Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 41: Moon


The inanimate king evaluates the craftsmanship of the big man; however, as a big man of the evaluator, he does not show a happy, thick smile as usual - as a demon hunter, in the face of dark creatures, The calm is already very rare, and this is entirely because of Ye Qi; but even because of Ye Qi, some blessings of the Demon Hunter still exist.

Although in most people's eyes, this does not matter, but in the eyes of the demon hunter, it is quite necessary.

The demon hunter is always so awkward.

And the same, the inanimate king is the same - if it is not because of the alliance with Ye Qi, when facing the big man, it is more disdainful, or simply contempt for the other side with the attitude of the strong, Deliberately plundering each other's life and soul.

Therefore, if there is no Ye Qi, the meeting between the big man and the inanimate king is undoubtedly a battle for your life and death.

However, because of the existence of Ye Qi, everything has become quite subtle.

The world is impermanent, and this is why the poets praise the fate.

Unpredictable mixed with such a coincidence that is expected to be such an attraction, isn't it?

"Now what is the so-called 'specific location', can you explain it?"

Ye Qi put down the lunch box in his hand and took the words. He didn't want his friends. After all, this is the limit that friends can make.

A demon hunter, if you don't do something crazy for your friends, is definitely not a good hunter.

And a good, excellent demon hunter. Inevitably need to have their own principles!

The idea of ​​contradiction and conflict is the time when the demon hunter needs to make a choice; Ye Qi and his party are definitely hunters, but they are definitely not ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.

“Don't it be obvious that I am here?”

The inanimate king speaks of his own cold jokes, and it is clear that such jokes are removed from the hustle and bustle. Anyone does not understand, including Ye Qi.

"I know in the Chima area, but the Thousand Marsh area is very big!"

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and expressed his helplessness. With the help of [the power of faith], Ye Qi was sure to find the specific location of the two goals, but for himself as an 'assistant' but 'a smashing master', Ye I don't think this is a good way.

When you see each other, the other party will also see you.

This is a sentence often circulating in the world. Although somewhat biased, there are enough facts to prove that this sentence has quite a lot of correctness.

Perception is a very abstract depiction.

You can understand ‘visual’ ‘hearing’, even a feeling like the sixth sense, but no matter which one you use. It will cause a series of reactions; for example: you see each other with your eyes, and the other party will probably look up at you at that moment.

This situation is not uncommon.

This is a state of being perceived, and a more direct state is. When you shout out an existing name on the premise that the other party is not present, it is perceived by the other party.

This is not a joke. The gods of Llorante, the devil, and the demon lord all have this ability.

Even the current Ye Qi can do this. However, it needs to be under the sun in autumn and winter.

This is also a perception.

The two goals they faced this time, according to the strength level of the time and the task level, it is quite possible to have such ability.

With this ability as a premise, Ye Qi can be sure that when he is swept by the perception of the [Faith of Faith], he will be spotted by the other party; unless... the other party is exposed to the sun.

However, this possibility is too low, and any dark creature will not really like the sun.

Not to mention the vampire, the fear of the sun, and the famous dark creatures.

Even if the two goals are the same as the inanimate king in front of them, they are not afraid of the sun, but disgust is enough for them to choose a dark, cold place.

Of course, the most likely is a plane fragment or a half plane.

An unknown area in the Thousand Marsh area is used as a springboard, and the plane surface and the half plane are connected.

After that, the words of the inanimate king confirmed Ye Qi’s guess.

"They just built a transmission array in a certain piece of the Thousand Marsh area. The real location is the half-face of the star's place!" The inanimate king said, referring to Ye Qi and the big man, "So If you two want to mix in, you have to do some camouflage; after all, if this transmission array is closed, I will never be able to find their whereabouts!"

"You don't have a plane anchor for their half-plane?"

Ye Qiyi, obviously, some can't believe the status of the inanimate king in the vampire, such things will stump each other.

"Would you give your room key to a guy who has stabbed you but didn't succeed?"

The inanimate king is so skeptical.

"Maybe, I can help you... What about the half-plane? Is it suitable for human habitation?"

Ye Qi, who got further information, gave a slight glimpse. He thought of the task of ‘migration, and then tentatively asked the inanimate king.

