Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 98: Cold

The seven old family members of the seven families of Qiulin District rushed toward the Knights of the Holy Dragon.

The queue of the first two and the last five, the choice of these seven old roads, shows the plain - the road of the warrior, the road of the wizard, a choice that can only be clearly understood after the extraordinary situation.

Even if it is the peak of the Japanese glory, it is vague and incomprehensible when it does not take that step.

As for being informed in advance?

It is also useless. Their own talents and ability limitations have already been locked up at the moment they awakened. However, fortunately, in some organizations and forces, there are some special methods. Make this choice clearer.

The groping that has gone through hundreds of years of experience, summed up the way of cultivation, is enough to influence the final choice.

Of course, this is only an impact, but it does not reduce the degree of entry. The only advantage is that the legendary powerhouse who enters the extraordinary situation will move forward more smoothly.

At the very least, the ‘newly’ legendary powerhouses who chose the Wizarding Road will not be stuck in the realm of the shackles.

The legendary powerhouses who have passed through this embarrassing realm are now showing their own strengths - the corrosion, acid, and poison of negative energy, which is the dark light, and the positive energy is violent. The flames, explosions, and the loud sounds.

A layer of brightly colored shields appeared on the armor of the members of the Holy Dragon Knights. Then, just as the stream flows into the lake, the bright shields quickly merge with each other to form a larger shield. . When the attacks of the family members belonging to the seven major families fell on it. Layers of ripples spread out.

The Blue Knights and Nusti ignored these attacks—the ones who personally examined the toughness of the helmets that came with them. Quite reassuring that within a short period of time, it will not be broken; but this does not mean that they can ignore everything around them.

After all, compared with the legendary powerhouse who chose the extraordinary path of the Warrior Road, the legendary strongman who chose the extraordinary path of the Wizarding Road, although the attack is huge and eye-catching. But in fact, what really needs to be guarded is the more legendary powerhouse who relies on the body and cooperates with the ability to choose the path of the warrior.

If you give an example, then the legendary powerhouses who chose the Wizarding Way are standing in the clear, releasing their own attacks in a single eye, and the legendary strongmen who chose the Warrior Road are free to do whatever they want, they can at any time. Attack, defense, just like the assassin hidden.

Although most of the legendary powerhouses who chose the Warrior Road will not do this. However, the enemies they are facing now do not think so.

In the process of rushing forward. Then the attack of the five legendary powerhouses behind them was used as a cover. The two legendary strongmen who chose the road of the warriors disappeared into the front of the Knights of the Holy Dragon. The vision of the blue knight belongs to the dead. The first moment of the beginning, it was turned on again.

Once again, the naked eye turned into a fire of the soul, and the beating of the soul, he told the position of the two hidden legendary powerhouses through the power of the contract, and the latter immediately nodded and left the body. The palm is placed on the ground in front of you.


In the slightly dull and rushing sound, the ground suddenly disappeared from the ground outside the Knights of the Dragon. Two legendary strongmen who had hidden their bodies once again appeared. One of them also had a head on it. With a hint of grass mustard, and the other one is not much better.

However, the faces of these two legendary powers are with a hint of smile -

"The earth control? The Harlan family, handed it to you!"

Such words were clearly passed out, and the home of another seven families floating in the air fell on the ground.

As his feet fell on the ground, within the range of hundreds of yards with the radius of his feet as the center of the circle, suddenly the earth composed of mud changed rapidly!

More compact and hard, when the final glimmer appeared, the Dick family, the Thor family and the defenders who watched the battle in the distant Red Leaf City all exclaimed in unison: "The earth has become steel!"


Alaro Dick, Little Thor and Old Thor have changed their faces at the same time.

For the mutual restraint of the power between the apostles, this phenomenon has always existed, starting from the star level, until the moon, the sun, and even the legend, even... immortal.

Of course, they don't know about immortality.

However, the ability to face before is actually real!

"The two old families of the previous seven families were hiding for temptation?"

Little Thor whispered to his father.

"Well, blind battles are not the best choice when the number of people is dominant. With some small methods and techniques, after listening to the enemy's gains, the second battle is the best choice!"

Old Thor answered his nod, but the father did not forget the embarrassment of the Dick family's eldest daughter at this time, but did not say it all, but left room for his son to think. .

"Why are they doing this? Why... they want to win?"

After Tol’s whispered two sentences, he suddenly looked up and looked at his father.

"Yes, they want to win - only by relying on this victory, can they prove to the Qiulin District that the seven families are great and inviolable!"

