Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 7 Chapter 2: Knights of the future

Tenacious: The strong body gives you the toughness of the ordinary people, and the recovery is normal. The effect: so the resistance increases by 15, the physical recovery increases; the duration is ten minutes, and the cooling time is once per day. Demand expertise: perseverance.

Meteorite: A strong body makes you have a rock-like physique; effect: physique +1; give armor bonus of +4 of the chosen feat. Demand expertise: Robust.

The choice of two new feats made Ye Qi hesitant – whether it was physical recovery or physical fitness +1, it made him hot; but obviously he could only choose one of them.

“Yes/No, choose expertise, tenacious?”


The difficulty of the choice lies in the unknown after the selection, but Ye Qi knows very well about his current situation - in the case of a strong enemy, the obviously more inclined offensive expertise is more suitable for him; even if the meteorite expertise has a constitution + 1 advantage, but there are still some gaps compared with the increase in physical recovery in combat; to know that any battle in the final fight is physical strength, even if you can increase the physical strength by half, it is not as fast as the battle to the critical moment. Cost-effective.

After all, according to his calculations, if the physical strength is restored, ten minutes is enough for him to return to the peak state. If he cooperates with the specialty vampire, he can even guarantee that the four and four levels will be continuously released during this period of time. Magic below the level; of course, the premise is that there is enough space to cast.

Once again, I looked at the remaining skill points of 32. Ye Qi’s eyes looked at the expert-level cold weapons in an involuntary manner. Although the skill attribute points were obtained every time they were upgraded, it did not mean that they were not precious; instead, they reached the expert level. The cold weapon allowed him to understand the preciousness of the skill points; therefore, when it was not a last resort, he did not want to eventually evolve directly by using skill points to upgrade. And even if he wants to reach the expert-level cold weapon upgrade through skill points at the moment, I am afraid it is impossible.

According to the gradual progress, the more rules that require more skill points, the 30 points need to be upgraded to the proficiency level, and 50 skill points when the proficiency level is upgraded to the expert level, then the expert level is upgraded to The next stage is definitely more than fifty skill points, and the cold weapon expert and the remaining 32 skill points that he just reached 5 are definitely not enough.

Closed the character attribute bar, Ye Qihuai sitting on the floor with his knees and arms holding the knives and the sword of victory in the enchantment of the wind king, his eyes closed slightly into the rest state - want to go further, It is better to rest; although it is impossible to have a deep sleep because of the pursuit of the soldiers, it can still be done for a while; as for when to start? Then look at the chase behind! Because just now, he suddenly thought of a not too good, but not bad idea...


When several other districts have entered the midwinter, Shaker is still sunny and fragrant; the beloved horse is brought back to the stables, and together with Gronin, the best feed is put together, and the female cavalry commander is in the same place as the cavalry camp. The caretaker deliberately nodded and walked towards the center of the distant camp. If it was a normal time, she always regarded the horse as a partner, and she would personally take care of her horse and his horse. But today it is not. .

Because today is the day when the Rangers recruit new people. Although most of the Rangers were trained at the Hunter's Headquarters, they were not born in Shak, but from all regions; after all, this is Shak. For the rich collectors, orphans are rare.

In the past, the female cavalry chief who was the captain did not have to ask these things, but this year she has become the captain of the Ranger Camp, but she has to manage it personally - the captain and the captain may be just a word, but it is The difference is that the best thing is that the tent she stayed in was three times larger than the original, and it was equipped with high-end decoration and daily necessities; however, when she enjoyed the comfort brought by greater power, she did not Forget the burden of getting worse.

At the center of the camp, before she came, she was surrounded by unarmed rangers; this made the female cavalry chief unconsciously frowning - although the Rangers were free to move during the break and did not stipulate that they were not allowed to gather together. But it is not that the Rangers can be undisciplined, and the arguments have become like the reasons for tourists in the city of Shak.

However, when she pushed the crowd and saw more than a dozen well-dressed, energetic half-children standing in the middle, they immediately knew why the Rangers were here – because there were only a few of the dozen or so children. The majority of the boys, all of them are girls; although she was not the captain before, and did not personally guide the newcomers, this does not prevent her from being wrong; after all, the girls in previous years have never had three .

"Ears Captain!"

The cold-faced man in charge of the handover made a sigh of greetings to the female cavalry who came in; obviously, the effect of this greeting was obvious, and the surrounding messy moments became orderly; even just a few of them were most active. The Ranger also became unobtrusive at this moment, and his body was straight. The position of the female cavalry commander was not only because of the command of the Demon Hunter Headquarters, but also her personal force; at the contest in the Tower of Athletics The female cavalry commander convinced the knights in the entire ranger camp.

"These children are new members of this Ranger camp!" The cold-faced man is not facing Ye Although the sound is still cold, but there is no feeling of being close to people; and because The principle of fair-faced men’s fairness and due diligence is good in the entire Demon Hunter’s headquarters; and because the principle of the cold-faced man’s service is similar to that of the Knight’s Code, the female cavalry chief knows Ye Qi. It is a friend with the cold-faced man; even if the relationship between the female cavalry chief and Ye Qi is no longer a secret in the headquarters of the demon, it does not hinder the friendship between the two; therefore, the cold-faced male team female cavalry chief makes A goodwill reminder: "Even if your force is over them, because of your woman's identity, those people are not completely convinced..."

"So, do they even look down on women? Even the newcomers are not willing to accept women?"

Looking at the noodle man, the female cavalry chief did not feel angry - from the moment she became the captain, she knew that these things were unavoidable because of her gender; and faced with unconvinced people Challenge, she will never back down; since they look down on these girls, then she must let them look at each other.

"What is your name?" asked the female cavalry officer in front of one of the biggest girls; even the largest of the group, she still only reached the chest of the female cavalry; therefore, the girl she was asked Raised his head and confronted the female cavalry and said, "My name is Lancelot!"

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