"Human living? No problem, except for some cold and humid!" The inanimate king said with great certainty, and introduced the profile of the half-plane, "There is the sun's rays, but it is in the rainy season all the year round." But other states are not much different from other places in Llorante. They also have animals such as livestock. After all, although vampires are stronger than normal humans, they are similar to humans in quite a few times..."

“Either the habit of basic life or the project of some enjoyment is the same!”

The inanimate king said this.

"Is that right?"

Ye Qi’s left-handed finger gently clicked on the handle of the double-handed knives and thought about it; after a moment, Ye Qi stopped tapping. Give a proposal: "I want that half-plane!"

"You look at the treasures of those guys?"

The inanimate king is very surprised, after all. In its view, Ye Qi is not a greedy person.

"No, I mean the half-face itself!"

Ye Qi corrected the mistakes in the other's words.

"Oh, can you tell me why?"

The inanimate king expresses his interest, its straight body, leaning back slightly. The back was completely trapped in the tent behind him, posing like a listener.

"What do you think of the gods?"

Ye Qi did not have a direct answer, but a side-clicking question. At the same time, the [blind bucket perception] was instantly turned on; for the ‘migration’ thing, because there was too much involved, the cautious Ye Qi. More and more cautious, even a temporary partner, will not be completely reassuring in the true sense.

He needs to get an accurate answer before he can continue the topic.

And [blind bucket perception] can make him come to the partner in front of him, whether he is telling the truth or a lie.


Whispering softly, the mouth of the inanimate king suddenly appeared a sneer of scorn and sarcasm. "It’s already... I don’t believe in the so-called gods. They are a bunch of **** **** in my opinion!”

"Oh... **** bastard?"

Ye Qila has a long tone, and he looks at the eyes of the collaborators in front of him. Suddenly, a serious word asked: "So if you give them a chance, let them really die, what would you do?"

The power of the inanimate king is unquestionable!

Especially the special weapon in the other hand - 'Puncture of the gods' or ...... 戮 戮 guns!

That kind of power, even if Amon is smelling; therefore, if the inanimate king joins the gods who are about to return to the world. That is really better.

Therefore, after confirming the truth of the other party's heart, Ye Qi issued an invitation in disguise.

"This is it!"

The inanimate king has slightly opened his eyes - the wisdom of Alcatel is unquestionable, and the death of the invincible Nozan Empire is enough to explain everything.

Therefore, even if Ye Qi did not say a complete plan in the true sense, for Alcatel, guessing the facts is not very difficult.

And for this fact, the inanimate king expresses his delight -

"I have felt the despair and helplessness, I will let them feel one by one!" In the eyes of the inanimate king, the cold eyes are stunned, "If you don't do this, they don't seem to be at all." Know what is called respect... I want them to remember my name firmly - once they are mentioned, let them tremble!"

"You are very like a demon, evil spirit!"

Feeling the vows of the other party from the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

"That's why you haven't experienced the pain of losing your lover!" The inanimate king snorted. "If you experience the same pain as me, then you will understand what I think now!"

"There is still 吗. um!"

Looking at the inanimate, **** smell of the inanimate king, Ye Qi reminded the other.

"It is precisely because there is still 哆哆. 姆, I want to let all exist, understand - the meaning of my existence!"

The inanimate king said slowly and firmly, and the breath on it was instantly stabilized, and the taste of blood became thin.

It can be seen that the importance of 哆哆.mum to this inanimate king.

"Well, maybe you want to go to the land of the dead to wipe the name of the unbelievers. Ohm's name is erased... If you can, I think we can cooperate once!"

Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled his thoughts on the other side’s words. In the end, he nodded and expressed his approval.

He initially chose to be strong because he was afraid of losing his life, that is, he was afraid of death. However, with the strength of the people and the growing number of people around him, Ye Qi worried more and more things.

It was like being behind Ye Qi, licking a leather whip, letting him keep moving forward, forward, and moving forward, and went to the ‘Feng Shen’.

When you enter immortality, the name of the unbelievers on your wall will disappear. Even death does not need to be bound by the land of the dead, so that it has more ways to continue to exist in another way. Or simply use a salary to resurrect - although most of the immortal, will not face such a choice, but sometimes there will always be the word 'accident'.

Therefore, whether it is the former or the latter.

Most of the immortality will be prepared.

but. This is just immortality. Other Lots have no such luck; unless they have the same power as Ye Qi, they can rely on the spell [stagnation cloning] to resurrect; but even then, it is still There is punishment - after the resurrection, the character level -1.

