Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 24: pressing

With the words of the old man, a group of dark wizards looked up and saw the gray air that was rising from the sky. They all showed a surprised look. The middle-aged dark wizard who spoke first was even more stunned: How is it possible? In '戮神', strength will be suppressed, how can someone motivate such power?"

"Sometimes, the miracle is this time!" The old man suddenly laughed and pointed to the direction of the gray airflow. "Go, let's go there!"

"Teacher, there is the opposite of the exit!"

The middle-aged dark wizard hurriedly persuaded.

"Do you really think that Scott will leave you such a big flaw?"

The old man smiles and looks at his disciple. The middle-aged dark wizard is silent. In fact, he knows more than anyone who is the leader of the radical faction. The haze and the poison are just the most Superficial, the cruelty in his bones is only a little deep. If there is a demon in the human skin, then it is the best adjective.

Only if the opportunity is in front of him, he always wants to try it.

In fact, no one is the same. Otherwise, there will be no slang that does not fall back to the South Wall. Although Lorante does not have such a proverb, there are quite a few similar words.

"The opportunity is not necessarily in the distance, it may be in front of us, we just need to grasp it!"

The old man smiled and waved his hand, and immediately walked toward the gray airstream in the distance; and the middle-aged dark wizard immediately followed, and the dark wizards behind him did not hesitate more, and they followed up – the old man’s reputation. Enough to let them choose this way; or say. Since it can participate in this action. Their respect for the old man is beyond imagination; therefore, in the face of the choice of the elderly, they chose support.

As soon as they approached, a line of dark wizards gradually saw the original appearance of the gray airflow -

"There seems to be someone there!"

After a few young dark wizards were carefully identified, they exclaimed.

These young dark wizards, though possessing considerable talent, have never seen the true meaning of power, therefore. At this time, they were stunned by the scene before them.

Can a person create a tornado of tens of yards high and ten yards wide by simply wielding a long knife?

Moreover, this kind of look will know that a tornado with a special strength!

Even if you have a spell, you can't do it!

These young dark wizards have issued such exclamations; and a few middle-aged dark wizards are blindfolded - they see the power of the people in front of them, subconscious, these middle-aged dark wizards will block the old man Behind them; even if they knew that the other could not break the invisible barrier.

Vigilance is as instinct for the wizards who are born in the dark eye.

"I am not vulnerable to the need for human protection!"

The old man patted the shoulders of several middle-aged dark wizards in front of them - these people were not his disciples. It is his assistant, and at the moment it is because of good intentions. How could he say something bad?

However, the attitude is extremely determined, because without such a determined attitude, his disciples and assistants will never let go.

Sure enough, after seeing the resolute attitude of the old man, these middle-aged dark wizards looked at each other and slightly removed a path that was enough for the old man to pass, but as the old man approached the invisible barrier, they again Once you followed, it was almost inseparable.

The old man can only smile in such a situation. He is grateful to the young people who can come to give him relief at this time, and is willing to give a real return; for example, the front is wrapped in gray air. The figure - the old man took the first two steps and placed his hand on the transparent barrier. Immediately, a hard, cold barrier appeared a water-like ripple.

A circle, layer by layer, infiltrated into the surrounding and inside.

Take the words of the old man.

"Yes, Lord Shack's Dragon?"

The voice of the old man was clearly introduced into Ye Qi’s ear.


The knives in the hands are endless, like Ye Qi, who is like a lightning bolt, suddenly shocked, the action did not stop, but the eyes and the perception are scanning around.

However, there is no discovery.

"You don't have to be hostile, I don't have any malice... although I am also a dark wizard!" The old man obviously can feel Ye Qi's review, immediately explained, and very frank, "I am invisible to you. After the barrier, however, this barrier is a bit special, so I can see you, but you can't see me!"

"who are you?"

Ye Qi cautiously asked, but the knives in his hand did not stop, still hitting the invisible barrier with the different application of [barrier] [sharp spear] - perhaps, for this invisible barrier It is still a solid soup, but for Ye Qi, this advanced technique based on his own skills is completed at an unimaginable speed.

However, the situation in front of him could not make Ye Qi feel happy because of the completion of this advanced skill.

Therefore, when faced with a sudden person, Ye Qi, despite being cautious, has a sigh of relief - he hopes that there will be a little change; after all, the other party can appear here and explain the identity, it is enough to show , the goodwill of the other party, isn't it?

"Dittal! Hey... don't know if Filha passed you earlier?"

The old man passed his name and mentioned the youngest girl in the wizard's four-person group.

