Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 26: Go to the next 2 in 1

However, even if it is a real scorpion, it will feel when someone approaches, especially when the other party does not want to cover it up. What's more, Ye Qi is not really a scorpion, therefore, When there were three figures on the opposite side, he immediately stopped moving forward, and when he flashed his body, he entered the alley next to him.

It is already between the commercial area and the warehouse area. Because of the price of the land, people have built a number of shops outside the store, forming a complicated branch road that intersects with the main line. It is like A spider web is generally, and the other ones don't know where they are.

Even the reconstruction of the old warehouse area did not change the situation, and even made such a situation more complicated – because even the locals had to adapt to the new street.

However, Ye Qi is very grateful to such a complicated street at the moment; at the very least, he can temporarily avoid the other side's edge!

A total of five superb legendary dark wizards are in front of the passage leading to the warehouse area, and Ye Qi can be sure that the other party is waiting for him to enter, and his current strength is facing five extraordinary The legendary dark wizard of the situation is obviously not enough to see.

Even if it is one, it needs a considerable layout to be able to kill each other.

As for five?

Turning around and leaving is the best choice - after all, in that relatively open place, he has no chance at all.

"The dragon of Shaker, you are so embarrassed to escape, let those who admire you. How to treat it?"

Just as Ye Qi moved to the left side of another 'Ten' shaped alley. The legendary dark wizard who chased from behind said slowly. There is an indescribable playfulness in the tone--obviously, this legendary dark wizard is full of interest in being able to pursue Ye Qi, an opponent that is impossible to beat on weekdays.

“Do you think you can escape?”

The legendary dark wizard continued to speak, and then, constantly approaching.

Ye Qi leaned on the slightly cold wall of the alley, and has narrowed down to the blind trap perception of less than 50 yards. At this moment, he still clearly conveys to him the fluctuations of the chaser - including those that are chased by the back. There are two people, including the legendary dark wizard who is provocative. The two people were blocked in front of the alley, and the other side was one.

As for the direction he is standing in?

It was a dead end, although it could not hinder Ye Qi's footsteps, but Ye Qi absolutely did not want to run like this - he needed to enter the warehouse area, and, for a limited time!

If this ‘戮神’ is once again suppressed, he will have no room for rebellion.

Quietly standing in the same place, Ye Qi's breathing became nothing, until the cooperation with [Dark Claws] became silent. Then he thought about it.

Suddenly. A piece of darkness shrouded the surroundings.

[Dark surgery]

An effective spell that obscures the enemy's field of vision, created by the supernatural darkness, can not only be illuminated, but also has considerable resistance to dark vision; it is Ye Qi's favorite spell; however, with the improvement of strength Directly pulling the knife up, gradually replaced the original strategy of spell cooperation.

However, at this time, Ye Qiqing was fortunate to himself and did not forget how to cooperate.

In the darkness, the piece of [cobweb] is also scattered in three directions as in [Dark Surgery].

Immediately, the dark wizards, once again encountered a **** - although only for a moment, but for Ye Qi, it is enough.


Opened +8 temporary agility, perception, and once again turned his temporary agility toward the legendary level of Ye Qi, a quiet and silent rush to the two legendary dark wizards chasing after.

If you don't choose one person from the opposite side, and choose two people, this is definitely not because of the provocation of one of the other party.

But because of strength!

In the "blind bucket perception", the legendary dark wizard who came alone from the opposite side is the most powerful of the five, reaching the legendary high section, while the remaining four are the same legend - obviously, alone When you come alone, it is a trap that lures Ye Qi.

With Ye Qi’s current strength, facing the legendary high section, it is impossible to solve the battle in an instant. Once it is dragged by the other party, then the remaining four people gather together, then under the siege of five people, unless Ye Qi’s cards are finished. Otherwise, it is hard to escape - in fact, when I saw these five legendary dark wizards appear, Ye Qi was guessing that the figure Scott did this in order to put his cards. Forced out.

And Ye Qi, naturally, can't let that figure Scott do it!


In the darkness, the flames are burning.

Although it was shaded by the darkness, the heat was there. Ye Qi walked among them. Even the legendary [physique] still felt the heat and pain of the bursts; however, his breath did not change at all. , is still in the silent state of [Dark Claws].

After the flames repeatedly appeared, almost wrapping the entire side of the alley, the former dark wizard of the opening confirmed that Ye Qi did not come to them, and then relieved, shouting loudly. Road: "Be careful, not on our side!"