Old Thor replied softly, but there was a sarcasm in the discourse that was inquiring about inquiries - Thor, the name of only the surname, which is undoubtedly from the depths of the Qiulin District, but at the moment they are in the autumn The edge of the forest area, what happens naturally is self-evident.

And precisely because of this, the old Tol as the patriarch is clear about the means of the seven great families.

Even if this is not his personal experience, it is just a record of some words.

The stroke between the texts represents the rise and fall of the Thor family and represents the life of the Thor family.

"Little Thor. Remember!" Old Thor took a deep breath. Suddenly said. "The family is just a collection, not a home!"

There is no end to one, but Little Thor is very clear and nodded: "Fiss told me that the father of the family is my loved one, and the others are bad people who are speculative, do not need to believe them! ”

"That's not a fee...oh, remember the words of Fiss!"

Old Thor wants to explain, but in the end it is a wave of hands. Did not continue to say; because, he saw the eyes of the Dick family's second lady looking back, following this gaze, he saw two figures - the eldest daughter of the former Dick family, the patriarch, the city owner of Hongyecheng.

The latter, even if the old Thor did not really see Ye Qi, also looked out from the other party's dress.

The gold-rimmed black apostle trench coat, long-handled long knife, and black-haired black skull are all too well recognized. Especially the bell on the long knife, the crisp sound. In this quiet city, it is particularly attractive.

However, when people on the wall saw Ye Qi and the eldest daughter of the Dick family, even if they were curious, they also paid enough respects, and the individuals who knew the identity of Ye Qi were respectfully bowed and bowed; of course, It definitely does not include the second daughter of the Dick family. At this time, this charming family girl is no longer able to face her true heart.

The shyness of a girl is always sighing, and... can’t be pondered.

"If you don't take it anymore, your subordinates are in danger!"

The second daughter of the Dick family wanted to remind Ye Qi, but inexplicably, when she saw Ye Qi, the words containing the thorns appeared.

The stinging words are naturally to stab people.

However, it is clear that the level of 'stabbing' of the Dick family's second daughter is slightly lower. For Ye Qi, who often sneers with the wolf, even the pediatrics are not; at most, it is only A reminder in the same camp, in a different way, but with a clear purpose.

Therefore, Ye Qi smiled and thanked the dagger.

"Do you laugh and laugh, don't you fight back?"

Even if I don't have to look at it, I know that my cheeks are red, and the feeling of being hot is too obvious. Similarly, the change of the Dick family's second daughter also makes the people around me find something wrong. And when these people’s eyes fell on here, Alaro Dick’s cheeks were completely red and a special kind of beauty in the bright moonlight, except that the Dick family’s second daughter was angry. Looking around, so that everyone can avoid the eyes, but can not let more people appreciate such beauty.

However, some people ignore the gaze of the Dick family.

For example: Ye Qi, Evro Dick, Old Thor and Little Thor...

Especially the last one, he even scratched his head strangely, looked up and down, and then hesitated for a long while before he walked over and asked, "Hello, do you know Faith?"

Simple people always have a natural intuition.

Because, this is the compensation that they get after they abandon the complicated and messy inner heart. Compared with the small Thor and Alaro Dick, the latter’s cleverness is more than numerous times than the former, but it is a matter of looking at one thing. In essence, the latter spent countless hours, scrutinizing and proving a fact, and far less instinct than the former.

With a sigh of praise in his heart, Ye Qi looked at the little Thor in front of him and nodded. He answered in a Faith accent: "Know, and very familiar, because we don't know each other!"

"You, are you really Fis?"

Little Thor asked a little embarrassed.

"Well, I was sorry for some things before, sorry for you, Little Thor!"

Ye Qi nodded and smiled apologetically.

"Nothing, no, we, we are friends!"

When Little Thor said the last sentence, he stared at Ye Qi tightly. Obviously, he worried that his only friendship would pass because of his change of identity.

However, afterwards, Ye Qi’s words let him put his heart down –

"Of course, we are friends - Ye Qi, I am really happy to see you again, Little Thor!"

With self-introduction, Ye Qi extended his right hand.

Little Thor nodded again and again, but he did not extend his palm, but welcomed his friend with a hug.

A person with a simple mind will always express his feelings in the most direct way.

Very direct. But it is not annoying.

At least. Ye Qi laughed again.

See this scene of Evro Dick. Old Thor smiled at the same time, and only the second lady of the Dick family stared at Ye Qi and Little Thor, with an unrecognizable grievance in his tone, and loudly reminded: "You really don't Are you planning to save your own subordinates?"

"They don't need rescue - because they are just tempting!"

