Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 34: In-depth

"I will find it and kill it!"

When the topic fell on the 'light god', Amon expressed his indignation, and then, as a conclusion for this conversation, "I need to find the guy wholeheartedly, if there is nothing. Don't bother me with important things!"

Obviously, even if you haven't found an enemy that should have been hand-picked for a long time, even a **** like Amon will have his own grievances; and Ye Qi absolutely does not want to be the head of the other party's venting grievances; therefore, when the other party's voice falls Very active end of this conversation.

"waiting for your good news!"

After talking about such a sincere words, Ye Qi stood up and walked downstairs - welcome him to refuse, but he does not mean dinner, he will refuse, even if it is not needed, but if you taste it, it is definitely Ye Qi is very happy to participate in it.


The big man grabbed a few fruits that couldn't be named, and was screaming at it. When he saw Ye Qi walking down, he waved his arm; and Stofei and the two old men had already left here - although the marsh The first town in the district is still under construction, but this does not mean that the night is still the same as the night before the Qianmuma District.

Especially after the locals in Stoic and the Chima area jointly launched the unique dance and bonfire party, the night of the Chima area is far more lively than the daytime area; after all, everyone needs it during the day. Busy, and at night it is a time to relax.

Of course, a team consists of patrols composed of the best hunters in the Chima area. It still exists; perhaps the crisis has been greatly reduced, but this does not mean that it can be relaxed; even. The patrol team members are even more serious - they are very clear, once this time in the first town of their place there is something unexpected, it will definitely make the previous hard work to the east.

And after several raids of banditry, it was clear that ‘greedy’ was enough to make people feel irrational.

However, this has nothing to do with Ye Qi and the big man. Those ordinary bandits, the locals in the Chinum area can handle it enough -

"This, this, and this are all good!"

The big man picked up the dish that was originally prepared for Ye Qi, and put the food and fruit that he thought was delicious. Handed over.


Ye Qi did not deny this behavior in line with his original purpose. He took the plate and sat down beside the big man. He asked while eating: "Can you still feel hungry now?"

"Well, and after the last time, when I didn't eat, I was hungry than before!"

The big man is facing the inquiry from a friend. I nodded very sincerely, and then I was distressed - I was able to eat more. It seemed to be a good thing for most people in Lorante. Of course, the ladies who loved the beautiful body were exceptional; however, everything has a degree. Once this degree is exceeded, it will become troublesome.

For example: the big man now.

When a person's strength enters the Japanese glory, the demand for food will decrease, and after entering the extraordinary, the demand for food will basically remain at a very low level. It's basically negligible; however, the big man is an exception. He already has far superiority and extraordinary ability to counter the immortal strength, but the demand for food has not decreased at all, and even more and more.

At the earliest time, a person can have a meal of three people, followed by five or ten. Until now, a meal that can eat twenty people a day, this meal has already been stunned. If there were some strange fruits developed by Ava, the big man had already fallen into troubles because of food.

You know, every time a big man turns around, it is when his food needs and the amount of food doubles!

Ye Qi did not have a good way for a friend. The knowledge he saw did not explain the situation in front of him. When he asked for help from Amon, the latter was even more ambiguous—obviously, the other party was Know some, but not sure, or not too much.

At least it is impossible to reach the price of asking him.

Otherwise, with the personality of Amon, he has already sharpened his knife to him.

Without the help of Amon, Ye Qi was not discouraged. He and the younger and Awa friends began to think of ways to help the big man - the little man even exaggerated the face, toward the nine who were entangled with him. The night is innocent, and Ava is trying to find more food for the big man during the food period.

However, until now, it has indeed fallen into a bottleneck - whether it is a small nine-night helplessness, or Ava is the same here.

Since the former got the blood sample of the big man, he began to stay in the bridge on the other side of the bridge and madly did the experiment that she only understood. There is no clear news until now. Wa, after some minor changes to the power of nature, suddenly found that his 'balance' approach began to change.

To put it simply, the ‘destruction’ that tends to be 'natural' and not concerned has begun to affect the balance that only Ava can see.

And this is definitely not a good thing for Ava.

The core of the 'natural vandals' is balance. Once the balance is broken, it is a disaster for me to kill the top. It is not too bad to say that it is dead. Therefore, Ava can only invest in a short time. 'Destruction' in research and development, and no longer follow 'natural'.

And this continuous time is obviously not short.

Therefore, during this time, the big man can only rely on the plant fruits such as 'breadfruit' developed by Ava before, and serve as the necessary food for a special period.

