Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 84: Enter the astral 2 in 1

The bridge on the other side, the entrance to the astral channel.

Compared with a week ago, it has completely changed. The empty space of the blue mist is overflowing with the instruments at this time. The core of these instruments is the 'Astrology', complete. 'Astrology' - After the addition of Ye Qi's components brought back from Long Island, the missing 'Astrology' has returned to a complete state, making the exploration and travel of the astral more efficient and safe.

Of course, there is no change in consumption. It is still a search for a thousand standard high-level magic crystals every time. For this consumption, Ye Qi has repeatedly confirmed, but even the old wizard can do nothing; and, the old wizard It is said that the original wizard also wanted to reduce the consumption of the 'asticon', but the result was a failure, not a real reduction.

Rather, once reduced, it will affect the efficiency of the ‘Astrologer’.

Obviously, such a reduction is far from keeping the status quo so good - Ye Qi, who is eager to find thirty ideal half-planes, strongly agrees with this statement.

"Yeki Lord!"

Fan Ersi, the assistant and disciple of the old wizard, carefully contrasted the drawings in his hand. After ten minutes, he raised his head and said: "In the scope of our exploration, there are two plane reactions... although Unable to determine the direction, but according to the wavelength, they are not moving very fast, which is very helpful for our exploration!"

"It means, can I leave?"

Ye Qi smiled and asked - in fact, in order to wait for this news, he has waited for nearly a week; and the ‘Astrology’ removes its own perfection. The operating cycle is also longer than he imagined. It takes 5-6 days. Only then can there be a complete cycle.

However, in the face of his unknown field, Ye Qi can only wait patiently.

Fortunately, such waiting is not in vain -

"Do you know the use of the locator?"

Vails asked.

"I have been familiar with it for a whole week!"

In Ye Qi's palm, the glass ball inlaid with dragon scales - this special glass ball, was called "positioning instrument" by the wizards.

As the name suggests. It is used to lock the position, and its locked position, after adjustment by the old wizard, is positioned on the bridge of the other shore.

Simply put, people who use the 'Locator' will not get lost in the boundless astral world.

Of course, the ‘positioning instrument’ is not omnipotent, and even has considerable limitations.

The most important one, if the strength does not reach immortality, once the ‘location instrument’ is used. It will definitely be swallowed up by the fog of the stars.

Just like the blue dragon leader of the Red Dragon King.

And this ‘positioning instrument’ in Ye Qi’s hands has something special – it can only be used by dragons!

In this regard, Ye Qi is not only curious. Even the wizards are curious, but because of the limited time and the uniqueness of the 'locator', it is impossible to do any excessive experimentation. Even in the crazy experimenter, facing Ye Qi’s knife, it can only be temporarily relegated. It is.

"The locator is not omnipotent in the astral world. It needs to absorb enough energy to operate. It is equivalent to one month of our time. Although there is no concept of time, the danger still exists, especially It’s those inexplicable presence... please be careful!”

Fan Ersi once again glared at Ye Qi.

In this regard, Ye Qi could not help but shrug his shoulders - for the good intentions of Vails, he certainly would not refuse, but for this wizard who tends to be jealous, Ye Qi is also helpless, he now fully understands the old wizard for himself Why did the disciples avoid it?

Absolutely annoyed.

After all, this is the seventh time the other party has slandered him.

"Do you still need any preparation?"

Versail asked again.

"I'm ready!"

Ye Qi is answering again.

When the chameleon took most of the people in the bar and moved into the bridge on the other side, there were not many things that could worry Ye Qi, and because of the addition of the chameleon, the management of the bridge on the other side was even more Don't worry, watching Ava's straight underarm pick into the Druid camp and starting another practice can understand that people who know the chameleon are so reassured about the ability of the chameleon.

Coupled with the emergence of the dragons, the strength of the bridge on the other side has grown tremendously. The bronze dragon of the immortal level is enough to cope with the troubles from Lorette; let alone his contract. Companion, this time seems to have the intention of using the bridge on the other side as a springboard.

The people who continued on the road entered the bridge on the other side, and then disappeared again.

It is not a true disappearance, but it has entered the twelve and a half planes. According to the words of his contractual companion, 15 million believers are placed there, and if they disregard, they will definitely Suffered from the sky.

In this regard, the other party gave a series of trivial things responsible for the transformation, shaping and so on, and after bargaining to Sanqi, Ye Qi agreed to the other party's request.

