Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 50: Unexpected change

咚, 咚, 咚...

Ye Qi’s voice just fell, and the heavy footsteps rang. A crocodile with a height of twenty feet stood up and rushed toward him. This huge crocodile is not just a body. The size is huge, and compared with the general crocodile, there are two right angles and a feather on the top of the head, and a spear is held on the claw, and there is a mourning every time there is a swing.

It belongs to the mourning of the undead before the tragic death.

Although Ye Qi does not have any good feelings for the gods, he does not deny that some gods also have the principle of doing their own things - harvesting tributes, prayers, beliefs, and willing to give their own strength to help their own believers; although this It is based on the exchange of equivalence, but it still belongs to a principle.

However, in the same way, some gods are representatives of words and unbelief and insatiable.

In this crocodile body, Ye Qi feels this breath, and the other two similar atmospheres hidden around him -


The long, thick, and powerful spear was squatted by the other side as a mace, and it had not yet reached the ground. The stone on the ground had begun to splash around.

Ye Qi is agile and dexterous in the sprawling gravel. A flash of work has already stood from the ground to the other's spear, and the speed is quickly interspersed to the other's head - - After all the way through dozens of encounters with these 'half-fallen' gods, Ye Qi is already very aware of the weaknesses of these 'half-fallen' gods.

Although it is a semi-energy semi-substance, a similar structure generally exists. But the weakness is basically no different from normal creatures - the head, heart and other places are the most vulnerable. Once crushed and pierced, it will suffer a fatal blow; of course. There are some exceptions, but they are quite special.

The crocodile **** in front of us obviously does not belong to this special exception.

The strength attached to the spear is quite large. Once it is swung out, it is simply not recovered.


In the whistling sound of the ground, a large pit with a radius of a dozen feet appeared like this, and countless gravel shot at a faster speed than the bullet. But what is the use of this?

Without hitting the enemy, the big force is in vain.

Apparently, this crocodile-like **** also knew such a thing, and immediately released the spear in his hand, and the two front paws slammed to Ye Qi, who was only in front of him.

However, just as the other side's strength when using a spear, and the matching clumsiness, the power is still terrible when swinging the two front paws. But there is a lack of change, this straightforward attack. In Ye Qi’s eyes, it’s just a lot of flaws. Even the [eyes] don’t need to be used, you can simply find the most effective attack.


In the flashing of the knife, the whole blade of the knives of the knives did not enter the other's eyebrows. Although the head of the other party was huge because of the size of the body, when the knives with the knife wind did not enter the blade, the huge head seemed to be like It was like an explosion of watermelon, and the sound of '砰' shattered the ground.

However, just as the crocodile's head was shattered, a figure in the air suddenly appeared. The black figure, with a dwarf that was usually flashing with a demon red, was inserted directly to kill the crocodile. The heart of the general **** Ye Qi.

Even in the rapid movement, the ugly **** did not make any sound, and even said that from the appearance of the opponent to the attack, it was silent; and, the time of taking it was just right, It happened to be the moment when Ye Qi defeated an opponent and the mind should be relaxed.

However, Ye Qi is like a long-eyed back, with a long knife in his hand, with a rapid turn of the body, completes a standard horizontal cut, gray knife wind, with frost, quickly sneak behind him The 'half-fallen' spirit wraps in it - this 'half-fallen' **** is obviously a killer style with a slap in the face, just in the moment of being wrapped in a knife wind, the figure is flashing and disappearing. In situ.

"is that useful?"

Ye Qi disdainfully sneered, and then, again, several consecutive snipers.

The figure that has just disappeared, once again revealed, this time it is more and more embarrassing, especially under the special care of Ye Qi, the other's legs are covered with gray frost - obviously, has entered the frostbite necrosis status.

Different from the crocodile gods before, this is like a killer, assassin-like ugly god, undoubtedly has considerable speed and stealth skills; and facing such a god, limiting each other's actions is undoubtedly the first choice.

In fact, the same is true. After being restricted to the legs, the other party is like a fish on the chopping board, letting Ye Qi slash the knife.

Ye Qi, who floated in midair, did not fall. His eyes patrolled the ground - the other side had three, and now two have died, and one is hidden underground.

Of course, although it is three, these three are definitely not a group!

Even when they are consistent with each other, they are fighting each other. Otherwise, Ye Qi will not solve the other two easily.

One is infinite, one is extremely fast, and there is a strong sneak ability. You only need a little cooperation, you can double the strength; not to mention, there is still a hidden underground, waiting The existence of the best opportunity - the latter is enough to become a deadly blow.

However, it is a pity that they will never do this.

All the way, Ye Qi encountered more than a dozen similar situations in front of him, but without exception, they suspended their respective struggles, began to unanimously, and then fought each other in battle.

