Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 35: Changes in the Hailin District

The gatherings of the Druids are exactly the same as the gatherings of ordinary humans, and from this fundamentally, the welcome will also become different, except for the unknown, but very nice, reassuring songs, they The drinks are not really alcohol.

Although it is also fermented by fruit, the druid drink should be a small berry chopped and put into a container, adding morning dew; compared with real wine, it lacks a mellow, However, there was a lusciousness. Ye Qi took over the wooden cup that Fia had handed over. After a smile and a thankfulness, it was a slight glimpse. Immediately, the sweet feeling began to permeate his tongue.

Ye Qi is not the first time to drink this drink that the Druids named 'natural water', but every time it makes him feel comfortable - obviously, except for some raw materials, there is still a druid. Our unknown secrets, however, for such a secret, Ye Qi will not go to inquire.

After all, it is harmless, isn't it?

"Ye, welcome you back again!" Awar, the great druid, sat in a chair made of tree vines and smiled at Ye Qi. "Do you know, Connor said when you came back, I was shocked. The difficulties of the bridge on the other side have been overcome by you. It has become the strongest of the seven in the world. It is really amazing to me... although I also wanted to do this, but obviously I am like this. Guys still look at it!"

"Everyone's roads are different, just like the two leaves in the forest. - Lord Avar, you are the leader of the druid, you must take care of all the people. Guys like me. Different. All I need to take care of are just a few of my friends and relatives... and. Thanks again, you have helped Ava!"

Ye Qi saluted the big druid and the current Owad. This is sincere and true. There is no falsehood or enthusiasm. Ye Qi is very clear about the help of these two friends in front of him. He can even say that if there is no With the help of these two people, his friend could not reach the current level.

And as for the news of the two people?

There are too many ways to convey messages in nature, and some are difficult for him to master; however. For the Druid, it is not a problem at all.

Therefore, Ye Qi does not feel strange.

If he can control all the plants he sees, and he can continue to deliver the news, he can easily do it. Unfortunately, even with the support of [natural aid], he can only be a very small range. Communicate with the plants, and not reach the point of transmitting messages over long distances.

"Ye, you like this praise, I am ashamed!"

Facing Ye Qi’s statement. The big druid laughed and laughed, and Conor, who was also shaking his head, chuckled - obviously. For the Druids who are uncontested, such praises are beyond the scope of their acceptance, and even some embarrassing.

"Awar's strength can only be maximized here. Once he leaves the Golden Oak, both he and I will lose strength, especially in the desert where the life is called the desert. The strength of our two people, There will be more than half of the sharp cut; therefore, we can’t do what you said!”

Connor is obviously a real elder. He is still able to tell the story in the face of Ye Qi’s praise. The same is true for the great druid. After Connor’s words have just fallen, he Just follow it: "And, not only that, we will only accelerate the passage of our lives, aging, disease will be inevitable!"

"The passing of life?"

Ye Qiyi - obviously, he didn't know the situation of the druids in the desert, but almost instinctively, he thought of his good friend, Ye Qi immediately asked: "What about Ava?"

"Ava is a special case - he chose a different path than us, so don't worry!" The big druid smiled and waved his hand, then looked at the people who sang and danced in front of him. "In fact, Except for me and Connor, all the druids will be suppressed in the desert, but the vitality will not pass away - our original choice is doomed to have lost when we get it!"

Say, the big druid and the current Owad, a strong middle-aged man and the respectable elder are smiling.

"Before, what Connor said..."

Ye Qi looked at the elder in a subconscious way - he did not forget the anomaly that the elder had shown before.

"Well, it is also the inevitable experience of my choice - the cycle of nature is repeated!" Connor blinked at Ye Qi and shook his robes made of various bird feathers. In fact, I can feel the favor of nature for me before I can see you at the moment I complete my natural return."

"What are you saying...there you dying?"

Ye Qi asked a bit of discourse.

"Oh, it’s not a real loss, but a cycle!" Connor laughed and explained to Yaki. "It’s like the first seed, falling into the land, starting to sprout, blossoming. As a result, then, withered and withered; however, the fruit seeds it falls will form a new shoot, which will be repeated."

"Changes in life?"

After thinking for a moment, Ye Qi silently asked - although in the bottom of his heart, Ye Qi did not agree with this statement, but looking at Connor's smile, the words of Ye Qi's rebuttal, but could not be said; In the end, only one can be said, in line with the other party's statement.

