Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 54: Frost girl

Under the knives of the knives, the huge ice is divided into two, along the left and right sides of Ye Qi and the knight, and the knives that continue to extend are covered by the ice in the distance. The giant, and then the hard ice armor, the giant is divided into two, just like the ice thrown by the other side.

However, with the fall of this giant, more similarities emerged from the blizzard - the same ice armor, the same tall, and throwing the same huge ice.

However, it is clear that this is not a problem for Ye Qi.

Ye Qi and the Cavaliers are still moving forward.

It took about an hour to get to the location of the Frost Girl - it was completely covered by ice and snow, and the cold wind blew like a knife, bringing up the ice crystals on the snow, and it hurts on the face. A piece of white, even the detachment of 'white 昼' and 'night' restrictions, makes people's eyes, no longer distinguish where they are.

“Is this what it was originally?”

Ye Qi carefully observed everything in front of him, and the special fluctuations on the entire snowfield made him frown. He fluctuated from the [blind bucket perception], the snowfield in front of him. It seems to be the 'live' general, with its own consciousness.

And this feeling is obviously very bad.

Because this can only make Ye Qi think of a possibility - ‘God country’!

When the field develops to the extreme and becomes the so-called 'divineness', relying on the power of faith, once again, the special 'power' emerges after the promotion, a force that makes Ye Qi quite jealous at this moment.

After all, Ye Qi is well-informed about the magic of the power of faith - with such a force blessing, something impossible will become possible. And some possible things will become certain; and change with the change of their own minds; simply, the gods are honored as 'omniceptual omnipotence', in which the existence of 'the kingdom of God' occupies a huge part factor.

"No... it should be a jungle and a wilderness!" The knight shook his head quickly, and his face became more and more solemn. And with a trace of doubts, "The lady, has made changes here... but if it is only based on the divine nature, it should not be able to do this..."

"Obviously, this lady is much stronger than you expected..." After Ye Qidun paused, he continued: "Either the nine who ran up before. The five who stayed here, if all It’s a nutrient, I think that Frost Girl, it’s not a surprise to get the power of the present!”

"How can it..."

The knight exclaimed, wanting to say something, but eventually did not say anything; because, it suddenly thought of their current situation. Is there anything wrong with this? Even, even in the past, the Frost Girl was unscrupulous, and it would still be unscrupulous for its own purposes.

"Is it now restored to the priesthood?"

Ye Qi faced the snowfield in front of him and asked again.

"No, it just makes the 'divineness' complete. The priesthood does not - it is not a simple process, want to be done here, unless there is a miracle!"

The knight shook his head very positively.

"Then the three above, really prove how often the miracle is!"

Ye Qi pointed to the top of his head.

"The three are very special cases... or you can think of them as prescient – ​​and when the war continues to half, you see the final result; therefore..."

“So, did they retreat in advance?”

Ye Qi asked with an eye.

"Yes. Raise, advance in advance!"

The knight nodded and said awkwardly.

"It's a wise choice!"

Ye Qi didn't know whether he was sarcasm or sincerely said such a discourse. Then he walked toward the snowfield in front of him.

"This way you go straight in. It will be completely suppressed by the Frost Girl!"

The knight reminded Ye Qi.

"That doesn't mean I should stand in the same place, do nothing at all - or do you think we should go straight to the top? I don't think that is a good choice... Of course, you need to stay now In place, I am here, there is no way to take care of you!"

Ye Qitou did not return, and in the end, the addition of a sentence obviously made the knight frown, but the other party still obeyed Ye Qi's arrangement - because it is very clear, this is the truth; with its present Strength, once entered the snowfield, I am afraid it will be lost in an instant.

After all, in addition to the cold caused by the blizzard, illusion is also the master of the frost girl.

Call, call...

After the cold wind stepped into the snowfield, Ye Qi immediately scraped it up, surpassing the speed ten times before. The snow was completely brought up, and Ye Qi’s line of sight was completely obscured. In this white, the snow that was blown up, the cold contained in it was so that Ye Qi had slightly browed some brows.

To reach the immortal [physique], and the "body of the sun" after the infusion of the power of the stars, is enough to ignore any harsh environment; but here I feel a bit of cold - although not very serious, it is like reaching out in winter The snow falling in the sky is general, but with the phenomenon of up to 45 [physique], I am afraid that ordinary people will be frozen once they appear here.

