Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 7 Chapter 10: God's gift


Two fists of different sizes and sizes collided in everything without a reservation. Although there was no sparkling sparks when there was no sword, the wind and the glass of wine were blown away.


With the crisp sound of the bottle and the glass, Enid stepped back; obviously, in the face-to-face hard fight, her strength was not as strong as that of the bartender; however, the face of Enid who lost the first battle Did not show any frustration or surprise, some just excited more eager to try, and even the burning war in the eyes will bring the temperature of the second floor of the bar to a higher level.

Enid, who is known as the Shak's fist, refers to her strong freehand combat ability on the one hand, and her belligerence and perseverance on the other hand. It is her greatest hobby to challenge the master. She stayed in the bar and paid debts. She has been in a state of depression. Even if she teaches girls to adjust, it is definitely not as good as a hearty battle; therefore, Ian met a powerful opponent. De, how can you not be excited.

"Come on! I want to do my best!"

Enid looked at the bartender with excitement, with a fist and a fist, and an invisible airflow erupted from her arms; the wide sleeves could not block the airflow, under the tear of the air, a pair The strong and powerful arm passes through the occlusion of countless pieces of cloth, and gradually emerges, just like the dragon in the cloud, looming.

With the wind, Enid’s fist suddenly appeared in front of the bartender; compared with it, it’s now many times faster, and the power is getting stronger because of the proliferation of degrees; More than a few times the fist of the fist bartender, still as before, raised his fist and waved out.


On the second floor, stepping into the stairs on the third floor, the small three men squatted on the stairs and looked up and down from the two people in the battle.

"Datong, they are going to fight like this, Amanda will not have anything to do? To know that Enid is a punch of Shak!" Apparently facing the loudly-recognized Enid, the honest big man is full of worries about the bartender - - Because the body is close, even the character of the two is very honest, so after the two meet in the bar, they become good friends in a short period of time; the little man obviously knows what his partner is worried about, and immediately casts a vote. After making the other person feel at ease, this whispered: "Don't worry, our bartenders are not ordinary bartenders! Even if you face the punch of Shak, you will never lose!"

"And before Ye left, I said that if you encounter something that you can't do, you can find Amanda!" In order to prove his words, the little man directly evolved and explained the departure of Ye Qi: "Ye It has been said that Amanda and his remnants are absolutely trustworthy; especially Amanda is, even if the Moonlight apostle comes, it can not pose a threat to us!"

"But what about the bar?" For Ye Qi, Awa, who is a partner, absolutely believes, but looking at the bar after the two men fought, but can not help but frown - except the sand lying in the girl's lying The two people deliberately avoided, the other places are like the typhoon crossing the chaos, especially the newly bought bonsai of Ye Qi's basin, which has already been smashed under the ravages of the two; the little man chuckled I waved my hand: "These damaged things will of course be compensated by our dear Enid. Oh, it’s a good deal to use these tables and chairs in exchange for a month-level apostle as a bodyguard..."


In a white robe, Connor waved his hand at the Druids who were laughing and laughing, and made a squeaking gesture. Immediately, the original noisy camp was quiet, all watching and standing in front of the temple. Connor, a golden scythe, many older congregations have already whispered the Druid doctrine at this time; and under the leadership of these congregations, the remaining congregations also followed.

Suddenly, the entire camp was immersed in the bursts of screams - with the hustle and bustle of the congregation, many pale green spots drifted out of the temple and landed on the Druids who were teaching. Standing on the side of the Faith; standing next to Fia, the only one in the camp that had no martyrdom, carefully observed the pale green spots that appeared around him.

He is now pale green light, although the color is not as good as the emerald light spot he saw before, but the energy contained is several times higher than the latter. Even he has a hint of light green light. The power that he can't understand - is this the power of the gods gained by the Druids through their belief in their gods?

After watching a few Druids who were obviously weakened by the pale green light, Ye Qi couldn't help but guess.

Although there are many pale green spots, there are many Druids; therefore, when the light falls on every Druid, it quickly disappears; but it is thought that Ye Qi is going to end. At that time, suddenly, the body of Fia, who was next to him, had a green glow. The green light shrouded Fia, and her look was calm and peaceful, just like falling asleep; Ye Qi around her can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the sacred god, the god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful Zhouhuang martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九The inexplicable power of the body is increasing rapidly...

The green light is getting brighter and brighter. It is better to wrap the whole Fia in a shackle; and not only Fia, Ye Qi looks up, there are three Druids in the entire camp. The same as Fia.

God's gift? !

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night killing, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the Fiya body, the vitality of the quality change, Ye Qi’s stunned eyes have awkward surprises—at the top of the Knowledge Tower, in curiosity about how the various churches gain strength. He has consulted several introductory churches. The way the congregation gains strength; the one that interests him the most is the gift of God who is favored by the gods and given the power of others; after all, according to the book, in the blood age, an ordinary The monk once received a gift of divine grace in a prayer, and eventually evolved into a position sufficient to counter the presence of the Sun Yat-class apostles.

But why do the natural gods of the Druids believe in God's gift at this time?

Ye Qi looked down and thought - through comparison with the memory in the brain, even if he didn't understand the Druids, Ye Qi was already sure that Fia and the other three Druids were the gods they believed in. Gifts; but why the natural gods they believe in will be gifted by God, but Ye Qi can't figure it out.

You must know that even if it is a god, you want to push the power through the wall to reach the material world, and it takes a lot of effort to improve the strength of the believers, not to mention the gift of God to the four believers at the same time!

The ps update is late, guilty! ! !

Thanks again to Xuanyuan Yuhe, book friend 47841 for the rewards and storms, 艨舯, rgbvke1 three monthly tickets ~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~

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