Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 87: Invitation letter

Ye Qi holds a lot of skepticism about the existence of the emperor Principality.

After all, according to the information he now has, the Nick Dagong can be described as a hostile enemy. One of the most trusted advisers has been dragged by the high-sex king. The latter is cruel, but it is full of strength, not just powerful. And there is a huge army enough to surrender the Gothic parties.

That god, similar to the Holy See's Holy See, collapsed under the other's army.

If, in Lorante, the Holy See established the kingdom of theocracy, then in Gothic, the kingship is supreme. Under the latter rule, Ye Qi did not believe that Nick Duke and the so-called Emerald Principality. It can still exist; for the rule of its rule, no matter who the superior is, it will not allow some 'crisis' to exist.

Even those ‘criges’ are too small to be ignored.

Just as if you are facing an ant, you will not pay attention to it, but when the ant blocks the way you are going, it is an instinct to just lift your foot and step on it.

Obviously, according to the simple description of the golden knight in front of the Nick Dagong, the latter will undoubtedly become an ant like this - this is not because there is no self-knowledge, but because of the conviction of the bottom of the heart, the change into obsession In this regard, Ye Qi expressed admiration, but there is nothing to do.

The astral world has no time to pass.

But Lorante and Goethez have it!

In this half-plane, the opposite gold knight has spent nearly 30 years - for the situation at the time, not to say that it is thirty years, three months is enough to distinguish the winner, one party occupied A land with a full plane of more than 80% of the land, resources, and population, the other party is only less than 20%, and the two are formed by alliances.

The outcome is basically clear at a glance.

However, Ye Qi does not say this, especially in the face of some ridiculous Cavaliers believers, if he said it is an idiot.

therefore. He just sent a simple invitation.

For the care of idiots, you also need to choose the way the idiot can accept.

This is the valuable experience that Ye Qi has gained after facing the ‘misunderstanding’ of the female cavalry for several times.

"Oh... good!"

After a slight hesitation, Ai Lu, the former golden knight, nodded, and this made Ye Qi show a smile.

"Lorante will make you like it... After all, it is not much different from Goethes!" Ye Qi said as he walked toward the plane anchor. The tone is careless. "Lorrant has been to Goethez, you know?"

"Well, some very powerful wizards are golden orders...Lorante is a legendary name? Each of them is not only knowledgeable, but also exceptionally kind. It makes Gotze's original wizards greatly beneficial; It’s just...” Ai Lu nodded and said what he knew about the Lorraine sorcerer, but in the end, the brow was a wrinkle.

"what happened?"

Ye Qi asked - he always used to question the questions he was interested in.

“Theology believes that these “outsiders” are the apostles of the devil, and they pursued and slaughtered these wizards and those who followed them.”

Ai Lu’s face is a bit ugly. This undoubtedly proves that the situation at the time was an unacceptable appearance.

"This is it!"

Ye Qi sighed slightly.

Ye Qi has certain speculations about the practices and intentions of the dark dynasty wizards to Goethes. According to the situation of the wizards at the time, except for the experiments of exploring unknown fields, it is more in Ye Qi’s view. Seeking help; in the face of the battle of the gods, the wizards are obviously not as confident as the outside world.

And finally...

They met other believers in God.

Every complete plane has ever appeared in the gods, whether it is fallen or left!

The attitude of the gods to other creatures in the plane is self-evident. To put it simply, the gods of Lorante are not excessive for the creatures of Lorante including humans.

Of course, it is only compared to other planes.

For example: Goethez -

"Is the believers of the gods very powerful?"

Ye Qi asked in the words of the other party.

"They are not strong in themselves. Most of them don't even have the strength of the Cavaliers. Only a few are in the silver and gold ranks; however, the gods they believe in will give them unlimited help - through faith, prayer, ordinary People can gain the power of the knight, the silver order becomes the golden order, and the golden order becomes the heavenly order!"

Ai Lu said that there was a disdain on his face.

"For this kind of strength that you don't get. You feel disgusted?"

Ye Qi asked.

"No, for such strength gains, it is not for nothing - they are giving their lives... Every prayer is at the expense of life, and the battle of the gods is even more so, each time for their own The **** of faith, the young man on the battlefield, but when a battle is over, it will become an old man who is old!"

Ai Lu shook his head and his face looked more and more disgusted.