Even, don't say that it is an ordinary person, even if it is a legendary strongman in an extraordinary situation, under such severe cold, it is also difficult to escape.

However, for Ye Qi, this effect is the ultimate.

The same level of perception [inductive] began to look for the existence of the frosty girl in all directions - the existence of this blizzard greatly affected [perception], and [blind bucket perception] is because of the existence of the snowfield itself. It is restricted by the increase.

Under the huge fluctuations, any slight fluctuations are hidden, which is hard to find, not to mention the frosty girl who belongs to this wave. In short, the frosty girl who created this snowfield If you want to hide it, it is too simple.

However, I want to find out. Not impossible -


Agile, perceptual and temporary +8 features make [Corrosion] one of Ye Qi's standing combat aids, and similarly, if his guess is established, he is very hopeful that [Corrosion] has also become a type of special expertise; however, it is obvious. That is the next thing.

Now he needs to find the trace of the frosty girl.

After entering immortality, the ability to temporarily enhance the attributes and the real attributes is becoming more and more obvious - if it is in the realm of the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world, Ye Qi is still somewhat vague, then enters the immortal After that, everything became clearer and clearer.

Although there is no accurate comparison, I can get Ye Qi to get a detailed data. But the changes after the enhancement are still very obvious.

Just like at this moment, if the true attribute increases, then Ye Qi has the confidence to let the other side have nowhere to escape, but now it is with a hint of ambiguity; however, such ambiguity is enough for Ye Qi, Stronger than nothing - with this vague perception, he began to lock in the general direction of the other side.

And the colder the cold wind. It is confirmed that Ye Qi’s choice is correct.

After about ten minutes in advance, the snow on the snowfield had not passed Ye Qi’s knees, making his journey more difficult, and the hail in the snowstorm made him have to be careful. Responding until there was a ray of light from the front.

It was a cave, and it was obvious that there was a slight bend in the inside, so that the fire became dull.

but. Also because of this bending, its ability to resist wind and snow is greatly enhanced, especially the presence of bonfire, which is undoubtedly the best choice to dispel the cold at this moment.


This appearance is really doubtful - Ye Qike does not believe that there is another existence in the ‘God country’ where the Frost Girl is.

Moreover, this existence can also find a cave. And light a bonfire.

Everything is so doubtful.

However, after staying in the station for about a few minutes, Ye Qi walked calmly toward him—he was not afraid of any traps, just because there was a place where the frosty girl appeared.

Be careful to approach the cave. At a distance of about three or four yards, there was a feeling of warmth. The biting cold wind seemed to be dispelled. If it was an ordinary person, then at this time, it would definitely speed up. Speed, so that you are covered by the warmth.

However, Ye Qi whispered a little, if he was only skeptical before, then at this moment he has already identified the stupidity - an ordinary bonfire, even in such a cave with a curved, eternal, It is already a very great thing, and it can radiate heat three or four yards across the cave.

This is totally impossible.

Unless someone or someone exists to do so deliberately!

On the snowfield, there is only one person who can do this, the frosty girl.

"Would you like to dance with the cold, and don't want to come in and warm up?"

A clear and pleasant voice appeared in the leaves of Ye Qi who stood in the hole.

"As far as I know, you can't bring warmth!"

Ye Qi replied faintly, and his right hand was placed on the handle of the knives, a sigh of breath, unstoppable bursts of hair, let the surrounding snow, straight blown, vacated An absolute range comes.

"The words like you really hurt me, even the pain of suffocation..."

In the sound of the sound, there is a feeling of grievance like a crying lover, which is enough for most men to feel unbearable; however, it does not include Ye Qi, his gaze and gaze in front of him. The cave is like watching an ugly monster, and the knives are slowly squirting.

"Deception, hallucinations, your volatility is changing - are you excited because of this?" The knives were out of the scabbard, and Ye Qi raised his hand and slashed his knife. In the whistling of the knife, his voice continued. It’s said: “This kind of excitement is really disgusting!”


Where the knives passed, the cave collapsed straight, and the fire was flashing and extinguishing. The strong cold wind flooded Ye Qi with a more violent attitude.

"I thought we would have a better meeting!"

