Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 16: Under their respective battles

For a person who will attack himself in the next moment, Lehman will never be soft-hearted, not to mention that the other party is not an individual - just like those guards, the assistant who has the long-term phase of Moran, also in the dead. A special existence with people.

However, compared to the ordinary guards, the assistant of the warden is to be more perfect.

Of course, this also means that the strength will be slightly stronger.

It is enough to achieve the strength of the Japanese glory, coupled with that special physique, its combat power, definitely make the general day Yao class difficult.

After all, the ordinary Japanese glory will definitely care about its own comfort.

And the assistant of the warden in front of him is completely ignored.

The long sword that shimmered with the cold mang, without any blockage, penetrated into the throat of the assistant of the warden, and the tip of the sword emerged from the neck of the other side, contaminated with liquid similar to blood; however, Compared with ordinary blood, this liquid is more viscous, just like oil.

The assistant of the warden, however, seemed to be nothing, and continued to rush to Lehmann.

However, Lehman, who had been expected for a long time, was a disdainful smile. After the left hand gently tapped a finger, the assistant of the warden was wrapped in a white flame.

Not only did it not have the momentum of the forward, but the mourning sounds even more and more.

At the same time, the warrior's assistant's insects found a number of potions that kept splashing toward the flames on their bodies; however, no potion was effective.

"Although similar, but this is not a holy fire!"

With such words, Lehman’s fingertips reappeared with this white flame – a chill with a blade, but more hot.

Lehman was pleasantly surprised by the changes in the Holy Fire.

After all, in the past, in order to completely break away from the shackles of the Holy See, the original sacred fire seeds had been completely extinguished. He intended to ignite the seeds of the sacred fire in his own way. Rather than the way the Holy See - in fact, from the beginning, Lehmann had a similar study, but the actual operation was the first.

In fact, the effect is still good.

Especially after his strength has soared, such a flame has completely reached his, even more than a lot.

This is definitely good news for Lehman; after all, he knows his own way of fighting very well, although he can pre-empt the enemy, but to a certain extent lacks the powerful skills that can really kill a deadly, Secret technique. And this way of fighting is when encountering some enemies who are good at attacking. Of course there is no problem. Once you meet an enemy who is good at defense, it is definitely a hard fight.

After all, those apostles who are good at defense, in a sense. It is completely a defensive counterattack route, so that his pre-enemy opportunities, always into an endless passive.

However, this kind of attack improved by the Holy Fire has greatly compensated for the defect of Lehmann.

Any enemy who is good at defending, wanting to use defensive counterattacks to disrupt his rhythm, will definitely understand what the ruthlessness of the flame looks like.

It is like the assistant of this warden.

I want to use my undead characteristics to unexpectedly reverse the situation, but the final result can only be a dead one.

Lehman looked at the other side and was burnt into coke. Then, I turned and left the room - obviously, this is not the room inside the collection room of the Moran Warden, he is looking for, but a room full of deception; although it is not clear, how many The man was blinded by the assistant of the warden. I died there.

However, the number of one-fifth of the more than two hundred missing persons in the Inquisition each year is absolutely more than a few; otherwise it will not have such a strong **** taste.

As for the remaining four-fifths?

The Inquisition allows for such a thousand internal frictions per year.

This is not Lehmann's guess, but Constance, one of his three presiding judges, told him personally.

Moreover, in the beginning, for two years, he was also on the edge of the so-called internal friction, until he showed the 'swordsmanship talent' and then improved.


When Lehman walked out of the room, the iron gate slowly closed with the movement of Lehman's arm, and then Lehmann looked in the hall in front of him.

There must be a route to Moran's real collection room!

According to the news from Ye Qi, Lehman was very sure; and soon, Lehman found something worthy of his attention.

That weird door.

From the outside of the holy prison, this door is like the mouth of a giant beast, ready to choose people, and in the inside, it seems to be a red sticky body, just like the afternoon tea pudding, broken On the ground, he was hurriedly picked up and transferred to the plate.

What caused Lehman's attention was that the change of the door - the sense of fluidity, made Lehmann subconsciously close.

Then, just standing in front of this door for a moment, Lehman showed a smile through his own ability prediction.

Obviously, this is the entrance he is looking for.

The next moment, Lehman stepped in and disappeared into the hall.