Ye Qi turned to Little Thor and walked to the edge of the wall, looking at the flashing battlefields in the distance, slowly speaking.

"What do you say? The other side has an absolute advantage!"

The second daughter of the Dick family is married to Ye Qi. Once again reminded the man in front of him, if it is someone else, she will definitely give a slap in the face, then, loudly rebuke ‘you are blind? ! '; However, facing Ye Qi’s words, Ella Dick changed again.

"One of the charms of the battlefield is that it changes quickly - although I hate it, I don't fight in my own mastery!"

Ye Qi’s left hand rested on the handle of the knives, and his eyes left in the direction of the battle. Looking at a farther place, the words seem to be self-talking.

Alaro Dick looked at Ye Qi's appearance. I couldn’t help but sigh, but I recovered from the next moment. I just wanted to make up for my performance with a big cockroach. But I didn’t scream, and I was dragged by my sister, the eldest daughter of the Dick family. Pulling his sister, he shook his head slightly.

Compared to his sister, Evro Dick knows a lot more.

Even the people present, except Ye Qi, the eldest daughter of the Dick family is the one who knows the most current situation - of course, not the true origin of the Knights of the Dragon.

Rather, what is the change in the seven major families.

Invitation from the Holy See Pope!

This kind of thing that seems to be a fantasy in Evro Dick has actually happened, and it happened in front of you!

The eldest daughter of the Dick family could not know what the pope of the Holy See wanted to do, but for the seven families of the Qiulin District who wanted to do something, the Dick family, who is a member of the Qiulin District, knew something. -

Qiulin District has been leaving Lorante for too long and must return!

This is a certain inevitable. After she supported Ye Qi’s opinion and reformed Hongyecheng, the idea became clearer and clearer—the unexpected rich materials and advanced technology in Qiulin District were all Qiulin District. This is especially true for people who are in desperate need, especially in the depths of the Qiulin District.

They have their own strength, but they can't enjoy the treatment that matches them. The inner dissatisfaction will start to grow sooner or later. It has proved to be a very difficult thing to achieve, and then the rest is left. The Dekui family and the Hyde family have already done this.

The Pon family is also starting to move.

If the seven major families want to continue to control the Qiulin District, then they must have an attitude!

An attitude with sufficient strength to support - therefore, once the Qiulin District appears again in Lorante, it must be with the strength of the world.

The seven legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world are just the beginning of this exclamation. If you want to achieve the best results, it will not be enough!

Therefore, in addition to the legendary strong between the seven sails, the seven families should have more helpers!

The Ming and Qing Dynasties, the practice of going hand in hand, the seven major families have been used more than once, this is nothing strange, but according to the strength of the secret is definitely not inferior to the strength of the face, the Dick family Female, at the moment, has deep fears in her heart.

She believes that Ye Qi also has such speculation.

Even, there was preparation at the beginning, but she still couldn't feel at ease when this preparation did not appear.

Subconscious, the eldest daughter of the Dick family, holding her sister's hand tightly, warm questions, blood circulation, as if only this can make her feel at ease.

And the second daughter of the Dick family?

She obviously felt the uneasiness of her own sister, and immediately, whispered; but in the three-time time, two sentences were watching Ye Qi.

In this regard, the Dick family's second daughter did not feel it, and the eldest daughter of the Dick family who saw everything in her eyes was shaking her head and sighing secretly.

At this time, the battlefield in the distance has changed quietly -


The violent explosion rang again, and one of the seven families had a full-fledged shot, a huge fireball with a diameter of more than fifty feet, completely drowning the Holy Dragon Knight below.

The scorching flames, like the snakes of hell, spurt the sulphur-like breath.

"Ha ha ha, open!"

Another family member of the seven major families suddenly laughed.

Obviously, the old-fashioned, old-fashioned family has already discovered the changes in the protective cover of the Holy Dragon Knights, first reminding the surrounding companions.

Suddenly, the two old people who chose the road of warriors could not wait to rush into the burning flame.

"Soto, Beljo, wait for us!"

In the face of the upcoming victory, the homes of the remaining seven families shouted loudly.

However, the next moment such a loud shout, it will stop!

Hey, hey!

In the two voices, the two who had previously entered the flames chose the old home of the Warrior Road, and they flew out like this.

咔, 咔, 咔...

Metal armor boots, stepping on the metalized ground, a figure looming in the flames, then redness turned into cyan.

With a hint of blue.

The burning becomes no temperature.


The knight sword with both hands, slowly out of the sheath...


In an instant, the blue flames rose into the sky, drowning everything around.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~ (to be continued..)

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