Occupy 70% of the proportion, and do not need to distract attention for other things.

This is definitely a very good choice for Ye Qi.

In fact, at the beginning, Ye Qi gave a nine, Ye Qijiu, and a wolf.

For such a distribution plan, the wolf is of course impossible to agree, even if one of them has 1.5 million believers - 1.5 million believers, according to the description of the wolf, it is quite large A resource, no **** will give up.

In fact, when you look at the Holy Forest, you know that millions of believers have determined the influence of the Holy See in Lorraine.

If, really, the 15 million believers are released, Lorante will definitely become a veritable kingdom of God; however, everything that Koscika does is destined to marry Ye Qi and his contract companions. clothes.

Of course, because of some doctrines, and the problems inherent in the semi-planet. This believer will definitely have a difference in the ratio of the conversion. But for Ye Qi who won't get anything. It is also absolutely huge - look at the existence of the wolf, which only occupies 30% of the number of believers, so that you can understand it with such ecstatic appearance.

Before the conversion of believers, the bridge on the other side of the springboard was naturally under the surveillance of the wolf.

Any existence that dares to shoot at the bridge on the other side at this time will be burnt out by the wrath of the wolf, whether from the outside or inside.

therefore. Ye Qi was very relieved to leave the bridge on the other side and enter the astral world.


The strong rotation and the feeling of vertigo appear in the physique that Ye Qi has reached the immortal level, and after such feeling disappears, Ye Qi stands in a void, black is the main color here. Some meteorites of different sizes float here, and not far behind him is a bright, oval sphere.

It is not very big, even compared with some meteorites that appear in Ye Qi's eyes, it is simply small.

but. According to the previous transmission, there is a bridge on the other side.

A bridge that can accommodate nearly 10,000 people. It seems to be like a star on the top of the head, small and shiny, while a powerful force maintains that bright color, making the meteorites and other existences in the astral world inaccessible.

The crystal wall, the wizards are so called.

Compared with the crystal wall of a truly complete plane, the crystal wall of the semi-planet and the plane of the plane can only be regarded as a crystal wall; otherwise, the legendary and immortal powers explored in the astral cannot enter it. The strength of the wall, its strength, far exceeds all existing imaginations.

It is like Lorante.

According to the wolf, the alien gods explored the existence of Lorante more than once, but they did not enter; the most important one was because of the existence of the crystal wall, it would take a lot of effort to pass through the crystal wall. The power, and once it enters the crystal wall, will inevitably be blocked by the local gods, and will certainly face the danger of corruption.

Therefore, any complete plane is as safe as a fortress.

Unless ... is broken from the inside.

Ye Qi obviously remembered the last sentence, the smile of his contract companion ecstasy - obviously, the other party should have done something similar.

However, such a thing, for the current Ye Qi, is obviously not important -

"Is this the astral?"

After meditation in the bottom of his heart, Ye Qi began to call the contract companion in the bottom of his heart; as the first trip to the astral world, Ye Qi did not mind having a guide next to him.

What's more, his contract companion is far more competent than the average guide.

At least, I can point him to a clear road.

"I heard, the troublesome guy... Don't you know that I am in the mid-level planes, is it going to the most critical moment?"

The wolf replied with impatience after being interrupted, and then the next moment was reflected.


In such a slightly surprised tone, Ye Qi felt the change in his heart. His contractual companion observed the surroundings through the power of the contract, and then sighed with a familiar feeling.

For such sighs, Ye Qi has long been accustomed to it.

Anyone who once stood at the top of the peak, after being beaten down in the clouds, faced with everything that was familiar in the past, would have such a sigh.

“Can you sense half-plane or face-level debris?”

Ye Qi asked very directly.

"Why don't you ask me if I can control the astral?" The strange wave replied with no anger. "The astral is a very special existence, even if we explore it, it stays at the cognitive stage, only know It is constantly growing, countless planes, half planes, plane fragments, destruction is born again, and then destroyed after birth, so the cycle is repeated..."

"We can't find any really meaningful direction here except for the planes, half-planes, and planes that leave our breath. Do you need a suggestion?"

Said, the strange wolf suddenly said.

"What advice?"

Ye Qi asked with a wink.

"In the astral world, luck is always more important than strength. Just pick a direction and go ahead. After all, there is a target behind you!" The wolf said in a good tone of your luck, "And, your There is also the legacy of the wizard in the hand. This is compared with other people. It is already lucky!"