Everything in front of us is no longer wet, rancid, and with the flow, the fresh air is blowing, and even the smell of a touch of flowers appears.

Lehman stood there, looking at everything around him.

A small garden with a wooden house appeared in front of him, and there was nothing else around.

Plane fragmentation?

Lehmann repressed the darkness of the edge, and couldn’t help but blink. The debris was not a secret. However, Lehman was the first to see such a small plane.

When it was confirmed that everything was not dangerous, Lehman stepped into the house in front of him -

This two-story house, one floor is a living room and kitchen, and the second floor is a bedroom with a study, not big, or even very small.

Basically, you can live up to two people. If you have one more, you will be crowded.

On the wall directly opposite the living room behind the corridor, a picture frame is hung, and there is a photo of a lady inside. The long black hair and eyes are a glimpse of Lehman.

He subconsciously thought of his ally: Ye Qi.

After thinking of Ye Qi. He looked at the long photo again and felt the relationship between the lady and Ye Qi more and more.

Although the facial contours between the two are quite different, the smiles of the nose and mouth, especially when the corners of the mouth are up, are exactly the same after leaving the hair color and ochre.

"I seem to have found something that is incredible!"

Lehman said softly, then, involuntarily laughed - he was very anxious to see Ye Qi surprised when he saw this photo; therefore, Lehmann was very rude, with a photo frame. They are all loaded into their own rucksacks; then. He looked at the whole living room again.

This is a living room at home. The owner is very hardworking and intelligent, not only cleaned around, but also arranged abnormally.

In the kitchen, there are some ordinary pots and pans. Nothing can be worth noting.

Therefore, Lehman set foot on the second floor -

This is a bedroom with a study room. The desk is placed directly opposite the bed, and the wall is a high-rise bookcase with many books on it. It is not very neat, but it is quite order of.

After looking at these books, Lehman saw that the owner is a book-lover.

Although each book has been yellow, books and covers have been reinforced. In particular, the seal of a book is completely replaced by cardboard.

Of course, this also shows that the life of the owner here is not rich.

In particular, when I saw the pencils in the pen holder on the desk, the pencils were of different lengths. There are two pencil heads left, but they are still being used.

Moran is the warden of the sacred prison, of course not so simple.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to be the residence of Moran, not to mention the photo, but also the identity of the owner.

Lehmann glanced at the desk and then opened the only two drawers on the desk.

One of them had some paper, and the other was the one he was looking for this time—a statue that looked weird and worked heavily.

The statue was taken in the hands and played for a while, and Lehmann, who had nothing to gain, put it into the rucksack.

This is one of the appointments between him and Ye Qi. Perhaps this item is rare for Ye Qi, but it is useless to him.

After finishing the statue, Lehman scanned the room again and confirmed that there was no omission before choosing to leave.

There are some notes and notes from the original owner in those books.

However, this is doomed not that he can take it at the moment; let alone, if their plan goes well, there is still a need to come here sooner or later.

It’s far better than his outsider to read it by Ye Qi himself.


"Get it!"

Just as Lehmann touched his statue, the sensation that was left on the other side immediately gave the wolf a response. Suddenly, the former **** stood in excitement from his own seal. stand up.

Of course, the wolf has a reason for excitement - defeated, sealed, the millennium time is enough, and now, unblocking, it will of course wait.

However, the strange wolf slowed down his movements and temporarily stopped the behavior of his own contractor.

"This guy, what is hidden?"

Stop the strange wolf who immediately rushed into the heart of his contractor. Through the power of the contract, he carefully observed the changes in his contractor's body. From the first sudden change of the body, he has experienced four such changes so far. Under such changes, the contractor is working hard to absorb the power of the Holy Forest for nearly five hundred years.

Just like the greedy beast, it keeps going.

Despite being a very confusing force of faith, the wolf still expresses a trace of embarrassment. After all, apart from those miscellaneous, there is also a very strong belief in the sun and the sky-related beliefs - originally, in the wolf In the imagination, the power of these beliefs is absolutely impossible for its contractors to absorb.

Therefore, in the final analysis, the power of these beliefs is still it.

However, the current situation is that it is not only the power of faith about the sun and the sky, it can not be touched. Even the power of other miscellaneous beliefs cannot be imagined.

Especially when it feels its own contractor, the fifth time the body has experienced such a rapid increase, there is no illusion.

