Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 36: Rule

At the moment when the sun's rays disappeared, the sound of the beasts began to appear around the silence, especially in the distant lakes. It was like a beast in the distance. Ye Qi’s line of sight crossed the darkness and distance in front of him. Directly pointed to the lake in the distance, and the situation I saw was a glimpse of Ye Qi.

The dense beasts, the endless beasts, and the beasts, gather like a tidal wave toward the lake - even after entering the unexplored area of ​​the marsh area, the beasts and the beasts don't know how much they see, but like this The gathering is still the first time.

At the same time, Ye Qi was also the first to see the kind of beasts mixed with beasts.

Although the beast has the shape of a beast, the beasts themselves are powerful and unique, but they only choose to be similar to themselves, and even most of the time, ordinary beasts, in the eyes of the beasts It is food.

Simply put, it is the difference between ordinary humans and apostles.

However, after the lack of corresponding moral and legal constraints, it is even more direct.

"This is the leader in choosing this area!"

Ye Qi simply told Stofei that the branch of the Qiangqu District immediately explained: "Like a beast like a lion, the beast has a strong sense of territory, but each piece The owner of the territory is not fixed... With the old beast, wounded, dead, etc. of a beast, the new territorial masters will be born - we are lucky and see the duel of the beasts!"

At the end of the day, Stowe couldn’t help but laugh.

but. This smile soon became stiff; not only was Stoic’s smile stiff, but also the two old people, Esd and Andy.

They also thought of a problem at the same time: the territorial competition, there will inevitably be more fierce beasts gathered here, and their location will inevitably become a must-have for some beasts!

"Can I take back my previous words? This is really unfortunate!"

Stowe said with a smile.

"Clean up, although I want to watch, I definitely don't want to be involved!"

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders indifferently. The others immediately acted.

As Ye Qi said, he has a little interest in the game of the beast, but this is only a bystander. Once involved, it is definitely not so interesting - although the beast in front is ten times more, Ye Qi It won't be in the heart, but it doesn't mean that Ye Qi will take the initiative to provoke these unnecessary troubles.

The tent was quickly picked up. At the same time, a powder that can confuse the sense of smell was sprinkled around by Stoic.

If you don't do this, take a sharp nose with a beast. I can definitely follow along; I want to know. For the beast, the smell of a stranger not only represents food, but also represents a kind of endlessness.

The beast, the creature that began to appear frequently after the fall of the wizarding dynasty, is the same as the dark creature. It brought quite troubles to the Lordans; the appearance of the beast, the mighty body and the power of the apostles made these beasts remembered by people, and the deeper impression was that the beasts were the kind of human beings. It seems that the mad bull has seen a red situation.

In this unstoppable situation, people have a lot of speculation.

Some people think that it is a ghost of the wizards, and some people think it is a curse under the gods.

but. One thing is certain, before there is no strong strength. Never provoke any kind of beast.

After Ye Qi and his entourage circled a circle, they jumped on a tall tree and stood on the branches inside the canopy. They looked at the distant battle that had begun in the distance -

In the flashing light, a beast with a wolf's shape was turned into coke; and to do all this, the beast of a lynx is shredded by a fox-like beast; however, it has not waited This fox-like beast celebrates victory, and a foot that descends from the sky makes it a meat.

The general shape of the rhinoceros, the armor of a layer of rock, makes this fierce beast that has just appeared on the scene more powerful and powerful, and also makes some of the smaller beasts fade away.

As for the ordinary beast?

The gap in talent is doomed to focus on participation.

Even when the rhinoceros of the general shape of the rhinoceros appeared, they were already scared to the ground and trembled.

咚, 咚, 咚...

As if it were flamboyant, the rhinoceros beasts began to circle around the entire open space in front of the lake, and occasionally made a noise, waiting for new challengers to appear.

However, it is clear that the huge figure and solid defense made the beasts present there a concession.

Therefore, after another wandering, the rhinoceros looks like a beast with his head high and goes to the lake, ready to drink the first clear water in the lake.

And just as it headed into it, a huge mouth full of sharp teeth instantly appeared from a distant lake, and then, in a bite, dragged the rhinoceros-like beast into the water and disappeared. However, on the clear lake, the rising red is clearly telling the other beasts, the final result of the rhinoceros-like beast.

Then, after the vicious beasts were quiet for a while, they started a new round of fighting.

