Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 77: Meet

The greatness of the wizarding dynasty cannot be denied by anyone. Even after thousands of years, after the three eras of chaos, blood, and sacredness, the wizards who inherited the legacy of the wizarding dynasty still exude Glorious.

Of course, if there is inheritance, there will be innovation.

After all, after thousands of years, the whole of Lorante has already undergone tremendous changes. Especially in the sacred time, the Holy See’s “overdraft” for the whole of Lorante, let the wizards in the free age have to innovate. Only to be able to maintain their own development.

The simplest example: Although the magic crystal is precious in the existence of the wizarding dynasty, it is far from the rare point of the era of the free age.

In fact, within the wizarding dynasty, there are no fewer than ten large magical crystal mines that supply the entire sorcerer's dynasty.

And in the age of freedom?

This is simply unimaginable. A normal low-level magic crystal requires two hundred Kimptons, and this price is enough to get ten similar magic crystals in the wizarding dynasty.

Of course, Ye Qi will never make a fuss about magic crystals - although the wizards of later generations have proposed more than one effective and more rational way to use magic crystals, but this magic crystal is still in an extremely rich age, such a The way is obviously not taken seriously.

After all, the market determines supply and demand.

Although this is a bit rough, it is a fact that cannot be distinguished.

Therefore, Ye Qi is only a slight choice, and he has set his sights on the potion making!

The reason why the choice of potion is not made by magic equipment. Ye Qi naturally has his own considerations -

First of all. The production of pharmacy is much easier than the production of magic equipment. After all, the engraving of the inscriptions is far more difficult to control than the test tubes and flasks.

Secondly, it is the reason of the magical raw materials; making magical equipment, in addition to the engraving of the magical raw materials and inscriptions, but also the items that need to be carried; and Ye Qi does not think that he has time to act as a craftsman.

As for hiring some craftsmen?

What Ye Qi planned, has already determined that there is no more people around him; perhaps, through the test of layers. I can get one or two people who are loyal, but this time is something that Ye Qi can't bear.

Finally, and most importantly, in Ye Qi’s mind, there are more than 30 kinds of secret medicines about future generations, including his contractual companions as rewards for trading, and some from The wizard exchanged it.

And, no matter which one. At this time, it belongs to the very amazing kind.

And the secret to making magic equipment?

Although Ye Qi knows one or two. But not mentioning this number of choices, it is only the complicated process and the various magical raw materials needed, so Ye Qi had to choose to give up.

Therefore, Ye Qi finally chose the potion production.

After that, Ye Qi once again thought a little and chose several very representative secret drugs -

[Physical secret medicine], [power secret medicine], [agile secret medicine], [perceived secret medicine] and [glamour secret medicine].

Of course, this is in the free age, the people in the world are the most direct name for these secret drugs, but between the wizards, there is another name: [bear's toughness], [many force], [cat The elegance], [the insight of the 】 】], [the glory of the eagle].

These names are not the unique names of the wizards of the Free Age, but the names of the wizarding dynasties.

Or more accurately, these potions were born in the era of wizards, developed by several famous alchemists, and have been passed down to the age of freedom.

Undoubtedly, such a drug has not disappeared after thousands of years, enough to illustrate the extensive use of its own.

This is one of the reasons why Ye Qi chose these five kinds of secret drugs. Only by making some achievements on many famous pharmacies can they show their extraordinary.

This is the reason, Ye Qi is very clear.

As for another reason?

These five kinds of secret medicines have gone through thousands of years. In the free ages, they have already been different from the secret medicines at the moment. Although the effects are similar, the process, especially when selecting magical raw materials, is more secret than this time. Instead of cherishing a lot of cherished magical raw materials, the medicine is replaced by some cheap items.

After all, Lorant, after the millennium, something that seems to be cherished in this era has long since disappeared.

Getting the same results in a cheaper way is definitely a refreshing and advocating change – equal, similar effects, the former requires ten Kimpton, while the latter requires only five, or even more When you are young, even an idiot will understand which one to choose.

Not to mention the wizards.

Even the sorcerers are more likely to accept such changes than the average person's fears.

After all, in the wizard's tradition, ‘innovation’ is also a very important one – ‘we are obedient, just emotional, not the one that binds our creation! ’

The words from the ‘Great Emperor’ Delpa are undoubtedly holy words for the wizard.

Therefore, countless wizards will ‘create’ their own belongings.

And because of this, the wizards were able to drive out the aliens, after thousands of years, and confronted the gods.

If, indeed, a group of old stubborn words that stick to the rules and do not know how to change, I am afraid that the entire wizarding dynasty has already decayed.

