Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 47: The Earth Guard is accompanied by an updated April!

The wizard's notes were so detailed that I quickly read through the Ye Qi and quickly learned about the identity of the other party and why I came here - this process took nearly an hour, although the first half of the game was filtered and learned. Notes, but the latter half of the thing is extremely attractive to Ye Qi.

In general, this note Ye Qi quickly included three points -

1. The other party was from the time before the **** era after the fall of the wizarding dynasty.

2, the other party is the owner of the key to his end.

3, the other party is here to find ways to break through the extraordinary situation.

These three points are what Ye Qi wants to know, but the things that attract Ye Qi are not in them, but some other, an overview of the priesthood - such an overview, his contract companion has also explained, However, the anomaly is blurred, and the wizard's notes are quite clear, even if some of them are unconfirmed guesses.

1, from the extraordinary situation into the immortal, you can rely on the immortal key - this, Ye Qi can confirm that the other side's guess is correct.

2, the immortal key, because the formation is related to the fall of the gods, therefore, the power and ability are different - this point, Ye Qi has also confirmed.

3, the immortal key, the ability to deprive one or several items, based on their own ability - this is the point that attracts Ye Qi; and, after this point, the wizard named Osto There are also countless columns, and some methods that are effective (to be confirmed) are summarized.

4, the use of the power of faith - this. This is the complete guess of the Osto wizard. There is a right one. There are also mistakes.

However, the latter accounted for a much larger proportion.

However, even so, Ye Qi had to admire each other - after the sorcerer's dying, the honors of the wizards were destroyed overnight, even if the **** age did not really start, but in that At the time, hunting for the wizard. Not at all much looser than the **** age.

The firearms also appeared at that time.

A legendary wizard who can become an extraordinary place in such an atmosphere is itself a proof—a proof of talent and heart.

This is also proved in the other's wizard's notes.

The other person was not rich, and belonged to a fisherman's son. When he went to the sea again, he encountered a seriously wounded wizard who inherited everything from the other side before it changed. Similarly, the key to the end is also inherited from the other side. Come - for this teacher. Osto showed enough respect, even. Entering the land of the gods at dusk is also to fulfill the teacher's wish.

However, in the end, I also put myself in.

At the last moment of the life of the wizard named Ostor, he broke the key to the end of the day - in order to be able to return to Lord, he hopes that someone will open the dusk of the gods here, complete him and his The teacher’s last wish; if the key is left here, the land of the gods at dusk will be completely closed.

"I wish?"

Ye Qi closed the wizard's notes and looked at the broken cheekbones; eventually, raised his hand to gather it, and dug a hole in the mountainside to bury the other side - the tombstone was also cut from the mountain belly The slate, which wrote the name of the wizard Osto, and the note Ye Qi stayed.

This is one of the other wishes of the other party - I hope that his notes can be inherited by a young man, just as he inherited the notes of his teacher.

In this regard, Ye Qi does not mind helping.

As for the speed of the other party to remind you to leave?

Ye Qi is obviously unable to do it - different from the other party to seek a breakthrough, to complete the immortal wish, has reached the immortal Ye Qi, come here to complete another thing, and must be completed.

"Merck, is there a mountain that can be seen from any angle?"

Ye Qi asks about his undead servant. The only thing that makes Ye Qi somewhat regret is that on the notes of Osto, there is no mention of the 'mountain peaks that can be seen from any angle' in his contract partner's mouth; In fact, the three-day Osto was on the verge of death three days after entering the twilight of the gods.

Unlike the choice of the 'Warrior's Road' and the immortal Ye Qi, the extraordinary path of the 'Witches' Road in front of the seemingly endless undead sea attack is obviously left-right, even if It is a painful price to want to leave completely.

Not to mention, for the first time, Osto encountered the immortal and undead creatures of the 'immortal' level. Even without the power of the stars and the power of the field, the suppression of its own strength still made the wizard realize. What is called a crushing battle.

If it wasn't for Osto who made a potion that masked the breath of the living, he couldn't stand it for a day.


The answer of the undead servant was very simple, but it made Ye Qi happy.


Ye Qi subconsciously blurted out - but, in an instant, Ye Qi found something wrong; since there is such a mountain, why did he not see it before.

Since it is, the mountain that can be seen at any angle should have been noticed by him.

"When black and white are intertwined, it appears!"

The undead servant did his best to express it to Ye Qi.

"The interweaving of black and white...should mean the dawn of the night and the whiteness here!"