"And, the priests of the gods are preaching that these believers will enter the kingdom of God, but the kingdom of God is too great, and tens of millions of people have not filled it there... or, they are too greedy, Need more servants to go to serve - the sun **** there, every month will let the believer choose a beautiful, young virgin as a scorpion, sacrifice it to it, even if its wife should be Luna, but performance Don't care, even the gods of the night sky are asking for similar things, because they preach that if there are not enough priests, the light will disappear... For this, the people of the Temple of the Sun remain silent!"

"Every lie needs more lies!"

I know the true meaning of the so-called gods, and understand the true face of the goddess, a seemingly harmonious multi-god, but in essence it is only a product of compromise after all parties. Weifu, but in the face of real war, when their lies are out of action, it is time for them to perish.

"I heard that the high king defeated the gods?"

Ye Qi asked with a smile.

"This is a cruel guy, the only good thing I have ever done!" Ai Lu answered like this. Then, the former Golden Knight paused and asked: "Is the **** of Lorante disappearing?"

“It’s not in the true sense of disappearance, part of the fall, part of the exile, and some are sealed!”

Ye Qi answered honestly.

In the face of such frank answers, Ai Lu’s face showed a hint of envy, obviously. For the golden knight, the control of the gods is so worthy of eagerness.

"Don't worry, everything needs a process - the emergence of the King of the High is a start!"

Ye Qi swayed at Ai Lu and waved his hand and said with a smile.


Ai Lu, obviously, did not really experience her disputes with the gods. I can't understand Ye Qi's words.

"Oh, this question... I think someone will answer you - the kind and knowledgeable wizards in your mouth, their descendants are being guests at me, and for the visitors of Goethe, they will be welcome... of course I think you can wear Hocha's robes, or do you think I appreciate my windbreaker?"

Ye Qi said, his spare apostle trench coat and the robes of the traitor appeared in his hand, one in the left hand and one in the right hand, and the light of the plane anchor was opened in this colorful robes and deep black trench coat. Upstream, with their different brilliance, no doubt the former should be more in line with the lady's aesthetic.

Just like the peacock that opened the screen, the color is always eye-catching.

but. Ai Lu chose Ye Qi's trench coat.

There is nothing too much to say, just because the golden knight hates the traitor - the peacock has a ticket but it is around, but it is just a bare butt, and the chicken that has been hairless. What is it? There is even worse.

After all, the chicken can feed a millet. The peacock is to be carefully managed and will not lay eggs.


The return of Ye Qi surprised the wizards who stayed behind the bridge, and saw Elu, who was next to Ye Qi. It is even more open; obviously, the wizards can't understand why Ye Qi, who left alone to go to the astral world, will return with a lady, and it seems that the dress worn by the lady is also the windbreaker on Ye Qi.

However, very quickly, with the simple conversation between Ye Qi and Vails about the harvest, the surprise of the wizards is offset!

Did you actually find a half-face suitable for living?

Such doubts appeared in the minds of the wizards for the first time. Then, they were amazed at Ye Qi’s luck.

However, the next moment, these wizards looked at Ai Lu's gaze, and there was a slight change.


It turned out to be Goethe!

For the wizards, especially the wizards of the wizards, Godez is not a secret - in the library of the old wizard's tower, there are many records about Goethe, although the words are unknown, but the wizards For the existence of Goethez, it is not doubtful.

Even because such speech is unknown, it has deepened the curiosity of the wizards.

The wizard, although it believes in wisdom, but the most important one in the branch of wisdom is curiosity - there is no doubt. After all, the beginning of any learning wisdom is because of curiosity.

However, despite the inner curiosity, the wizards really wanted to talk to the golden knight in front of the Goethe.

However, with the low drink of Vails, all the wizards returned to their positions and manipulated the instruments in front of them.

Compared with the old wizard of harmony, the strict Vails is undoubtedly even more frightening.

"Yeki, please come with me!"

Even if he is now on the other side of Ye Qi's bridge, but the head of the wizard is still meticulous, even one-on-one.

He first used the wizard's etiquette to welcome Ye Qi's return, and then made a gesture of asking. After Ye Qimai stepped, he followed Ye Qi's body and walked toward the old wizard's residence—although Ye Qi wanted to. Telling the other party, this does not require the other party's accompaniment, but in the face of Vail's unsmiling face, Ye Qi naturally chose to give up such persuasion.

And Ai Lu, who is walking next to Ye Qi, is obviously a bit nervous.

Although Ai Lu is a golden knight, according to Lorante, it is a legendary strongman, but sometimes the tension and strength in his heart are not linked, especially when he has set foot on some long-awaited places. - For Lorante. Ai Lu’s cognition remains on those who are kind and knowledgeable, and even this is almost the impression that Ai Lui has on Lorante.

