Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 19: Kidnapping 2 in 1

The eyes under the hood are alert, and when they walk, they seem to be in the shadows. These people have entered the warehouse from all sides of the port of Saskatchewan – not the old warehouse area, but the new warehouse area; On the other hand, since the invasion of the pirates two years ago, the old warehouse area was completely demolished by the Northder family, and all of them moved into the new warehouse area, and the original old warehouse area became the dock post.

With the original guard of three times, guarding the entire dock, and performing the duties of the guard with the sentry post at the Port of Saskatchewan; however, unlike the sentry post, only 30% of the posts at the dock are the Northder family. The people, the rest, are quite famous people on the dock.

For example, Aidong, who is lame, and Captain Haas, and Deli of the Stone Lock Giant Bar; of course, there is also a del moved from Xia Lin to the Bay Area. Of course, Del is no longer the original time. The secret technique, Del, who retired with the rank of lieutenant, is now also an executive captain at the dock post. There are a full 150 people under his command, and Ai Dong and Haas have become his deputies.

Although Del did not want to do this, but ‘squatting’ Ai Dong and ‘Captain’ Haas insisted on doing this.

According to Ai Dong’s words: ‘I am a blind man, where is the scorpion to become the captain? Haas is a illiterate captain. Managing 20 people is his limit. Plus our age, do you want us to work hard? ’

Similarly, the 'Captain' Hass has always been nodding his head, so Del eventually became one of the executive captains. The same position as Deli - although the two are the same position, but respect for Deli. Jean Del has always treated the old man who retired from black.

Just like this time -

"Captain Deli, what happened?"

After entering the warehouse, Del did not pull off the cloak, so he whispered inquisitively, and at the same time, a slight stagnation - owing to pay tribute, and the cloak is the old man's command, they must wear such a cloak, There is a cloak where the other person secretly puts somewhere.

"Well. Before I explain, I still have some bad news. Except for our two special teams, it seems that the other captains of the post and the dock post have disappeared!" Deli nodded slightly and said something. Not very good news, "And, the inexplicable things are accelerating the infiltration into us... just a few of my men are telling me that there are some 'guys' when they are alert. With ulterior motives Purpose to get close to them!"

"What about the Northder family and the highest government?"

Del quickly asked, he wanted to have a rescue - it was not a timid, but a confirmation of his own strength.

"The Northstead family should still be able to maintain its strength. As for the highest government? Do you think it is useful? It’s **** it!"

After that, Deli laughed at himself and then. A roar was made - in fact, since the old man remembered, the Supreme Government has not played a role in the Gulf District, except when collecting taxes.

"The situation is not optimistic!"

Del, the once-young secret, frowned under his hood and was one of the executive captains of the dock post. Although Del is not in the true sense of the class, but with the help of ‘瘸腿’ Ai Dong and ‘Captain’ Haas. The entire team was trained to be quite combative.

However, just two days ago, one of his squads suddenly lost contact - not dealing with any urgent situation, just a simple night patrol.

However, it was not until the change of the post that it did not come back, and more importantly, the emergency contact team sent out also disappeared, which made Del, Aidong and Haston alert - the last time they were attacked by pirates in their minds. The situation once again revealed the AI, so they immediately convened the entire team and began to inspect the dock.

However, there is still nothing to gain.

Whether it is a patrol squad or an emergency liaison team, they are all living and not seeing the dead, as if they have disappeared from the air.

In this regard, Del was very nervous, and immediately issued an alert to the dock post and guard post, as well as the Northall family.

As a result, there is no news at all.

It’s not just these places, but even the port of Saskatchewan seems to have fallen into an inexplicable atmosphere – there are no boats to dock, no ships leaving the port, and the endless porters are disappearing. Traces, even some shops have not opened for two or three days in a row, the natural business is also people go to the floor, there is no semi-personality.

This is impossible in the past.

Moreover, under the careful examination of ‘瘸腿’ Ai Dong, there was no trace of the battle, and the patrol team and the emergency liaison team disappeared out of thin air.

In the next ten hours, this situation has continued, and even more and more suppressed - as the captain of the del can clearly feel the fear of the players.

A powerful enemy is not the most fearful.

Only the unknown, invisible, intangible enemy is the most frightening.

And obviously, they are now facing such an enemy.