Of course, now definitely not counted -

"This steak is delicious!"

At the last moment, there was a slightly troubled big man. The next moment, he took a pair of glasses and just picked up a steak that had just been grilled.

Obviously, Stoic is understanding the big man's appetite. Therefore, more food was prepared specially; however. At the moment, Stowe still underestimated the big man's appetite; so, this is the third meal; and, fully predictably, the fourth and fifth times will be after a while.

Ye Qi looked at the friend holding the barbecue platoon happy, and could not help but laughed at him - compared to him, the little man, Ava, the big man's happiness is always so simple, a delicious food. It is enough to make the other party feel lucky; for such a character, Ye Qi is very envious.

However, it is just envy.

If he is really such a person, Ye Qi is absolutely not. The secrets and environment in his body are impossible to make him such a person.

Of course, be friends with such people. Ye Qi is absolutely happy.

"Oh, yes! Yeh, before Stowe wants to join our team... he seems to have a more detailed map!"

The big man who ate the meat chops suddenly thought of the matter of the president and the two old people in the past when he was eating. He immediately said it.

"How does Ess and Andy say?"

Ye Qi asked - Esd and Andy are the names of the two old people; however. Ye Qi thinks that it should be a pseudonym; after all, in his memory, in the last thirty to fifty years, there is no such hunter and squadron with such a name.

However, Ye Qi did not care.

He can determine the harmlessness and sincerity of the two old people!

As for the pseudonym?

Maybe there are just a few other reasons; for example: cover up the identity that should have died?

Ye Qi’s guess is not for no reason. The old people in the central castle of Shak are probably doing this; otherwise he will look afterwards. There are no clues at all - not only that the real name has been abandoned, but even the things that have been done are overwhelmed.

To be able to do this, it is naturally necessary to help the Devil's Headquarters.

Therefore, Ye Qi was very wise to stop investigating all of this, and called the two old people with the names spoken by the two old people.

"Ess and Andy, say you are the leader, let Stober come to you!"

The big man said truthfully.

"Well, I know!"

Ye Qi nodded and expressed his understanding. Then, the topic was brought to some interesting things - the two old people admitted his identity as a leader, and the two were the identity of the guide. This is leaving Shaq. Everyone, including Ye Qi, has no objection.

After all, everyone understands the strength of Ye Qi’s now-sealing.

Let a group of mortals lead the gods, such things can only appear in some novels, and it is absolutely absurd.

Ye Qi naturally does not object to it - for Ye Qi, it is obvious that there is no need to refuse to deal with and accomplish one thing independently, rather than under the design of others.

As for Stodo?

If the other party has a more detailed map, Ye Qi does not mind letting the other party join.


So, the next morning, when Ye Qi and Stofei talked for a long while and confirmed the authenticity of the map, Stofei became the fifth member of the team.

After the finalization of Stoic, Ye Qi and his party set off on the morning of the same day.

In the area that has been explored, nothing happened - although not too far from the remains of the witch, Ye Qi did not rush.

This time, for the decision-maker's tower master Gesig, it is obviously not suitable for mixing more things.

In the original plan, the unknown variables appeared, which was abhorrent to Ye Qi; therefore, he forced his heart to explore the desire.

After all, in a short period of time, he will not leave the Thousand Marsh area, knowing that the tower of the tower is removed, and there is cooperation between the inanimate king.

Therefore, Ye Qi does not want to worry, there are still many opportunities.

On the second night of the team's departure, they came to the edge of the explored area and the unexplored area of ​​the Qiangyu District. After looking for an open space to lay down the tent and ignite the bonfire, several people gathered around the campfire.

"Tomorrow's morning, we need to go west - in the range of about five hundred kilometers, we have to go around a lake full of fierce beasts, and there is no more significant danger. I have bypassed here. After that, we can follow the safe route marked on the map. We have arrived at the destination!” Picking up a dry wood, Stofei, as a guide, began to draw a simple diagram on the ground, which was circled. On the lake, Stowe deliberately painted a fork, indicating danger.

"When you choose this route, is that lake the only thing you need to pay attention to?"

The old hunter Dessie looked at the simple map on the ground and asked; at the same time his mind was also comparing their maps - eventually. He has to admit that it may take about a third of the time, but the degree of security is multiplied.

"Of course not. The danger of the unknown area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area is likely to happen at any time. We just chose a relatively safe route!"

Stoic shrugged and said that he did not have full control.

"That is also a lot stronger than our original route - to know that we have to go through at least three places where the beasts gather!"