"If I can. I don't mind being even more fortunate!"

Ye Qi said in a faint voice - Ye Qi is very clear about his understanding of his contract companions, and the other party is doing a prelude to a business.

As the other side said, things like controlling the stars can't be done even by God.

But within a certain range, the presence of some planes is sensed, but it is impossible to have a god, even an incomplete god, with the power of faith. This silk is not completely concealed.

After all, the wizards can do it, the gods will not be too far apart, or even better.

Otherwise, the so-called gods have already been wiped out by the wizards who were full of resentment!

"You know, after being sealed, my strength has plummeted. I need more faith now..."

The wolf said with two strange smiles.

“The 30% that I gave you before is already a limit for me – I think we are going to trade more for us. We need to be more calm!”

Ye Qi said slowly in an inexplicable tone.

"What do you mean?"

There is a mystery in the words of the wolf.

"Don't forget, what am I doing now - in order to avoid a disaster. Residents on the migration to Lorante... If you think that the residents of Lorante have turned into believers, what would it look like; Can you imagine the 10,000 believers?"

Ye Qiyu is slow and describes a beautiful picture for the wolf.

"Wait, stinky boy! Don't lie to me with such words... I know, this is what I am best at!" The grotesque wolf muttered, but the next moment, still couldn't help but ask: " Do you think the possibility of doing this is great? You represent the demon hunter, but there is still the highest government, and even if there is any accident, even the demon hunter will not stand behind you..."

"Things are artificial!"

Facing the road to the strange wolf, Ye Qi said naturally, a casual look, but it seems to have full confidence.

"Okay, your plan..."

"My plan is still only for me to know, but now you only need to show your sincerity!"

Ye Qi interrupted the words of the wolf, and said it straightforwardly.

“Why, I will feel cheating?”

The wolf hesitated.

“You can choose to believe in your instinct, or choose to work with me... this is a very simple choice and doesn't need to be that hard!”

Ye Qi smiled - the smile almost coincided with the profiteers in memory.

With a big, beautiful goal, in front of the chaser, telling them how beautiful it is, how beautiful it is, let them catch up and catch up; the only thing that is not told is the hardship, and after halfway There will be no consequences.

It’s no need to be sure about the geeks of the wolves.

However, the same, the savage wolf has its own weakness: believers; or the power of faith - before the face of the fierceness of the 15 million believers, Ye Qi instantly took me to the other side What do you want?

This is not the same as the previous revenge!

Because of the contractual relationship, he and the other party are a grasshopper on the rope. Even if they don't contribute, the name of the opponent's old opponent will appear on the list.

Therefore, in the face of such a helpless result, he may only be standing beside his own contract companion and choose to fight the opponent's old opponent.

However, apart from this helpless and acceptable outcome, some things are not the same.

At its simplest, when he encounters some problems, the wolf always gives some paid help. Although the problem is solved every time, such a solution is essentially Ye Qi himself paying a big deal. section.

Therefore, if possible, Ye Qi does not mind giving the wolf a same experience.

But unfortunately, apart from revenge, the wolf does not have the weakness that Ye Qi can grasp—although for most things, he has shown his interest, but Ye Qi knows that one of them is optional. Randomness.

Use those things as a weakness to the wolf.

The result is naturally imaginable.

However, this time is different - in the face of the fanaticism of believers, Ye Qi understands that his chances are coming.

And in fact. It’s much simpler than Ike’s own imagination. Almost a few simple words. His contract companion was hooked up - some of the backhands that Ye Qi had prepared were not used at all.

However, this is not proof, is Ye Qi's correctness?

In this regard, Ye Qi reported with a smile - the contract made them have to stand on the same front, but this does not mean selfless help, mutual benefit is the main purpose of the two sides can live in peace for a long time.

It is like facing a situation that may arise in the future.

Ye Qi is sure to let the demon hunter stand on his side, but what about the huge population of civilians?

Coupled with some deliberate confusion?

Although I don't care about that power. It only needs to be killed again, but if possible, it is better to prevent it before it happens!

And to achieve this better result, to establish a useful belief, seems to be more appropriate than the general organization's high points; after all, those civilians are too simple, kind, only need to be slightly The incitement, they will use their own lives as a price to give those people the greatest benefit.

This result. Ye Qi is absolutely unwilling to see it.

Therefore, almost a moment I thought of my own contract companion - let a god. Even if it is a **** that has been sealed, to establish a sect of faith, is there a more appropriate choice than this? Especially when this sect is in your own hands.