"Conservative, Dital?"

Ye Qi repeatedly asked.

"Is this the code name of Filsa? In fact, I like the old guy more. After all, I am an old guy!" Dital, the legendary dark wizard, laughed, his laughter With ease, Ye Qi did not feel a trace of darkness in it - just like the moon, although in the dark, but its own chastity. But it brought a piece of brilliance.

but. Ye Qi does not believe in such a choice.

"For this invisible barrier. Lord Dittal, do you have any suggestions?"

Ye Qi asked tempted.

"Unless, you can reach immortality... otherwise, I don't recommend a storm like this!" The old wizard gave his advice, "Or, we will cooperate once!"


Ye Qi’s eyes were once again a glimpse – the first half of the other’s words, he believed; though, his strength was weakened. However, it does not mean that there is no corresponding experience; the advanced skills based on [Barrier] [Thear Spear] have already reached a certain level at this time, although there is still a certain gap from the [阎魔. Extreme]. But it is definitely not too big; that is to say, even if it is a six-fold attack, it will not be able to smash the invisible barrier in front of it.

Of course, it is only when Ye Qi’s ability is weakened at this moment.

If it is, in the heyday, everything is self-evident - although it can not be maintained for a long time, but a short burst of time, Ye Qi thinks that it can reach the degree of 'immortal'.

Therefore, Ye Qi is for cooperation. More inclined to return to normal strength; therefore, he is after a slight meal. Just ask: "Can you solve the problem that my strength is being suppressed now?"

"This is unsolvable, even if it is 'immortal' or simply the presence of the gods, it will still be suppressed; unless..."

"Unless what?"

When the old wizard’s words were heard, Ye Qi asked him.

"Unless you find the core of that 戮 God!"

The old wizard answered.

"turn up?"

Ye Qi immediately glimpsed and then asked - obviously, Ye Qi discovered the hidden information in the old wizard's discourse, which was found rather than destroyed.

The same [s-level task: the core of the '戮神') did not suggest any words of destruction, but also found.

Suddenly, Ye Qi had a little thought at the bottom of his heart.

However, this also requires an old wizard to confirm.

"Yes, it is to find - in fact, only need to enter the ten yards of this core radius, the negative state of your body can be lifted!" The old wizard was satisfied with Ye Qi's keen questioning. Unsatisfied and nodded; and because of this satisfaction, he continued to say without concealing: "I have been imprisoned by Tuscott, my disciples and assistants, saved me; therefore, I hope they can leave here safely!"

"What should I do?"

Ye Qiwei asked with both eyes - the other's words confirmed his guess, and this confirmation made him choose to temporarily believe the other party's statement at the moment.

To put it simply, if it is confirmed that this is a fact, Ye Qi does not mind helping the other side; and if it is a scam, then he will naturally let the other party understand what the cost of doing so.

"You need to get out of here - this is a dead end, you should go to the street on your left, there is a row of two-story houses, the fifth of which is the right passage to enter here!" Old Wizard Pointed out the route, and reminded Ye Qi: "However, please be careful, there are Tuscott guards, two of my colleagues, are legendary strong, especially one of them is good at guarding; so, you need Speed ​​up - in '戮神', every time of existence is limited!"


Ye Qiyi frowned.

“Yes, limited – as time goes by, your strength will be suppressed until you become an ordinary person!”

The old wizard reminded me again.

"Ordinary people? Is it invalid for ordinary people?"

Ye Qi stopped the wielding of the knives and recalled the residents of Saskatchewan that he had seen before.

"Yes, it is not valid for ordinary people!"

The old wizard gave a positive answer.

"I think our cooperation can begin!"

Ye Qi looked up and watched as the gray air began to dissipate, slowly speaking.

"I hope we can cooperate happily!"

The old wizard took back his palm in the invisible barrier and turned to the disciple behind him, the assistant smiled. "Good luck, we found a very big chance!"

"Is that really the Shak's Dragon?"

The first middle-aged dark wizards who were the first to say that they would be so coincident would have such a coincidence - knowing that they were going to go to Randenburg for the first time after they left here.

"The atmosphere of the dragons. Although very light. But it is very pure. It is better than the pseudo-dragons we have seen. How many times!" The old wizard took a deep breath, "except for the Lorante. Outside the Juggernaut, I don't know which one has such a pure blood!"

"This is great!"

The middle-aged dark wizard couldn't help but scream, and the young dark wizards made the cheers even one.

Every one is not willing to encounter death.

