Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 7: The profiter of the profiteer

Accompanied by the red blood of the Archbishop of Red, Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders, gestured to his innocence, and then walked with his friends to the three tower owners, such as Blanc.

"Good job!"

Jerome laughed and slammed Ye Qi’s shoulders hard; the tower owner of the athletic tower always expresses his feelings in a way that is easy for men to understand, and is most straightforward; Especially when standing next to the thorny tower tower, this contrast became more and more obvious.

It’s still the sun-filled smile, the breath, the undulations, the slightest change, and it’s impossible to see the true idea of ​​this. In the Lord of the Six Pagodas, except for the tower of the 'missing’ decision. The reason why the thorny tower tower is so fearful and has a sense of distance is that this camouflage is undoubtedly the most important point.

"Is there any damage?"

The tower of the sacred tower, at the side of the Tower of Athletics, asks in a low voice - among the three tower owners, the seemingly unreliable Blanc is undoubtedly the one that can be relied upon most. If this is not the case, Heather will never let Blanc become the head of the action of the demon hunter.

"It doesn't matter, just take a day off!"

Ye Qi regards the cooling time of [阎魔. Extreme] as the only loss; in fact, this is what he really pays.

"We need a complete, complete state!"

The Tata Tower’s idea is something to say.

"Of course I understand!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded. Then, pointing to the highest government and the family, the representatives of the dark mercenaries not far away, the sacred tower tower leader immediately nodded, Ye Qi smiled and walked over - remove the place In addition to the chills, more is the exchange of information between the two.

Although they have already done such an exchange before, but at the moment, Ye Qi’s appearance represents a different meaning; after all, Ye Qi’s 'cutting off' the Hove Mountains has caused an absolutely reversed change in the situation. power. Obviously, there will be other plans to face the invitation of Iyeta.

As for the people in the Holy See not far away?

Obviously, everyone who was present was intentionally ignored.

Or, in the face of a group of people who can’t control the situation, they are waiting for those who can really control the situation. Of course, it’s absolutely impossible for Iyeta. As a pope and inviter, he will definitely not appear. Here, Shenshan is where the other party is.

The other party's pride. Despise them. It has already been revealed on the invitation.

but. It is precisely because of such arrogance and contempt that everyone present will understand that the purpose of this invitation is for what.

Ye Qi’s conversation with the Supreme Government Dides, the family’s representative, Father Follett’s Holy See, whispered more and more, and the dark mercenaries did not really send their own representatives. In this regard, Ye Qi is not surprised, or is in the bottom of his heart for such an approach, he is extremely agreeable.

After all, facing a group of 'teammates' who are like wolves, it is really hard to beware.

In the same way, the dark mercenaries seem to have similar concerns, so they are in their own way. Expressing your own friendship - throwing one or two cigarettes or half a bottle of whisky to a demon hunter with some relationships and friendships, then greeted the mouth.

Conversation became the main scene of another layer of the Glorious Canyon. Even those who are in the Holy See are no exception. After the archbishops and bishops got together, a bishop soon ran to Lehmann, who was in charge of guarding and guarding the mission. After that, Lehmann frowned again. Eventually, Nodded.

The forces of the parties present, including Ye Qi, naturally noticed Lehman’s departure; and the speed of their conversations was involuntarily faster, especially the father of Fletcher, who said that his hands were even more connected. The plan, as if not to explain, can not express its persuasive power.

However, the highest government of Diddes, this is dismissive.

Ye Qi also expressed his incompetence; therefore, the atmosphere became somewhat street, but eventually it was on the next topic.

However, Ye Qi’s attention has begun to distract –

For the so-called demands of Fletcher's Northder family, Ye Qi did not care at all from the beginning. Whether it is the so-called family alliance or the so-called co-management, it may seem beautiful, but that It is unrealistic; neither the highest government nor the demon hunter will allow such another 'Qiulin District' to emerge.

Of course, Ye Qi, who knows all this, will not make it clear; after all, with the cleverness of Father Fletcher, such things cannot be understood; but the reason why they understand, but to say it, is nothing but death. Holding the attitude of trying - people, at any time, will have such luck.

He is no exception, but more often, in these luckfulness, he will try to get a greater chance of success in his own way.

Just like this moment -

The "perception" of the immortal level covers the maximum range that can be perceived, and some special fluctuations begin to appear in the depths of Ye Qi's mind.

