Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 72: Young master

Unlike the ground-based semi-shops of ‘Dayu and Herbs’, the underground inspection hall is suspended in the air at the inspection site of the Emperor Dynasty.

Or ... is built in the floating city.

In the encirclement of six floating city and hundreds of wizarding towers, this place of detection is qualified to be called the inspection hall.

It occupies one-half of the area of ​​a floating city, or that the floating city is completely serving the inspection hall. Whether it is from the staffing or the construction of the facilities, everything is mainly based on the inspection hall.

Of course, this inspection hall is also the only inspection hall in the entire sorcerer's emperor.

Except for the wizard apprentices, which only require the recognition of their own teachers, they can be tested here from the official wizard to the master of the wizard.

Only the master of wizards who have been tested here will be truly recognized.

To put it simply, to become a master of wizards, you must come to the testing hall of the wizarding emperor.

"Everything has not changed!"

When riding a zipper-like tool and came to the floating city where the inspection hall was located, Master Ledi looked at the crowd of people who couldn't stop, and couldn't help but sigh.

There is a touch of nostalgia in the voice.

Undoubtedly, Leddy, who can be called a master, was naturally tested and recognized here; and from the moment Leddy’s master expressed his feelings, Ye Qi is very certain that this kind and kind old man is absolutely here. There is a sour, sweet memory.

Usually, when a man looks like this, there is only one possibility: first love.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not take the initiative to ask anything, while Ben and Mosh on the side took the wizards of their peers. The leader of the Fengde family took the lead and entered the testing hall on the far side.

In fact, if it is not confirmed there is the so-called inspection hall.

Ye Qi will think that he has come to a palace somewhere.

It’s not that Ye Qi’s knowledge is not enough, but the inspection hall in front of him. The construction is really misunderstood. The vocabulary of the magnificent and magnificent is difficult to describe its luxury, and the grand and majestic is also difficult to describe its tall, Wei Jian, the body that is like a layer of gems inlaid, is held by a layer of crystal.

Transparent, crystal clear.

In the sun, there is a dazzling brilliance.

That's right. This inspection hall is completely without the slightest masonry structure, completely built of gems and crystals - such a flash is a shock for anyone.

Even Ye Qi is no exception.

However, very quickly, Ye Qi's attention was attracted by the layers of magical fluctuations covered above.

Such magic fluctuations are simply countless. It is as if the lake is full of smog and the lakes that are facing each other, and the whole perception of Ye Qi will be occupied.

However, in this magical fluctuation that cannot be counted, a special fluctuation is still caught by Ye Qi.

However, Ye Qi did not extend his tentacles. Instead, it was swept away like this, and walked toward the test hall.

"To cover up?"

In the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi is a slight move.

Obviously, under the magical fluctuations of such a collection of gems and crystals, the volatility still exists, which proves the particularity of the fluctuation.


Ye Qi looked around and looked around.

There are gems that condense and engrave countless magics, crystals as occlusions, and even the entire floating city is a cover--if Ye Qi also believes that this floating city is to detect the service of the hall, then when it is perceived After the special fluctuations, Ye Qi did not believe at all.

after all. At the moment Ye Qi’s eyes, even the special inspection hall was to cover up the special fluctuations.

Under such a relationship, the floating city is for whom the service is, and it is natural to see at a glance.

As for what special fluctuations are doing?

Ye Qi naturally has some guesses.

after all. In the period when the wizarding dynasty is coming to an end, there are only a few things that need to be remembered in the history of the wizard, and only one of them is closely related to the wizards, and is consistent with the emergence of the entire wizarding empire center. The existence of conditions: 戮 戮!

For this stun gun, Ye Qi is no stranger.

In the face of the battle between the two vampire ancestors, he was very familiar with this stun gun, even in that illusion, with an extraordinary sense.

However, Ye Qike will not have any thoughts on this stun gun at this time.

Except, this stun gun is still outside the stage of creation, and more importantly, as a special weapon that appears in the time period after him, once it disappears in this period of time because of his intervention, then The contradiction before and after will inevitably lead to the countercurrent of the river of time, and even the vortex of time.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with him.

However, for the people around him, there is a great problem. If it is not good, it will be obliterated - it can't reach immortality. In the face of such obliteration, it is like a rag that wipes off the dust. No longer exists.

Therefore, in some respects, immortality is not only a simple change in life form, but also a more profound meaning.

At the very least, only when it reaches immortality can we face and avoid various sudden emergencies.

"Hey guns..."

Ye Qi’s heart was silently chanting—although there was no idea of ​​intervening, but because of the reminder of the stun gun, he thought of another thing.