If there is an opportunity to survive, then naturally it is fortunate.

At the very least, the old wizards, including Dytar, think so.


On the left side of the street, a row of two-story houses, the fifth of which is the basement.

This is a very clear point. It was easy for Ye Qi to find the other side. The two legendary dark wizards were very surprised by the arrival of Ye Qi.

However, such surprises are their last expression.

After the disappearance of the Dark Raven Swordsman, the eruption of the [String Bow Sword] made it easy for Ye Qi to betray the two legendary Dark Wizards.

And when he passed through the passage in the basement, a hair had fallen, an old wizard with a long white beard, and four or five middle-aged wizards. And a dozen young wizards are standing there.

"Hello of the Shaker Dragon?"

The old wizard who led the head came forward and looked at Ye Qi asking.

"Well. Lord Dietar?"

Ye Qi also confirmed the identity of the other party. At the same time, Ye Qi waved his hand to the shadow knight behind him. Immediately, the shadow creatures in the film rushed to the entire business district - even if standing here, Ye Qi could Smell the **** curse in the magic circle, a strong **** smell.

"Higher shadow creatures?"

The old wizard looked at the Shadow Knight No. 1 who was still standing behind Ye Qi. For a dark wizard who loves to study, he has a considerable influence on such creatures, not only because the birth of the other is very difficult. Also because of that special ability.

In the darkness, even if it has never been seen without a trace, it cannot be overemphasized.

In particular, the ability to behave like a real knight is even more relishing. Some wizards believe that a higher-shadow creature such as the Shadow Knight is integrated into the soul of the knight to achieve such an effect.

Of course, after a short surprise, the old wizard looked at Ye Qi, and some unsurely asked: "Seven heroes, descendants of the shadow master?"


Ye Qi replied very simply - whether it was the former Tuscott, or the father of Fletcher who called him the king of the sword, the wind of the next day, the descendant of the Lord of Shadows, he did not want to admit it. The idea is the same at the moment; after all, he can't know everything that was so long ago.

In the history of the millennium, who can truly know the truth except those ‘god’?

What's more, some truths, even if they are known, will be covered up.

Of course, what's more important is that he didn't intend to explain any problems before he met his teacher again—who really understood the facts about the body.

Because, that's all suspicion without evidence.

However, it is clear that Ye Qi’s simple and neat answer made the old wizard have a misunderstanding. The old wizard thinks that Ye Qi is for the confidentiality of identity. After all, the descendants of the seven heroes, for Lorante It is so special that it is so special that any force must be jealous.

Although the old wizard does not think that Ye Qi’s strength at the moment needs to worry about it, everyone has the principle that they will abide by it, and the old wizard will never interfere too much.

Therefore, he said directly -

"The warehouse area is surrounded by guard posts at the guard posts and dock guards. They were still stubbornly resisting before I was detained by Tuscott! And in the dock area... the core of '戮神' is there. Speaking of this, the old wizard took a apology. "Please forgive me for not knowing the specific location. Similarly, if you want to enter these two areas, you still need to find the channel. I can't get those channels. know!"

“With some hints, everything will be simple!”

Ye Qi said slowly, but the words just fell, and Ye Qi’s face changed again.

"Does the suppression of 'God' reappear?"

The old wizard obviously knows what happened - in fact, the change of Ye Qi's breath can't be overwhelmed by the old wizard's perception. The sudden change of breath, except for the serious injury, can only be suppressed.


Ye Qi's face was slightly ugly and nodded - in the original remaining 50% of the strength only 40% left at the moment; simply said, Ye Qi's strength, agility, perception at this moment, only 40% of the heyday; although the attribute point of each point is one-third of the strength of the upper level, in this weakening, Ye Qi’s attributes [power] and [agile] begin to move toward 25, and [Perception] is also close to 20.

Although the legendary level [physique] is still 37 without any slight change, but this does not mean that Ye Qi can sit back and relax, without the blessing of [power] and [agile], even with skill and legendary level [physique] In fact, at this moment, Ye Qi’s combat power has begun to be extremely polarized. [Physique] is still legendary, even close to the legendary peak, but [power] [Agile] is down. Back to the Japanese level, and [perception] is closer to the level of the new day.

Ps first more ~~~ slightly late~~~

The network that is decadent is really not strong, and it has been cleaned up for a long time. It takes five minutes to open a webpage... really vomiting blood...

Finally, let's go to the Internet cafe again! !

The smog is lingering, and the tears of tears are once again back to childhood! ! (To be continued.)

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