When the final selection of the beast was swallowed again by the fierce beast in the lake, another fight began.

"The shark-like beast is the owner of this lake?"

The big man squatted on the thickest branch and asked in a low voice.

Obviously, he was puzzled by the leader of the previous Stoic; after all, the shark-like beast has not shown the so-called injury, aging and so on; instead, those who continue to challenge The beasts are often defeated.

"Well, just... no, no!"

The president of the Thousand Marsh area nodded, with a look of doubt on his face, for a demon hunter from the Thousand Marsh area. For the beast, he is very clear, and it is not twice or twice. According to the previous situation, it is obviously a new leader in a territory.

However, the current situation seems to be a challenge!

A confusing challenge - the wisdom of the beast is not very high, although it can not be compared with humans, but it is definitely there. In normal times, they will never fight in this way.

After all, this is death.

"Look, our ‘protagonist’ is on the scene!”

Ye Qi whispered to the distance and interrupted the doubts of the big man and Stoic; in the direction of Ye Qi's fingers, a lion with a flame in his body was clearly printed into the eyes of everyone.

"Using illusions to attract opponents, consuming your opponent's physical strength, and then. At the best moments - real smart guys!"

Essie sighed with a voice.

Undoubtedly, everything that everyone saw before was an illusion. One is not for them to watch. But they were illusory by their eyes.

In the same way, the consumption of the shark-like beast is clear to them.

From the beginning of the battle against the fierce beast that looks like a huge rhinoceros, it is enough to prove that the physical strength of the other side is rapidly declining.

"Can a beast be so smart?"

The big man scratched his head and whispered to himself - for a big man who is not good at brainstorming, seeing a beast has such wisdom. Nature is very surprised, even far more than his powerful surprise for the beast itself.

Even a beast that is about to step into an extraordinary situation is absolutely uncommon.

"It's not smart, not smart, but rules!"

Ye Qi heard the friend's self-talk. But there are other ideas.


A big man looks at his friend.

"Well. Rules, the rules that exist everywhere - and here, only the law of the jungle, without any constraints, only rely on strength to determine the rules of the jungle!" Ye Qi looked at the lion with flames Slowly approaching the lake, all the beasts have to retreat from the three houses, and can not help but say: "It wants this lake, so it obeys its hand down here to provoke the overlord in the lake, and from Looking at it now, its people are doing very well!"

"You mean that all of this is what its men have come up with? Not it?"

On the side of the old Ranger, Andy looked at Ye Qi with amazement.

"Well, if it can come up with such a plan, then it will definitely not come out like a big deal here, but it should solve the shark in a more secure way. And this method is not difficult, most The simple thing is to rely on the quantity advantage... but it doesn't do that; so, the previous one is a wonderful coincidence, it is still in the rules, not the rules, the rules!"

Ye Qi said softly, but everyone in the room seemed to understand that Ye Qi was not talking about the beasts in front of him, but some other things, especially the big man, who fell into the trap after the words of his friends had just fallen. In the deep thought, the whole person stood there and stood still, not snoring.

And seeing the changes of friends, Ye Qi is a slight smile.

In fact, the reason why he said this evil words through the beasts in front of him is nothing more than a good friend next to him - the kind of black prison that only Dardan can enter, obviously a very special environment, they want It is obviously impossible to enter.

Even with his current strength, it is impossible to determine whether the black prison is a fantasy or a real existence.

Therefore, in order to solve this black prison problem, Darlan can only rely on himself - and from the current situation, Darlan is doing very well.

However, if possible, Ye Qi does not mind speeding up the progress.

As he said - rules, rules that exist everywhere.

The black prison is no exception, and once Darlan discovers the rules, it is a natural help for his complete rescue of the black prison.

Although Ye Qi had long wanted to tell his friend Dallan about this, but there is always no good opportunity - a thing that is said by mouth alone is far better than having a living example, even if it is a kind of bypass. It is better than thinking hard.

After all, Dardan is not the kind of person who thinks hard about it. If you say that you are arrogant, it is a bit possible.


Black once again appeared in front of the big man. After a slight glimpse, he reacted. After several consecutive encounters, the big man has long been used to it.

However, this time he did not immediately run around, but stood quietly, thinking -

Rules... The beasts have the law of the jungle.

And what is the rule here?