The kind of special fluctuations do not belong to any biological fluctuations, or magic fluctuations.

It is a wave that is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. According to the names of the gods who once existed in the clouds, they are called: the power of faith.

And the power of these beliefs is the goal of Ye Qi.

Starting from 100,000 people, to nearly a million people, they have accumulated four or five hundred years of faith. No one can ignore them. Once they are used by the pope, even if he is only a loser, even present. All of them will not be opponents; after all, this has changed from quantity to quality change.

In my mind, I gathered the points of strong faith, and started the standard one by one. At the same time, he said in his heart: "Let our spyman transmit a complete map about the Holy Forest. I think we need to get rid of the big forces next time!"

"I really like this kind of individual action!"

There is a lingering temptation in the wolf's words. Then, the next moment, a complete map of the Holy Forest area has been transmitted. There are also some annotations on it, which are not far from the annotations in Ye Qi's mind. The wolf is always so active in being able to create trouble for his old rivals.

"When are we going?"

The wolf is very anxious, asking.

"Soon, when..."

Ye Qi originally wanted to say. When Lehmann came back again, with the message of Iyeta, he looked for opportunities to leave; however, the words just exported, a fluctuation in Ye Qi’s perception, let him stop his own words, look down on the subconscious. The Hof Mountains on the other side of the Glorious Gorge.

Obviously, the action of Ye Qi, suddenly, attracted the attention of the Dedis and the father of Fletcher who were talking. They subconsciously stopped talking. Follow Ye Qi's gaze. Looked there; and when the eyes of the two just looked at it -


This continuous muffled sound appeared, and the distant Hove Mountains suddenly collapsed, or disappeared.

There is no stone rolling down. Only annihilation is the smash.

Of course, what is more noticeable is the thick smell of blood and negative energy.

"Damn heresy!"

The archbishops and bishops who stayed behind changed their faces. The next moment, the light shone with the light, and rushed to the past. Obviously, the changes that occurred in the Hove Mountains in the past two years made them feel tremendous pressure. Think of the ruthless punishment of Iyeta. These archbishops and bishops are only desperate at the moment.

The other forces on the scene, the same face has not changed.

Because, they can't think of, except Ye Qi, who can do such things; and some think. With the person who guessed it himself, it was a condensate look, and it showed a heavy weight.

All the people are paying attention to the Hove Mountain Range, which was once again opened up. Therefore, no one has found any of the friends who have been prepared for Ye Qi. Ye Qi is quietly hidden in one place. In the shadows; and next to the little one, another Ye Qi is appearing quickly.

The same appearance, breath, and dress.

Even the eyes are sharp with Ye Qi, the only disadvantage is that it is strength - after all, this is what Ye Qi used to complete part of the "quick cloning", not comprehensive; therefore, need People's cooperation; fortunately, Ye Qi's side is not lacking such ingenious people.

Whether it is Ava or a small man, they are quite good candidates.


Ye Qi, who left with the "shadow shuttle", quickly moved toward the first point of convergence of the faith, and the urgency of the bottom of his heart made him fast.

Although there is that clone to help him cover it, but it can only be won for a while, it can not be concealed for a long time, even when it comes to people with a certain degree of strength, it will be discovered - using scorpion and clones Practice, although the idea is very good, but the flaw is the same big.

That kind of rigidity and rigidity is simply impossible to hide.

Therefore, Ye Qi must complete his plan in the shortest possible time.

The first point of belief gathering, from the other side of the Glorious Canyon, has a straight line distance of about 50 kilometers. For Ye Qi who used the [shadow shuttle], this is not a problem at all, and it has come to the destination several times. However, the actions that follow are a bit tricky.

This is a town full of sacred time styles. Any building is mainly white, even people dress up, and the residents of Shenglin District, wearing white linen robes, shuttle through them. The number is dense.

More importantly, these residents are surrounded by his goal: the fifteen-foot-high statue, silently praying - the statue glows with a faint white glow instead of what should have appeared A wide-ranging alarm in every town.

"Oh, really devout!"

The strange wolf in the heart of Ye Qi, with an inexplicable tone, I do not know whether it is ridiculous or self-deprecating.

"What we need now is how the gods don't know, the ghosts are close to the statue, and solve the problem instead of watching it here! Especially for two hours of observation, it is too long!"

Ye Qi did not answer the strange wolf.

"I don't think these can stump you!"

The strange wolf smiled and replied.