Even if he does not recognize it.

"You can say that!"

Connor nodded with a white beard.

"How much time do you, you...?"

Such an inquiry made Ye Qi feel difficult - in the face of the death of a life, especially the familiar, Ye Qi is always difficult to be calm.

"Before sunrise!"

The old man said indifferently.


Ye Qiyi, the voice was unreasonably raised a point - although the heart had been prepared before, but Ye Qi did not think of the old man's remaining time. It’s only that it’s so short; you know that it’s still dawn. The sunrise is only half an hour away. Even more.

"You, you..."

Ye Qi wants to say something, but in the end it is nothing to say - the original Ye Qi wants to ask if the other party has any unfulfilled wish, he is willing to help the other party to complete; but, see the old man's calm Smile, he understands that his own statement is superfluous.

"Before I passed away, you are here, it is already the greatest help to me - you have already told Avar your intentions. He will fully cooperate with you!" the old man said with a smile, "and I also I want to give you some help as far as I can before leaving. Is the film [Green Leaf] still there?"

"it's here!"

Ye Qi did not shun the original sacred device that was taken out and placed it on the palm of the old man.

"This is also a gift of nature, but it has gone through too much time and is eroded by the black breath..."

The sound changed from high to low, and the other palm of the old man was placed on the green leaves. After the hands clasped together, the green, full of life began to echo between the hands, after a while. When the light dissipates, the "green leaf" seems to be washed and polished.

Drops are as new as green.

[Emerald Leaf (Ri Yao): A sacristy formed naturally by jade filled with natural breath. Effect: Treats mild damage 3/day. Treatment of moderate injuries 2 times / day, treatment of severe injuries 1 time / day; characteristics: entangled thorns.

Wrapped thorns: the natural power of the green leaves, turned into a barbed vine whip (can be any length from one foot to ninety feet) to attack the enemy, the barb with moderate paralysis, toxin effect, Moreover, it is possible to control vine plants within a radius of 30 yards as an affiliate attack]

From the star-level to the sun-ray level, it seems to be only a moment, but the change is to surprise Ye Qi; however, without waiting for Ye Qi to look at it, he was shocked by the changes of the old man in front of him - The arm that originally belonged to humans is now becoming a trunk with a visible change to the naked eye.

"What are you?"

Ye Qi frowned and asked.

"I wanted to help you do better, but it seems that I still overestimate myself - I can still move around, let's go there!"

The old man walked under the golden oak tree - two huge golden oak trees are almost the barrier of the entire Druid camp. The crowns and branches are not only for the druids, but also for blocking the wind. The enemy's offense, and also provides druids with a place to live.

Under the two huge golden oak trees, it is not solitary. The flowers and trees are as dense as the rest of the Hailin District. However, compared with the huge golden oak tree, it will become short and involuntary. Neglect, Ye Qi is no exception, he never even noticed, under the huge golden oak, there are so many trees.

Behind Connor, Ye Qi looked at the trees carefully, and his brows became tighter.

"These are the original Owad and the great druids. They have completed their mission and returned to the embrace of nature!"

The Great Druid and Ye Qi walked side by side, telling the origins of these trees in an inexplicable tone; and Ye Qi, who had already guessed, was shivering in the bottom of his heart - from the sound of meat to the plant, Ye Qi It is not considered to be a simple process without any pain.

"This is where I will start again... Hey, the sun will be very good!"

The old man walked two steps in the forest, chose a small open space, looked up and saw the night sky with a faint starlight, and could not help but laugh.

"I will give you regular watering!"

Big Druid teased his friends.

Although Ye Qi tried to keep himself smiling, but the look of his sorrow, but how can not hide it.

"Ye, are you ready to go to the wizard?"

The old man smiled and looked at Ye Qi.

"Yes, Lord Connor!"

Ye Qi nodded.

"Then just set off - there are some accidents there, it is when you need to help... Avar, the next thing will be handed over to you!"

This is the last sentence that the current Owad Connor said. When the voice just fell, his body began to solidify. And the arm generally becomes the wrinkle deep bark. then. In the sound of ‘嘎吱,嘎吱’, a tall enough oak tree began to shape.

In the east, a touch of bright appears.


