Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 33: innocent?

"They are much tougher than they are supposed to be - coercive and tempting, I have used it... but they don't work very well!" The black market businessman said bitterly. "If you force a confession, I don't think there will be much." The effect - the scars on those guys is enough to show that they are not afraid of these!"

"Well, according to my understanding, Long Island seems to be in a war-like environment. The battles of all parties have already made these dragons' nerves strong enough, and ... indifferent to life!"

Ye Qi nodded and agreed with the words of the black market businessman - whether it was the red dragon dragon or the dragon named Pangcaro in the tower of the thorns, they proved that these dragons At the end of the day, I am not afraid of death, although they tried to survive before, but in the end they can face everything calmly.

To put it simply, these dragons have a warrior's heart in the endless battle between life and death.

“Don't they have any scruples?”

The black market businessman frowned and said indulgently - torture is a fairly learned question for anyone, not just the torture, but more psychological offense and defense; an expert who is good at torture, absolutely It is a psychological expert, and most of them are recognized.

For example, the subordinate of the chameleon, ‘tortor expert’ Mal, was once a psychologist with a reputation in Dude.

However, this 'torture expert' obviously has no way for these dragons. Otherwise, Mori at this time is definitely not such a frowning face; you must know. For Morley, the black market businessman. There is no such thing as embarrassment. He has encountered difficulties and will definitely look for people to help.

In the face of the difficulties in torture, Mare, who is standing in the underground of the bar, is naturally the helper he needs.

However, from the current situation, it is clear that the 'torture expert' has also failed - this is really too common for Ye Qi, to know when facing a dragon. The guardians of the Tower of Thorns also failed. The guardians of these towers of thorns are no less than the 'torture experts' of Marr, and even one or two, even Malt is hard to compare.

Therefore, the failure of Malt and Mori seems to be doomed.

"Ye, you must have a way, right? Tell me, hurry up, what?"

The black market businessman looked at the steady pace, and Ye Qi, who had no urgency, immediately shouted. The tone is full of eagerness – obviously, for those who have their mouths poured out of molten iron. Morrie has a rather unyielding feeling. He always thinks that he should ask something from the other's mouth.

"Some is beyond the normal way!" Ye Qi said like this, and did not forget that Marr, who was not far from the front, waved his hand and said hello: "Good evening!"

"Good evening, Lord Ye Qi!"

Maru fainted, very respectful response - this man with eyes, casually dressed, but full of books, the first thing I saw was a red and green on the outer pocket of the top. One blue and three pens, together with a thick book sandwiched under the arm, everyone would not think that this is a 'tortor' expert, but should be a teacher.

"Mal, how is your work done?"

As he approached, Ye Qi pointed out that he was referring to the book of the other party's knees. He once used to communicate with Marr in Dud, the chameleon's temporary residence, and made Ye Qi and the other party have a very good relationship, especially the other party. The unique insights make Ye Qi still remember.

Of course, the most memorable place is that the other party wants to complete a book on torture psychology - although Ye Qi does not know if such a book can be published, and, obviously, the other party knows this, but Knowing this, the other party is still trying to accomplish this goal, enough to make Ye Qi feel admired.

"About about a third, now I have a problem!"

Mal pointed to a row of rooms behind him, holding the dragons who were captured in the port of Saskatchewan, and it is clear that the problem of the 'torture expert' refers to the dragon.

"In the face of a group of real warriors, your inquiry is useless unless..."

"Unless what?"

Faced with his own problems, Marl's path directly interrupted Ye Qi's words.

"Unless you become a warrior, just like them!"

Ye Qi shrugged and replied, then, looking at the contemplative Mar, patted the other's shoulder and turned to the black market businessman and said, "Come on, please invite our guests out, I need a slightly larger place. Let them all appear in front of us!"

"you sure?"

The black market merchants are in a daze - even if he is a torturer, he understands that when facing prisoners, they should not be placed in everything. Apart from such things, it is more to give each other a psychological loneliness. Let the other party consciously fall into a state of isolation and helplessness, thus breaking the psychological defense of the other side.

Now, these dragons have been held in solitary confinement, only a few dozen hours, plus deliberate misleading time; for example, the number of foods sent, and the changes in the surrounding light, etc.; black market businessmen believe that it is still possible Let the other person speak - in fact, this is the last way of Mori.

Of course, this way also comes from Mal.

"OK, rest assured, the results I want are the same as the results you want - just the means are different!"