About the branches of the world tree!

In his body, there is a seed of a tree of life - and when the tree of life reaches its limit, it is a new world tree, which is well known.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the seed of the world tree.

And in the land of the gods at dusk (the battle), Ye Qi did not forget the promise of the tree of life - although he does not have to do what he really wants, but if you can understand the growing environment of the world tree Ye Qi does not mind if the seeds in his hands can germinate.

Of course. This thing is definitely not something that I can do.

After all, there are a lot of trivial things in front of you -

"This young man is Joe!"

The governor of the Fengde family stood next to a master of wizards wearing grey robes and smiled; however. Anyone can see that the smile does not have the slightest sincerity. On the contrary, a kind of deep hostility mixed with gloating fun is brewing among them.

"Young people, good morning!"

undoubtedly. The master of the wizard who wore the gray robe was very friendly. It can be seen that the wizards such as Ben and Mosh, who had previously entered it, were indispensable.

"Hello, Master!"

Ye Qi’s modest return, while the master of Lady Ledi walked aside at this time, saying nothing – this performance is obviously quite different in the peacetime Master of Ladi; after all. This benevolent and kind-hearted elder will not be so rude even if he is facing strangers.

The master of the gray robe standing in front of Ye Qi did not seem to have seen the master of Leddy at all, so he reached out and took Ye Qi inward.

Ye Qi walked inward while subconsciously looking back at the Master Ladi who followed.

He clearly saw the sense of helplessness and a trace of loss on the master's face - it is clear that Master Ladi and the master of the gray robe are not ignorant. Instead, they know each other and they should have had a pretty good relationship before; just because they have become strange and alienated because of some things.

As for what kind of thing?

When I first saw the inspection hall, the look on Master Ladi’s face had already explained everything.

Two excellent men, plus a good lady.

What happened is obvious.

In this regard, Ye Qi smiled a shrug - as an emotionally weak, and now playing the role, Ye Qi can not give any opinion.

Only can make everything. In line with the original status quo.

A consul, two masters of wizards, five monitors, and the masters and wizards who are responsible for the transmission and reception are present in the inspection hall. Very eye-catching.

In fact, when Ye Qi stepped into the inspection hall, the eyes of the road began to look on him, and he glanced back and forth.

After all, among the above-mentioned people, the wizards in the Imperial Capital are not too strange, at least familiar.

However, Ye Qi is not the same - young, strange, in such a powerful and powerful wizard, naturally will be concerned by these gaze.

As for Master Ledi?

Although in a remote location like the town of Datti, the identity of the master is enough for him to be remembered by the young wizards - in fact, behind this inspection hall, there is a special record to reach the master wizard. The collection hall, where the books are placed, is like a book on the bookshelf, for the next generation of wizards to read.

Of course, the creator of the 'Ledi Pharmacy' in the newspaper, this name is enough for the wizards.

Even, it is because of the name of the creator of the 'Ledi Pharmacy' that attracts the eyes of the wizards.

After all, any sorcerer will not let go of the pharmacy that can increase strength, even those scholars and sorcerers.

In addition to the strength of human nature, more is the sturdy and victorious environment created by the wizarding dynasty, just like the atmosphere of the ‘genius’.

For the wizarding dynasty to do so, Ye Qi can't say anything more in his own position.

After all, if you don’t do this in the face of the aliens supported by the gods and the gods, there is no chance of winning at all; but what about the consequences?

Naturally, there are some embarrassing things, and the wizarding emperors are sure to know, but do they have a choice?

Just like at this moment, Ye Qi, who is a participant from the onlookers, knows what will happen afterwards, but what choice does he have?

Perhaps the only difference is that he can change his own part according to his own wishes without being able to change the general direction.

"This is the test of the upper wizard..."

The master of the gray robe wizard stopped and turned and explained to Ye Qi. However, before the master of the gray robe wizard explained it, the governor of the Fengde family interjected with a smile and said: "Our Mr. Qiao, and Not good at the flames of plastic energy spells and potions, but the ability to make lightning spells and magic equipment!"

"Is that right?"

A master of the robes of the gray robe. Then, this turned to ask Ye Qi - obviously, the master of the wizard did not know what happened before.

"Yes, Master!"

Ye Qi nodded and confirmed the words of the Feng De family. The latter faced such a discourse, but smiled again.

Undoubtedly, the governor of the Fengde family, as the attachment of Ye Qi, was a reluctance of a young man.

And such a reluctance is really great for him, let him seek ‘Ledi Pharmacy’ and let Leddy lose his name. They have saved a lot of work.