After about twenty seconds, the oak completely stopped growing. With the breeze in the morning, the robes, which were completely woven from feathers, fell from the branches of the canopy and were firmly held by Avar. The big druid looked solemnly at this robes, then. Looking at it, it turned into a friend of an oak tree, and there was no sound for a long time.

Obviously, the heart of this great druid is far less calm than it was previously shown.

Ye Qi stood by and looked at Connor, who was shining in the first sun. Although the other party had become an oak tree, in Ye Qi’s heart, it was still stubborn that the other party should still be called Connor. That's right.

"I want us to go to my tree house and continue to talk... For the hands of the wizard, you should have considerable doubts there?"

The sun climbed again, and Avar turned and said to Ye Qi. The great druid has returned to its usual appearance; if it weren't for the special robes in his arms, no one could guess what had happened before.

"my pleasure!"

Ye Qi nodded. This is said.


The time went forward for about three hours, and Ye Qi had just stepped into the Hailin District, before he reached the druid and mixed-race camp.

In the depths of the Hailin District, under the dark night sky, the moon and the stars were covered behind because of the fog in the evening. A team of about fifteen people was walking cautiously, black robes, hands in the law. The sticks are all about their identity - the wizard, or the exact one, the wizard of the wizard's hand.

At the forefront of the team is a middle-aged wizard, gray robes, representing the strength of his great wizard.

It is because of this strength that he can become the leader of this team, behind him is his assistant and a team of several disciples - in fact, more traditional wizards, even during the wizarding period In order to cooperate closely, they are also willing to form a team with their assistants and disciples to complete the task.

Even in the Wizarding Legion of the Sorcerer's Reign, the sorcerer who served as the sergeant was a teacher of ordinary wizards or a person with a very close relationship.

The hand of the wizard has undoubtedly inherited such a tradition.

"Teacher, we are about to enter Carl!"

A young wizard whispered.

"Well, let everyone be careful - we don't know what's going on there now, but our opponents are obviously waiting for us!"

The middle-aged wizard nodded and reminded his assistants and disciples.

Then, the fifteen people in this line did not stop again, and began to move forward cautiously, and a special formation began to appear - the most powerful big wizard in the forefront, followed by nine The wizard formed a diamond-shaped station, in which the remaining five weakest young wizards went there.

This is a team with both offense and defense, enough to deal with any unexpected things. Compared with the three or three formations that the soldiers are used to, this formation is more practical for the wizards; after all, the way of fighting and the warriors Our swords are still quite different.

After about forty minutes, the team stopped again -

"This should be a sentry post between Carl and the Fort of the Wizards!"

The big wizard looked around and searched. At the same time, he indicated that one team was stationed in the same place, and the other team was looking around. Since the post did not exist, even the remaining traces should be found.

After all, from those traces, it is likely to find some clues.

Obviously, such a search is quite useful. After five minutes, there was news.

"Teacher, here!"

A young wizard squatted in a shrub from the outside, reaching out to the palm of the hand and plucking the floating soil above it - below, a markedly charred body appeared there.

A team of wizards quickly approached and began to dig out the body.

Moreover, not only one, but a total of five bodies.

"The guards of this sentry are a total of five people?"

The middle-aged wizard asked.

"Yes, teacher... it should be this!"

The young wizards looked at the five bodies in front of them, and they were stunned—the sorcerers of the camp died. It is enough to make them feel sad. of course. More is anger.

So, in the next moment, the wizards began to search the surroundings more carefully, and they needed to find clues left by the murderers.

As for why not doubt the murderer?

In the sea forest area and the wizards have a deep hatred, only those drow in the ground; not to mention the existence of Calco, in order to defend these guys.

The identity of the murderer is not to be doubted.

However, the intention of the murderer is doubtful, and the wizards can be sure. These drows are definitely not for a sentry; let alone, before they set off, Carl could have lost contact for more than two days, and even the wizard who had sent out the contact before did not return; therefore, this is fifteen Wizards, including a team led by a big wizard, will appear here.

"Everyone is careful!"

Standing in the heart of the middle-aged wizard who looked at the body in the original real estate, he subconsciously reminded the assistants and disciples.

However, such a reminder. Obviously it’s a bit late -

Under the dark night sky, the lonely cold light suddenly flashed. The wizards who had gone to search before suddenly made a miserable shout.

The drow hidden in the darkness, with a natural protective color, looks at these enemies who are not so close, giving a real fatal blow.