When the shouts came out, the legendary dark wizards in the remaining two directions suddenly became nervous. On the protective magic that originally existed, once again, there was a magical light that could not be seen at this time, especially the single one. The legendary Dark Wizard, a red jewel appeared in his hand, and a five-foot radius of the ray was shot from the jewel; the place that was illuminated by the ray was caught in the flames.

Even the slate floor began to boil like water, and the burning sensation seemed to enter the volcano that was about to erupt.

However, nothing happened.

Ye Qi did not appear.

The result was that the dark wizard of the legendary high section couldn't help but frown, and the next moment there was a green gem in his hand. Different from the way red gems are used. Slightly exerted force. This green gem was crushed by him, and the crystal with a green powder, no wind and automatic, blowing in all directions.

And just for the next second, the legendary high-level dark wizard changed his face and shouted: "Dante, small..."

Did not wait until the legendary high-level dark wizard shouted the words and slowly moved for a moment. Ye Qi, who finally came to the two legendary wizards, slashed straight.

Although there is no previous strength, the speed is still fast.

And without the suppressed knives, Feng Rui is still there!

Therefore, the magic protection that exists is only a slight shine, then it is broken, and the knives are driven straight into the body of two legendary dark wizards who relax at the bottom of their hearts and divide them into four.


And when Ye Qi Knife flashed, a fireball full of bursting energy hit from a distance; straight on the ground. In the roar of the explosion, the bodies of the two legendary dark wizards were swallowed up in an instant. Houses within a radius of twenty feet were also blown up into ruins.

However, Ye Qi disappeared in the place before the fireball exploded.

The darkness continued, obscuring the sight of the dark wizards, and they could not trace the traces of Ye Qi. The legendary high-level dark wizard shouted: "Come to me!"

Obviously, he gave up the initial, encircled plan; instead he was prepared to continue to wait again.

After all, the current situation, for them, the longer they drag, the bigger the win; while the two fellows are close together, this legendary dark wizard once again takes out a diamond from his pocket, not big. But it is shining enough, even in this darkness, it is clear.

The darkness, with a radius of about ten yards, was dispelled by the brilliance of this diamond.

However, such light did not give the legendary high-level dark wizard peace of mind, he looked at the edge of the darkness, a touch of green light flashed.


The legendary high-level dark wizard immediately shouted - such shouts, of course, reminded the remaining two companions; after all, the diamond in his hands not only dispels the supernatural darkness, but also dispels the toxins; However, it was very difficult to make, so it was not taken out at the first moment.

However, in the battle to win again, he lost two companions who should not have lost, but he had to take out the diamond that lasted for ten minutes after the excitement.


Another scream, attracting the attention of the legendary dark wizard, who threw three sapphires again—the three sapphires did not fall on the ground, but floated like this. Protecting the legendary high-level dark wizards, the magical fluctuations that ordinary people can't see, begin to scent like water.

With this kind of protection, the legendary high-level dark wizard quickly moved closer to the remaining two companions; however, when he walked over, he saw only two bodies - penetrated by a knife, dressed A string of two bodies, although the long knife that has been used as a weapon has disappeared, but the two bodies are still stuck together.

Although the legendary high-level dark wizard can't see more information from the wound, he can be sure that his two companions seem to have no power to fight back, just like the other two dead companions. .

Isn’t the Shak’s Dragon suppressed by ‘God’?

Such an idea, subconsciously appeared in the heart of the dark wizard of the legendary high section - although he thought it was impossible, but saw the appearance of the four companions' tragic death, such an idea emerged involuntarily.

叮, 叮, 叮...

The crisp bells rang again.

The legendary high-level dark wizard immediately widened his eyes and looked to the front - on the edge of the black trench coat, with a trace of burnt marks, but the whole person did not change, Ye Qi did this. Going out, even with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Go to death!"

After the horror, it was the instinct to kill, even if there was a fluster in the bottom of my heart, but the legendary high-level dark wizard did not hesitate, raising his hand - the violent negative energy on the fingertips began to gather. then. It is like a waterfall that falls from a height. Spewing out.


The negative energy ray is directly in front of one hundred and eighty degrees, a width of more than thirty feet, and the length of nearly one hundred yards appears. The original building on this trace, whether it is a shop or a warehouse, Or other buildings are directly corroded and weathered by negative energy, turning into fly ash.