Fortunately, however, they contacted Deli, the old man with enough intelligence and strength.

According to the old man’s command, they hid their figure and came here; and when they saw Deli and the other’s men, everyone including Del had a sigh of relief – they finally saw it, except People outside of yourself; this feeling is just as happy as the big meal at midwinter.

After all, the inexplicable feeling is too torturous.

"Do you know what happened?"

After Del’s gesture to the players behind him, he’s “squatting” Ai Dong, 'Captain’ Haas and Deli walked to a corner of the warehouse and looked at the layout. Apparently a temporary command; after the old man gestured to sit down, Del, the former secretary, couldn’t wait to ask again – it seemed to be a war. But the feeling that even the enemy can't see it is really uncomfortable.

"What happened? I don't know too well...but there is a guy who can explain it to us - Morrie, Morrie, should you explain this guy? I have found enough helpers!" Deli The old man shouted at the empty side of the side; afterwards, in front of the Del three, the piece of the void began to appear like a water-like cockroach, a palm, as if the curtain was opened, a slight downward pull .

Suddenly. In the place where it could not be seen, a figure appeared here.

"Lord Mori?!"

Del exclaimed - he is quite familiar with one of the operators of the devil's crying bar, not just because of the last piracy incident; there are several times of alcohol transportation, and renting warehouses. It is this lord who deals with them.

Therefore, it is natural to be familiar with it.

"Del, Aidong, Haas. Good evening!"

The black market businessman smiled and greeted the three people who had just arrived.

"Good evening, Morrigo!" After the same hello, Del asked again: "What happened? Can you tell us?"

"What happened? It's very simple... we were kidnapped!"

The black market businessman extended his tone and dangled people's appetite until he saw that everyone couldn't wait to get up, he said with a smile.


Deli, Del, Ai Dong and Haas. The four people who have experienced the test of life and death, face each other, have seen the surprise on their faces.

"What is going on here? How can we be kidnapped? We must know that we have three hundred people!"

Deli, the old man's brow wrinkled and looked at the black market businessman with a little suspicion; while Del was posing at the old man and blocking the other's words. This former secretary, from the perspective of young people. Speculating on the words of the black market merchants, while gathering some things that they know, slowly ask: "Mysterious side?"

"Well, of course the mysterious side - but not the mysterious side of Lorante!"

The black market businessman nodded and there was a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Not Lorante? Is it the bridge of the other side that was circulated before?"

The frowns of several people are even tighter--according to the news obtained in the past few days, it is clear that there is not a good place in the bridge on the other side; however, one thing is certain; that is, the strength there is quite Powerful and powerful enough to make them unable to resist.

"If it is there..."

Deli, Del, Ai Dong, and Haas have a sorrow on their faces.

"Not there!"

The black market merchants waved their hands and interrupted speculation by a few people.

"Where is that? You guys have to tell me clearly about the ins and outs of things?"

After several consecutive guesses and no clues, the old man’s temper began to violently.

"Delly, you are so angry that you are not good for your body!" The black market businessman said with a smile, but when the old man’s eyes really picked up, he immediately said: "Not just us, The entire port of Saskatchewan has been kidnapped - some dark wizards, and some of my doubtful existences have joined forces; and most unfortunately, I came to Saskatchewan to take some materials, Was involved in it!"

"The whole Saskatchewan?!"

"So what about other people? How should we go out?"

After again exclaiming, Del asked quickly—obviously, after a continuous surprise, the young man began to accept the situation and began to think of a solution.

"Others should be in a similar environment too!" The black market merchant shrugged helplessly. "But, obviously, they are not lucky to you!"

Said, the black market businessman pointed to the cloak that was still worn on several people.

"What is the use of them?"

I have long noticed that the different ‘squatting legs’ Ai Dong asked.

"Escape the 'eyes' that are being searched - in fact, this warehouse is also one of the blind spots of the 'eyes'!" The black market businessman replied, when he saw a few strange expressions, he shrugged his shoulders: No doubt, you have been monitoring all the time, wearing the cloak I made, to avoid such surveillance!"

"Lord Mori, how can we go out?"

Del carefully observed his cloak. Asked.

"I didn't have a way out. These cloaks are already my greatest ability!"

The black market businessman has no choice but to spread his hand.

"Then you said this to us. What is it for?"

