Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 32: sunlight

The ruins of the sacred **** discovered by the tower leader of the decision, of course, cannot exist in the area that has been explored in the Thousand Marsh area -

"We need to go through the entire explored area and go deep into that unknown area... It takes about twenty days!" The white-haired old hunting demon stood there, pointing to the old state. A point on the map of the Ranger’s hand continues, “This is the route we have explored that can be faster and safer!”

"When are we going?"

Ye Qi nodded and said nothing.

Although with his current [perception], once it is blessed by the power of faith, it can be seen more clearly and intuitively, but this does not mean that Ye Qi will do this; in addition to the ready-made guide, it is more important. The kind of unbearable feeling of falling.

Yes, when you have new power, anyone can't help but want to try it.

Ye Qi is certainly no exception.

Then, the sense of the gap began to follow him, even if it had been a week, Ye Qi still feels a little uncomfortable - when you are still looking down on the earth from the moment before, when you are looked up by the people, the next moment you become an ant Such a huge gap, if there is no tough nerve, will definitely collapse.

Fortunately, Ye Qi’s nerves are tough and have a good self-regulation.

More importantly, however, Ye Qi understands how to do it, rather than hyping himself to torture himself.

But even then, the strong gap still affects Ye Qi. At the very least, the small three see the difference in Ye Qi, even if Ye Qi explained it, he is still accompanied by the big man of the three. The journey of 'evil god'.

As for the little man and Ava?

The wizard leader. Solved the limitations of 'Astrology' and 'Locator'. Naturally, when a large number of people are needed, Ye Qi and the small man discussed it. The latter immediately joined the mixed race and the dragons returned to the bridge on the other side; after all, Shenglin There are enough people in the district to solve it.

Of course, Ye Qi also spent a lot of time when he left the Shenglin District.

After all, the influence of the day in the sky has already been clearly seen by the people in the Shenglin District; and the consequence is that. These days, Ye Qi’s power of faith is constantly increasing—[Power of Faith: 7121]

The prayer of nearly a million people is undoubtedly a rather large base, and that kind of piety is beyond doubt.

Almost every moment, Ye Qi can feel the increase of his own belief. In the same way, he is also able to selectively 'listen' to the voices of the most devout believers. This method taught by Amon not only saves Ye Qi's own groping. And very easy to use.

Some are similar to the use of the power of the contract. But even more ‘clear’ – Ye Qi can grasp the voices of those believers.

To put it simply, as long as Ye Qi thinks, the thoughts of these believers cannot be passed on.

The so-called 'God' is manifested in this moment.

of course. It's not without trouble—if you don't want to be filled with brains with all sorts of thoughts every moment, the best option is to seriously choose a few 'simple' believers, not all!

I have tried all the accepted Ye Qi, and I have been worried about it until now - Imagine it. Nearly a million people speak at the same time in your heart, you don't need to yell, it's the ordinary conversation. This kind of situation is enough to make you feel what is crazy.

In the same way, Ye Qi also understands why Amon has such a kind of 'God' to his friend Otto - because simple people don't have more needs, but they give more faith. Force; it is like the most devout of the believers at the moment.

The number of people who are less than ten people provides the power of faith for almost 10,000 people.

In this contrast, Ye Qi will choose to prefer, not to mention Amon or other gods.

Therefore, very natural, Ye Qi lowered the 'God's grace' - the same method obtained from Amon, using the power of faith to bless these believers, so that its strength has soared and become the assistant of Lehman at this moment. Managed the entire Shenglin District; those rebels, because of Ye Qi’s 'experimental', let [perceive] be blessed by the power of faith and reach the level of God; therefore, hiding is invisible.

And these rebels are exactly what Lehman and his most devout followers need to deal with.

Of course, the results have already been decided.

Except, the few most devout believers have exercised a little bit of their uncomfortable skills, and there is no more gains. In fact, this is also the biggest drawback after the blessing of faith: the foundation is unstable, no more Potential; there is no more way than to continue to get more 'God'.

Such a way is certainly not acceptable for Ye Qi, but for those who are born and raised in the Shenglin District, they are very willing to accept, even to be ashamed - because, in their minds, This is the true way of cultivation and growth.


Just after Ye Qi’s voice fell, the old old demon hunter said that he and the same age ranger’s companion pointed around and smiled: “I have only discovered it now. Under the time, everything will change, even if it is the Thousand Marsh area - I never thought about the excitement of the Thousand Marsh area!"