Ye Qi said with a smile, and told his friends to speed up - Ye Qi certainly understands what his friend's intentions are. In this way, Ye Qi admits that it has a considerable role, but the time it takes is quite the same; and Ye Qi is now, What is missing is time; therefore, he does not mind trying his way.

The dragons who were held in solitary confinement were released, and their roars expressed their embarrassment; however, they were roaring, and there was no more excessive behavior; after all, these dragons were not really embarrassed. Hu, they understood very well after seeing Ye Qi standing there. If they have any action. next moment. They must be dead.

These dragons were not brought into the underground hall, but under the direction of Ye Qi, they were brought to the 'small halls' belonging to the prisoners. There are some torture tools and binding shelves made by the bartenders. Very special, enough to make people who see it feel their legs are shaking.

However, that is just an ordinary person.

After these dragons saw it, although they did not express anything, each of them had a hint of disdain.

"I understand what you think. I don't plan to use these things either!" Ye Qi saw the disdain of these dragons. He couldn't help but smile. "I just need a slightly bigger place to let you stand." In front of me, after all, you have thirteen... Hey, it should be fifteen, but one is killed by my men, and the other is shut down!"

Ye Qi scanned these dragons. There was a slight slowness in his words, which allowed him to clearly see the look of the dragons around him.

"Right. He is called Poncarlo." Although he doesn't know what its original appearance looks like, it does make me feel helpless with my face. For this, I noticed everyone's. Exist; then, can you tell me why you are far away from Lorante and have returned to here again?"

When Ye Qi finished, he stepped forward a little and tried to look at these dragons - although Ye Qi had only one person, while the latter had thirteen, occupying an absolute advantage, but when Ye Qi stepped forward, the other side However, it is a step back from the brushing; this is removed from the timidity, but also because of the looming Longwei of Ye Qi at the moment.

Faced with Longwei, which is higher than its own level, these dragons are unusually sensitive.

"You are the descendants of this traitor, we will never compromise with you!"

A slightly tough voice sounded, and Ye Qi’s gaze fell on him, looking at the dragon scales that appeared on the other’s body. He smiled slightly—obviously, in order to be able to make this out loud In other words, the dragon has tried his best; such a tough character is naturally worthy of appreciation.

Similarly, Ye Qi is satisfied.

At least some of the other people spoke, didn't they?

"The descendants of the traitor? I don't like this title very much!" Ye Qi held his chin with one hand and shook his head slightly. Then he asked again: "So can you tell me why I am? Becoming a descendant of the traitor? I am very curious about this title!"

"Don't pretend!" It wasn't the dragon who was in front of the dragon. Another dragon standing in the crowd looked at Ye Qi with a sneer. "Do you think you said this, will we believe in you?"

"Of course not, so... I think we can use other methods!"

Ye Qi said as he stepped forward again, and at the same time, Long Wei let go of it again.


Long Wei, who was released by Ye Qi, all pressed to the dragons in front of them. Some of these dragons fell to the ground when they first came into contact with Ye Qi’s Longwei; Some of them are still strong and crumbling; in the end, when Ye Qi once again released more Longwei, they all fell to the ground.

"How about this way, what do you think?"

Ye Qi stood in front of the dragons who were lying on the ground, looked down at the dragons who had entered the chaotic situation under the suppression of the blood power, and smiled slightly - although the power of the blood is strong, it is quite Disadvantages; whether it is a vampire, a werewolf, or a dragon, it seems that there are such drawbacks.

That is, blood suppression.

Compared with Longwei, which is released in the presence of other people, in the face of the same blood, the existence of low strength, obviously has a more powerful effect.

"Dragon, Dragon King, no, will not let you go!"

A dragon stalked his neck and shouted.

"Dragon King?"

After hearing this apparently valuable vocabulary, Ye Qi put his gaze on the dragon, and remembered the performance of the other side in Saskatchewan in the next moment; immediately, Ye Qi went to the other side and reached out. I picked up the other person and looked at each other with both eyes. "You seem to be one of the leaders among them. So, do you know something I want to know?"


This dragon who had blocked his own in the room, this time looked at what Ye Qi wanted to say, but. In the end, it just made a sneer.

undoubtedly. It is fighting against Ye Qi with his own attitude.

"Very good. It seems that you really know a lot - then, can you tell me who Dragon King is?"

Ye Qi was not irritated by such an attitude. He just smiled and asked. At the same time, in his eyes, the purple color began to looming.