Andy, the old ranger, smiled at Stowe. Representing the recognition of Stowe's non-guided work, then looking at Ye Qi.

As the leader, the final decision is naturally in the hands of Ye Qi.

"I very much agree with Stoic's opinion - at least, within the first 500 kilometers. We can save some strength!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded and chose to agree.

"Should be thanked, the ancestors of the people in the Qianguma area!" Stoic sighed and said, "As an ordinary person. The unknown area of ​​the explorer's sacred area is compared to us. They are the real brave." ......"

Faced with such a statement, Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and did not participate in it; while the big man whispered to Stoic, and the two old people on the side clearly knew some of them. However, in order to show respect, but did not leave, just sit there and listen to the story of Stoo.

In fact, Ye Qi has heard about the deeds of the ancestors of the Qianguma area.

If the other party is a brave person, it is not excessive. After all, in the face of such a harsh environment as the Thousand Marsh area, those who can survive can be called brave.

In this regard, Ye Qi also contains respect.

Because, when you think about it, he can't do it with the other side. If it is not because of the system, Amon's hatred, etc., his life seems to be able to sum up the words 'mix and eat and die' in four words!

And his teacher and profiteer are obviously seeing his 'potential', only to leave the legacy left to him in such a 'deep', can only be triggered under certain conditions; the same, The aunt Kutcher did not misread him - he really has no qualifications.

Compared with Enid, who relies on his own talents and efforts to increase his strength, he naturally cannot compare with each other.

However, now he is 'dead', but the other side is still at the peak of the day, and wants to enter the extraordinary situation - Ye Qi wants to see how his three elders see themselves now. At the time, the performance of the surprise, especially more than once, proposed the aunt Kutcher who threw himself away.

It can be seen that Ye Qi is still not angry with the elders who want to throw them away three times and four times, but still have a bit of resentment.

However, after experiencing the kind of thing that is thrown away at any time, such resentment will naturally be there.

Fortunately, resentment did not turn into resentment.

For those three very unreliable elders who are irresponsibly raised, teased, and trained by the other party, this is a fact. It is true that there is resentment, but if there is no such thing, Ye Qi may already be The moment the body woke up, it died.

The grace of life, the grace of parenting, the grace of teaching...

Even if the latter two are not reliable, it is enough to make Ye Qi feel grateful.

Ye Qi slowly leaned on the tent and looked up at the starry sky above his head. He couldn't help but silently thought, "Where are you at the moment? What are you doing?"


"I want to kill you, lick your skin, and smoke your ribs!"

Kuchi stood in front of a muddy swamp and shouted loudly. Her left arm was unnaturally twisted. However, the former hunter queen did not care at all, and the right hand grabbed the left arm. A fierce twist, in the crisp sound, the twisted left arm returned to normal.

However, such a recovery obviously does not make the Demon Queen feel comfortable, even more irritating.

Now she has been able to determine that the two old **** disappeared in the ruins of the front, but the swamp in front of her stopped her way!

And more than once!

After discovering the traces of two old bastards, she has been fighting with the guys in the mud pit for dozens of times until now; however, every time she suffers!

The hard scales, the continuous breath, and the mud in front of the mud in the mud, the shadow of the perception, always she can not play their own advantages, not only the flying knife, darts skills are useless, her best leg strokes After the guy ate a note, he completely lost his effect.

Because the beasts that mixed a dragon's blood and some other blood vessels did not give her a chance to get close, but instead they hid in the swamp and consumed her.

She doesn't move, the guys don't move.

When she moved, the guys squirted out a scent of acid, and when she escaped the acid, the other party hid in the mud again.

Of course, what's more important is the number of each other!

If it’s just one, Kutcher, the Queen of Demon Hunt, has long since smashed the other’s skin and smoked the other’s muscles, but the other party is a group of no less than two hundred, full of Around the swamp; and The remains of the disappearance of Old John and Old Ward are just right in the center of this swamp.

As for the old John and the old Ward can pass smoothly?

Dragons face a group of pseudo-dragons with dragon blood, what difficulty is it needed?

Under Longwei, these pseudo-dragons are similar to domestic pet dogs. It’s absolutely very good to get a roll and sell a cute one; but for others, it’s only left.

"Don't you want to find Ye's kid... No, that guy is like his **** teacher, so it will definitely be laughed at!"

Kuchi’s heart once again showed such an idea, but as in the past, she was vetoed again.

Ps today is not too late...

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, and the loss of the 100 hearts of the lost heart. ~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~

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