As for the so-called sect core?

‘Community’ ‘Help’

St. Paul gave Ye Qi endless revelation.

Of course, this is the next thing, now he needs only one direction -

"Standing in the direction you are at the moment, heading toward your right hand, you will soon gain something... What is the plan?"

The strange wolf said as he talked again.


"Cheats! You are a big liar! Grateful? What is gratitude? Can gratitude be exchanged for faith? Don't you know that human beings are the best creatures forgotten? Any good for them, the favors given, only those who give them will remember Live, they remember now, and they will be forgotten in the future!"

After hearing Ye Qi’s so-called “grateful plan,” the wolf was screaming straight.

The excitement seems to be that Grande has lost all his savings.

"Now remember, isn't that enough for us?" Ye Qi did not care to send his shoulders, while advancing in the direction pointed by the wolf, and said: "Is it not taught that you are good at it? Let Everyone becomes a grateful person, and it’s not difficult for people who know the pictograms?"

After a pause, Ye Qi said again.

"Or... you think you are not sure about the task of completing this teaching?"

"This kind of radical method is really naive!"

The strange wolf snorted and said with disdain.

"So... do you still do it?"

Ye Qi smiled, asked like this.

"Of course! I have given my own investment. If I don't do it, isn't it worth it?"

The strange wolf shouted loudly.

"That's good, once again, I wish you a happy cooperation!"

“Happy cooperation!”

Ye Qi smiled and said, and the wolf was muttering, and it took a long time to say a word; after that, the wolf once again disappeared from the heart of Ye Qi - the power of the contract, can make Ye Qi clear Perceived, in the land of the seal, the wolf fell into a deep sleep.

Or, by sleeping, put your incomplete projection into a believer and enter one of the twelve half-planes.

Step by step to eat.

This is the way that the wolf and Ye Qi mentioned, and, very frankly, it will go to those half-faces in person - it is from this point that Ye Qi noticed that the wolf is for millions of believers, The emphasis shown.

However, the plan has been finalized at this moment, and Ye Qi wishes that his contract companion can be completed smoothly.

In the same way, Ye Qi also hopes that he can return home. After all, this is the first time to enter the astral world - although the first time will not determine the final result.

However, if there is a good start, Ye Qi is absolutely not mindful.


However, the facts are never changed by any hopes or expectations -

In the calculation according to Lorante, it took about twenty days ((the time of the astral is static compared to any plane, at this moment according to the time of Lorante)). Ye Qi found the first plane to respond.

This is a plane fragment.

There is no ecological environment suitable for human or mixed blood. It is a river full of magma. The red one made Ye Qi just look it up, and after making a mark, he gave up - instead of using the plane anchor, he used the 'locator'.

It is different from the lock after the plane anchor enters.

The energy of the 'Locator' can be attached to the crystallographic wall to lock the presence of the plane.

Of course, the result of this is that the ‘positioning instrument’ has just accumulated some power. Once again, it is close to being warned; however, positioning the first plane in the astral, even if it is a plane fragment, such emptying is worthwhile in Ye Qi; after the 'positioning instrument' is collected Ye Qi has set off again.

This time it took about ten days to find the second plane to respond.

Again, this is also a plane fragment.

More coincidentally, there is no ecological environment suitable for human or mixed blood, purple gas. The eroded land made Ye Qi very wise to use the Locator to lock it. I gave up, and the gas-filled plane was almost indistinguishable from the previous magma.

When ordinary people go in, they are all dead words.

The two planes in the 'Astrology' search range have failed in succession, which makes Ye Qi a little helpless - even if he is mentally prepared and faces failure, such emotions are still inevitable; However, after a few adjustments, Ye Qi quickly recovered to normal and invested in the next exploration.

The second positioning of the ‘positioning instrument’ has completely emptied the energy. To return to the bridge on the other side, it is necessary to wait for one month of charging.

As for the plane anchor?

It is useless in the astral world and must be entered into the plane to be used.

The previous magma plane, there is no place to settle, the plane anchor is cast, and it has to be melted before it plays a role, and the toxin plane is similar. The strong corrosion will make the plane anchor work. Before, it was eroded.

However, even the ability to cast a plane anchor.

Ye Qi will also hesitate - he did not find a suitable ecological environment, he is always unwilling.

After two consecutive known plane reaction points have not been harvested, Ye Qi in the next exploration, as the wolf said, by luck.

