Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 74: Wizarding world

A seventy-degree cone-shaped flame, with a burning flame, spurted toward the person who used to be the target, and when the flame was about two feet away from the doll, a round translucent force The scene appeared around the doll, leaving the whole person unscathed.

"It can withstand the impact of the flames in the five rings... The protective necklace has reached the standard it deserves!"

The master of the gray robe wizard raised his hand and dispersed the flame in his hand. Then, he was very serious about the presence of all the wizards present.

The ring is a very special name for the power of the wizard in the era of the wizard.

Starting from the lowest level, until the 9th Ring, the front five rings represent the wizard apprentice ring, the wizard second, the third ring and the upper wizard four or five rings, and after reaching the sixth ring, it is the wizard The characteristics of masters and legendary wizards.

However, such a record is quite difficult to unify for spells with various factions. After all, plastic spells and spells can be recorded in this way, but the factions of change, prophetic, etc. are It's very difficult to do, so this name for 'ring' will only appear in this kind of honesty, or conformity, for the detection of plastic energy spells, rather than using it all.

Moreover, with the annihilation of the wizarding dynasty, such a name is an early exit from the historical stage.

However, existence is valuable!

At the very least, under the concept of the 'ring', even ordinary people will be able to see a wedge and an item at a glance; not to mention a wizard.

"I was able to withstand the impact of the flames in the five rings... this Joe is really amazing!"

"Upper wizard, he is already a superior wizard!"

"Don't you forget that these inscriptions and lines are made by him?"

"This, this... is the master?"


The arrogant arguments became silent with the word 'master', and the onlookers looked at the young man in front of their eyes, with a deep unbelief in their eyes; but, after a while, Transformed to respect - surely, under the heart of the wizarding emperors. The entire wizarding dynasty became somewhat extreme, and the battles between each other existed from time to time, but one thing remained unchanged.

That is the respect for the strong.

And, because of the ethos of the genius. Especially in the face of those young strong people, the respect shown by people is always beyond imagination.

And, no doubt, Ye Qi is showing a young man at the moment.

Because of the continuous breakthrough of strength, after reaching the level of the day, Ye Qi's aging speed began to decrease greatly, and after entering the legend, such attenuation appeared again. Let the passage of time slow down again, and when Ye Qi is truly immortal, the flow of time in the normal state can no longer make any change in his face.

Therefore, Ye Qi at this time has always maintained his appearance in his early twenties. Even if his actual youth is not up to thirty.

However, the surrounding wizards did not know that they only saw Ye Qi’s youth, and when registering as a formal wizard, Ye Qi also deliberately reduced his two-year-olds at the age of twenty-six. The age of the present, this is wherever there is a record of witches. Can be queried.

The twenty-six-year-old master, even the emperor of the wizarding dynasty, is rare.

Genius, no doubt!

"Cough, cough..."

The governor of the Feng De family coughed a few times and completely attracted the gaze of the audience. This slowly said: "Joe, the level of your magical equipment is very good, but your performance in plastic energy spells..."

If the people present are the most reluctant to see Ye Qi gain such a reputation, then the governor of the Fengde family is definitely in the first place.

after all. The two sides had already torn their faces before and became a hostile relationship.

In the face of the enemy, it is absolutely impossible to be soft-hearted. The governor of the Fengde family is very clear - therefore, he will try to stop the young people in front of him.

Even if the level of the other's magical equipment is master-level, he will never let the other party get the title of 'master'.

As a master of wizards and concurrently the position of the consul, Feng De is very clear. Once such a young master appears, what kind of treatment will the other party receive? The future is infinite and cannot describe the other's next path. There are also some shortcomings in Feihuang Tengda.

However, no matter how the other party is, he is very clear. The strength of the other party and the rising of his status are the blows against him and the blow to the entire Fengde family.

Fortunately, the other party left him with enough excuses.

A master of wizards, in addition to alchemy, also needs his own strength to be strong enough to be called a 'master' in the true sense!

Obviously, this young man does not.

Although the lightning that the other party showed before was very amazing, but those lightnings were just 'performance' out of the strength of the superior wizard - the Flemish family's governor would never admit that those lightnings still have the strength to continue to penetrate Those targets; after all, there are only ten targets, and only ten are penetrated, aren't they?

It’s awkward!

A series of electric sparks leaping, suddenly sounded, and the words of the Fengde family consuls suddenly suppressed, and everyone was stunned and looked at the scene - a lightning ball with a diameter of more than ten feet, with The blue and white arcs that bounced back and forth, so that the right hand of Ye Qi raised up slowly, slowly rotated; and each time the arc, the arc would be irritated, leaving a direct electric light in the air.

