Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 64: Identity conversion

After a quiet wait, the atmosphere of the ‘Dayu and Herbs’ underground inspection room was almost solidified.

In such a solidification, the look of Cassow Vonder's face became more and more proud, and the fear of Master Ledi became more and more intense.

Although the wizard master wanted to speak out to ease the atmosphere at the moment, but thinking of Ye Qi’s pressure at the moment, in the end, Master Ledi had to give up such an idea. After all, he could not be sure of this pressure. Ye Qi, is still able to withstand any changes.

Changes, good or bad, will always bring about change.

In a state of extreme pressure, such changes, even if they are good intentions, will only bring very bad results.

Because, you can't know what kind of change the other party will have under such extreme pressure.

It seems that a glass that has just been taken out of the refrigerator, you infused with boiling water, then there is only one result: the glass is completely shattered under thermal expansion and contraction.

The Lady of Lady, who is worried about this situation, can only be anxious with his heart, but his face shows a calm, indifferent look - the **** wizard aristocrat has already applied enough to the young people in front of him. Pressure, he will never give any pressure to this young man again.

Time passed by, and when the grit in the hourglass was about to drop completely, Ye Qi took a sigh of relief and straightened his waist and said slowly: "Complete!"

\"9 minutes and 35 seconds!\"

Master Ladi also took a sigh of relief, looking at the scale on the hourglass and smiling.

Before that, he was very worried, because of the pressure that should not have appeared, which led to the failure of Ye Qi. Finally, he completely relaxed.

\"Joe, doing a good job!\"

With the sub-therapeutic agent made by Ye Qi, Master Ladi did not blame himself for his praise.

However, such an approach naturally caused the dissatisfaction of the Caso Vonde.

It took only six minutes to complete the sub-therapeutic agent, but did not get any praise. On the contrary, the guy who just passed the test was praised by the tester, which is obviously a kind for the wizard nobles. Unbearable insult; therefore, he screamed coldly.

\"A guy who has just passed, can get a good evaluation, then what should I rate? Excellent?\" Saying, Caso. Vonde turned his head and looked at Ye Qi in front of him, cold and cold. Said: "I can't see the slightest, the guy in front. Where is it! I doubt it... I will reserve the right to appeal to the Emperor Sorcerer!"

The sorcerer's words are not really finished, but vague, but what is in the vague words. It is clear at a glance.

He is doubting the fairness of Master Ledi.

In fact, if he is from the perspective of the wizard aristocrat, he has not done anything wrong.

After all, he completed his own secondary treatment for almost half of the time, and his opponent was only finished when the prescribed time was almost over.

Such a clear result, naturally, does not need to be considered more. As a wizard aristocrat of the Fengde family, he must be even more excellent!

Just, there are a few exceptions to things -

\"Your evaluation?\"

Master Ladi turned and looked at the young wizard aristocrat in front of him, with a trace of anger in his eyes.

As a master of wizards, his dignity, honor is the guarantee of fairness and justice. At this moment, the other party dared to doubt his fairness and justice.

This is undoubtedly an insult to his dignity and honor.

In this case, even a master of temperament, such as Leddy, can't stand it.

\"Yes, that's my evaluation!\"

Caso Vonde clearly saw the anger in the eyes of Master Ledi, but the wizard aristocrat was obviously not scared. Instead, he asked incessantly.

Even in the heart of the wizard's aristocrats, it has begun to wonder how to make the other party's ruin.

You know, although the Fengde family is not unique in the Principality of Mored, its power does not allow any small defects; because, in the Imperial Capital, their Fengde family has an executive.

And this is the biggest reliance of the Feng De family.

\"Your evaluation? General only!\"

The ingenuity of the wizards and nobles, so that Master Leddy eventually lost the gentleness of the other to give each other, straight and cold answer.

\"I am generally? Then what about him? What is he good?" "Casso. Vonde pointed to Ye Qi, very rudely said: "A guy who almost didn't finish in the specified time can get good, and I only use a person who spends a little more time than half of the prescribed time, but it is are dizzy!"

Undoubtedly, when such a discourse is exported, it is already a tearing of the face.

However, the wizard aristocrat did not regret it at all, fearing that he now has determined that the master of Ledi is a **** guy.

In the face of such a guy, you must debunk the other side.

Moreover, the thought of himself, the excellent young man of the Fengde family, after exposing the true face of this so-called wizard master, the praise he received, and the reputation he gained later, the young wizard aristocrat shuddered all over the body - apparently This is not afraid, but excited.