However, it is clear that Ye Qi’s luck is not very good.

For twenty days, he was surrounded by deep black, without any flash of planes, and occasionally, it was just a meteorite.

Just like the first time facing the magnificent sea, people always admire, but once the time is extended without limit, such admiration will be replaced by the boring one-size-fits-all.

The same is true of the astral world.

Ye Qi faces the darkness that cannot be expelled and can only adapt. It is like those who have been sailing for a year and a long time. Lonely and lonely are filled with his heart, even in recent days, Qi had to find a group of meteorites to rule out such loneliness.

After all, compared to the plane, the meteorite group is more common in the astral world.

At the speed of Ye Qi almost every day, or every other day will encounter one, the only difference is just the size.


Ye Qi, who is advancing in the astral world, can't help but smile when he sees the strangeness in the black in front. It is always gratifying to find differences in the same way.

And in such a joy, there is no shortage of accidents.

When there was a glimmer of light in the meteorite group, Ye Qi immediately widened his eyes - the plane!

Almost no more inspections are needed, and Ye Qi can know what it stands for; after all, the only thing that can shine in the astral is just a plane.

As for the semi-position or the plane fragments?

This requires personal verification. After all, it is difficult to find the size of the plane itself in the astral view of the plane. They all look similar.

Remove, complete plane.

The complete plane covered by the real crystal wall has different brilliance and size, which can be recognized at a glance - this is a description of the wolf, but it has not been seen before, even if he grew up in Lorraine. The same is true; after all. If you want to see the real Lorraine.

Then you must break through the crystal wall of Lord.

For Ye Qi at the moment. This is not impossible to accomplish. But it is definitely not worth the loss - it will permanently lose 10% to 30% of the power.

This is also the reason why the original gods used projection and leaning over.

As for the crystal wall?

Although they have similar strengths, they are all temporary. Once they leave, or completely control the core, such suppression will disappear.

The plane in front of the eye is obviously a crystal-like wall similar to the bridge on the other side.

Facing the surprise, Ye Qigang is preparing to go forward, and the sudden fluctuations in [Blind Sense]. But he stopped his footsteps - the waves were very hidden, obviously with hidden meaning.

Bait and trap?

Ye Qi looked at the bright and shiny plane in front of him, feeling the more concealed fluctuations, and could not help but slightly narrow his eyes.

Although the environment in which it has changed has changed countlessly, the scene in front of him inexplicably reminds Ye Qi of a lasso thrown in the bushes, which has been thrown away from the flesh, and once the hunger-like prey is close, The lasso will tighten in the first place and lift the prey high.

leftover. It is only the joy of the hunter, and the mourning of the prey.

The forward figure stopped. Ye Qi stood on a rock, and with his omnipresent darkness, he silently concealed his figure.

Hunters and prey.

They are never constant, they will be transformed at any time, and the opportunity for transformation is just patience.

Ye Qi will never lack patience, and, compared to pure patience, Ye Qi has more means - after the simple communication with Shadow Knight No. 1, the shadow creatures are moving toward the other side with the darkness.

Different from ordinary humans and mixed blood, it does not reach the limit that the legend cannot enter the astral.

Shadow creatures have no such restrictions at all, and even in the darkness of the stars, they appear to be more and more like water.


A bark like a beast suddenly rang and showed his figure, and the shadow creature completed his mission unscathed and returned to Ye Qi’s shadow.

A dead star traveler?

Looking at the other person's shape similar to human beings, but full of negative energy, Ye Qi quickly made a judgment.

There is no time in the astrology, age, hunger, thirst, poison and natural recovery.

However, there is death.

And more is wealth - every aspect that can be applied is an inexhaustible wealth.

Therefore, the number of travelers in the astral world will never be less, or even quite a lot, except that in most cases, they have not returned to their hometown.

Maybe it’s lost, maybe it’s a problem.

However, no matter what happens, the final result is still death.

In the astral world, death is not a rare thing. It is just a form of self-development of the astral world. The destruction and rebirth of the plane has already explained everything.

Of course, after the death of the Star Travelers, it is not a hundred.

The ability to travel in the astral world represents their own strength, and such power is always a privilege – for example, a chance to come back again.

However, it is clear that there is no such opportunity in front of this soul that is like a beast roaring.

Or, it should have been, but because of the endless time, the reason is worn out, and then the rest is only instinct.