Judging from such an attack, the other party can become a strong player in the legendary high section. It is not a fictional name - it can resolve the supernatural darkness, toxins, and can effectively defend itself, and can also make such a favorable attack; even Ye Qi has to admit that the other party is really a strong legend.

Even, it is quite balanced.

The attack power is outstanding, but the protection is not weak, and there are also countermeasures against other changes.

Unlike the bridges on the other side, the legendary powers he faced - although one aspect is quite prominent, the other aspects are fragile and vulnerable, only by the prominent side These weaknesses are concealed; the best example is the 'Shield Holder'!

He relied on the shield of the holy device, with an imaginative defense. But in terms of speed and dexterity, he is only a little faster than the ordinary Japanese glory; therefore. His battle is more dependent on his companions for output, and he focuses on the role of the shield.

And his companions are the same, either fast or aggressive, but none of them have a strong defense. Once the 'Shield Holders' are defeated, they are almost completely exposed to the attack. - A point is broken, it is a complete defeat.

The wizards are obviously different, and they are more eager to make reasonable arrangements.

In the face of limited spells, attacks, defenses, aids, and blessings of magical items become a kind of existence that must be treated with caution.

The wizards at the legendary level, they are more dominated by magical items - magical items are indispensable compared to a few spells.

The wizard who has reached the legendary level, because of the increase of the spell position, the magic items will be reduced accordingly, and because of the blessing of their own special spells, the dependence on magic items is rapidly reduced; however, it is clear This is not the case -

When the negative energy that spewed out suddenly did not disappear, a rose-colored crystal with a fist size was left on the ground. Then, with the wind, a purple crystal giant with a height of fifteen feet was raised. It appeared next to the tall dark wizard and protected it.


The knife wind behind him is to make the legendary high-level dark wizard reveal a look that is unexpectedly unexpected. When the [negative energy ray] spewed out, he clearly felt the opposite of Shaq. The disappearance of the dragon; it is like a soap bubble, a stamp will break.

There is no resistance at all, no doubt it is a fake or an illusion.

The dark wizard who knew that he was fooled, immediately took out his other cards without hesitation; and this card did not disappoint him!


The sorcerer slammed on the purple crystal, did not bring any gains, even even Mars did not rise, it is clear that this purple crystal giant has an extraordinary defense; similarly, Its speed is not slow, and the huge fist seems to be taller than a normal person, and straight to the Ye Qi.


In the muffled sound, Ye Qi was straight and was shot.

The legendary high-level dark wizard immediately showed a smile on his face. Under the suppression of ‘戮神’, even if the Shack’s dragon was punched like this, it would never hurt to be seriously injured!

However, the next moment, the smile on the face of the legendary high dark wizard was stiff.

That is like a broken kite. Ye Qi, who flies backwards, looks like a broken mirror in midair, and it breaks like that.

The wind coming from the side, the coldness of the eyes, made him subconsciously want to recall his [Crystal Guardian]; however, everything was a little slower - an ice crystal Ye Qi, the devil in his hand The knife is like a fierce flash, passing through the dark wizard of the legendary high section.


High blood, sprayed under the pressure of the chest, with considerable strength, let the head fly high.

The high-turned [Crystal Guardian] is like a machine that stops the clockwork. Quietly parked there. then. The next moment became the fist-sized amethyst again; not only this [Crystal Guardian], but also the three blue gems that stand out from the air and let Ye Qi get hurt by the ice, and exude The white ray dispels the dark and later toxins of the diamonds and they all stop working.


Three sapphires fell on the ground and made a crisp sound.

And Ye Qi is with a thick gasping, his body slightly swaying, kneeling down to the ground; and when Ye Qiyu fell to the ground. A figure behind him slowly emerged, and a narrow-edged sword was stabbed in the back of Ye Qi.


This wizard's proprietary narrow-edged sword, without any hindrance, penetrated into the back of Ye Qi, spraying blood, and instantly dyed Ye Qi's vest; however, Ye Qi was unmoved. His left hand grabbed the narrow-edged sword, and at the same time, the hand was just a supportive knives. After a reversal, straight back.


The same is the sound of the metal blade falling into the body.

but. Compared to the repair of Ye Qi's legendary level and the restoration of the Sorcerer's Crown. This dark sorcerer of the same legendary level obviously does not have such ability.


The palm of the hand was slightly loosened. The legendary dark wizard of the sneak attack, widened his eyes, and was diligently expanded by the chest pierced by the knives, trying to retain the lost life.

