Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 55: Go ahead

Compared to the previous day spent on a horse-drawn carriage, this time it was only a few minutes away -

"grown ups!"

Dart and Kuxi, two vampires, with the same respect as before, bowed to Alcatel.

"Is the guy outside out?"

Alcatel asked.

"The blind guys are all disposed of, everything here is under our control!"

Dart replied respectfully.

"Fake news has also been sent back to the various families, and they are probably starting to elect new princes now!"

After Kuoxi’s talks with his peers, this added.


Alcatel nodded with satisfaction, a smile on his lips, and seeing Alcatel's smile, the two vampires, revealed the same relaxed smile.

Ye Qi, who looked at it all in his eyes, couldn’t help but sigh at the bottom of his heart - he was not aware of the story between Alcatel and the two vampires, but from the attitude of the two vampires to treat Alcatel It is enough to illustrate the loyalty of these two.

If Ye Qi had ever asked, and learned that these two vampires are so-called pure blood, Ye Qi will definitely doubt the origin of the other.


Watching Alcatel walk into the transmission array, Ye Qi said to his friend next door, the big man immediately followed the Ye Qi behind the transmission line.

Still seeing a different scene than what others have seen, but this time, Ye Qi and Alcatel have just stopped talking for a while, and they all stopped. Or... Alcatel took the initiative to stop talking - Looking at the other side's appearance, Ye Qi uses the heel to guess, and knows what the other person thinks.


The person who can make Alcatel look like this is probably the confused female hunting demon.

"Your wedding will be very grand!"

In this regard, Ye Qi expressed his blessings - Alcatel has fulfilled his promise and re-emerged as a human being from a vampire; the biggest obstacle between the two has been eliminated, then there is any reason to stop it. What about the two sides? What's more, Ye Qi himself will not stop the two sides who combine love.

Therefore, sending a blessing is the best choice.

"You are a witness, the wedding, you should have one!"

Alcatel reminded Ye Qi of his identity.

"Of course, I will not forget this... Do you need one or two more sincere wishes?"

Ye Qi smiled and asked Alcate.

"Still stay at my wedding and say it!"

Alcatel waved his hand and gave it back a second time.

"no problem!"

Ye Qi laughed and shrugged.

The white light of the front of the transmission is dissipating, and Ye Qi can already see the figure in front of him, or... is the guard of Alcatel - although it is named 'The Secret Guard', but starting from the other side Until now, the other party has been serving Alcatel.

In this regard, Ye Qi is very admired by Alcatel's means -

"grown ups!"

The number of the 40-year-old Guards squatted on one knee to welcome Alcatel's return; this number has exceeded the number of the original Guards, and some of the vampires show the age, which proves that these Vampires are not from a batch.

Although vampires claim to be youthful forever, they are only compared with humans. In fact, they are also aging at the flow of time. However, this process is very slow and slow to the point of neglect. Because of this, it is the easiest to distinguish the age of the vampire from that look.

Of course, this is only for pure blood vampires.

Vampires created by 'before' and other ways are not in this category - they may be very powerful, like Alcatel, standing at the summit of Lorante, or they may be very weak, just like those Blood slaves, ordinary people can deal with guns.

"Get up!"

Alcatel told the vampires in front of him in a more chilly tone.

This kind of tone, which is very different from him and the two vampires, makes Ye Qi very clear, and these vampires are in the heart of Alcatel.

In this regard, Ye Qi does not have any direct indication.

After all, this is Alcatel's 'family affairs'. Moreover, in a group, the upper and lower points are bound to exist. This is a kind of rule that cannot be easily changed.

Once there is a change, then only one situation can be given: a new group is born, or... destruction begins to appear.

"It's time... eh?"

Facing Alcatel, surrounded by vampires, Ye Qi naturally proposed to leave. However, his words have not been finished yet. A familiar wave of volatility from afar has stopped him from involuntarily. Although the fluctuations are fleeting, at this time, Ye Qi’s perception is caught in an instant.

"It seems that something has happened... How do you need help?"

Although the strength has been reduced by half, but Alcatel also captured the fluctuations, he looked at Ye Qi, asked.

"I think my strength is enough. As for you? I think, someone who can't wait, is really just a little polite with me!"

Ye Qi shrugged and said jokingly.

Of course, although Ye Qi’s words seem to be a joke, the meaning is completely serious; let alone, Alcatel can’t wait to see his lover’s feelings, how could there be other thoughts to go with him? Somewhere else.