"The Dragon King is the master of Rezadid, the king of the great Red Dragon!"

The dragon answered, with a strong reverence in his tone.

"Oh. Then the king of the great red dragon, why send you to Lorante?"

Ye Qi nodded and asked with his eyes continued.

"Because the betrayer John stole the anchor and let us stay away from our homeland - we want to go back to Lorante and we must find him!"

The answer from the dragon was to make Ye Qi a sigh.

Stealing the plane anchor?

Such an answer is obviously unimaginable to Ye Qi. If his teacher is going to steal two bottles of wine, then it is still possible. As for the plane anchor, the responsibility is quite large.

Ye Qi can guarantee that his teacher will never do this.

not to mention. He also clearly remembers that the chief wizard of the wizard's hand is quite telling something about Long Island -

‘The guys on Long Island are a little indifferent, selfish, without any warmth. There, even fathers and sons and mothers and daughters are indifferent. Everything can only be discussed with the strength of the blood. They give up everything as human beings, only recognize the blood of the dragon... and refuse to have any contact with Lorante. Automatically abandon the link with Lorante, start to shuttle in the astral, or attached to the distant crystal wall, live a life that ordinary people can not know! ”

Although this is what his teacher told, told by the chief wizard, but some of these things are enough to show that the half-plane of Long Island is automatically separated from Lorante and continues to wander in the stars, instead of the so-called The stolen anchor was stolen by his teacher.

As for the teacher who chooses to believe in himself, or the dragon in front of him?

This is obviously not a problem for Ye Qi.

"Oh, that's it - then, the current situation in Long Island is very bad?"

Ye Qi’s heart sneered and continued to ask—the chief wizard once mentioned that the half-plane of Long Island is already on the verge of collapse because of the years of intense fighting and unscrupulous destruction of the powerful beings; The newly-emerged Dragon King had to say some "goodwill" lies in order to continue the stability.

Moreover, Ye Qi very much understands the original intention of the Red Dragon King - his teacher was seriously injured and left Long Island, fell into the vicinity of the chief wizard, according to the words of the chief wizard, his teacher's injury at that time Almost, almost the same as death; that is, erect a goal that is unknown to life, even the existence that has already died, as a common enemy, and then slowly change the existing state.

Simply put, the Red Dragon King needs some time to deal with Long Island.

However, it is no doubt that the Red Dragon King did not expect his teacher to survive, and he still lived quite well. He also had his own disciple, giving the other party a clear and unambiguous goal.

After that, the answer of the dragon was confirmed by Ye Qi’s guess.

"Dragon Island is now on the verge of collapse, and Dragon King is working hard to solve the problem!"

"How did you get into Lorante!"

Ye Qi asked another question worthy of his concern - after destructively anchoring the anchor, I wanted to find the presence of Lorante in the same time from the astrology, which is definitely not a simple matter; it is simply a Ordinary people, become a matter of immortality and difficulty.

What's more, Ye Qi will not believe that there will be such a coincidence.

"Dragon King adults opened the channel of transmission!"

The dragon answered.

This dragon king...

Ye Qi subconsciously raised his eyes - Red Dragon King, this name has already explained the source of the other's blood, but according to the memory of [Dragon's Heritage], it is clear that the most powerful red dragon in the five-color dragon does not have such a Ability; if the other party is confused, evil, blind and confident, Ye Qi believes, but the other party can cross the plane, which is obviously beyond the ability of the other side.

Although, with the blood of the red dragon, you can [item positioning] and [find shortcuts], but in the astral world, such ability will undoubtedly be greatly weakened.

therefore. Ye Qi does not think that the other party can do such a thing.

If the other party can't do it. But the other party's subordinates have already appeared. Then there is only one situation - behind the Red Dragon King, there is obviously another existence that helps it locate Lorante.

"So, your order... When do you need to reply, or when you encounter an accident, how should you tell the Lord Dragon King?"

Ye Qi asked again.

Obviously, such an inquiry touched the bottom line of the dragon; the expression of the other raft began to struggle. His eyes flashed again and again; however, when Ye Qi further released Longwei, such struggles disappeared, and the other party said again and again: "There is a reef island 20 kilometers away from the port of Saskatchewan. Where did we come to Lorante? A month later, the Dragon King will send someone to meet us again and help us build the outpost of Long Island!"

"So pretend to be me, is your own idea, not the meaning of the dragon king?"

Ye Qi slowly nodded. Ask the last question he is interested in.