And this impression, when she entered the bridge on the other side, was not disappointed.

After all, the full-fledged alchemy instrument, there are many busy wizards. It is the same as the picture she guessed.

Even the serious existence of Vails is the same.

A group of kind wizards must have a serious leader - this is a proverb of Goethe, and Ai Lu from Goethez undoubtedly admits such a discourse.

Of course, soon, Ai Lu’s attention was placed on the bridge on the other side.

undoubtedly. Whether it is for the Lorants or the Goths, the bridges on the other side are quite special. The floating platform of the block, the starry sky above the head, and the darkness around the stars are all like this.

but. More people who are attracted to Ai Lu’s attention are the people on the other side of the bridge!

Each one is the strength of the silver order, and at first glance all look strong.

The subconscious Ai Lu is compared with Goethe, and then it is a slight shake of the head - it is clear that the strength of either side of Goethe is not comparable to the bridge on the other side.

Unless it is united...

This idea has already appeared, and the gold knight of Ai Lu shook his head again.

Whether it is her loyal Nick Dagong, or the high-sex king, it seems to be a fire. How can it be united?

Unless there is a so-called miracle.

And Goddess's gods have already been torn apart under the attack of the high-sex king. How can there be so-called miracles?

Therefore, that is impossible!

With the negation of the bottom of my heart, Ai Lu walked and watched. When she came to a huge floating platform and stepped on the steps, she suddenly saw a moment. The strongest of the heavenly and golden steps appeared in her. In front of. Even when she was shocked, she was more and more bitter.

Even the Cavaliers will be victorious!

They may not have the intention of aggression, but the subconscious comparison is inevitable, especially for a knight born in the war years.

"Yeki Lord!"

Blood Alliance Tower. And the dragons greeted Ye Qi, and Ye Qi returned the ceremony, and then smiled and introduced Ai Lu to the front of them - for the shock of Ai Lu’s heart, it’s natural to have it. Ye Qi, who knows blindly, is actually deliberately in a sense.

Ai Lu, adhering to the knight's creed, can be trusted.

But on Goethe, there is definitely more than one person. The so-called Nick Dagong and Gao Saiwang are not ambitious people. As for the difference between the two? In Ye Qi's view, at least a good cover, one is only a calm expression, if faced with an unknown vast territory, their ideas are absolutely the same at that moment.

Of course, perhaps these two have already been turned into dust - in the unknown war, anything can happen.

However, more ambitions on Goethez, or beautify some, the superiors are obviously still fighting; otherwise, the half-face of Ai Lu should have been occupied by the people of Goethe, or it may be... The Nick Dagong did not tell other people about this.

But this is just a guess.

With the return of Ai Lu, everything will be different - Ye Qi believes that the old wizard can definitely help Ai Lu return to his hometown, just as the other party can repair the 'Astrology' ‘Locator’.

Therefore, through the other's mouth, describing the power of Lorante, Ye Qi does not mind.

At the very least, in the short term, Ye Qi does not want to see more enemies - although this does not change as his will changes, but Ye Qi can reduce this probability.

The Blood League Tower and the Dragons did not go to the old wizard's residence, just waiting for Ye Qi quietly under the stairs - they were also curious about Ye Qi's trip to the astral world, although for the astral world everything It was stopped, but for Lorante, Ye Qike had already left for a month and even missed Lorante's Midwinter Festival.

According to Lorant's solar terms, most of the winter has passed, and spring is coming.


“Welcome to you, Ms. Ai Lu from Gondz!”

After Ye Qi gave a brief introduction, the old wizard stood up with a flash of surprise and slowly stood up.

"It is my pleasure to see Master!"

At the moment when the old wizard stood up, Ai Lu performed a standard knight's ceremony - facing the elders who perfectly matched the image in their own mind, and the respect shown by Ye Qi, the golden knight, obviously carrying Quite a ceremonial, even a simple knight, thinks that this time represents the entire Gothic, and no longer an individual.

Therefore, even a subtle movement in the conversation afterwards becomes a one-on-one look.

"I think our conversation should be a bit more enjoyable - Ye, don't you mind giving me another pot of honey tea?"

Feeling the tension of the opposite knight, the old wizard smiled and waved at Ye Qi.

Although many people are not necessarily the cause of tension, private conversations can definitely be relaxed.

Ye Qi, who knows this well, immediately nodded and said: "Of course!"

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

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