For such an approach, Ye Qi is the enemy of the other side, naturally it is a very endorsed.

If he can, he can't wait for him to appear, and the other 'half-dead' spirits continue their struggles, and he is better broken.

However, even the current situation. It is enough to make Ye Qi satisfied.

Ye Qi’s gaze. According to the fluctuations given by [blind bucket perception]. Eventually locked in a range, and before he moved, the fluctuations in the range began to move quickly - it is clear that the other party sensed the killing of Ye Qi.

"If you run now, don't you think it's too late?"

When Ye Qi finished, the whole person was like an arrow, spurting out and coming to the land above the other's head. The magic knife is inserted straight down.


The opponent locked by Ye Qi knew that there was no hope of escape, with a dull snoring, a pair of cold flashing giant claws coming out from the ground, but also revealing the pale body - a huge evil atmosphere The wrapped mole, the red-blooded eyes, stared straight at the blade of the blade, and the sharp claws went straight to Ye Qi.


The two sides flashed past, and Ye Qi slowly returned to the sheath, and the huge pale mole behind him began from the top of his head. Until a large body that was not in the soil, a huge splitting wound appeared. Blood is being sprayed out of it, dyeing the surrounding area into a bright red.


[Discover the energy rules, in line with the support of the secondary land promotion...]

[Professional promotion: support of the secondary land - support of the earth]

[Support of the earth: You have a different understanding of soil and sand. When you stand on it, there will always be special strength to support you; effect: when your feet are on the ground, you will get an invisible Rock Shield (similar to the enhanced version of the Force Shield, with a defensive value of 5 natural armor), while your strength, physique +2, and physical and energy recovery speed increased by 15%.

[Discover the energy rules, in line with the special expertise of the water...]

[Water's power single enhancement...]

[The power of water: A water droplet is soft, but when countless water droplets come together, it will become violent; effect: When you are in the water, you can not only breathe freely, but also walk As usual; because you are controlling the flow of water; characteristics: tidal waves. 】

[Tidal waves: In ample water, forming a huge wave like a tidal wave, and constantly hitting the enemy - remember the anger of the sea god? In the sea, the invincible fleet, the great powerhouse, will be submerged by the sea, and will become a sacrifice to calm the sea gods. 】

The first feat was found in the temple that resembles the squirrel's general spirit, and the second is the crocodile-like **** – this is not beyond Ye Qi's expectations. After all, the shapes of both are explained. Everything is gone; and as for the changes in the system prompts, Ye Qi has already experienced it.

Dozens of battles along the way are enough to give him a lot of special expertise - these special feats, when first appeared, are undoubtedly 'unknown ability rules', and what happens here is Marked 'energy rules'; however, although Ye Qi has fought dozens of times, there are not many times to get special expertise, and some special feats have gained some strength, but they have not achieved qualitative changes. The point; for example, [secondary illusion control] [secondary avatar] and so on have gained the power of those 'half-degraded' gods, but they still do not reach the point of qualitative change.

Of course, some other specialties appear directly in the system's property bar -

[Carving Hands: You have a pair of dexterous hands that will make any sculpture come alive. 】

[Painting Heart: When you try to paint a picture, you will find that what you think in your hand is more dazzling than the brush in your hand. 】

[Gold Coin Smell: Your love for gold makes you so sensitive to them, not only to see, hear, but even to rely on the nose, you can get a specific number; of course, you are more aware of what kind of Trading, you can get more gold; effect: trading with gold as a chip, will get the charm of +5, and will be enchanted by the other party (the other side needs to carry out its own -2 charm identification, the other party will fail Allows you to get 10%-25% extra income)]

[Second Night Walker: Some special people are always in the dark to be safe. Effect: When you are moving fast in the shadows and darkness, your figure and your voice are covered up by 20%. When the normal walking pattern advances, it is covered by 40%, and when you stand still, you get an 80% bonus. 】

Such four specialties are all the way to come, Ye Qi's harvest; obviously the first two. In Ye Qi's view, it is basically useless. He has no time to carve and paint. In the latter two, [golden currency smell], if it is a profiteer, it will be very happy, but for him, the use is still not big.

Unless that does not include gold, you can get other deals to make him happy.

Therefore, in Ye Qi's view. The only thing that is useful is the last [secondary nightwalker]!

The former ugly face, like a killer, assassin-like god, is obviously quite in line with this feat - compared to the temple architecture of the former two, the temple of the 'half-fallen' **** is More dilapidated... or a lot of madness.

The temple, which is completely piled up with huge bones and stones, is more like a ruin of a relic than a temple in Ye Qi’s view; and the arrangement inside makes Ye Qi more frowning— - The bones and weeds around, let Ye Qi first think of the beast's lair.

but. Fortunately, the statue is still there.