"It's the proposal of Euroco's - it thinks it will be rewarded by the Dragon King!"

The dragon answered.

"Who is Cisco?"

Ye Qi asked, at the same time. His gaze looked at the remaining dragons—for the Dragon King's plan, he went back to deal with it; but before that, he first wanted to teach the guy who pretended to be a good one; just like the chameleon Say, 'If you don’t have a good lesson, you will have more trouble in the future! ’

Although the use of force to build power is not what Ye Qi wants, but more often, he has to do this; even if it is to reduce trouble later.

"It was killed by the shadow creature in Saskatchewan!"

The dragon answered, and at the same time, there was a struggle in its expression again - no doubt, the picture of the dead of the same family made it once again rebellious.

Ye Qi once again released Long Wei, the other's struggle began to disappear, slightly loosened the hand holding the collar of the other side, Ye Qi glanced at the dragons who almost all fell into a coma, and then turned to the black market businessman Made a gesture of asking, said: "Next, look at you!"

"Okay, okay, I am a porter!"

The black market merchants began to mutter for a while.

"You should be glad that the guy who pretends to be me is killed by the number one, or else you have to act as a cleaner - knowing that the blood is not easy to clean!"

Ye Qi smiled and shrugged his shoulders - Ye Qi was somewhat unexpected for this answer, but he was not too concerned. After all, the death of the other party is already the result he needs. As for when and where. Dead does not seem to be too serious.

Will you choose a graveyard for a despicable enemy?

of course not!

Similarly, Ye Qi will not - perhaps there are such enemies worth doing, but, until now, Ye Qi has not encountered.

"Lord Ye Qi, I think we can talk about it - about your just torture!"

The mare standing in the corridor is pointing to Ye Qi. Obviously, in the face of the previous 'teaching skills' of Ye Qi, the ‘tortor expert’ has considerable interest.

"That is a kind of ability, a gift... Hey, I think we can sit down, drink something, and then talk slowly!"

Ye Qi wants to explain, but when he exports, he finds that this is not a good explanation - even if he pushes everything into ability and talent, it is enough to take a short time to explain to the other party; Obviously, it is a waste of standing in the corridor in this short period of time.

"my pleasure!"

Marle said with a smile.


In the next forty minutes, Ye Qi simply explained to the 'tortor's expert some questions about the existence of the apostle. Since it belongs to the camp of the chameleon, Marr will not understand the mysterious side and the dark world. However, such understanding is limited.

After all, erudition is a chameleon, and she does not have a library of knowledge to teach her subordinates.

Therefore, most of the chameleons are substantiated for these talent abilities, even if they are apostles themselves.

In fact, such a situation is not uncommon among the demon hunters.

After all, there are definitely not many people who can read through these books with peace of mind. What they care more about is. How to learn some more practical tips.

As for the apprenticeship study course at the Hunter's Headquarters?

These courses are loved by the apprentices. It is because there are more practical skills to teach there.

The rewarding Male once again thanked Ye Qi and got up and said goodbye - for this 'tortor', he needs to digest some of the knowledge gained today, and record it to serve him. One of the remarks of this book; in this regard, Marl also explained to Ye Qi. Ye Qi will be added below.

Looking at Marl seems to be a serious look of the researcher, he chose to agree.

"It's a stubborn person!"

Ye Qi sighed like this, and at the same time picked up his own teacup, and after a slight sip, he looked at the other side - there was a long time waiting for the lich to come out, black robes, a sly face, Coupled with the flashing soul fire, such a lich walking in the ground of the bar once triggered more than one scream.

but. Fortunately, the acceptance of young people is quite good. Or it is the tenacity of the nerves - after the bartenders and the lichs negotiated, the latter appeared frequently, bringing frequent screams. When every screamer was punished, the tough nerves began to appear. It is.

Even a few girls were scared by tears that suddenly appeared in the lich, and they bit their lips, not letting them boo.

After all, whether they are deducting pocket money, dinner, or training, they are unwilling to see them.

“Congratulations, it has become one of the most unpopular beings in the bar!”

Ye Qi said to the lich with a teacup.

"I just cooperated with Amanda, and I took out my extremely precious experimental time!"

The lich said, with a hint of emphasis in his tone.

"Well, Les Lor, you are not a qualified negotiator, I have already felt that you are asking for it to appear in front of me! You have the same essence as the previous Marr... Say, you What I need, I will try my best!" Ye Qi smiled and shrugged her shoulders. For this lich who has experienced a long time and is firmly standing in his camp, Ye Qi is certainly satisfied.