For the big man. This kind of thinking is very rare. More often, he is more habitual in using his fist.

However, this time, when the scene of the fierce beasts appeared again in the mind, the big man couldn’t help but think about it -

The drive of the rules...

Or, in the rules...

Thinking continues, even far beyond, he can stay here for a one-minute time limit. The call of the last time of my heart appeared again.

The big man lifted his leg and stepped forward, when his foot lifted, then. After falling. The huge existence appeared again in front of him.

The other party's tall and old are still.

However, the big man did not look at the other person's body, he was just thinking about the feeling of the moment just because - because he is almost instinctual affirmation, the call seems to be the rule that the friend said, passing here Unimpeded rules!

only. When he stood in front of this huge body, the feeling of calling disappeared.

To this end, the big man had to step back two more steps.

Suddenly, the feeling of calling has once again appeared. Almost the same as the previous two.

Taking a deep breath, the big man felt the call - he wanted to hear clearly. What is said in this call!


The beasts of the beasts ended at the moment before dawn, and the lion that burned with flames eventually became the winner.

As for the failed lake hegemon?

Then there is no bones, except that most of the flesh and blood are swallowed by the flame lion, and the rest is added to other beasts.

Compared with the intrigues of human beings, the beasts developed from the beasts are undoubtedly more direct.

Of course, the result is the same - those losers in humans, most of the time, are not dead bones?

Ye Qi and his party continued to move forward, except that those accompanying items appeared on Ye Qi, and the big man who had been responsible for carrying these items was still in a coma, by Esd and Andy. The old man simply carried a stretcher and carried it - the big man breathed long and his face was ruddy, as if he was asleep.

Only Ye Qi can sense that the strength of his friends is changing with time, and it is getting stronger.

However, there is still no such thing as extraordinary, immortal, or a feeling similar to the day.

However, the real strength is staggering!

As for why such a change occurred, Amon finally gave an explanation under Ye Qi’s questioning—

"Dallan is special, not the same as ordinary human beings. Of course, you are special; just... what do you say?" Amon thought for a moment and gave an example: "If ordinary people are A water glass, when the water cup is filled with water, then it will overflow into the water, and it will overflow. We see it as an extraordinary from the Japanese glory; then Darlan is a water tank, a huge water tank - He will enter extraordinary, but only if he needs to fill the 'water'!"

This vivid metaphor makes Ye Qi instantly understand the status of his friends.

Of course, more importantly, he understands that his friends are not in any danger, and there is also an opportunity - a water cup filled with water, and a water tank filled with water, which is lighter than the two. It’s natural to see it at a glance; and once the latter is filled with water...

Ye Qi very much hopes to see the scene at that time.

However, from now on, it still takes a long way to go.

After Ye Qi and his entourage advanced for about two days, the big man woke up from the drowsiness, and he looked like a refreshing look, just like a day after a long day of sleep, Meimei’s sleep for several days; however, his food intake Once again, every time I eat, I remove the three people outside Ye Qi and watch the big man who is gorging, and I will have a feeling of twitching.

It doesn't feel like a person is eating, but like a legion, countless people are guilty.

However, as the big man wakes up, their speed is once again accelerating.

One day later, Ye Qi and his entourage came to a pothole surrounded by forests -

Countless trees, the highlands are growing around, and one stone after another is submerged by mud. The vines are hovering around the trees and trees, like a python, and in an apricot, it is accumulated. The water after the last thunderstorm seemed to be clear, but it was not drinkable at all.

In fact, most of the water in the Thousand Marsh area is not drinkable, and all kinds of unknown toxins will always be mixed in the clear water, waiting for the next unlucky one.

"right here!"

The old hunter, Esd, pointed to the most dense place in the bush, and then looked at Stoic.

"Well, I am waiting outside!"

The branch of the Qianguma District shouted helplessly, as if it was agreed to stay outside, even if he wanted to enter very much, the agreement was to agree to a hunting demon who violated the agreement, but Speaking.

"Let us leave the rest!"

Ye Qi took a shot on the other's shoulder and, in the reminder of Stoic, went to the most dense bush.

The ps manuscript was almost finished in the afternoon, but it was more than nine o'clock when he was at home. Hey, as always, the hard work, ask everyone's support~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the rewards of the starting currency, the lost heart, the wind and the dust, the reward of the starting point of the 100% ~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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