Ye Qi followed the finger of the old demon hunter, and suddenly he received all the sights in front of him - an asphalt road connecting the gravel roads of the town of Zizi, a house mixed with the style of the Marsh area and the free-spirited house. In this place that is evolving from the village to the town.

Businesses and pedestrians gather a huge stream of people, people, and build rapidly on this side. They travel back and forth in a fast-growing place; the locals in the Thousand Marsh area have never had a smile on their faces, and the smiles of those businessmen are the same. Splendid, a piece of paper money, generations of Kimpton, trading back and forth.

And this money will eventually become the driving force for people in the Qianguma area to change their lives.

Powerful guy!

Thinking of the lady who changed her eyes to this look, Ye Qi couldn't help but shrug his shoulders - he didn't know how to do business. This is a fact; and the understanding of the transaction. At most, it is low-buy and high-selling; therefore, he quite admire the Kalia, who is also the current minister of the highest government trade department.

Even the chameleon dismissed this performance.

But the facts speak louder than words.

"I think Stowe is the guy who will entertain us!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

“The fish here is delicious!”

The big man is on the sidelines and expresses his own honest opinions.

"So, what are we waiting for?"

The old old demon hunter was around, and then four people smiled at the same time. Speeding up their own pace - such a team was decided after the final agreement; there were more people who wanted to participate, but in Blanc, the main tower of the sacred object, Ming Qi, now After the strength. Everyone agrees to this arrangement.

The gods once again appeared in the ears of the devils.

then. There have been countless surprises. Ye Qi has a bitter smile on this, while others are happy – joking, the gods that emerged after the millennium, who have unusual curiosity; not to mention, it is made by human beings, who are the gods Human. The top leaders of the demon hunters must of course take it seriously -

The tower of the tower of wisdom, watching Ye Qi silently, finally sighed softly.

There is a sigh in the sigh, and I am overwhelmed; no doubt. This seemingly indifferent, but sentimental tower owner is once again compared to Ye Qi’s ‘mother’.

In fact, the tower owner often makes such comparisons. Then, every time he thinks he will be the winner, to prove how wrong and absurd the choice of Ye Qi’s teacher was!

However, this time, she could not find a reason to support her ‘winning’.

After all, she is not sure to say that if she and John have children, the child can reach the height of Ye Qi.

‘Feng’ is not the other, it is beyond the imagination.

Even a person who is arrogant and arrogant will not think that he can do this. Perhaps the extraordinary situation, even the Japanese glory is the limit?

This kind of thought appeared in the heart of the tower of the tower of wisdom, and its eyes changed.

And such a change, of course, can not be concealed by Ye Qi; however, Ye Qi chose to be silent - he has already made up his mind to not participate in the troubles of his teacher; all things, naturally Wait until his teacher comes back and solve it!

Except for the sorrow of the tower of wisdom, the rest of the demon hunters are delighted; especially the moon-tower lord, standing in his own office, has never stopped Laughter, such laughter spread throughout the Shak; everyone is curious about such laughter, but this does not prevent them from listening to the joy.

It is because of this kind of joy that Ye Qi and his party, who should have set off, have appeared in the Qiangqu area a week later.

The local demon hunters, who were summoned in the name of 'Spirit of the Holy Forest,' celebrated for five days. In fact, when Ye Qi and his group left, the celebration continued. Maybe wait until all After people are satisfied, they will end, especially under the leadership of several tower owners. Such a time will last for a long time.

In this regard, Ye Qi expressed his blessing.

If he can, he will continue to participate, but unfortunately, he needs to complete what he needs to accomplish; not only the 'devil', but also the 'first ancestor' of the two blood races, also in the marsh District - Ye Qi will not repent of supporting Alcatel.

Whether it is because of the relationship between the two parties, or because of the tasks that exist in these two so-called 'first ancestors'.

Although he has already been 'dead', but Ye Qi does not mind his character level, continue to improve - for his own system, Ye Qi very much wants to know where the limit is.

However, from now on, this limit is far from enough.

After all, the data that was blessed by the power of faith still exists; this shows that such data is not the limit of the system.

Plus, Amon admits that it can't figure out the specificities that exist in him.

Therefore, Ye Qi is very certain that the existence of the system is higher than the level he is now at –

"A higher level, or a higher level?"

With such an idea, Ye Qi showed a smile and a greeting and hug in front of Stowe.

"Welcome everyone!"

The voice of Gaochun reflects the enthusiasm of the president of the Qiangqu District. After the sound fell, the club president respected the two old people with respect and said: "I have seen two of you!"

That true respect is voiced.

"We have already retired!"