Master Ledi, I have seen all of this in my eyes. [,! In the middle of it, he is well aware of what the wizards and aristocrats want to do in front of him; after all, what is the virtue of the wizard's aristocracy, he is too clear--that kind of hard-working, in order to climb to a higher place And the omnipotent practice is one of the important reasons why he is far from that circle.

Without much to say, Master Ledi threw the secondary healing agent made by Ye Qi in front of the young wizard aristocrat.

\"Look at yourself, who are you strong? Alchemy assessment is not only time, but also the effect of medicine!"

After saying this, Master Ledi looked coldly at the wizards in front of him.

Under the watchful eyes of Master Ladi, Casso Vonde’s face changed, but it quickly returned to normal.

\"The attack of speech is really too small for me!"

The wizard aristocrat is obviously taking the words of Master Ladi as a pressure on him - yes, the same level of wizards. The refining of the pharmacy will have a deviation. But Caso Vonde is definitely not I believe that Ye Qi can come in front of him; after all, who can do this, which wizard is not a family source, and has a very rich material as a basis, step by step.

And what about Ye Qi in front of you?

From the snowy night, and only the name of the ‘Joe’ civilian, not even a surname.

Such people, it is obviously impossible to achieve the above.

Of course, it is not completely impossible.

Unless the other party is a genius!


As soon as he thought that the other party might be a genius, Caso Vonde couldn't help but laugh at himself - if the former had a point, then the latter would not even have one point; know. Every year, the wizards of the Imperial Capital will spend a great deal of effort to search for talented children from all over the world, to the Imperial Palace, and to receive the teachings of the dozen wizards.

Therefore, if the other party is really a genius, I have already traveled to the Imperial Capital. How can I still conduct a wizard level test with him here?

It is so ridiculous!

With this disdainful feeling, Caso Vonde put his gaze on the potion in front of him and looked at it in detail; this view made a slight change in his face - as A wizard aristocrat, even if his character is despicable, but his own strength and knowledge are quite similar; after all, this is an important foundation for maintaining their status. Once they are lost, then there is nothing.

Therefore, there is no shortage of true power among the wizards.

Although the former Kasuo Vonde is not a strong among the wizards, his knowledge is enough to make him see the difference between the bottle in his hand.

This is a perfect combination of the medicinal properties of the herbs inside, and the drug that has almost reached the limit.

Although it is still a secondary treatment, it is only a short distance from the real therapeutic agent!

And this gap in the gap, so that the bottle of medicine is still with the 'secondary' prefix, but this is shocking enough; after all, the therapeutic agent requires twice as many herbs as the secondary treatment. More, the value is also rising - the ability to produce equal potions with less material, which is undoubtedly the pursuit of alchemy, but also the best performance of alchemy.

\"This, this is impossible!\"

Casso Vonde held the bottle of medicine and shook his head again and again, and finally shouted: "It must be that your partnership deceives me. This is absolutely impossible. I will not admit this result!"

While shouting, the wizard aristocrat, while throwing the potion in his hand to the ground.

However, this bottle of pharmacy just got rid of the hand, was recruited by Master Ledi, looking at the blue and white green pharmacy in his hand, Master Ladi said, sneer: "You don't admit that it doesn't matter, everything here is recorded. Down, I will send it to the Imperial Capital, where the monitors will look carefully - and they will definitely admit it!\"

Suddenly, Casso Vonde’s face turned gray.

The monitors are a very special kind of existence in the wizarding dynasty. They are the existence of the identity of secret agents, spies, policemen, etc.

It is because of this identity that no matter whether it is a civilian wizard or a wizard or aristocrat, they will not want to deal with these people, but they have to go - because, the identity of the wizard, they are destined to be with these guys. I will touch it once in a while.

Perhaps it is because of some accidents, or perhaps because of their own promotion.

In fact, from the beginning of the formal wizard, every time the wizard is promoted, it will be viewed by the monitors.

In addition to discovering the possible "genius", another important reason is naturally to check for some unknown things.

Where there are people, there will be battles.

Whether it is the Free Age or the Wizarding Age, these will not change.

However, it is not these that Kasuo Vonde is worried about. What he is worried about is the reputation of the Fengde family. If these are seen by the inspectors, then the Fengde family will inevitably become a laughing stock, and as the initiator, he naturally wants Finished; not only the problem of the future, but also his own life.

The governor of the Imperial Capital, the big back of the Feng De family. Will never let him go.

After all, the sneer, but the consul, especially when other consuls are involved, everything is naturally endured by his poor man.