Ye Qi, who made up his attention, immediately took action - compared to what he did before he reached the snow-free night, Ye Qi was more inclined to do something to enrich his journey.

Fortunately, in the lab of the Witch Tower, the magical raw materials for making five kinds of secret drugs are not lacking.

Undoubtedly, this needs to be grateful to this era - after 1000 years of Lorante, these magic materials are not unique, but they are quite precious; in this era, don't say that they are unique, precious, rare, these names . There is no relationship with these materials.

If you have to add an adjective. That is... standing.

That's right. It is standing!

Although it can't be seen everywhere, but in every wizard's laboratory, the standing items should be like the medical kits in your home. It should be put some cold medicines and band-aids.

And this is another important reason why Ye Qi chose these five secret drugs.

The cheap price is not a very cherished raw material. Once the real product is in the real sense, only a few small means are needed. Such a secret medicine can cause an uproar in an instant.

Ye Qi could even imagine that people were surprised at that time.

However, that is the next thing.

Now, what he needs is to make these five secret drugs.


"Dagong! Master's Wizard Tower, it's almost there... Are we?"

The chief guardian of the Principality of the Snowy Night, watching his loyal adult look like an unhurried look, couldn’t help but smile; of course, as a servant-born guard, he could not blame his master. It is even more difficult to swear, it is a disrespectful act. He will never do this.

However, as soon as I thought of the scene that might appear later, the chief of the Dagong’s bodyguard, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

For his own grandfather, this guardian has not only absolute loyalty, but also a deep respect.

Because the Dagong, whom he owes allegiance, deserves to do this. He treats the people with charity and good deeds, fights against the enemy and fights heroically, and treats those who have merits. He does not care for those who make mistakes.

It can be said that this is a perfect loyalist.

If so, the only thing you want to say is there any shortcomings?

Then there is only one point... This grandfather is a lady!

Yes, the Snowy Night is a female grandfather. In the many male grandfathers of Lorante, it seems to stand out from the crowd. Even in the place where he succeeded, he was joked more than once by the sorcerer of Lorante.

At that time, it was simply a talk after the meal.

Even with the passage of time, the female grandfather showed his ability, and still has some old and old-fashioned, holding on to this matter.

Of course, in the eyes of the chief of the guard, this is just the old man who is smashing his own old man.

After all, from the beginning of his grand prince to the present, in less than three years now, the population of the entire snowy night of the Principality has grown from less than 20,000 to more than 50,000 now. It can be said that a miracle has been created.

Although those guys will repeatedly emphasize that every time the Emperor's ‘kings (Dagong) gatherings, it’s just that the population of the Snowy Nights is too small to have such a miracle.

However, even the guy who is not accustomed to his brain understands that because of the small population, such a miracle should be taken more seriously.

It seems that these Dagong found that such entanglement did not have too many positions for them. On the last 'kings of the kings (Dagong), it was said that the Snowy Principality did not have a master-level wizard. It was too Too shabby, even the average count is not as good - a few Earl-level wizards and nobles in Lorante, but there are one or two wizards and nobles beside them, but this is a special case.

After all, these families have had one or two consuls in the past ten years and decades.

During the term of the governor, for the benefit of the family, as long as it is not too much, no one will say anything - therefore, it is plausible to cultivate one or two masters of wizards.

After all, being infused with countless magic materials and secret medicines, as long as the talent is not too bad, you will have the opportunity to become a master of wizards.

The ordinary wizards do not understand these secret things, but as the people around Dagong and Dagong, it is very clear, but it is such clear, but also to say such words, it is even more hateful.

And he is very clear to remember that in the last 'kings of the kings (Dagong), his loyal Dagong returned to his room in the snowy night, then broke the beloved vase - counted as the Grand Duke The only thing in the room that can be called an ornament.

In the next few months, as a guardian, he saw it with his own eyes. The Dagong, who used to use the sword, began to read the diary of the last Dagong.

For him, what his grandfather wants to do, as a guardian, he is clear.

Don't you say that there is no master of witches in the Principality of the Snowy Night?

Then, I will become a master of wizards!

Maybe there are some discrepancies, but he can guarantee. The core meaning will never change.

after all. The grandfather he is loyal to. It is such a proud person.

Of course, such pride is based on her self-esteem.

Therefore, I should have heard that a young master of the wizards sent by the emperor was supposed to be happy, but this time he was low.

Because Dagong felt that his self-esteem was insulted.

"Dagong, this master Joe is a civilian-born wizard, and he is also a man in the snow-free night! It is absolutely impossible for other big public to play with you!"