Yes, from the beginning, the governors of the Fengde family did not regard Ye Qi as their opponent.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Qi was an excuse in the eyes of the consul, one to let him kill Ledi. And an excuse to find the results of the research.

Therefore, when the situation is in his own favor, the consul usually does not mind ‘help’.

"So, please come here!"

Facing the confirmation of Ye Qi himself, the master of the gray robe wizard naturally had no doubts and reached out and indicated that Ye Qi went to the other side of the inspection field.

Compared to. In the previous inspection field, this inspection field did not make much difference.

The same length and width, and the only difference is that the number of figures as the target has changed from five to ten - different from the wizards who are good at the flame plastic spell, the wizard who is good at lightning plastic spells, It is necessary to detect bursts that are not within a certain period of time, but rather the results of one cast.

To put it simply, a wizard who is good at flaming spells requires a passing time. Issue a few fireballs and kill your target.

The wizard who is good at lightning-plastic spells, the requirement is the characteristics of lightning extension, how many targets can be spread and penetrated.

The passing standard of the upper wizard is a lightning bolt in a spell within five seconds, and then at least spreads and penetrates five dolls that are targets.

The greater the number of spreads and penetrations. Then the better the results.

If there are less than five, it is naturally unsuccessful.

"can you start it?"

The master of the robes of the gray robe inquired, and the sorcerers such as Masters of Ledi, Ben and Mosh, immediately breathed.

Even the master of Ledi, who has absolute confidence in Ye Qi, is also nervous at this time - training is always different from detection and actual combat.

Ye Qi, who is a party, nodded very easily.


"So started!"

With the words of the master of the gray robe wizard, Ye Qi stood in front of the white line 20 yards away from the target, silently calculating the time, and at the beginning of the second second, he raised his hand.

Suddenly, the sixth-level [chain lightning] turned into a dazzling electric light and rushed to his goal.

[Chain Lightning (): Summons a powerful leaping lightning to attack multiple enemies in the caster's field of view; effect: attacks the first main target, causing 1d6/level electric shock damage (maximum 20d6), then attacking secondary The target (quantity = caster level, maximum 20) causes half damage, and the secondary target must not exceed 30 yards from the main target. 】

With Ye Qi’s character level of 26 at this time, the cast level of 21 has already reached the limit of the “chain lightning” jumping target, while the detection field in front of the eye is wide, but the longest distance is also the white line outside the Ye Qi station. The twenty-fifth distance of the first target doll.

As for the distance between the ten target dolls?

Even with some adjustments, there is no such distance as ten yards - because this is the distance that the orcs in the alien army are best at, an effective attack that can maintain the queue, the power of the battle, and not highlight itself. Defense distance.

Of course, Ye Qi does not know this.

However, Ye Qi clearly knows that this test passed him - look at the target doll that is completely swallowed by lightning current.

In addition to the metal support as a support, the puppet as a target has disappeared.

In that powerful current, it has already become a fly ash.

In fact, until now, the people around me are still stunned, they are surprised by the performance of Ye Qi - not only the target dolls that have been swallowed, but also the lightning chain that has not flashed for a long time, all Explain the power of Ye Qi's lightning-like plastic spells.

Even Ben and Mosh’s sorcerers looked at Master Ladi.

Because they remember very clearly, Master Leddy said that Ye Qi is good at flames.

If you are good at the flames, then what is the lightning in front of you?

The eyes of the people made Master Ladi laugh and cry, but the next moment was rejoicing - because he knew that the plot of the Fengde family consul was not broken.

Subconsciously, Master Ledi’s eyes looked at each other.

The responders, Ben and Mosh, also looked at each other.

"This is just one. I remember Joe said that he is good at making magic gear?"

Faced with the eyes of everyone, and this unexpected scene, the Flemish family's ruling brow wrinkled, but there was no slight panic. On the contrary, after a slight indulgence, he said this.

Obviously, in the face of such a situation, the governor of the Fengde family is ready to stay strong.

In fact, has done this, and he has no better way.

The master of the gray robe wizard frowned and looked at the slightly tense atmosphere between the two sides. However, he did not say much, just looked at Ye Qi and asked: "Do you need a break?"

"Let's start the next one!"

Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand.

PS decadence tragedy, right eye conjunctivitis, itching and painful all kinds of uncomfortable ... code words have to close one eye ... 唉 ......

In other words, for the pits of Juggernaut and profiteers, everyone did not see it? ?

Decadence means all kinds of sadness...

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the fat man who got into the book, the heart that lost himself, the weeping of the **** of death, the reward of the wind and the dust of the 100th starting point~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters We~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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