Suddenly, the five youngest wizards fell into a pool of blood without any reaction.

The remaining wizards activated their defensive magical equipment, whispering the spell, and hurriedly approached the middle-aged wizard. Although the dead companions ordered them to feel distressed, they understood more. What should I do at this time?

If you want to take revenge, you need to leave your life.

The truth is that the wizards understand.


The blazing white light rises from the hands of a wizard, and the surrounding light shines brightly, and the subsequent "magic missiles" track the enemies that shuttle back and forth between the forests, whenever the opponent is hit. A [strong acid arrow] will fly out as scheduled, and completely plunder the other's life.

Similarly, the flying knives and cross-bow arrows that are hidden in the darkness of the drow are also constantly fighting; however, in the face of those defensive magic equipment, these attacks are so weak, only a few can shake Such defenses, however, are faster for the recovery of those defenses.

Simply put, the drow's attack has no effect.

One attack is effective and one attack is weak.

This kind of battle makes the balance of victory naturally tilt toward the wizard.

However, the middle-aged wizard was looking around nervously. He was looking for his opponents. These male drows were obviously soldiers, real leaders, and the female drow did not appear.

And this is undoubtedly not normal!


As if thinking of something, this middle-aged wizard, raised his hand and released a [flash] on his head. Compared with his assistants and disciples, this flash is brighter and wider. Within the scope of this [Flash], there are only branches and leaves, and there are no traces of any enemy at all.

And just as the middle-aged wizard was puzzled, there was a change in his feet—a spider's leg like a spear, slamming out from the ground and tying a witch against her. The acid spider web that was sprayed and spouted out of the mouthparts shrouded all the wizards, including the middle-aged wizard.

Hey, hehe...

The acid looked down at the wizards' defenses, and the sudden spider webs wiped out the wizards. However, this does not represent the victory of the drow.

The middle-aged wizard who was covered in the net did not stop his own spell, and the magical light of the flame was gathering in his hands.

But the stupid priest of Drow did not care at all, but looked at each other sarcastically, as if to confirm the eyes of the priest, and the magical light that represents the flame in the next moment was exhausted. Or disappeared - not a spell failure or a disappearance.

Not only the middle-aged wizard, but the magic of his disciples and assistants have also failed.

"This, how is this possible!"

The middle-aged wizard gave such an exclamation.

"Oh, in the face of the power of the queen behind the spider, your spells are nothing more than the existence of ants!" Pastor Drow snorted. Waving to the distant male drow. "Bring back these sacrifices!"

"Yes. Adult!"

The male drows respectfully stepped forward and bundled the wizards who lost their spell power and escorted them into Calco.


Pastor Drow, who was at the end, waved the snake's first whip out of thin air, pulling a raven carefully hidden in the darkness and pulling it back into his hand.

"Is such a trick, is it useful?"

Feel the magical fluctuations in the Ravens. Obviously this is not an ordinary raven, but a magical pet; for this, Pastor Drow sneered. The raven was pinched into minced meat and the palm of the hand full of blood and feathers was photographed. The priest drow quickly followed.

Pastor Drow, who had left quickly, did not find that the raven that had been pinched by her, returned to the original after a while - although a little smaller, anyone can see it, this is the previous That raven.

With a very vigilant gaze sweeping around, the next moment, the drake vacated.

Excluding the corpse that was once again covered, this forest once again restored the peace before dawn. It is exactly the same as anywhere else.


"The drows captured Carl?"

Ye Qi sat in the tree house of Avar and listened to the words of the great druid. When the other party finished speaking, Ye Qi went straight to exclaim. For Carl, Ye Qi is no exception. According to the old wizard, there is the only place in the dark area that connects with Lorante.

Initially, the Holy See used a gap opened by the plane anchor.

The Holy See was originally intended to conquer the underground world. However, it is clear that they underestimated the power of the dark areas. Instead, they were beaten back and had to cast a city and fortress to enter the passive defense stage. As time went by, Carl's crevice was getting bigger and bigger, so that the wizards who took over later had to put more effort into preventing the counter-attacks of the underground world creatures.

Even in the last conversation between Ye Qi and the chief wizard of the wizard's hand, the other party did not hesitate to express the idea of ​​blowing up Carl.

In this regard, Ye Qi expressed his approval.

If a tough opponent is frowning, then encountering a crazy opponent is powerless.

Obviously, in the mouth of his contract companion, the spider is such an opponent.