Deli, a bad-tempered father, turned his beard without a good air and turned away.

"Of course useful!" The black market businessman laughed. "Although we can't go out, those guys can come in. - Seeing our enemies is better than continuing to guess and wait here?"

"Yes, the people who have been monitoring suddenly disappeared. Those monitors will inevitably have action!" Delton reacted. "Aidong and Haas let everyone enter the state of readiness!"

"Finer, Lawen, move up - we are going to greet the guests!"

Deli did not hesitate, immediately shouted at his confidant.

Suddenly, the players in the warehouse, who are still resting, began an orderly readiness. Del and Ai Dong and Haas bowed to the black market merchants. It's quickly integrated into the queue—it's just a big warehouse, and there aren't any fortifications or ancillary facilities. Before the real battle, they thought it should be built.

Although, it will not be too useful to face those mysterious enemies, but. Is it better than nothing?

"What happened to the ground?"

When the warehouse was busy, Deli asked the black market businessman quietly.

"That's the way it is!"

The black market businessman blinked and answered very simply.

"Get it, you guys, you must have something to say. Hurry up and tell me - can't you say it with our relationship?" Deli old man said a strange expression to you. . Beginning to ask the black market businessman, the latter said helplessly: "Don't you be able to use the friendship in the right place?"

“Is this still not correct? This can be related to our life and death!”

Deli blinked, and immediately, the smell that had already been washed out came out again.

"Okay, okay, I think you are still pretty like a bartender or guard captain. The black-colored boss is really not for you!" The black market businessman raised his hands and compromised: "Reassured Well, although it is related to our lives and deaths, but we will not really die - the goals of these guys are not us!"

"His Lord of Shaker?"

After Deli was just a glimpse, he reacted.

"Yes, it must be something that Ye did not take care of, so they have to make a decision. The whole plan is so rushed that I can find a lot of flaws... If it is really If you plan, you should not do this at all!"

The black market businessman nodded. Then, the whole body leaned against the chair and said with a weak voice: "So, let us wait patiently. There is plenty of food and water here, enough for us to wait for the leaves to come back - Sas There is such a big thing in Hong Kong, Ye will not care, especially when I am here!"

"Are you putting gold on your face?"

Deli disdained the corner of his mouth, and then, no longer paying attention to the black market merchants, straight into the construction of fortifications - although the black market businessmen said they would not be in real danger, but Deli the black boss , can not pin their own lives in the words of others.

At any time, you need to prepare yourself first!

Deli has always believed in such words.

And when Deli left, everyone was not around, the expression of the black market businessman hiding under the hood was a slight change -

"Is the Haggati message passed out?"

The voice of the black market businessman is cautious.

"I have sent it out here, but because the surrounding environment is very special, there will be a delay..."

The voice at the bottom of my heart, with a hint of helplessness - obviously, Hagati felt that she was being used too much; but, before it finished, the black market businessman interrupted the other party and said: "How long does it take to delay?"

“Although it’s special here, it’s very rushed – so it only takes two hours!”

Hagarati said this - there was some disdain in the tone, but only the black market merchants could understand the other's really prudent attitude.

Those black cloaks are the last evidence.

Although he has extraordinary strength now, he wants to make three hundred sets of cloaks out of nothing. It would have been impossible without Haggati's help - of course, even with the help of Hagati. Morrie still can't be born out of nothing, can only be used locally, and then add some of his spells.

Let everything look like that is natural and lifelike.

"Two hours?"

The black market businessman sighed, then shook his head: "No, time is too tight, Ye Qi is still at the bridge of the other side at this moment - we need to fight for more time!"

"As you wish!"

Hagarty said nothing at all.

After a while. The airflow that ordinary people could not see floated out of the black market merchant's palm, drilled through the walls of the entire warehouse, and then enveloped the entire warehouse area, followed by the entire dock area.


After Tucker van Gogh and Ross left, Ye Qi did not stop in the barn, he quietly left the farm. By the night, I rushed to Langenburg.

Under the hustle and bustle of the night, Randenburg is as clear as the ruins of the war.

Even though the female cavalry chief and the chameleon deliberately restrained their own strength, the few of the bridges on the other side were obviously unscrupulous, bearing the historic Fort Lauderdale of the Northed family. It was almost destroyed. In general, I have heard about the four ladies, but after I saw it, I still frowned.