\"No, no. I still have a great future, how is it possible...\"

Confusion. [,! Thinking. Under the threat of life, it began to become calm and clear; however, when looking at Master Ledi and Ye Qi, who has been standing still, the eyes are like wild beasts.

Undoubtedly, this Kasuo Vonde will be embarrassed at this moment, the embarrassing situation, completely pushed to Ye Qi and Leddy.

\"He deserves such an evaluation, it is only in alchemy! The detection of plastic energy spells, we have not started yet!\"

Caso Vonde said loudly, as if the louder voice, the more likely he was to succeed in testing the plastic energy spells he proposed next.

Starting from an apprentice. To a formal wizard, you need two tests, one is alchemy, and the other is any spell school that you are good at.

And only if these two tests are all qualified, will become a real wizard.

Otherwise, if any test fails, it will count as a failure.

Although the wizard's test does not explicitly stipulate the failure penalty, and does not limit the number of tests, even each test does not require any sorcerer apprentice to charge any fees, but it will never be, and someone will continue After the constant failure, I also came to test.

After all, the position of the entire wizarding dynasty for the wizards, so that they will be respected, more will be considered for their honor.

A wizard who has become a formal wizard after ten failures.

And with a one-time formal wizard, there is definitely a gap - in the military's experience, this is a considerable resume.

More importantly, in the face of continuous failure, even the wizard has a spirit far beyond ordinary people, it will be unbearable.

After all, a person's confidence is always built on success, not in the face of failure.

Perhaps, there will be such a very special person, but special, it has insulated the possibility of most people.

Therefore, every time a wizard level is detected, it is necessary for any wizard to be cautious; and Ye Qi and Kasuo Vonde are even more so at the moment -

As a young man of the Fengde family, Caso Vonde understands that he has no longer a path, unless he can prove his excellence.

And how to prove it?

Naturally, in the next test, stand out and gain the identity of a wizard.

As for Ye Qi?

If he knows that he will encounter such a thing when he comes to the test today, then Ye Qi will definitely delay his plan for a day or two.

However, since it has appeared, then Ye Qi naturally needs to face up.

Regardless of his original plan, or the memory of the inheritance of the dragon, Ye Qi did not want to fail. The former influenced his plan, while the latter affected his entire existence.

The memory of [The Inheritance of the Dragon] tells Ye Qi very clearly. If you are a participator when you travel in time, you need to play this participant absolutely - just like that time and space. Everyone under the general.

To put it simply, if Ye Qi does not want to see time out of control, disorder, etc., then he must play a good wizard.

A real, authentic wizard from the era of the wizard.

As for how to leave?

He needs to know everything about it, and then he will settle everything here and return it to the right track. In the end, he will find the ‘door’ that he left.

And this is definitely not an easy task, even quite difficult.

After all, in this era, the gods stood tall, the wizarding emperors were born, and more importantly, the two sides were fighting, and he was a wizard.

At the thought of what he might face, Ye Qi couldn’t help but have an extraordinary anger. Looking at the eyes of Casso Vonde in front of him, a cold light flashed away – if there was no This guy, he is definitely a bystander, not a so-called participant at the moment.

The former has absolute freedom, while the latter is deeply immersed in it, especially because a small thing can't be small, and the bottom of the heart feels like the "inheritance of the dragon". Sighed; however, this tone just sighed, and Ye Qi’s anger was even more extra points. Therefore, when asked by Master Ladi, he did not hesitate to agree -

\"Joe, can you start now?\"

Master Leddy asked.

\"Well, yes!\"

Ye Qi nodded and took the lead to the other side of the 'shot range', while Caso Vonde went along, and continued to maintain the pride of his wizards.

\"Plastic energy and alchemy are different, the latter can also be improved by hard training, while the former requires considerable talent! Obviously... Joe, you are not qualified!"

The verbal attack did not disappear. On the contrary, it became more and more intense, even more direct, red, fruit, fruit.

For such a verbal attack, Ye Qi smiled and did not care.

Since he has become a participant, he needs to be aware of the participants and face the challenge of another wizard with a wizard.

Countering such provocations is naturally solved by the means that the wizards are best at!

The next moment, Ye Qi, Caso Vonde stood before the 'shot range'.

Ps originally thought that it would rain in the morning, I did not expect to go directly. [,! ] One day... decadence, it feels that my joints are beginning to hurt again... It belongs to the decadence of a group of old, weak and sick people, and all kinds of injuries can’t afford it~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the lost heart, the reward of the starting point of the 100-year-old currency~~~

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