As the guardian of the Snowy Night Grand Duke, it is obviously the most understanding of the loyalty of his loyalty to the Grand Duke. When his voice just fell, the snowy night sergeant immediately asked: "Who are we in the snowy night?"

"Yes, we are people in the snowy night! Just don't know where it is... you know, we are in the snowy night..."

At the end of the day, the chief of the Dagong’s bodyguard couldn’t help but sigh slightly.

The snowy night Dagong's eyebrows are also wrinkled.

Compared to the terrain of other Principalities, the terrain of the Snowy Principality is undoubtedly the most complicated. Not only have woodlands, hills, canyons, but also the perennial low temperatures. It is even more so that these places are covered with a thick layer of frost. Under this frost, all life becomes very small.

Among them, human beings are included.

In fact, the reason why the Principality of the Snowy Night is able to rapidly increase the population under her control, in addition to the introduction of a series of policies to recuperate, and those who are in the woodland, hills and canyons, It is inseparable.

However, even then, she is not sure whether she will concentrate all her people in the snow-free nights on her own. After all, the environment of the snow-free Principality is too bad. In some places, the army simply cannot pass. Even the most powerful guards under her hand are helpless.

Therefore, if she says that she has a citizen who she is still unable to know, she will never deny it.

This is her pressure, and also her motivation - she has inherited the father's will, it must be completed.

"If the master Joe is really a member of the Principality of the Snowy Night, then... No, how can I generate the idea of ​​relying on others? This is not possible!"

At the end of the snowy night, I just had some ideas, and I was thrown out of my mind.

Then she stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go out to meet this master Joe!"

Obviously, although some thoughts were denied, the Snowy Nights also looked at their duties as a Grand Duke—in the face of a master who came to be a consultant, if he was rude, it was definitely a dereliction of duty.

"Yes, Grand Duke!"

The chief of the guard who grew a sigh of relief and walked into the court.


Completed a bottle of [Bear's Toughness] Pharmacy's Ye Qi, raised his head, and straightened his waist and moved slightly to the slightly stiff waist.

Even with an immortal body, but in the past four days, only one action is maintained, and it is quite a need of willpower - boring, lazy brothers, almost never to come and go to those will Determined people, then, break them into the abyss of stagnation.

Fortunately, Ye Qi’s will is absolutely firm.

Therefore, when he finished the production of secret medicine, it only represented one possibility - the destination of this trip is coming.

Looking out the window turned into a white scene a day ago, Ye Qi could not help but sigh slightly -

"There is no change here and after the millennium!"

Ye Qi, standing at the window, looked at the snow-covered surface, the forest, and then looked at the farther places. According to the Free Age, there was the winter forest.

However, the winter forest area of ​​the Free Age, at this time, is a hint of green, indicating its own vitality.

Undoubtedly, before the battle came, the winter forest area was still full of vitality, and the frost forest area (the snowy night country) also has a place where humans live, unlike the free age, the frost forest area does not have the slightest Vitality, while the winter forest area is accompanied by a winter of seven or eight months in a year.

"With time, everything will change...hey!!"

Ye Qi sighed like this, then he took back his gaze and looked at the gathering place of the crowd not far away, and then he sent an incredible exclamation.

There, it was apparently the one who greeted him in the snowy night.

Look at the costumes should be the high-level and guards of the Snowy Nights.

This is naturally no problem, even according to common sense, this is really normal.

After all, the wizards are proud, but they do not mean that they will be as rude as barbarians. On the contrary, most of the time, the wizards will be polite.

However, Ye Qi is surprised by the person standing in front of the crowd.

Els? !

In Ye Qi’s big eyes, there was a surprise.

After a while, this surprise disappeared -

Although the appearance is very similar, the twilight is the same, but the hair color is different. The color of Els is the flax, while the girl in front is golden.

Ye Qi believes that Els is not a person who likes to dye hair.

Therefore, two people should not be a talent pair...

Ye Qi is not very sure about it.

Even When he walked out of the wizarding tower, there was a hint of floating in his mind -

"Master Joe, hello, I am the owner of the Snowy Night Principality, the eleventh generation of Snow Night Grand Duke, Lily Pandragong!"

Said, the snow night Dagong slightly decapitated.

"Hello, I am Ye... Joe!"

Ye Qi, who almost said the real name, at the last moment, the cliff, Lema, said the pseudonym, and quickly converge.

Ps 颓 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这

It seems that this good person is decadent and still has good news~~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons of the four seas, the reward of the starting price of the turtle0920200, the alsene, the singer, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~(unfinished to be continued..)

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