Whether it is the other's knowledge, or the spell has provided him with great convenience.

Look at the potions and magical equipment that young people carry with you to understand the role the lich plays in it - even if it is good at potions, alchemy is equally good; at least, to provide equipment for young people. That is enough.

Therefore, for such a higher than the existence of allies, Ye Qi has always been very generous.

"Mr. Marl is a true scholar and deserves admiration; therefore, I am willing to wait for him to end his conversation with you before it appears!" When the Lich said that Dao, the tone emerged with a touch of respect, and then he said straight: "Those Dragons, I need them!"

Ye Qi did not know why the Lich was so respectful of the Maldives, but he knew the Lich's view of the Dragons - experimental materials.

Just like when the first nine nights saw him innocently, the look of the eyes was normal.

However, the lich at the moment has no eyes, only the fire of the soul.

"Although I don't want to say this, however, the anatomy is somewhat beyond my bottom line!"

Ye Qi sighed and said this.

The Lich obviously does not understand what Ye Qi’s so-called bottom line is. For the Lich, since it is a prisoner, everything belongs to the victor. Whether it is life or body, everything belongs to the victor; but Such incomprehension does not hinder its communication with Ye Qi.

After meditation for about a dozen seconds, the lich changed his mind.

"So... I need some blood, muscle, bones!"

“Not fatal? Not to be disabled?”

Ye Qi asked.


After thinking about it again, the lich nodded.

"So, hand it to you!"

Ye Qi directly nodded and promised the other party's request - in fact, if it was not because a month later, the follow-up of the Red Dragon King would appear outside the port of Sas, Ye Qi would not care too much about the lives of these prisoners. Although there is a slight difference between the extreme annihilation of the Lich, but the attitude is quite.

"Who is behind you?"

Ye Qi subconsciously thought of the confession of the dragons before, so that he could not help but fall into deep thoughts - for the existence of the red dragon king behind him. He is extremely curious. According to the memory of [Dragon's Heritage]. Red Dragon is not a role that is easy to cooperate. Except for its own character, strength is also a considerable factor.

Being able to stand out in Long Island and get the title of ‘Dragon King’, the strength is even more questionable.

Coupled with the situation that the Red Dragon Dragon had mentioned, Ye Qi seems to have roughly estimated the strength of the Red Dragon King at this moment - close to immortality, or simply immortal.

Only such strength can be suppressed. The dragons on the Dragon Island make their lives obey.

"Another strongman of immortality?"

Ye Qi whispered, his gaze looked at the light blue screen he could only see, his eyes narrowed slightly - some of the 'shortcuts' he thought of quickly improving his strength, it seems at this time Already available; with his current strength, to trigger those 'exceeding strength' tasks, it is a good idea for Ye Qi, who is more and more urgent, but has accumulated a lot of cards.

After all, compared to the previous one, it was at the level of the day. When looking at Lorante with a blurred view, Ye Qi at the moment has a fairly clear view. He has been able to examine where he is and where he should go.

Whether it is the depths of the Thousand Marsh Area, the Hailin District, or the endless sea, he will have to set foot.

Of course, before this, there are some things that Ye Qi still needs to complete.


In the night, Randenburg, once again returned to a state of tranquility.

Tucker van Gogh and Ross walked side by side on the street, behind them, under their subordinates - although as dark creatures seldom had such a large-scale action, but with Ye Qi’s orders The situation is the opposite.

"is it here?"

Tucker van Gogh looked at the house not far away - this is a building on the outskirts of Landingburg, because it is close to the former fortress wall, so the buildings here are connected Together, in front of Tucker Van Gogh, it is the most classic one.

Three small two-storey buildings surround a three-story building resembling a clock tower, and because of the existence of the outer wall, it immediately makes it look patched – obviously, the owner of the building once spent A lot, to manage your own buildings.

Whether it's a newer paint or a solid iron door, it's all about it.

"Yes, Marquis!" a vampire baron replied, "We are in these unobtrusive places and see those people coming close!"

Said, the vampire baron, once again asked: "Do we need to attack?"

Such an inquiry is obviously not a speculation, but because there are more than forty men gathered behind the two sides - this is almost all the vampires that Tucker Van Gogh can use, and he has sent so many subordinates, and then Plus the one next to me is also looking at it, obviously this time is not for negotiation.