Crazy, crazy guy.

His contract companion is called the other party.

Therefore, if possible, Ye Qi is not willing to play against each other. This is not a problem of strength. Even if the strength is equal to the other party, or strong, Ye Qi is not willing to face each other - because, when faced with a madman You don't even know what the other party will do.

Therefore, it is a very good practice to separate the dark area of ​​the other party from Lorant without prejudice to the other party.

Therefore, Ye Qi agreed with the idea of ​​the chief wizard.

However, from now on, the spider will obviously not sit still.

“Can you tell me a detailed explanation?”

In order to get more information, Ye Qi had to let the big Druid tell it again. Awar obviously didn't mind doing this. He told Ye Qi in a more detailed tone.

"You mean that there are some black monsters in the attack?"

Ye Qi's subconscious mind twitched his eyes - he also encountered something like this kind of difficult thing, called the existence of the ‘God Monster.’

"Well, however, the breath on the other side makes the plants unable to get close, and can't send us more news!"

The big druid didn't be able to provide more accurate news, and he nodded apologetically.

"This is enough to make me happy!"

Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand.

In fact, Ye Qi has tried to overestimate the role of the Druids in the Hailin area, but did not expect that some of the 'natural sons' in the forest are underestimated; simply No Druid left the camp, but nothing happened in the Hailin area, but no one could win them.

It is like Karl's in the depths of the Hailin District.

Although it is impossible to be accurate to the specific number because of the spread of plants, the general message is still very gratifying. There is something better than that. But it is good to know nothing.

"Lord Avar. Are you on the bridge to the other side?"

Getting what he wanted to know, Ye Qi pulled the subject back to his original purpose.

"We will migrate to the other side of the bridge, but the jade secrets can only enter with natural breath, those mixed blood..."

The Great Druid continued to say, and the face once again showed a sad expression - obviously, Avar also understood the difficulty of a group of mixed blood across the entire Roland.

"It doesn't matter to you. There is enough space in Lord Lendl to let the hybrids pass safely, and all you have to do is get everything ready; after all, even with our arrangement, enter the yellow sand Before the district, under the Hof mountain range, there is still the eye line of the Holy See!"

Ye Qi reminded him.

The Holy Forest in the Hove Mountains is the biggest difficulty that Ye Qi thinks in this migration - such a big movement. Ye Qi did not think that he could win the new pope of Iyeta. The reason why the other party is now ignored. It's just because it absorbs the so-called 'blood of the Son of God'!

Once the other party has absorbed it, how can it be safe to stay there with the other person's personality.

Whether it is the demon hunter or the highest government, it must be the primary goal of the other party!

However, in the same way, the other party is also his goal - after all, one of the remaining two statues is within the Holy Forest.

Such a result has already been doomed to be a battle.

Of course, if you can, Ye Qi hopes to delay a little more, which will enable him to complete more preparations.

For example, now the druids, the migration of the mixed people.

After all, these ordinary people are more eye-catching than ordinary human beings.

"I will pay attention!"

In the face of Ye Qi’s reminder, the great druid solemnly nodded—obviously, Awar did not forget the sacred age, the Druids were treated cruelly by the Holy See; only, compared to hatred At this moment, his heart is more worried. The total number of Druids, which add up to less than a thousand people, is obviously unable to compete with the number of the Holy See at this time.

"So when I come back from the hands of the wizard, let's go!"

Ye Qi said.

"Well, everything is in accordance with what you said!"

Great Druid's refreshing nod.

"So, I am going to the hands of the wizard!"

Ye Qi stood up straight, and knew that the big druids of the situation that the wizard's hand was facing now did not stop. He just sent a blessing.

"Yes, everything is careful; if you need help, let them pass your call!"

The Great Druid pointed to the tree around him and shouted loudly.

"of course!"

Ye Qi stood outside the Druid camp, smiled and rolled over and rode Gronin, and the next moment he vacated.

And Awar had been watching Ye Qi’s figure disappear and then turned and walked to the 'homeland' of the mixed-races. He needed to ask, what kind of help would be needed when these mixed bloods left, Avar wants to do it. I can do what I can.


The hand of the wizard is in the house of the wizard.

In the minaret, the chief wizard's assistant, disciple, Van der Sis was waiting anxiously, and several large wizards wearing gray robes beside him were involuntarily with an anxious look.