Anything that is heard is not as shocking as seeing it.

Especially when I saw two blocks around his bar, they were razed to the ground. Ye Qi is very eager to resurrect the superb legendary powerhouses of the bridges that have died on the other side, and then give each other a knife - the bar does not have much loss. Relying on a large number of previous Kimpton inputs, ‘the devil does not cry,’ is like a drop in the ocean, standing on the street that is rapidly rebuilding.

Of course, if you look at it in detail, you can still see some places, and it is still patched up—for example, a signboard; it is obviously a fall that falls on the ground, and then it is repaired again.

In the same way, because it seems to be a post-war situation, the business of 'the devil does not cry' is extremely deserted, or, more accurately, to remove oneself, there is no one guest at all; when Ye Qi is hidden. In a rebuilt street, when entering the bar from the ground, the bartender is wiping every cup, and the singer and Tiger are helping.



The three men looked at Ye Qi who came in and made an unexpected exclamation.

"Amanda, how about giving me a cup of special milk tea? After a long journey, I think I need to treat myself well!" Ye Qi smiled and saw the bartender happy to nod, then looked at it. The singer and Tiger - in fact, more concentrated on Tiger's body; after all, any person wrapped in a mummy is difficult to attract attention.

In the match between the last bridge and the bridge on the other side, although the singer and Tiger have no decisive role, they have a fighting style that is difficult to ignore. Two young people who are not at the same level, in the extraordinary realm of the legendary strong Under the pressure of the courage to dare to launch an attack, it is a very great thing.

However, the luck of the two young people was different. The sorcerer was rescued by the lich, and Tiger was saved, but it was slightly affected - even though the lich even Given the treatment, there will be no sequelae left, but now this appearance, it will be inevitable to keep it for a month or two.

"Boss, I am fine!"

Reluctance is a common problem for every young person. Tiger is naturally no exception. He has deliberately made a strong appearance in order to prove that he has nothing. However, the sweat overflowing on his forehead is obviously impossible to be tired. It can only hurt!

"I think a wounded person is not a shame in bed, and it is not you who are lying there!"

Ye Qi smiled and said - in fact, the last time the bridges of the other shores attacked, it was not only the Tiger, but more than half of those young people were lying on the bed, the longest need for five Only a month can be completely recovered; of course, this is nothing compared to the people who died around.

The only thing that can make Ye Qi happy is around his bar. They are all spies of other forces, not civilians in the true sense. Especially in the Holy See, it is the vast majority.

"This guy is still standing, how can I lie down!"

It is a natural tactic of Tegley.

"You are a serious illness, please don't compare with me, okay?" The singer squeezed out a very screaming voice from his lips, with a counter-request. "Or you think it is necessary to start the third thousand and nine hundred and fifty. Do you have a practical study?"

"You guy..."

Tiger's eyes narrowed, but in the end it was a brink of death - obviously, even though Tiger was very reckless. I can also understand what it means to him now. Similarly, looking at a bandage of Tiger, Ye Qi does not want to be embarrassed.

Therefore, he clapped his hands and attracted the attention of two young people -

Hey, hey!

After two crisp sounds, Gefa and Tiger stopped the words. I looked at Ye Qi.

“Do you see the so-called extraordinary situation?”

Under the eyes of two young people, Ye Qi asked.

"See it!"

The two young people nodded their heads together - with natural enthusiasm in their eyes and a hint of vigilance; apparently, in the last battle, they were telling themselves what to do in the future to be more proactive; even . The performance of Tiger at the moment is also for the future initiative.

In the face of such young people, Ye Qi certainly does not say anything, even more willing to help the two; after all, one is his own disciple. One is his own subordinates and they are all extremely reliable people; therefore. He said the decision made as early as Shake -

"Do you know Shak?"

Ye Qi asked.

"Of course, there is the headquarters of our hunters!"

The two young people said at the same time.

"Well, I am going to let you go there - for a three-month training, as the first stop for you to travel through the whole of Lorante!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

"We are able to travel!!"

The two young people asked in surprise - it is clear that for young hearts, running and yearning for freedom is their favorite.

"After the previous test, it is ok!"

Ye Qi nodded and said affirmatively.


"Ah! It hurts!"