And as this is for the vampire baron, when the voice of it has just fallen, Tucker van Gogh's palm is a wave: "kill them - speed is fast, and clean, I don't want to hear What sound, disturbing the night of Langenburg at the moment!"

"Yes, Marquis!"

Forty of the vampires with the title were exposed, and the fangs were revealed, and the dark shadows that disappeared silently disappeared into place.

"My men can kill these dark wizards faster!"

Rose looked at the vampires who rushed in, saying slightly less convinced.

"Rose, we need to gamble and lose. Since you lost, the main attack tonight must be me!"

Tucker van Gogh smiled and looked at the opponent in front of him, and played the temperament of his dark night aristocracy. It swears that it is not trying to stimulate the other side, just to see what the other party has to look like.

"You are absolutely crazy, swindling! Otherwise, why is my card so bad!"

Rose, as Tucker van Gogh had expected, snarled with anger; immediately, Tucker, Van Gogh erected his index finger, and made a squeaking gesture: "Don't forget the command of the adult, let We quietly deal with everything, not a big fan--do you have any meaning for the dealers? You can look for adults to judge, Mori is an honest man!"

The words turned. Tucker van Gogh said with a smile. It seems to be the devout believer - although this believer paid a generation of Kimpton before. But in the absence of anyone to see it, it will never admit it, not to mention that even if someone sees it, it will not admit it.

This is not a repudiation, but a resistance - a resistance to failure!

Tucker van Gogh has always believed in this belief.

"Murray is of course no problem, guys definitely do something I don't know!"

Although Ross did not doubt the black market businessman, but the beast's instinct. But let it know that there are some places that it ignores; the expression of Erros makes Tucker Van Gogh laugh more.

At this time, the vampires who had left before appeared in front of the two.

"The Marquis, the enemy has been removed!"

Said the vampire baron.

"Good, let's go to the next place!"

Tucker van Gogh nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand, including the werewolves, including Ross, all of these dark creatures disappeared into the street and headed for another goal.

One place, hiding the place of the dark wizard. It was cleared by Tucker van Gogh and Rose, and the order issued by Ye Qi. These two are so extremely serious that they have passed, but no one who is confirmed as a dark wizard can survive.

The blood is sucked up, or the corpse is simply enough to make these dark wizards die.

While in Tucker van Gogh and Ross, Ye Qi was sitting not far from his bar, and had dinner with the old Dytar wizard who had a side.

This is a message sent by Filsa about an hour ago.

After thinking about it, Ye Qi agreed to it. As the only remaining dark wizard in the eyes of the dark, Ye Qi has some things that need to be clear to the other party.

In the same way, the other party has something to say clearly.

So this dinner has appeared -

“The seafood in Randburg is very good, much stronger than our dark island!”

The old wizard of Dietar looked at the crab in his dish. After cutting it, he tasted a bit and couldn't help but laugh.

"I prefer meat!"

Ye Qi did not give a positive evaluation, but pushed the seafood in front of him to the old wizard, and then took the small steaks and lamb chops to his own.

"Hey, please give me a vanilla juice!"

After a slight taste, Ye Qi said to the dark wizard who served as a waiter.

"Okay, Lord of the Shack!"

The dark wizard respectfully bowed and then walked to the kitchen next to the restaurant.

"Is black pepper not good?"

Ditar, the old wizard, recommended it.

"I like the more delicate feeling!"

Ye Qi said like this.

"So, you have considerable revenge - those of the dark wizards are quite innocent, they are forced by the threat of Tuscott!"

The old wizard took a deep breath, put down the knife and fork, looked at Ye Qi, and prayed in his eyes.

“Innocent? The dead Saskatchewan residents are even more innocent!”

Ye Qi continued to cut the beef in the The tone began to get cold.

"But, but..."

The old wizard also wanted to say something, but before he finished, Ye Qi threw the knife and fork on the plate.


The continuous sound of the sound of the sound completely interrupted the old wizard's words. Ye Qi's eyes were cold and knife-like, and asked in a word: "What? What do you have?" Want to say, or do you think you can be responsible for more than 260,000 people who died in Saskatchewan?"

Ps two in one chapter ~~

The pit is dead, the decadence is once again a blackout... It’s not hard to do it! ! !

Once again, the mobile phone code word is decadent, and the land is rolling for subscription, reward and monthly ticket~~~

Once again, I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas drifting 200 rewards, sn, and the lost 100 hearts of their own hearts. Decadence again, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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