"Of course, I just need a vigilant!"

Ye Qi nodded, and it was a natural answer - this is not a spur of the singularity, but a kind of confidence that has already been prepared.

Although it is a bit more complicated than the situation in Ye Qi's imagination, it does not go beyond that bottom line.

Therefore, everything is still in the grasp of Ye Qi.

"No problem. I am happy to be the vigilant... But, do you confirm that your method is really ok?"

In the tone of the wolf, there is a strong distrust.

"I think this is the only way I can accept now - unless you have a better way to tell me!" Ye Qi said as he sighed. "After all, the guy who recommended this method, and you Similar. It is completely unreliable. If there are other methods, I will consider it!"

"I think your description has some problems. What is similar?"

The wolf is obviously dissatisfied with such a description.

"I just want to explain the facts!"

Ye Qi said this, while a [high-level invisibility] was placed on the body, and then. The crowd that passed through this layer quickly came to the statue - just like in "God said", this statue is like white jade, looks kind, like the elderly, but the body is more than Any young man, flexible hands make every young person envious.

Of course, Ye Qi will never be revered. He gently bypassed the statue and finally chose to stand behind the statue - although because of [high-level invisibility], Ye Qi will not be discovered by ordinary believers, but if possible, one person Not seen anywhere. Undoubtedly more reassuring.


Taking a deep breath, Ye Qi stretched out his palm and gently placed it on the statue, and the scene in the illusion emerged involuntarily in his mind -

"Hey, stinky boy, do you want a killer?"

It was restored to a young-looking profiteer, and when Ye Qi was preparing to go to his teacher to give his own 'heritage', he became young, but the profiteers who still had no change in his bones suddenly said.

"What killer?"

Ye Qi asked with vigilance - this is a kind of instinct today.

To put it simply, Ye Qi does not believe that the profiteers in front of him will make a loss-making business. Even if they lose money temporarily, it is a more powerful investment.

And yes, that is more than ten times the kind.

"What is your look? What are you suspecting?"

The young profiteers were very dissatisfied.

"Of course I doubt you - I don't think you will be so kind!" Ye Qi faced the profiteers, completely blunt, and said nothing, "So, I want to ask, what are you?" What kind of ghost idea is it playing? Looks like you are now, what is not lacking?"

"Who said, Kimpton! I am very lacking Kimpton!"

The young profiteers say this, with a touch of fanaticism in their tone.

"You look like this to the kobolds who have been recorded in the book, in order to get gold, and do not stop mining!" Ye Qixiao smiled; young profiteers faced such ridicule, did not care, Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "The doghead? I am much stronger than them!"

"How? One million Kimpton, I teach you this killer?"

Said, young profiteers, directly on the price.

"Anything, is it clearly marked in your eyes?"

Ye Qi didn't have a good look and looked at the young profiteers in front of him. The other party nodded without hesitation. "Of course, when the old John's whereabouts, I also clearly marked the price, a billion to one billion, detailed Different degrees, different charges!"


Ye Qi finally nodded silently, but soon he added: "It must be the real killer, not the kind of foolish thing. If it is the latter, you don't want to get a copper!"

"This is of course!"

The young profiteers emerged with a smile that was quite different from Ye Qi’s mind, and then proved that whenever such a smile appeared, there would always be no good things happening.

Learn from the power of faith and transform it into your own strength!

Such a technique is undoubtedly powerful. It can even be said that human beings have stepped into the realm of the gods. However, after the words of the young profiteers, the heart that Ye Qi has just excited has instantly fallen to the bottom.

"However, the power of this belief brings a considerable burden to the body, and even ... affects your life!"


When the young Ward said the above words, Ye Qi did not hesitate to evaluate the other side, but the appearance of the other hippie smile was obviously not at all concerned, even the plausible words: "I can see, You have the physique far more than ordinary people, just like your teacher - otherwise, under the torture of the sword, your teacher has long gone to the land of the dead!"

For such a shameful defense, Ye Qi was too lazy to pay attention, and erected a **** to give the other party a response.


Although he gave the **** of the other side's contempt, but the other's killer, Ye Qi is firmly documented in the heart Of course, Ye Qi did not think that he will use it so quickly ——

[Discover special energy...]


[Physical judgment...]

【success! 】

[Can absorb...]

When the palm of the hand on the statue showed a warm feeling, some information appeared on the light blue screen in the Ye Qi system column.

Ps first more ~

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