Ye Qi withdrew his glance. The perception of [nameless skills] immediately extends to it -

[Discover unknown energy rules...]

[Get special power transition options]


b. reading magic

c. Identification

d. Darkness


Looking at the sudden emergence of choice, Ye Qi is a glimpse. Obviously, this choice has exceeded his expectations; in Ye Qi’s view, the most likely thing to get here is the promotion of the sub-nighter’s expertise. But what I didn't think of was related to magic.

Undoubtedly, this is the first time.

And every time for the first time, it’s worth noting. After carefully reviewing the options, Ye Qi quickly discovered the difference. First, the options did not exceed the third-level spells, all of which were below level 3. Secondly, there is no option in the option to directly gain attack power or change and move objects.

"Can only be based on low-level spells, and is a spell that can't attack or change or move objects... Is it powerless or is it a rule?"

Ye Qi looked at the broken statue in front of him, silently toward it; in the end, he set his gaze on the options that appeared -

"I choose d!"

After thinking a little, Ye Qi made a choice.

Compared with [Communication] [Reading Magic] [Appraisal], [Dark Surgery] is undoubtedly a spell that can directly and effectively participate in combat. From the thinking of battle, Ye Qi naturally prefers the latter. of.

[Darkness power transformation...]

[Get special expertise: Shadow of secondary darkness]

[Second Shadow of Darkness: The shadow originates from light, but it does not mean that it cannot exist alone; Effect: Create a supernatural darkness with a radius of one foot - fifty yards that you can move and change with your mind, with a slight Corrosion, any presence into it, will be judged twice (the determination of the physical condition of both parties, the first time the unpassed will be slightly corroded, the second time the other won the +2 constitution, if not passed again, then Moderate corrosion damage)

Can spells change into feats? !

Although Ye Qi had some speculation when he saw the [power change] option, once the real thing appeared what he had guessed, the shock still made Ye Qi slightly stunned - at the moment, the leaf I couldn't help but look at my spell bar.

There, [Death One Finger] [Bigby Flying Palm] [Corrosion], [Lightning Ring], [Sajman's Ice Blade Field], or even [Stagnation Cloning], [The Banshee] They are all vividly in mind - if these can really be turned into expertise, then it will undoubtedly give him more diversified and powerful offensive methods.

After all, the untranslated [Dark Surgery] has no attack power!

A spell with no attack power, there will be attack characteristics after conversion, then it is attacking itself?

For example: [Death One Finger] [Wolf of the Banshee]!

After turning into a specialization, it is clear that there is a fusion of advanced features -

[Second Northland Wind] and [Sajiman Ice Blade Field]; [Ray's Discipline] and [Lightning Ring]!

Even with Ye Qi’s tenacious strength, he couldn’t help but breathe as soon as he thought of possible changes; however, he quickly recovered his rapid breathing to normal.

After all, this special energy rule is only the first time, with too many unknowns.

Perhaps as he had guessed before, he can only use the low-level spells as a basis, and is not able to attack or change or move objects as a change option.

Although this is a bit frustrating, Ye Qining is willing to make the worst plan.

However, even the worst plan, Ye Qi still needs to make the necessary attempts; not to mention, his goal is to be above this mountain.

Therefore, the next moment, Ye Qi quickly walked out of this messy temple building, moving forward on the mountain at a faster speed than before.

The second half of the ps immortal character card (temporarily no skills, expertise, and spells, wait until the volume is over, decadent and reorganized) -

Perception (immortality): In the place where you are, no change can pass your perception, whether it is the eyes or the ears, you can 'see' the whispers of the gods hidden in the clouds, or you can 'listen' Rolling on the banks of the Heilongjiang River; even if you are in the middle of the sea When someone calls your name, you can also detect...

Cold Weapons (Legend): After countless battles, you understand the true meaning of the sword. You will be circulated by the world with the sword, until the starry sky and the other side. Effect: When using cold weapons, all attributes are +1, cold weapons are ordinary. Weapons are calculated according to the +2 magic weapon; and so on.

[Fatal Strike: The road you are pursuing must be a road to stroll, and when you reach the end, you will find that everything you have paid before is so worthwhile; effect: using cold weapon weapons to cause 200 %hurt. 】

| [Heart: When you attack and defend again, you will see each other's flaws. 】

[Second killings: On the road full of thorns, you are tirelessly moving forward, facing the so-called end point, you have not given up, did not carry; after that, you found that everything is just beginning; so, please continue Wave your weapons forward; effect: 300% damage from cold weapon weapons. 】

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, sn, x, the loss of the 100 hearts of the lost heart. ~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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