Ye Qi knew the meaning of his undead servant at a glance, and he nodded and continued to ask: "When will you disappear in white?"

"Ordinary loss of strength, I am hiding here, they are hiding underground!"

The undead servant explained.

"You just don't have to be directly exposed by the white light, you have no problems?"

Ye Qi asked again.

"I have nothing to do with the contract now, they have something!"

The answer of the undead servant, Ye Qi put down the last trace of worry - although the contract of "Samigina's drive" can follow the immortal, undead, or the real death of undead, undead creatures. And return the number of contracts that should be due. But if you can. Ye Qi still wants to maintain the current state.

You know, it's not easy to meet an undead or undead creature with wisdom here.

After all, what Ye Qi had encountered before was basically some undead and undead creatures who acted by instinct. Apart from hunting and increasing their own strength, there was no other behavior.

"Where is that mountain?"

Ye Qi asked.

"From this direction, go!"

The undead servant is straight in the mountainside, pointing in one direction - and this is the convenience of having wisdom and communication.

"Let's go!"

Ye Qi nodded and made a decision.

Although the undead and undead creatures outside are still active. But Ye Qi doesn't do this because he is waiting for it - maybe waiting for the day here, it's a good choice to go forward, but the situation that happens at dawn is a must if you start in daylight. After another dark night.

With the particularity of the mountain, Ye Qi does not believe that there will be nothing.

You must know that the fallen gods have been until now. Ye Qi has not seen a yo!

So if you choose. Ye Qining chose to set off at this time, and then entered the mountain at dawn.

In black, Ye Qi is behind the undead servant, as if it is a ghost, walking through the battlefields one after another - although it has become an immortal, undead creature, but Merck's speed is quite fast, no better than Ye Qi How much slower, plus the roads selected, are safer, so within a few hours, they once again crossed the distance like the bay area, and now the distance is still expanding.

The blackness of the gods at dusk is more and more intense.

The undead and undead creatures began to attack each other in a more insane situation. Even Merck, who signed the contract, was slightly affected; however, when Ye Qi issued another order, the undead servant again Restored to a normal state.

Looking at the changes around him, especially the more intense black, Ye Qi guessed that the dawn here is coming, which makes the planning of Ye Qi, an extra anxious in his heart.

"How far is the mountain?"

Ye Qi asked the servant of his own through the power of the contract.


The undead servant did not answer. Obviously, it does not know how to answer the specific question of distance. After all, there is no such concept in the fire of its soul.

"Our current speed can be reached when black and white are intertwined?"

Ye Qi saw the appearance of his servant, and immediately changed his inquiry method.


This time, Ye Qi did not disappoint, his servant said very simply and neatly.

And in fact, the same is true -

When the black began to gradually dissipate, a huge, top-of-the-road mountain appeared in the distant view of Ye Qi.

Looking at the stretch of the mountains, and through the clouds, straight into the "sense" of the immortal level, can not see the mountains, Ye Qi could not help but breathe a cold - although he had previously guessed, The appearance of this mountain peak is based on the 'can be seen from any angle' given by his contract companion. Ye Qi naturally knows that this mountain is bound to be incomparably tall, but he did not expect it to be Tall to such a point.

As if, it is supporting the whole world!

"Master, dangerous!"

As Ye Qi stepped forward, the undead servant reminded him straight, and raised his hand bones and pointed to another direction: "Here, safe!"


Ye Qi reacted in an instant - Ye Qi has a considerable habit of the way of his own undead servant.

"The enemy here can't beat it; there, can!"

The undead servant replied as Ye Qi had expected.

For such a suggestion, Ye Qi certainly would not oppose, and walked straight toward the direction of the undead servant. At this moment, the dusk of the gods represents the black of the 'night' has begun to gradually recede, and represents The white of 'white 昼' is becoming clearer and clearer.

Compared to this clarity, the peaks not far away are blurred. There is always the possibility of disappearing.

Once it disappears. It is inevitable that we will wait for a round-the-clock reincarnation again. And Ye Qi does not want such a waste of time!

With the undead servant behind him, Ye Qi entered the moment before the mountain disappeared.

"Is this enchantment?"

Ye Qi turned and looked at the translucent presence that followed his entry; through this translucent presence, Ye Qi could clearly see the road outside when he came, and not far away The sacral bones scattered around; but when his palm touched this layer of translucent existence, a fierce repulsion, but Ye Qi involuntarily took a step back.

obviously. Once inside, you have to wait until the dawn comes again.