The two young people hugged and hugged, but then Tiger yelled loudly. Obviously, the injury was touched by the inattention, but even the pain could not stop the seemingly heartless smile. .

"For your travels, I have two requests!"

After the two young people calmed down completely, Ye Qi continued to say this.

"Teacher (owner), you said!"

The two young people responded respectfully.

"First, this tour is time-limited - 18 months! When the 18th month comes, you must return here!"

Ye Qi erected the first finger.


The two young people nodded at the same time, and the smile on their faces did not decrease - even 18 months, not longer, for them, it was good enough.

"Second, you need to make your own strengths go further... to reach the level of the day!"

Looking at the smiles of the two young people, Ye Qi also smiled. He paused after a special pause and continued.

Suddenly, the smiles of the two young people were stagnant, or sluggish—obviously, they did not expect that the second request would be like this.

"Teacher, this request..."

The singer wanted to say something, but it was interrupted by Ye Qi when he just opened his mouth: "If you think you can't do it, you can't travel!"


Almost in unison, the two young men shouted.

"Very good, I appreciate your determination - now, go to rest, I only give you three days to prepare... Of course, Tiger seems to be unfair to you, do you need me to adjust?"

Ye Qi smiled and asked - sometimes, young people are always easily motivated; and really did not let Ye Qi disappointed, Tiger replied hard: "No need!"

"Gallen, please help me find Vauban and Felsa!"

Just as the two young people disappeared into the stairs, Ye Qi said again.

"Okay, teacher!"

The singer responded loudly.

"They are all great guys!"

A bartender who came with milk tea. When I put down the milk tea, I said slowly.

"Yeah. They are all great guys - so if there is enough pressure, they will grow faster!" Ye Qi sighed softly and picked up the milk tea.

“Time is tight?”

The bartender apparently heard the meaning of Ye Qi.

"Well, it's more urgent than you think - we need to hurry for any second! Hey, Amanda, your craft is! Progress!" said, Ye Qi took a sip of milk tea. Say praise

"This is my pleasure! Maybe, can you try my wine?"

The bartender smiled and looked at Ye Qi with a look of inquiry.

"I have already stopped drinking, and I don't plan to break the ring in a short time!" Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand and continued: "Even if you are a bartender, it is the same!"

"That's a pity - wine. It's a delicious thing!"

The bartender shook his head with a little regret.

"However, I think we can discuss it. Can the advanced training of the young people - "Chariot" be fully taught?"

Ye Qi lifted the tea cup and gestured to his final choice. Then he went straight to the point.

"Yes!" The bartender nodded. Then, the brow wrinkled: "However, not everyone is suitable for the chariot!"

"This is of course!"

Ye Qi said as he pulled out a piece of paper filled with densely written paper. He put the paper in the hands of the bartender and said with a chuckle: "This will solve your problem!"

No one fits the other exactly the same. It has the acquired nature and has an innate character. And such changes, in the face of dealings, fighting will be reflected in the best - just like the genius of some boxing, they can not show the same genius aspect on the cold weapons or gunpowder weapons.

The genius of some gunpowder weapons is completely incapable of understanding how to use cold weapons.

Therefore, for the advanced training of this step, Ye Qi selected various techniques from the memory of [Dragon's Inheritance]; perhaps not too deep, but full enough - of course, there is no gunpowder weapon; However, in Ye Qi’s cognition, if he uses gunpowder weapons, who else can surpass his gang of soldiers?

"A comprehensive and comprehensive teaching material!"

After Amanda carefully read it again, he said very positively; then, without Ye Qi’s instructions, the paper was destroyed. For Amanda, who is a soldier, the confidential work is basically deep. In the bones; but as for the surprise that Ye Qi can come up with such comprehensive skills?

The bartender will not be surprised when Ye Qi has long smashed the legendary powerhouses of the twenty-two extraordinary places, including the former Pope.

In the eyes of the bartender, it seems that at this time, nothing can be done by his boss.

Just after the bartender completely destroyed the paper, the young wizards Vauban and Filsa walked into the second floor hall. The two men changed into the wizard's gown, but the burnout on the face indicated that the two young people The wizard has already entered the dream before; in fact, adequate sleep is necessary for every wizard, it can keep the wizards energetic and clear-headed.

Of course, a powerful wizard who can be replaced by meditation will also have enough sleep at a certain time.