"It’s a greedy guy!"

The grotesque wolf can't eat grapes and say that the grapes are sour, licking their lips and crawling in the seal of the land waiting for it - it is very clear, even if it is urged at this time, its contractor will never leave. .

It hates halfway.

The same is true for its contractors.


Diddes, the strongest of the highest government, was dark at this time.

Not because of these surging enemies. But. Just from the explosion in the team - a rich man suddenly became the victim of the Holy See. Even with the grenade on the other rich manguards, it was almost an instant, and the rich people who were protected in the middle were killed and wounded.

Even if there is still alive, it is impossible to move forward.

"Adult. It has been thoroughly checked!"

Moretti answered, the chief of staff of the highest government, this time, his face is also ugly.

Obviously, he did not think that a rich man who still had a statement in Dude would be a spy of the Holy See, and it was still a kind of spy.

They have no chance at all to seize the other's tail.

"This is my fault!"

Lilith said straight.

The original blonde girl, this time has been separated from the stubbornness of the girlhood, the rest is mature and heroic. It is because of this maturity that she has a very unacceptable sentiment for her failure; after all, everything is ready, just waiting for the net to be accepted.

But because of her negligence, it caused such a big loss.

"It's my mistake!"

When Lilith’s voice fell. Moretti also said along the way - this is not the so-called modesty or sharing, but in the real sense.

After all, he is now the chief of staff of the highest government, and some things are far more clear than Lilith, who is in charge of a large region. However, he did not consider it. This is really a responsibility mistake. He is I am duty-bound and cannot be evaded.

"The telegraph Zade, the Lions Corps began to advance!"

Putting his hand, Diddes did not blame his subordinates, but issued a straightforward order - since the ghosts have already found out, then there is no need to temper them; although this way of finding out is very He is embarrassed, but this does not mean that he will give up the original plan because of such embarrassment.

"Yes, adults!"

Moretti and Lilith also salute at the same time.

And not far from Blanc and Jemond, the towerer of the demon hunter, looked at Deides and issued an order and turned to Fletcher.

"how about it?"

Blanc laughed and watched the patriarch of the Northder family. In the previous explosion, everyone except the old man of the Northder family did not suffer any harm.

This has to be said to be an accident.

In fact, if Father Fletcher did not enter the place where the locked inner ghost appeared, he would not suffer any harm at all; however, such injury is not sinister; at the very least, Moretti And Lilith's two top government officials did not suffer a little bit of damage.

"If there is a next time, I will never volunteer!"

Father Fletcher said this, his face is still a look of ambiguity - the former self-explosion far beyond the ordinary martyrdom, if he is close, I am afraid it is not a minor injury at this moment.

Death will definitely come as scheduled.

"For you to get the highest government's goodwill, such sacrifice is necessary!"

There was no slight reduction in the smile on Blanc's face, but Father Fletcher turned a blank eye. "This kind of good feeling, I don't think I need it; after all, Lorante..."

"Well, let's say something else!"

Before the Father Fletcher had finished speaking, Blanc interrupted the other party's words.

The disaster that Lorante will face, this time is a secret for most people; and Blanc definitely does not want this secret, and is now said.

Because they are not ready yet!

"I think we talk about the current things, it's better - don't you think that some of the people behind you are very surprised?" Blanc reminded, "When the explosion has not happened, they It seems as if I know that the explosion is about to happen, and I have avoided a considerable distance... I don’t think this is a coincidence!"

"give it to me!"

Father Fletcher glimpsed, then said low.

Then, quietly facing a few people in their family.

And almost, after a while, a sudden attack appeared - because of the special martyr's sake, the hands-on people, no one's mercy, is completely a hit.

As for whether there is innocent inside?

There are special crystals in the body of the victims, and they have already explained everything.

"damn it!"

When Father Fletcher found another piece of crystal from the body in front of him, he couldn’t help but swear second more~

It’s earlier than the imagination, but it’s just that when the toilet is closed, the fingers are clipped, or the right hand... Ten fingers and the heart, the moment, the decadence and pain do not want to live! !

The code word has also become a single embarrassment. Fortunately, I lost a bit last night, or even if it is back early, the update will also be pit...

Desire once again for a reward, subscription and monthly ticket~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the heart of the lost, the wind and the dust, the reward of the 100-starting currency of the dark and fragrant phoenix~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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