The white-haired cavalry smiled and waved his hand. Then, the same old demon hunter smiled and said, "Can you take a look? We are very curious about the current Qianguma area!"

"Of course there is no problem!"

Stofei nodded again and again, and then, in the next hour, he took Ye Qi and his entourage to visit the newly built towns - from the general stall vendors. To the business and company that belonged to Ms. Kalia, to the hospitals and schools that the people of Jinuma District are most concerned about, Stoic did not fall.

“This will be the hope of the Thousand Marsh area!”

Standing in front of a building on the southwest side of the town that has completed most of the building, the president of the Qianguma District said, and even a piece of piety appeared in his eyes.

The residents of Shenglin District look at the piety of Ye Qishi.

undoubtedly. The branch president of the Chima area will build the Qiangyu District. Became your own faith.

And in Ye Qi’s opinion. Such beliefs are even more great than beliefs in the gods; even without the help of the gods, they are still a group of powerful people.

“How long will it take to get the job done?”

Ye Qi looked at the busy construction site, asking for such a question.

“At least it will take more than 20 weeks. After all, the climate in the Qianguma area is too humid, no matter what kind of materials need more time to dry, especially now entering the winter of Lorante, Qiangqu District Although it is not very cold, it is extremely humid until around April, and once it enters May, more rain will only make people feel that their clothes are not dried...if there is God, let the sun shine this winter, so that we can finish as soon as possible..."

Stoic continued to say that his face was hopeful and faithful, but with a hint of helplessness - although he was an apostle for the climate of a region, he was powerless.

As for changing the climate?

Legend has it that the gods can do it.

But that is just a legend. How could it be in reality?

Therefore, the head of the Demon Hunter in the Thousand Marsh area was full of horror in the next moment!

Because the sun in the sky is obviously brighter, and the elevated temperature is obvious -

"It seems like a damp feeling, a lot of scattered?"

"Really, you look at the water on these woods and evaporate much faster!"

"The sun is helping us, everyone is working hard!"

"Yes, we have to speed up!"


The sounds on the construction site came one after another. Finally, they gathered into the powerful sound of the sound. The roots of wood and pieces of stone began to swing into the open space. Once the materials were exposed to moisture, they arrived. When they complete their wishes.


For the Thousand Marsh area, it is a wish that has not been completed for hundreds of years, and the same is also the hope of the Thousand Marsh area; therefore, in this sunny day, all the people in the Chimuma area are silent in the bottom of their hearts. Pray that the splendour of the sun can last more time.

In Ye Qi’s line of sight, the silver brilliance that is different from the [Faith of Faith] began to flash; originally, because of the use of the Amon deal to the sun, the communication of the 'sun' briefly changed the temperature here. The 2000 [the power of faith] consumed by the climate, in this silver glory, began to grow wildly.

In just a short period of time, it broke through to 10,000 degrees.

this is?

Ye Qi frowned and thought about this change – in the memory of his short ‘God’, this was clearly the first time it happened.

Subconsciously, Ye Qi wants to contact Amon, who is still chasing.

However, before he even contacted Amon, the two old hunters and the Rangers were asked Ye Qi with their eyes. Obviously, the changes here are for the people of the Chima area. It can be called lucky, but for those who know the details of Ye Qi, the changes here are obvious.

After all, Ye Qi’s priesthood [Sun] is not a secret in the high-level of the Demon Hunter. Even if everyone is tight-lipped, the scene in the Shenglin District has already been deeply rooted in people’s minds. It is only a simple guess. Have a very correct result.

“Maybe the climate anomaly in the Chima area?”

Ye Qi is well-informed about what these two old people are worried about. At that time, Ye Qi bite the word 'Menuma District', indicating the two old people. The sunshine here will not affect other areas.

"That's good!"

The two old men nodded again and again Of course! It is so great! If there is such sunshine every day, we can finish it before the spring rain! ”

Unknown, Stofei, did not find any abnormalities, he just issued the most real thoughts in his heart.

"As long as there are not too many accidents, I think this kind of sunshine will definitely continue until you are finished!"

Ye Qi smiled and replied that the consumption of 2000 [Faith of Faith] was not instantaneous, but a whole week; and in this flash of silvery light, it is still increasing rapidly. The power], as long as it is maintained, and it will continue to go on, it is obviously not a problem.

Ps came back late... decadent sorry...

Thanks to the prodigal sons of the four seas, the wind and dust, the 200 coins of the starting point, the lost heart, the reward of the seven swordsmanship 100 starting point coins~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~( To be continued.)

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