

砰, 砰, 砰...

The green juice was sprayed from the place where the taupe thin line burst.

but. At this time, it is more appropriate to call these thin lines "at the touch".

After the burst occurred, the extent to which the thickness of the hair was originally thickened suddenly became thicker, and the rubber hose was generally thick.

And a fine barb is extended from the top, which is very incomparable.

but. Strength and speed have dropped by more than 10%.

"Here is the depths of the desert, the restricted area of ​​life... Nothing is what you can swallow! Or, if you need to change the taste, there is a cactus!"

The ragged little man still talks with the original laughter.

Compared with the small man's calm, the wolf doctor wearing 'Killypi'. This time is a big bad thing - not only does not have the appearance of Kire, the face is completely bloody, his body is the same, even more serious.

The ‘toucher’, which has suddenly become thicker, is carrying a layer of barbs. Keep squatting around the flesh and blood - though, these flesh and blood are their roots.

"Do you think... have you won?"

The words of the wolf doctor are not only hoarse. And intermittent, it seems very difficult.

"Of course, I won't win - I won't win after you were introduced here!"

The answer of the little man is crisp and neat, and he is full of confidence.

Call, call!

As if for the rumors of a small man, more taupe thin lines in the body of the wolf doctor came out, and then became a barbed tentacle, rushing toward the little man; the tentacles cut through the air The sound of the wind, no matter how many hits with any day, the average person will be hit, it will definitely be broken.

However, the small man facing it is not enough to watch it, even the smashing of the counterattack, and it is straight down. The transparent thin wire is like the most solid metal. And the one's tentacle is the softest tofu compared to it.

Even the kind that doesn't have to be cut, the wind is bigger, and it can be blown away.

"The note about you, I have seen it, and it is very detailed. The mentality of being a laboratory product at the time allows me to clearly recite every word above. Of course, some special words, Then the crazy woman explained it for me! So, I know very well about you or your current state!"

"You look for inspiration in the earliest shamanic and subsequent alchemy, and experiment with the doctor's nephew - whether it's a passerby or your patient, it's your experiment until you find out After nine nights of innocence, you finally found a perfect example... If you want to pretend, why not be thorough?"

The little man slowly asked the whole body to become a very stable wolf doctor. This time, the wolf doctor is like something in the body. After a while, the body is like a balloon, and it is quick. The narrowing, or simply one piece out of each piece, and then bursting open, the green juice collapsed everywhere.

"Why are you serious about an experimental product that you are destined to abandon!"

The wolf doctor raised the fleshy face and tried to make the sound clear, so that the little one could hear it clearly; even, the mouth was upturned and a smile appeared; however, on the fleshy face This smile is only disgusting.

The little brows picked up and the transparent thin lines gathered together, as if the whip was generally drawn toward the wolf doctor.


The wolf doctor flew high and then, after a long distance, fell on the sand; the original flesh-and-blood face, now completely lost the appearance of the 'face', or, simply, the skull They were all shattered in the blow of the little man.

However, this does not affect the words of the wolf doctor -

"Hey, are you angry? Or do you want to listen to something that hasn't been told for nine nights? For example... her first night? Or the swaying look of being transformed on the operating table? She Was it repaired when you were doing it? I know that my transformation is quite successful. Is it good to be smooth?"

The voice of the wolf doctor said intermittently, and in the eyes of the little man, the murder was intensified.

Slowly, the wolf doctor stood up a little hard.

"Do you know, watching her crying in front of the firearm where I was burned, I was really excited at the time, I really wanted to press her on the operating table, then..."


The words were not finished, and numerous transparent thin lines were inserted into the body of the wolf doctor, causing his words to come to an abrupt end.

"Although I know that you are irritating me, but... congratulations, you have succeeded - so, in order to reward you, I will make you feel better than death!" The little man manipulated the transparent thin lines, slowly Tao, "I have never told you, I am the ability of toxins? Just In the new king's 'cemetery', I found a lot of good materials!"

As the voice fell, the thin lines began to spew some venom.

Then, it was the sorrow of the wolf.

The pain concealed the death, it must be a miserable thing, and the little man looked down on the miserable appearance of the other side, indifferent.

Ps second more~

Decadence of the neck is sore... really pit...

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Thanks to the rebellious de Dante 588 starting point, the prodigal wandering around the sea, the wind gods 200 starting point of the reward, sn, x, thurther, Wang Xiucai 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for all support decadence The brothers and sisters ~~~ are not finished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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