"You, you... will you find me?"

The dark wizard's big eyes stared at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi did not answer the question of the dark wizard. He stood up and pulled out the knives that were inserted in the heart of the other party. Then, after another beating the other, he sat on the ground and inserted it. The narrow-edged sword on his body slowly pulled out - the tingling sensation brought out of the heart, which made Ye Qi's forehead densely sweaty.

Although, his heart was not the first time it was crushed like this.

Whether it is facing the inanimate king or facing the whistling wolf king, there have been broken things in the heart, especially the former, which has been smashed dozens of times.

However, compared with the pain of the former, this time makes Ye Qi feel more pain.

"Suppressed the strength, but also magnified the pain?"

Ye Qi sneered at the bottom of his heart. Then, he perceives that the surrounding [Dark Surgery] is about to dissipate, and immediately raises his hand again, wiping out a new round of darkness and re-emphasizing himself.

The reminder of the old wizard, but he made it clear that he is now in the surveillance of Tuscott, and his current appearance is naturally not allowed to see the other side - [physique] is not being blasphemed The suppression is a big secret of his present, the secret that the other party can't predict.

Therefore, when the wound is restored under the influence of its own legendary level [physique] and [the wizard's crown. Liege], Ye Qi does not forget to wrap his chest with gauze, but the blood that has not dried up is immediately printed and dyed. On, suddenly, let such an explosion show a trace of truth.

When he was done, Ye Qi quickly cleaned the battlefield - whether it was the Crystal Guardian or the three sapphires, and the diamond was obviously quite valuable, and there were some things that the other party carried with it. Ye Qi has enough curiosity; and when he explores a [secondary bag], and after a little investigation, Ye Qi is not slightly upturned by the corner of his mouth.

However, very quickly, Ye Qi took everything and set his sights on the last legendary dark wizard who appeared. The legendary dark wizard is also a legendary high section, although he does not know what he is good at, but that A kind of hidden traces, almost smashed the ability of [blind bucket perception], but let Ye Qi be amazed.

If it wasn’t for the legendary high-level dark wizard who was tempted by [secondary phantom control], the other party’s wavy leaked out of fear of his companions, and he couldn’t think of it, Ye Qi couldn’t think of it. There is also a dark wizard of a legendary high section.

However, a momentary discovery is enough to change the whole situation.

Ye Qi gave up the original direct attack method, fighting the legendary high-level dark wizard in a more arrogant way; showing a serious injury and serious physical overdraft, even after the end of the battle, can't wait The demise of the land is to bring out the hidden legendary dark wizard.

Although, the opponent's use of traditional wizards to fight Ye Qi has a hint of surprise, however. Then I was overjoyed.

To know. Take the other person's ability to hide and go. Once he fights with his spells, he will definitely fall into an extremely embarrassing situation - the perception of rapid decline, which makes him completely passively beaten when he can't track the other side, as long as the other person has enough patience. Then, as time goes by, when he is once again suppressed by 'God', it will only let him enter a more unfavorable situation.

Fortunately. The other party actually chose melee.

Undoubtedly, the other party can't wait, so that they can choose the way they are not good at them - the wizard, even the traditional wizards have the ability to melee, but in the end they choose to win is still the power of the spell; and give up the spell Wizards, obviously they are not qualified fighters.

In the case of a legendary dark wizard, it is impossible to choose such a way!

The reason why I am doing this now is nothing more than because the other party thinks that the victory is in the grip, and believes that Ye Qi is the lamb to be slaughtered; therefore, he is countered by Ye Qi. The same is a surprise when the same is passed. Even asked Ye Qi - but for such an inquiry, Ye Qi did not want to answer the idea.

Or, in the face of an enemy who is going to wear his own sword, Ye Qi does not have such courtesy.

"No. 1!"

Ye Qi, who stood up again, called the Shadow Knight through the power of the contract.

"grown ups!"

The shadow knight, completely dissolved in the darkness, appeared in front of Ye Qi on one knee.

"Take your subordinates and thoroughly clean the warehouse area!"

Ye Qi told me; however, this time Shadow Knight No. 1 did not act immediately, but kept the action on one knee and answered: "Adult, you need protection!"