Of course, without the starvation of hunger and thirst, the instinct of birth is more prolonged -

For example: killing!

It is as if now, the dead soul with its own tyranny, toward Ye Qi, may not feel anything, but this does not mean that it does not do.

Losing the sensible walking dead is always so sad, but it is very horrible.

For Ye Qi, who was born in the demon hunter, it would not be soft to solve such a dead spirit.

At the moment of passing by the other side, the golden flash suddenly flashed, and then the appearance of thousands of golden arrows made the dead soul completely annihilated.

Compared to pure physical strikes, [the field of the sun] is clearly more suitable.

Looking at the disappearance of the other side, Ye Qi did not rush to the flashing plane, but began to look around the meteorite group.

Star travellers will not die for no reason.

Unless they have an attack. And because the astral does not have the concept of time, natural recovery. It is not uncommon to die from injury; the same. A wounded person is obviously unable to travel long distances.

Therefore, the other's body is likely to be nearby.

As for why is it so sure?

Ye Qi’s gaze was swept away from the plane that radiated light – it seemed to contain an extraordinary crisis.

Even Ye Qi’s mind appeared. The Star Traveler discovered the information behind the plane and then rushed in. He encountered some unrecognized crises, although he finally left. There. But he died in the astrology because of the injury.

Of course, this is just a guess of Ye Qi.

To prove this, Ye Qi still needs to go to the other's body - the body can tell a qualified demon person a lot of things.

However, if there are records such as notes and diaries, Ye Qi does not mind.

When you die, there are always creatures that will inevitably leave behind some legacy.

Of course, Ye Qi did not hold much hope - the basis of communication is words and language, and Ye Qi can't count on his Loland lingua franca, which can be as common in the astral world.

In the meteorite group. Shuttle back and forth, Ye Qi used nearly one day. I found the body.

In addition to the large range of meteorites, more of this corpse is carefully hidden, so that Ye Qi spent so much time - inside a meteorite with a diameter of more than three hundred yards, Ye Qi looked around Such corridors, as well as the downward caverns of the past, are obviously not naturally formed.

It should be that the body escaped from here and was excavated.

However, looking at the traces in front of the eyes, Ye Qi has a doubt at the bottom of his heart - he can have enough time to dig such a cave, obviously the injury should not be the point of serious injury; or ... to dig such a cave, For other purposes?

When Ye Qi entered the depths of the cave and watched the apparently two human bodies on the ground, he immediately solved his doubts.

The corpse excavated such a cave, concealing the hole, and obviously guarding other people.

Even the corpse became a corpse because of the people he was guarding!

A plane piece is enough to be such a motive!

Looking down, Ye Qi carefully looked at the two bodies in front of him - there is no time for the blessings in the Xingjie world. The two bodies did not rot, and they were well preserved. They were all before the death of the other, and they also looked through each other. Ye Qicai can identify the identity of the other person.

After the face recognition, Ye Qi found the one that had become the undead before.

After carefully looking around the body and confirming that there were no traps, Ye Qi started the search.

Soon, Ye Qi found a lot of valuable items from the two bodies - magic equipment, props, and two notebooks.

Naturally, Ye Qi opened the notes that belonged to the undead.

Then, very strange, Ye Qi found the above text, turned out to be Lorante's lingua franca!

Such a discovery made Ye Qi stunned, and then again looked at the two bodies in front of him; this time Ye Qi once again found a difference, although the other's costumes are different from the costumes of Lorante at the moment. But it has a similar place to the costumes of the late dark ages.

Especially the one who became the undead after death, if the robe is not such a long and completely rested on the ground, then it is no different from the wizard's robe!

Related to Lorante?

With such doubts Ye Qi once again put his eyes on the notes in his hands.

Ps two in one chapter ~

In the afternoon, there was a power outage. In the middle part, the decadence was done with the mobile phone code. Then, when I called, I found that it had exceeded 5,000 words. So, I thought about it for a decade, and I just got a two-in-one chapter.

Saying, Happy, you are too pitted, 1w2 reminder to throw 20 or 20, and throw it down... Also tempted decadent and unexpectedly added rewards... Really too pit! ! !

I looked at it with tears and tears, and then silently told myself to get the reminder of tomorrow and the additional rewards - um, sure!

People live to have a pursuit~

So, decadent 1w2 update tomorrow!

Thanks to the unnamed Tiandao Happy 1888 starting point, the prodigal son of the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~Decadence again Thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~ ~ (To be continued..)

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