In fact, after Carl's loss of contact, these great wizards who are important in the hands of the wizards have been so nervous; after all, as the top of the wizard, they are very aware of what Carl can represent. Once there is something unexpected there, the consequences are obviously catastrophic destruction.

"Tika, how long have you left?"

After Vails turned around in the same place, he asked.

"It has been more than twenty hours!"

A gray robe wizard said this.

"Is the teacher still not connected?"

Vails continued to ask.

"I haven't found the trace of Lendl's adult... but with the strength of an adult, it will be fine!"

Another gray robe wizard said this.

However, it is clear that the assistant and disciple of the chief wizard of Vails did not feel at ease because of such comfort. On the contrary, he became more and more anxious to pick up the steps.

And after a while. A fanning of the wings. Appeared outside the spire.

Suddenly. Fan Ersi was like a spring under his feet, and he quickly smashed it.

"Lin, how?"

The assistant looked at the raven in front of him and asked in a hurry.

"Tika's idiot was ambushed, finished, and I was dead again. I told you, Vails, if I let me do this cannon task. I have the right to contact you with the contract!"

The raven opened his mouth and there was a nice female voice, but the tone was a bit irritating.

"Where is the ambush from Tika?"

At this time, Vails did not feel the complaints of his own magic pets. He immediately took out a map and laid it on the table in front of him, indicating his own magical charm.

"Here, the first inward guard post you set!" The Raven stretched out his claw and clicked on a pattern on the map. Then he continued: "Your enemies are still those drow. But, among them. Pastor Drow seems to be a little different. She seems to be able to ban spells!"

"Forbidden spells?!"

The wizards present were exclaimed in unison.

The power of the wizard is derived from the spell, which is understood by everyone. Once the spell is imprisoned, the result is self-evident.

The wizard who lost the spell is an ordinary person with a little knowledge, and even that knowledge is not recognized by the public.

"What is going on? Lin, please explain in detail!"

Immediately after the exclamation, Vails asked about it; and with such questions, the great wizards who were present were all calmed down.

The raven, watched by a large sorcerer, without any timidity, was like a peacock that opened the screen, shaking the black feathers, lifting his head in a proud posture, and extending himself again. The claws are drawn like a pair of claws.

"Give you!"

Knowing that his own magical pet is for what Vails, without any hesitation, he took two high-level magical crystals from his pocket and threw them away; immediately, the magic crystal in the air seemed to be invisible. The hand held in general, appeared in front of the raven named 'Lin'.

Then, it was swallowed up.

Suddenly, the size that had been reduced because of ‘death’, once again became bigger, it was like blowing a balloon, and it was bigger than before.

As if to feel the power of it, the Raven named ‘Lin’ jumped around the window of the minaret until Vail’s urging again stopped.

"Lin, hurry up!"

"Know it, know it!"

The Raven said this, and then he told everything he saw.

With the clear description of the Raven, the entire minaret was once in a state of silence. Before that, it was always strong and calm, and this time it was weak and soft in the chair.

"Karl can be compromised, then the teacher who is there..."

Although I don't want this kind of thinking, but the heart of Vail's heart always comes up with such thoughts.

Moreover, it is not just Calco, the gray wizards in the room, each one is full of dignity, obviously, they think so.

However, no one will say it.

After all, Lendl, the chief wizard, is the backbone of the entire wizard. Once something goes wrong, the entire wizard's hand will collapse in an instant.

And they can't accept the consequences.

Hey, hehe...

Knocking at the door broke this silence.

"What's the matter?"

Fan Ersi strongly asked in the spirit of Lord of the Shack! ”

The wizard who acted as a courier outside the door replied.

And when I heard such an answer, all the wizards present, including Fan Ersi, were shocked.

Ps continues the word update ah ~~~

Today, the power outage has been ruined here again... What a hard time this is, and the big weekend started to have a power outage from noon... If it wasn’t decadent, it’s smashed yesterday, and today’s notebook’s electricity is completely exhausted, and it’s impossible to get it out. A chapter! !

Oh, hard, hard!

The hardships of the decadence and the rolling of the comfort, ah, subscription, rewards, monthly tickets ~ everyone to give it, comfort and decadence ~

Once again, I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the 200 coins, the sn, the x, the Xuanyuan Yuhe, and the lost heart 100. The reward of the starting point is ~~~ Desirable, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ To be continued.)

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