"Lord Feng De, what do you say? I didn't hear it clearly, please say it again!"

Holding the lightning ball, Ye Qi, as if he had just discovered what the governor of the Fengde family was saying, immediately turned his head and asked with a puzzled look.

In the face of Ye Qi’s inquiry, the governor of the Fengde family was speechless. He only felt his cheeks and his burning pain. He just said that the other’s plastic spells could not reach the master level. At the standard, the other party gathered such a lightning ball in a quiet manner, which really made him unable to refute.

As a master of wizards, Feng De felt very clearly that this lightning ball has the power comparable to his own body.

Of course, what is more crucial is how this lightning ball appeared – before. He can be sure that there are no fluctuations in the spells around him.

In the case of a silent spell, and with gestures, there will be spell fluctuations.

In other words, this lightning ball appeared in an instant.

And there is only one possibility: spell instant!

well known. The ability to do spells, even if it is just a fireball, it is also a master of wizards, not to mention a lightning ball of the size of the eye.

The identity of the other party, the master of the wizard, is confirmed.

Suddenly, the heart of the Fengde family's consul is a twitching movement - both regret and pain; because he understands very well, facing such a young master. He does not have the slightest advantage.

“Sure enough, it is a young man who is known as a genius!”

After the sluggishness of the face, a slight convergence, the governor of the Fengde family said in disbelief, and then turned around. He wants to leave - the face has been completely lost, his stay will only be more embarrassing, do not leave what to do? Looking at the celebration of others?

"Feng De, the official, please wait!"

Looking at the other party's rush to leave, Ye Qi suddenly made a noise.

"What else?"

The governor of the Fengde family looked confused, or said... deliberately pretending to be confused.

“Are you talking about the previous things, what do you need to say?”

Ye Qi did not pay attention to the other party's appearance. Raise your finger and point to the monitor who also wants to wait to leave. Looking at the other side’s slightly stiff face, the corner of his mouth is not slightly upturned: “Are you filthy to me before, the loss of my reputation, is it not? Need to say something?"

Ye Qi is definitely not a good old man in the traditional sense, or to be precise. The essence of Ye Qi is not the kind of existence that is willing to be hit by someone else's left face, but also to extend the right face. For Ye Qi, he is more accustomed to, before someone raises his face and hits his face, he will The hand squats down.

therefore. Faced with the former commander of the Feng De family, how could Ye Qi easily let go of each other.

Perhaps, the other party initially used the master of the real sense of Master Ledi as an opponent and never thought about the outcome after the failure.

However, since Ye Qi and the Leddy master are in the same camp, there are some things that the master of the Ride is not willing to do, Ye Qi is very happy to replace the master of the Lady.

Facing the smiling Ye Qi, the governor of the Feng De family stood there with a stiff face.

Obviously, he did not take into account the failures from the beginning to the end. At this time, he has to bear the bitter fruit far beyond the expected.

If it is in other places, Feng De naturally does not mind expressing his apologies and recklessness.

But in this inspection hall...

Looking at a large number of wizards, Feng De couldn't open his mouth—after all, once he spoke, he lost not only his face, but also the dignity of being a consul.

Losing the dignity of the consul, he wants to be re-elected or recommend a successor, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Therefore, the governor of the Fengde family was stiff.

The same stiff one is the leader of the monitor. He looks at the eyes of the Flemish family consul, and almost wants to bite the other person. If it is not the assurance of the other party, he will not appear at all. Here, faced with such an embarrassing situation.

Moreover, the leader of this monitor is very clear. His future in the monitors, after going through today's events, has been completely finished.

Even if it is to ensure the impartiality of the monitor, his boss will take him to work.

When I think of a situation in which I have been in business for more than a decade, this is a waste of money. If it is not still a little bit of reason, the head of the supervisor will definitely fight with the governor of the Fengde family.

"Oh, since you made a mistake, you need to admit it and apologize to the other party!"

Reed, who has a sullen face, has no slight sullen feeling on his face at this time. On the contrary, he has a rare smile. He can see the embarrassment of Feng De’s encounter. For Reid, it is really It’s not easy; moreover, he is very clear about what this represents.

All the arrangements and follow-up plans of the other party will be finished.

The position of the other party's governor will also sit down.

And then. Everything about the other party will be won by his biggest competitor.