Turning around again, Ye Qi looked at the road in front of him - this is the mountain road at the foot of the mountain, the angle is relatively gentle, the soil is the same as the outside, completely black, some stones scattered around, watching Those scattered stones, Ye Qi's eyes subconsciously looked at the heights - this scattered gravel, and the kind of rolling along the **** of the mountain. Traces left behind.

Obviously, it should be straight from the high altitude.

And the stone naturally cannot roll off. Obviously it was thrown down by some existence, and here, except for him and the undead servants beside him, the rest is naturally the enemy!

With the movement of Ye Qi's line of sight, the undead servant is the first to move.

Call, call, call...

As the undead servants moved, from the mountain, large and small gravels fell like raindrops - smaller ones were only football size, while larger ones were comparable to the grinding discs.

However, in the rain of these stones, the servants of the undead have shown considerable dexterity. Like a highly skilled dancer, they sneak away from it, and they have completely escaped these stones. At the moment of the stop, the undead servant flashed and left only the wings of the bones, and vacated.

In fact, its flight and floating at the moment has a considerable relationship with the wing of the skeleton behind it. Although it can break free from the earth by its own strength, it is impossible to fly fast. - Simply put, some special power is contained in that wing.

It is because of this power that Merck, who has only the skeleton left, can continue to fly.

Hey, hey, hey!

The clenched long sword brought a sword wind and plowed the ground straight, and from these plowed grounds, some strange things appeared - it was a shape, height similar to people If you leave the skin of the other side of the rock, the minerals such as agate and jade that have been inserted in your body are taken out.

"The earth guard?"

Ye Qi gave a slight glimpse - he subconsciously thought of the sea gods in the temple of the sea, with the storm, and the storms predicted by the former. In the record, once the earth guards appeared, they would indicate the earthquake, Volcanic eruptions and other disasters related to the earth.

And the place where the same earth guards appear is naturally the place where the **** of the earth is.

The guess at the bottom of my heart made Ye Qi completely let go of the immortal level of "perception", looking for it in detail, the existence of his guess - but, obviously, eventually nothing.

"After the fall, was it completely deprived of the priesthood? Or..."

Ye Qi looked to the higher part of the mountain side to the side - yes, even with the perception of Ye Qi, it is impossible to completely cover the entire mountain. There are many things outside his perception. Can not be detected.


At this time, the undead servants who fought the earth guards have completely won the final victory, although such a method is very embarrassing - the earth guards standing in the soil are invincible, even if they are weakened. Numerous earth guards still retain the characteristics of standing on the earth without dying.

Therefore, Merck, the servant of the undead, relied on the ability to fly, and took the guards of the earth one after another in the air, and then cut off the other's head with a long sword - watching the neat servants of the clean and resolved battle. Ye Qi is very understanding at this time, the meaning of safety in the other's words.

This kind of battle based on the ability to do things is naturally safe.

Ye Qi looked up and looked at the agate, emerald and other gems scattered in the sky. With the death of the earth guards, these things were not disappeared, but they were preserved.

From the fluctuations emitted above, this is a pretty good magic item.

However, Ye Qi did not care, but hurriedly ran toward the mountain. From the more gentle **** to the steep position, Ye Qi and his servants encountered four similar attacks. Once strong, and in the fourth time, Ye Qi even had to help his servant.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not have an accident.

After all, when it came to the second attack, Merck said that he no longer knew the way ahead - it went deeper, because it had a strong breath in front, so that it did not dare Go ahead again.

"wait a moment!"

After climbing up again for a few When a platform appeared, Ye Qi stood still – looking at the platform in front of him and the ladder that climbed up the stairs, he made a stay to his servant. The gesture here.

After that, I walked up alone.

Ps squandered and everyone said something, because the Ching Ming Festival is decadent to go home to worship the ancestors, so from today to mid-month, only one can be more than 5k per day...

Although I was a bit unwilling, I was broken by the golden body of the day, but the things like Qingming’s ancestor worship were also unforgettable; after all, this year is still the third anniversary of the grandmother; therefore, the time will be longer. - No. 5 is the Ching Ming Festival, today is the No. 1, and as far as possible, within four days, the manuscript from the beginning of the 5th to the 10th day will be picked up...

Hey, I have no support for it... However, if you have a monthly pass, a reward, or a subscription, you will still be decadent... Again, I’m sorry to everyone!

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart, and the decadence again. Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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