For the Knights who have a contractual power with Ye Qi, the power of Ye Qi is weakening, it can be clearly felt, and as a knight fighting for the lord (Ye Qi), this time leaves His own lord (Ye Qi) apparently made it feel unacceptable - the feeling of where it came from, the Shadow Knight No. 1 is not clear, but it is certain that it obeys this feeling.

"I am not vulnerable to such a point?"

"it is my responsibility?"

Shadow Knight reaffirmed the number one.

"Your duties?"

Ye Qiyi Yi - He never thought that the shadow creature would say such a word, even the shadow creatures like Shadow Knight are the same.

“As a ‘shadow’ for adults, whether you are born or dead, accompany you!”

Shadow Knight said on the 1st.

“As a 'shadow'?”

Ye Qi looked down at his own shadow, but unfortunately, even in this supernatural darkness, he could not see his shadow; he could only see the blurred one, as if it were there. In the deep cave, there is only one candle, and you stand in a dozen yards away.

"Yes, as a 'shadow'!" Shadow Knight said on the 1st, adding: "No. 2 has led the shadow servant to set off!"

"Only you stay one?"

Ye Qi asked at his discretion - out of a feeling, Ye Qi thought that the shadow knight in front of him seemed to have a different kind; there was no change in strength and breath, but there was something else in the essence that made him unable to know. The change; although very slow, it is changing steadily.

"There is only one real 'shadow'!"

Shadow Knight answered on the 1st.

"So, let's go!"

Ye Qi nodded – although he wanted to see what happened to Shadow Knight No. 1, but the existence of ‘戮神’ made him have to put aside this idea.

"Yes, adults!"

The Shadow Knight answered with respectful respect on the 1st.


"Oh, what are we doing?"

The black market merchant who lifted his head from a piece of seawater and pulled the kelp attached to his body and couldn’t help but complained to his contract demon: "Although I used to survive for a while, I have been kelp for a while." - However, this does not mean that I miss this time very much!"

"I thought you would say nostalgia - remember the sweetness, isn't you always saying it?"

Hagati shook the general body of the bull and refuted the other with the words that the black market merchants most often said.

"Well, I think we have such a topic. You can go back to the bar and talk slowly!" After the last kelp was pulled from the thigh that was tightly wrapped around him. The black market businessman is kneeling behind a reef. Looking at the familiar Docklands in front of me, while looking for the target, I asked in my heart: "So, are we relying on the past? Is it a little too simple!"

In fact, the target that the black market businessman is looking for is really too obvious - a crystal that is half a person high, and a faint glow, also placed on a hanging tower for dismantling goods, in this night, as long as Not a blind man. Anyone can see that existence within a few kilometers.

"Don't worry, your friend attracts their attention, it's safe now! Of course, the necessary caution is still needed..."

Hagati appease his contractor, and at the same time, don’t forget to squat – you can see that this kind of jealousy is definitely not a caution, but a reminder; simply, there is no Hagati in front of you. That kind of security; at the very least, for black market businessmen. Still dangerous.

"Is it? I doubt it!"

The words of the black market businessman have deep doubts. However, in the next moment, he still acted, and the palm of his hand slightly made a gesture. Immediately, the whole person disappeared into the air, and then slowly moved toward the core where the '戮神' was stored. The tower is touched.

For the black market businessman, since he has chosen to act, then he will not be dragging his feet. What he needs is to give help to his friends, instead of looking forward to it.

Of course, in order not to cause trouble to friends, black market businessmen are cautious enough.

The body is like a monkey, and it looks like a lynx. The black market businessman didn't choose a beach, because walking there would leave his footprints. He chose a reef near the pier. It was dedicated to people getting on and off the boat. About three of them were built from wood. An extension of ten yards long is also part of the dock.

The black market businessman chose the extension bracket, which is an 'x' bracket, which is enough for him to quickly board the dock in the real sense of Saskatchewan; when the feet set foot on the stone After the ground, the black market businessman instantly fell down on his body - in the place more than twenty yards ahead of him, five dark wizards stood there lined up.

The breath on the other side made the black market businessman understand that once he was discovered, he would never die.

"Hey, this is what you said safe!!"

If you can, the black market businessman can't wait to succumb to his contract demon--Let him be a legendary strongman who has not reached the level of the glory in the past, in addition to looking for death, there is no other Said it.

"Wait, don't worry!" Hagati said that the old **** is saying, "We need to wait!"

"Wait? Don't you wait for these guys to leave?"

The black market businessman turned his eyes in a bad mood.

"of course!"

Hagarati said of course.