Reed couldn't help but get excited when he thought that he could get those things, and the urge in his mouth. It is even more and more ringing: "It’s not a character that a consul should have to be obsessed with it! If you can’t be fair, the existence of the governor is simply meaningless!"

With Reed's words, the present wizards looked more and more hesitant to see the eyes of the Feng De family.

Obviously, these unknown wizards, or simply swearing to understand the confused wizard, became the last straw to crush the Fengde family's governor.

Same as before, worrying about losing the dignity of the consul.

At this time, what is about to be lost is the fairness of the consul.

Compared with the two, it is comparable. The result of both is the same, no matter which one, will let him leave the position of the consul forever.

However, compared to the latter, the former is undoubtedly chosen. Will let him retain a trace of fame.

Therefore, the governor of the Fengde family turned and faced Ye Qi, a slight one, and said with a dry voice: "The misunderstanding was because I did not investigate, caused by recklessness, I hope you can forgive!"

"Of course. I just need a sorry for it!"

Ye Qi smiled and replied.

Ye Qi did not make a magnanimous appearance, just a smile, because he is very clear, his practice at this time is definitely not magnanimous.

even. In some ways, it is quite harsh.

Sometimes, retaliation for a person is not to let him die, but to keep him alive. And life is better than death!

Obviously, if the governor of the Fengde family loses the position of the consul, then he will be born to die.

In this regard, Ye Qi is very satisfied.

Therefore, he will never hang a false magnanimity on his face. It is something that people like each other like to do, and he prefers to be more direct.

Looking at the back of the Fengde family incarceration, Ye Qi did not pay attention to Reid who came up to talk, and went straight to Master Ledi. For this shameful wizard, Ye Qi was the first to see it. But Ye Qi is clear about some things that the other party is doing; he has to say that the other party is not a clever one, even the thread of Master Ladi can detect the clues.

For such a person who likes to achieve the goal with the most "direct" means, Ye Qi naturally has no good feelings.

Especially when Ye Qi became one of the handlers of the other party's ‘direct’ means, if Ye Qi could still smile at the other party under such circumstances, then Ye Qi would not be Ye Qi.


Master Ledi blessed Ye Qi’s achievements at the moment with the deepest words in his heart.

"With your help, it is inseparable!"

Ye Qi faces this kind and kind-hearted elder and expresses his humility.

Undoubtedly, such humility makes the master of Laidi happy, and he is more happy. He looks at the young man standing in front of him and recalls the previous ones. Finally, he slaps his hand gently. Ye Qi’s shoulders, with a long smile, went to his friends.

At any time, when there is a ‘treasure’ that no friend has, it is time to show off.

Although this approach is very filial, but Master Ladi obviously does not care - watching the master laughter laughed among friends, although he was used as a show of presence, but Ye Qi did not mind, On the contrary, Ye Qi, who stood there, could not help but laugh.

However, with the approach of the master of the gray robe wizard, Ye Qi’s chuckle immediately converges.

In the face of strangers, Ye Qi is still habitually hiding his truest ideas - this is not a polite behavior, but it is definitely the best habit.

"Master Joe, please come with me!"

The master of the gray robe wizard, very directly put the title of 'master' on Ye Qi's body; after all, as the person in charge of the inspection hall, he is very clear, the strength and alchemy that Ye Qi showed before has been completely It has reached the level of master level, and in the face of such a level of existence, he naturally does not mind changing the title he deserves.

Even if the other party is very young, it is the same.

The wizard who believes that he follows the truth will not be broken by the illusory appearance - no matter what your appearance is, but you only need to have strong strength and profound knowledge, and you will be respected in the wizarding world.

Of course, the position in it has also been blurred.

Maybe he is a respectable person, or maybe he is cast aside, but there will be no lack of like-minded friends, followers, etc. Just like Master Ladi, the ruling of the Fengde family Officer, and Reid - If it was in the era of freedom, the latter had already been shouted and killed, and the consul's end was not much better. Perhaps only Master Ledi would be recognized.

But that was in the age of freedom.

Now, it is the age of the wizard, a world around the wizard.

Therefore, everything has already been doomed.

Whether it is birth or destruction.

Ps 颓 昨天 yesterday was recommended by a friend of the movie "Wolf Creek 2" to cure ... I am a rub, let hobby travel, but has not stepped out of the decadent, very retracted to the feet back! ! ! Sure enough, the outside is too dangerous... decadent or honest, the safest code at home is the safest~

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the reward of the starting price of turtle0920200, lam2006, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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