"So, let's separate it! Remember, I hope my wedding will be held soon..."

With such unfinished words, Alcatel turned to the direction of the Thousand Marsh area with a group of vampires turned around; and Ye Qi and the big man sent the other person’s figure to disappear, then turned to face The big man said, "Let's go, we should set off!"

"Alcatel is awkward!"

On the road, the big man said this and Ye Qi.


Ye Qi looked at her friends curiously.

"He obviously wants to say goodbye to us, and hopes that we will return safely, but we use the wedding as an excuse..." The big man said, he saw the strange look of his friend, and immediately he stopped embarrassed. Scratching his head and asking: "I guess wrong?"

"No, of course not. Darlan, you said it is very correct!" Ye Qi waved his hand and smiled more at the corner of his mouth. "However, it can be seen by you, showing how much the cover of Alcatel was before." Failed!"

Said, Ye Qi seems to be unable to suppress a series of laughter.

Such laughter, obviously, came a long way, so that Alcatel, who had already left, could hear it clearly, and he couldn’t help but frown.

Then, the footsteps unconsciously speeded up the score, as if moving away.

The vampires around are not so clear, but no one will question Alcatel, only to speed up their own speed.

Suddenly, after a few breaths, it completely disappeared on the horizon.


"In this case, is that enough?"

The atmosphere of the Queen of the Demon Hunting is fleeting. After Kuchi converges on his own momentum, he silently stands on the edge of the swamp. After getting the accurate news about Ye Qi from his disciple, Kutcher I have given up on the original idea before, and she understands that if I have the help of Ye Qi at this time, it will be the best result.

Moreover, the more important point is: Ye Qi at the moment is also in the Qiangqu area.

Although it is not clear where the other party is, but according to the news four days ago, Ye Qi once appeared in the newly built city of Qiangyu District.

And, for the damp city, bring plenty of sunshine.

Of course, the people in the Qianguma District did not attribute this to Ye Qi’s body, but only because of the climate.

However, this is clear to the top of the demon hunter who got some news, and for Kuchi.

The sun?

When Kuchi looked up and looked at the layers of foliage, the mottled sunlight sprinkled, and he couldn't help but make a wry smile.

Although knowing that Ye Qi is already very bad at this moment, it is far beyond her expectations to achieve such a degree; after all, if the 'Sun' is used as a god, then the divine order will never be Where is the difference? You must know that according to Kutcher’s understanding, the other party should have the title of 'Wang'.

God king...

Thinking of such a name, the identity represented, the bitterness of Kuch's mouth is more and more intense.

Even if Ye Qi is a younger generation, as a proud demon queen, he always points to the other side, telling the other's 'poor talent', 'disappointing', 'no potential', etc., but one day the other suddenly suddenly exceeded She imagined that even after a short period of time could not be reached, the gap was enough to make people feel disheartened.

However, the Queen of the Demon Hunt is definitely not going to give up so easily -

"Kid, you are just one step ahead...after that, I will definitely catch up!"

With such an oath, the Queen of the Devil turned and kicked out.


It was like the sound of a sharp blade, and with such a leg, the giant beast that had protruded from the back of Couch from the waist of the body was divided into two.


The body of the behemoth fell to the ground, and the blood seemed to be sprayed out without money.

A layer of reddish light appeared on top of these blood, and Kuchi's body was reflected, and then more beasts began to rush toward Kuchi.

Obviously, the momentum that Kuchi let go before not only attracted the attention of Ye Qi, but some of the existence in the Qiangqu area was also attracted to it; or... it was provoked - in fact, before the Kuchi The appearance of full momentum, not only the beasts will be provocative, even in humans.

However, the latter will ask, while the former is more direct - attack, kill each other, and then swallow.

The law of the jungle has always been such a cruelty.

However, Kuchi did not care about it. She had already known the consequences of her own work. For this reason, she had already prepared for it - blood and killing. If she wants to have more growth, she will need more. More blood and killing!

In human terms, she promised that old John would restrain.

But... the beast is definitely not here!


More and more blood is gathering, just like the stream enters the lake, and the vortex of the next road appears in the **** lake, like a burning flame, surrounded by all the infestation, and then, let everything They were all turned into blood, trees, swamps, and beasts around...

吼, 吼, 吼...