"How can this be... Hey?!"

When the black market businessman was just preparing to refute, the five legendary dark wizards in the line were all moving; not only the five, but another legendary dark wizard who seemed to take the lead fell from the hanging tower. People are slowly leaving like this.

"Everything is possible!"

Hagati looked at his contractor and couldn't help but laugh.

"You are just a dog!" The black market businessman said with a slight disappointment, "If I can look at the whole picture, I can do it!"

"I have given you ‘wisdom,' but unfortunately you can’t fully comprehend it!”

Hagati shook the head of the bull, a helpless look.

"Is it called 'wisdom'? Please don't insult my IQ! I am..."

“I think we should focus on which ‘core’, rather than continuing the discussion here!”

Hagati interrupted the words of the black market businessman.

"Well, although I did this, it doesn't mean that I have followed your opinion - we have a lot to discuss and who is right and who is wrong!"

After the black market merchant stressed that after several times, this slowly walked toward the hanging tower carefully - although the six legendary dark wizards left, but this does not mean that there is no other existence here; to know the darkness The eye removed the absolute number of high-level, subordinates. It is also quite a lot.

At least. Black market businessmen are wary of their own cautiousness -

Below the tower. Within a range of less than 100 yards, there are actually 20 warning magics and two teams of dark wizards. Each of the dark wizards who lead the team is a Japanese glory, and the players also have a monthly glory, which is the strength of the upper sorcerer. Looking at the twenty guards of magic, and the two teams patrolling back and forth with a team of twenty people, the black market merchant's brow can not help but wrinkle.

then. He had to choose another direction.

However, the same, in this direction, has the same configuration.

To put it simply, when the black market merchants are around the hanging tower, even the seemingly intensive containers are inspected once, but there is no place to start - there are warnings in all directions, and four teams of wizards are stationed as fixed posts. Around the four teams of sorcerers as patrols, all the suspicious existences were examined around the tower.

“Is there a way?”

The black market businessman asked the devil of the heart of the contract.

"What do you think?"

Hagarati asked.

"Okay. I know I still need to rely on myself at the crucial time!"

The black market businessman said with a sigh of relief.

"I am here for your growth!"

Hagarty laughed.

"Please don't say it like I haven't seen it before, and the scum father who should have died long ago - you know. This will make me feel very uncomfortable!" The voice of the black market businessman showed a cold feeling, and In his hand, he took out a black round object without any luster.

This round object is not large, and it is similar to a table tennis ball. When a black market merchant throws it out, this object similar to table tennis also shows the elasticity of the table tennis.

Or, to be more flexible than the real table tennis!

Hey, hehe...

In the crisp sound, the black ball flew down the tower.

Suddenly, it attracted the attention of the dark wizard below.

"2 teams, check it out!"

The person in charge of the dark wizard under the hanging tower shouted straight.

When the voice just fell, a group of dark wizards rushed up, and [force field shield] and [lifting resistance] appeared directly on these dark wizards, and the leader of the day-level sorcerer In the hands of the staff, the black ball that jumped and stopped immediately stopped in the air.

When the big sorcerer of the glory of the day was preparing to explore the black ball in detail, the black ball that was in the air by the [Mage of the Master] burst into a fierce burst.


Very dull noise, not too much lethality, even within a foot of a radius, it is slightly burnt; however, it brings a glare.

The glare after the fusion of ten flash bombs.

In an instant, a white mangling under the hanging tower!


A shout of screaming shouted from the mouth of the dark wizard who was in charge of the hanging tower. However, the dark wizards with white eyes around them had no previous negligence. They subconsciously put various protective magic and protective magic items. Blessing on yourself.

And at this time more black fist-sized objects descend from the sky.

A total of ten grenades, the high-end goods from Deli, were thrown out by the black market merchants at this time without mercy to these dark wizards.


Ps two in one chapter ~~~

Because of the problems in the network in the two days, the decadence can only pick up the notebook and find a quiet place code word - as for the Internet cafe? Well, decadently admit that I faced the smoky place, and lost magnificently.

Of course, decadence definitely does not admit that it is because yesterday in the Internet cafe l was despised and has not yet reached 30 - Nima, did not reach 30, can't you play a computer? Wipe and wipe! !

In the middle of the month, once again, a chapter of ten thousand words of decadent crying for subscription, rewards and monthly tickets ah ~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 200 starting point reward, the sn100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent thank you to all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued.)

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