"Sorry, bother!"

I know that sleep is very sincere and sorry for the wizards, especially the key points of the young wizards, and the bartenders are asked to bring two more hot drinks.

"Honey tea?"

The bartender asked - but this half is a positive tone and apparently already knows the tastes of the two young wizards.

"Thank you, Lord Amanda!"

Vauban respectfully returned, and Feelsa yawned. Undoubtedly, the whole person was still half-awake.

When the honey tea came up, the two young wizards drank and thoroughly woke up, Ye Qi asked: "What special actions did the dark wizards have recently?"

"We have paid for what you have!"

Vobang looked at Ye Qi, and Feelsa opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything at all - but. That sulky face can already explain everything.

"The attack was an accident. I didn't expect the accident!"

Ye Qi advised two young wizards - when the bridge of the other side came, the dark wizards of the dark eyes were obviously involved, even with the role of needles; without the real information of Vauban Feels is undoubtedly ashamed.

From the two people looking at his eyes, Ye Qi can clearly feel.

However, it is clear that this does not blame the two young wizards.

"Reassured, I promised the two - it is absolutely impossible to have such an accident again in the future!"

Ye Qi’s words have a slap in the face – in fact, he is planning this way. This time it was because of luck, he was lucky not to suffer a real loss, but next time? Ye Qike does not expect himself to be blinded by the goddess of fortune every time.

Therefore, he is sincerely trying to leave any accidents out, especially about his own bars and relatives and friends.

"We will do our best to fulfill what we promised!" Vauban looked at the smashed Ye Qi, and said the same way; then, there was no stop. Vauban continued: "Ullil and Beyte, who are still members of the periphery, are not really recognized. My situation is also within the appraisal period; however, Felsa is dark. Official member of the Eye!"

Such words are undoubtedly surprised by Ye Qi. He looked at Felissa with amazement. Among the four, Ye Qi was originally more optimistic about the mature and cautious Vauban.

However, this does not affect his plan.

After all, one of the four people really joined. Even if it is successful, of course, look at the look of Philsa. Ye Qi also had a guess.


Ye Qi guessed that - in fact, among the wizards, there have been more than one mention of how talented Filsa's talent is; and it is clear that in the dark wizards, talent also accounts for a considerable proportion.

“Well!” Wabbon nodded, and then he smiled. “Felsha has received more than one invitation from the top of the Dark Eyes – becoming a disciple of the other party and giving me what I can’t imagine. benefit!"

"Oh, that Filtha, are you staying with me?"

Ye Qi's brow wrinkles - becoming a formal member is a must, but getting more attention is definitely not a good phenomenon; after all, there will be more chances to be exposed.

"Don't worry, those old guys think this is my clever performance - the most dangerous place is the safest place!" Felsa looked at Ye Qi's doubts, with a hint of disdain, "even, I still When they want to give a 'message', they also refused; I think I just need to keep the status quo!"

"You really value it!"

Ye Qi took up the tea cup and laughed - giving the 'message', was the strategy they had originally formulated, but did not expect it, but even such a step was omitted; enough to see the dark wizards for Phil Sha, the love of the 'transportation'; is not willing to let it take a little risk.

As for not being with me, I still stay with him.

Undoubtedly, they understand that their side is not safe; whether it is because of his existence, or because of the existence around him - some things in the eyes of the dark, through the lich, Ye Qi knows quite clearly; The environment of competition and survival will undoubtedly make everything more elusive.

People have to be wary of all the crises that will happen behind So, do you have to tell me good news? ”

Ye Qi took a deep breath and smiled at Philsa.

"of course!"

Still the girl's wizard, immediately raised his head proudly.

Ps two in one chapter ~~~

I don't know why the two chapters of 10,000 words are coded up, and the feeling of decadence is more energetic.~~~ Although it is still a little dizzy, there is definitely a problem with drinking yesterday! !

The pit said that one night did not sleep well, ran several times in the toilet! !

Sad reminder of the decadence again for subscription, rewards and monthly passes! ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the 200 starting point of the reward, sn, x, one leaf book friend 1314, the lost heart of the 100 heart of the starting point of the reward ~ ~ ~ decadent again thank you all support the decadent brothers and sisters ~ ~ ~ (unfinished Continued...)

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