The screams of mourning began to rise and fall, and only the beasts that were infected by the blood, the whole body seemed to become a wax in the flames, and began to melt rapidly; then, more blood color blended into it, to become more ferocious The power of erosion spreads around.

After a few breaths, the surrounding beasts were swept away, but the blood of the gathering did not dissipate.

Standing between the tides of this blood color, Kuchi's eyes began to become dull, it was a deep black, just as the soul was closed at that moment, the only thing left was: the instinct of killing !

Her gaze looked deep into the swamp, where the pseudo-dragon group began to move because of the **** smell.

Then, a similar dragon owl came from the depths of the swamp.

However, it was followed by a scream, and it was pressed down - this scream came from Kuchi, and at the moment when the similar dragon owl appeared, she rushed toward the depths of the swamp.

Kuch is definitely not a passive person.

When she attracted Ye Qi with her own breath and volatility, she had already prepared for her next step -

1. If Ye Qi appears, she will let the other party use Longwei to open the road and smoothly enter the remains of the swamp.

2, Ye Qi did not appear, then ... she will kill a **** way.

Although the former is foolproof, but compared to the former, Kuqi is more like the latter.

Boom, bomb, bomb...

The **** lake burst again, guiding the water and silt in the swamp, just like the waves, and began to slap all the creatures and existence in front of them.

Whether it is the trees, the stones, or the strips of pseudo-dragons.

All of them became shattered in the **** waves, and the blood of the latter became the nourishment of Kutcher's 'blood', making it even more fierce.

However, when several bodies with more than a hundred yards appeared, such 'waves' were blocked, as if the sea had hit the dam.


The collision between the 'blood water wave' and the 'dam' gave a loud noise, fierce waves, and the several 'dams' retreated backwards, but eventually they were washed out by tens of yards. The several 'dams' were completely stable, and they swelled like a locomotive head.

Oh, oh...

The electric sparks of the human thighs began to gather rapidly, and finally gathered into a 10-meter-diameter lightning shock, which spurred to Kuchi.

As if it were a dancer on the tip of the knife, Kutcher left the right flash with an unimaginable agility, followed by a huge figure, and then passed through.

In the usual state, for Kuchi, the relatively strong scales, at this moment in the state of Kuqi, is basically as fragile as paper.

One, two, three...

It seems that the whole person has turned into an invincible arrow, and Cucci shuttles between the huge bodies of the pseudo-dragons, without any slight delay.

Although those pseudo-dragons have gathered more and more, more than a hundred characters have appeared in the form of more than a hundred, but for this state of Kutcher, there is no way, their minions, lightning, flames breathe, There is no role at all, completely unable to catch up with Kuchi's figure, and the solid scales have no effect at all, completely in line with paper paste.


Another similar dragon scorpion came from the depths of the swamp. Suddenly, the pseudo-dragons who had stopped Kutcher had retreated, allowing Kuchi to pass smoothly.

If it is a normal Kutcher, you will be eager to rush.

But that's just the normal Kuchie!

At this moment, Kuchi, who has fallen into a state of killing, has only a simple killing heart. She has only one thought left now: kill!

Kill these fake dragons in front of them!

Kill all!

Therefore, with the retreat of these pseudo-dragons, Kutcher rushed to the next moment, continuing his own killing, and the blood color was more and more intense, layer by layer wrapped in Kuchi, Let Kuchi's speed get faster and faster, the power is getting bigger and bigger, and even a strange wave of volatility begins to appear on Kuchi.

And when this strange wave of volatility reached a limit, a **** flame began to appear, and then those **** waves seemed to be gasoline, ignited by the **** flames -


The next moment, the entire swamp became the ocean of **** flames.

Under such roasting and burning, the pseudo-dragons rushed toward the depths of the swamp, but their speed was too slow.

The **** flame rushed past, suddenly these pseudo-dragons who were still alive and kicking, left a dry body.

And the **** flame, after getting more blood, is more fierce and hot.


The lightning of the water tank appeared with such a squeaking sound, and together they smashed toward the **** flame. After a full hundred passes, a complete lightning net was formed, not only to make the **** flame no longer possible. Going forward, even Kuchi was blocked.

Then, the entire swamp began to sag and then bulged.

Then, a shadow began to emerge from the swamp.

Ps Today is a bit of a thing, decadent timed to say ...

Thanks to the prodigal son wandering around the sea, the reward of the starting price of turtle0920 200, qfhzmp, the lost heart, the reward of the wind and the dust of the 100th starting point ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~rs

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