A figure loomed in the snowstorm, the soft ice blue tulle covered the other's body, the perfect body did not mind in front of Ye Qi, but the delicate face with a trace of sadness; Frost Girl Stretched out his palm and touched his own eyes. Wiping the tears that didn't exist, and the subsequent voices were full of grievances.

"Or... are you misunderstanding me?"

"The choice of priesthood has made me look like it is now - this is not what I want. I also want to see the sun, the green trees, the colorful flowers, but when I approach, I can only I got cold, death, the miserable appearance. It made me feel bad!"

"So, I chose the Northland, the place that was covered by snow and ice - only then can I not harm other existences, and in the snow, I am willing to give them directions and warmth... It is a pity. Some things always happen with unpredictable changes..."

The other party's words are still going on, but Ye Qi does not intend to let the other party continue.

"I think even if it's a lie, you should be professional - at the very least, be prepared to take your eye drops!" Ye Qi looked at the frosty girl in front of him and said coldly, "Or you think, I will be like those who have expired." Like a person. Let your approach close...and then be frozen into ice!"

"I have no ill intentions!"

The frosty girl is stressed.

"But I can't see any kindness... At least, what you do, let me think that treating you as an enemy is the best choice!"

Ye Qi said as he slashed his sword, but he did not yell at the frosty girl, but the ruins of the cave.


The blizzard and the stones are splashed. There was a gully on the ground, or a house that was broken by the roof - everything below has been revealed.

Twelve four different shapes of statues and the bodies of the gods who conform to the statues.

"Look, this is what you do!"

Ye Qi glanced at the existence below, and the knives in his hand crossed a beautiful blue arc.

"I just forced myself to go..."

"You want to say that you have to resist when you have to force it? Got it, put away your amateur appearance, I recognize a lady, her performance is professional. Thanks to such a professional, I can be clear Identify your cover at this time - when I came here, the sudden blizzard, the frost giant, is your handwriting?"

What the Frost Girl wants to explain. But it was interrupted by Ye Qi.

Looking at the silent opponent, Ye Qi continued: "The sudden snowstorm, the frost giant, and even the snowfield when you came here, you just have to fight for time yourself. After all, such attacks are really some ... weak, I can't achieve effective damage to me!"

"Except for the obstacles, I really can't think of any explanation; but why should I hinder me... The scent of breath that you brought out when you appeared, seems to give me the final answer - you killed them all. It takes time to digest their power, and this time seems to take quite a while!"

"So, you are here to give me this mortal who looks down on your heart, performing..." Ye Qi said as he gave the shoulder and gave the final evaluation; "However, your performance is really very rotten!"

With Ye Qi’s words, the grievances and blame on the face of the Frost Girl’s face gradually disappeared. His beautiful face showed a smile of appreciation, and slowly said: “I didn’t think that you would be like this. Smart!"

"Smart?" Ye Qi quickly waved his hand. "I am not smart, even quite stupid - because I am cautious and suspicious. If you can do better, maybe I will be you." Cheat into the cave... Have you been ambushing inside for a long time?"

Without paying attention to the face of the frosty girl, Ye Qi continued to say -

"However, as a suggestion, I think you should learn common sense... or the opponent you have encountered before, because of the cold and become savvy, and finally let you succeed, forget these common sense?"


Ye Qi’s voice just fell, and a huge battle axe made by ice made it like this.


The knives steadily held the opponent's tomahawk and made a metal vibrato, and the surrounding blizzard was because of this huge impact force, which was emptied out of a large piece by the two people.

"You are so chattering, is you putting yourself in the perspective of the winner?" The tomahawk in the hands of the frosty girl slowly pressed down, its beautiful face, really cold as frost at the moment," I just need a thing to adjust my mood, even if you don't cherish it, then... as an ant, you can die!"


Suddenly increased the strength of the battle axe, fiercely kneeling, squatting in the snow, suddenly, a pit of 15 yards radius appeared there.

"The ants? The difference between us is not big now. Since I am an ant, what are you?"

Ye Qi glanced at the deep pit, estimated the strength of the other side, and then looked at the other side of the other side - there were fourteen different statues of different shapes and the original caves of the bodies of the gods who conformed to the statues. .

The fluctuations in the [blind bucket perception] are telling Ye Qi that the power there seems to be passing.

Ps 颓 颓 嗓 疼 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬 熬

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the wave of the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200 coins, the sn, the lost heart of the 100 hearts of the starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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