This is definitely a very serious loss, especially after the character level has increased. This is especially true.

However, if you can use this method to resurrect, Lorante does not enter the immortal people, still willing to pay any price.

This is the charm of life.

However, this is just a luxury!

However, this does not mean that there is no hope at all - in the legend, there is no immortal people, and they want a resurrection in the true sense. There is a precondition: the name on the wall of the unbelievers is erased.

Only after this condition is reached can it be possible to carry out subsequent work as if it were immortal.

哆哆.Mom, is undoubtedly the lover of the inanimate king. And letting it be such a long-lived existence, it is obviously impossible to watch your lover grow old and die.

Therefore, the land of the dead seems to be the place where the inanimate king went.

Ye Qi is the same, even the name he wants to erase. More and more - in other words, as long as it is a good relationship with himself, Ye Qi wants to help.

This is true of his lover, friend, or his subordinates.

"of course!"

The inanimate king smiled lightly.

The big man who had been sitting on the stump all the time, watching the smile of the inanimate king at the moment, could not help but scratch his head, then bowed and added some dry wood to the bonfire in front of him.

Hey, hey!

When the dry wood was put into the campfire, immediately, such a crisp sound appeared, and more of the Martians started with such a crisp splash and floated straight into the night sky.

Then, it turned into fly ash, disappeared with the wind, and disappeared into the night sky.

Only the stars in the sky and the bright moon are watching this, maybe... and the other ones are there -

"It's not fun at all!"

This kind of voice appeared in the girl's mouth. She was suspended beside the moon, and was blocked by the moonlight and the light of the stars, so that the world could not see her at the moment.

In fact, she used this method a long time ago to observe Ye Qi’s every move.

This is true both in the collapse of the dusk of the gods and in the treasures left by the wizarding dynasty.

However, even if this is the case, she does not dare to be unscrupulous now.

Because she is very clear about what happens if she appears in the sun during the day; and because of this, she will sigh her boredom.

However, even if she was bored again, she decided to stick to it.

After all, the opportunity to sneak out this time is really rare. Once it is discovered, with the strength of her father at the moment, it will definitely block the river of time and prohibit her from entering again.

Even, it will shut her confinement and increase the training that is not at all useful.

This is not an alarmist. She knows her father is such a person. From now on, she is more certain that her father, from the very beginning, is not like this. .

"How can a mother like this boring guy!"

The girl floated beside the moon, as if sitting there, swaying her legs and whispering.

However, just the next moment, the girl's face was changed. She turned to subconsciously and wanted to escape; but just as she turned around, she was caught by a white, slender hand. Then, another white, slender palm slammed into her head.

At the same time, the voice of the voice also rang -

"Although at first, it was because of some mistakes at the time, but let us go together, but after the like, it is my heart's frank... And he is your father, but also has enough qualifications - don't forget me I have told you that since you have enjoyed everything now, you can’t forget who gave you everything!”

"Yes, mother!"

The girl lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"So, let's go! It's time to go back!"

Later, the lady said this.

"But I haven't seen your current mother, you..."

The girl still wants to say something, but the voice has not yet fallen, and she is dragged by the lady and disappears into the moon in the night sky.

At this time, Ye Qi was subconsciously raised his head. In his vision, there was only one round of meniscus.

At this moment, the night is already deep.

Ps these days, watching the ball every day and night, decadence has become a panda eye, every day is sleepy eyes, can not wait to find a place, climb to that, stop by time, then, sleep for ten hours and then say .

I think this is definitely not the desire to decadent alone.

However, it is a pity that the desire for this thing is worse than hope. The chances of achieving it are almost the same as those of the two-headed two-color ball...

Therefore, a two-color ball-head prize has not been decadent, and the wish has not been realized...

These days, I can only grasp the rest of the time, adjust myself, and let the work and hobbies go If you see people who have continuous sleepy eyes appear in front of you these days Please give them some care. When you have lunch, order a meat dish for him. When you get off work, wake him up and go home together...

I don’t want to be vegetarian, I don’t want to wake up all over the building! ! ! In such a hard life, people can’t help but shed tears...

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the loss of their own heart, the wind and dust, and the reward of the starting point of the 100-year-old coin~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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