Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 100: Weak, innocent

Hey, hehe...

Even if it is full of oil, the friction between the iron-covered wooden wheel and the steel shaft still has an inconspicuous sound. Every time it seems to be the shackles between the decaying door frames, as if it will be thrown down in the next moment; It’s always stronger than you think.

This is also the case for a transport vehicle carrying four or four square boxes that requires four or six aliens.

Why don't you use horses and cows?

That's because, in most cases, aliens have more power and endurance than these animals; therefore, more often, horses and cattle are just rations of aliens.


It is also a round of intensive arrows. From the square box, it looks like a hive-like hole in the hole. It is far more than the intensive and fast-shooting speed of the bow-handed hand, making the wizard team that tends to collapse. It’s messy.

Moreover, it is clear that the heavy, large touch is enough to show that the arrows consumed by these shots have not reached a limit, or that ... it is more than enough to shoot four or five rounds; These cars with boxes did not all retreat to the battlefield.

"Destroy those machines!"

A wizard shouted loudly, and the flames in his hands had begun to gather.

Undoubtedly, the current situation is very clear. If you do not destroy those ‘killing machines,’ they are absolutely dead.

If you want to rush out, you must destroy those ‘killing machines’!

Similarly, there are quite a few wizards with similar ideas, and a burst of magical light begins to appear on the battlefield. Quickly gathered and formed.

Fireball, lightning, acid!

As the main offensive method in the plastic spell. One. In the gap between attacks, dumping toward those ‘killing machines’.

However, the final result made the wizards feel uncomfortable.

Those flames, arcs, and acides hit the 'killing machines', but they didn't really hurt the 'killing machines' in the true sense—the flames attached to them, but they quickly went out. In addition to the impact of lightning, even a spark of electric spark did not emerge, and the acid was like a detergent. Let the appearance of those ‘killing machines’ be cleaner and brighter.


The wizards involuntarily appeared such a curse - a raid that was launched at the expense of some companions' sacrifices, but it did not have the slightest effect. This is unacceptable to any wizard, even if it is again A good temper will also make a foul mouth.

What's more, in this life and death!

"Ha ha ha..."

There is such a laugh in the army of the aliens, not one or two. But in pieces, they seem to see the most ridiculous scene in the world. The smiles of the heart were all revealed, and the shadow was also in this laughter, and the hood of the cloak that had been draped was also put down.

Although it has a human-like body shape, the other's head looks like a beast - golden fur, black spots, like a cat's beard, and the ears are on the top of the head, and there is no real hair. Instead, the slightly longer mane replaced the hair.

A pair of cruel eyes, now staring at your prey without mercy, is like enjoying the dying feeling.

"You still have a chance to be loyal to me!"

The dark shadow of the true face is revealed. In this way, the sound is low and there is a trace of hoarseness, just like the sound of the cat before the predation.

Both expectation and excitement, but more is the ruthlessness of the hunter.

"Hey, alien, do you think it is possible?"

A representative of a surviving sorcerer came out. He looked around himself, and the ten friends who were not in one, slowly moved forward, and did not stop for a moment. "You used to enslave us, and we Resist and rebel, if you think you can succeed again, it is really delusional - what we need is... freedom!"

With the last two words, the bright red light shrouded the wizard, and the slow body shape accelerated in a flash.

He madly rushed to the aliens in front of him.

Although it is impossible to distinguish the other's level, but the opposite of ordinary ordinary people, it is to make him understand that this should be one of the leaders in the other army - to know that the general alien is more dependent on animal skin, linen They all cover their bodies, like the interracial people wearing leather jackets and cloaks. The identity is naturally different.

The power of [Blood of Blood] instantly made the wizard strong, although it was short-lived, but he also pulled the other side to death.

At least, his death would make the emergency department less humiliating.

Yes, it is humiliation!

As a support for the emergency department of each ministry, it was ambushed by the aliens, almost to the point where the whole army was annihilated... This is just like a joke, which makes people feel uncomfortable and shy.

If he can, he would rather die than want to face such a situation.

So, he made a choice.

Since death cannot be avoided, then take the other side and die!

The red is filled with the body of the wizard, occupying the line of sight of the alien head -


The violent explosion came from the inside of the wizard's body, and the next moment his body burst open with endless flames.

However, the alien leader is not in the explosion.

Just like the strange and swiftness that was shown before, the alien leader once again showed his own ghosts.

Hey, hey!

The tip of the claw with a thick pad of meat passed over the two wizards who also opened the "blood lead", letting the bright red blood spray on their body. The paw of the alien head was slightly bent, two The corpse is like a rag doll that has been thrown away. It flies up and falls between the surviving wizards.

boom! boom!

The surviving wizards were waved and among them. In the explosion, the splash of the broken arm around the broken limb.

The head of the alien race is unusually enjoying this. A scene of flesh and blood. It shook its nose and tried to keep the **** breath for a little longer.

Or... it will make more.

The screams, mixed with explosions, the former are the unwilling shouts of the wizards before they die, while the latter are the attachments of the wizards before they die.

Even if it is death, it must die with the enemy!

Undoubtedly, such an approach has greatly reduced the speed of killing of foreign leaders. Let the remaining wizards make up again.

Feeling, there may be dangers, the alien leader stopped his killing, it lifted his paws and waved backwards -

Hey, hehe...

In the friction between the wooden wheel and the ground and the steel shaft, those ‘killing machines’ were pushed up again.


First, the remaining wizards showed a cruel smile, and the alien leader shouted loudly.

Hey, hey!

The sound of the spring began to reverberate in the box of squares, and the general shooting port of the hive began to appear a touch of cold.

Large killings. It will happen again.

But sometimes. Accidents always play a decisive role -


A stunned electric light, like this, descended from the sky, squatting on those 'killing machines', with a trace of devastating thunder and lightning, in the first time will be the 'killing machine that is not invulnerable, the fire is not invading' '掀 在 在 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Whether it is those ‘killing machines’ or the aliens who are standing around manipulating these ‘killing machines’, they are all shattered at this moment.

"Damn slave!"

The alien leader escaped a flash of lightning toward himself, with an angry shout in his mouth—everything, as it was planned, when it was about to get the final harvest, it appeared like this. Unexpectedly, this makes it self-proclaimed as having 'wisdom', how can it be accepted.

So, after flashing the lightning that rushed toward it, it immediately rushed toward the person who gave the lightning.

Although the black hiding of the wizard was hidden, it was not able to escape its sight.

"Give me to die!"

With such shouts, the heads of the aliens waved their claws, and it could not wait to try the blood of each other.

For his own speed, the alien leader has considerable confidence, so it does not think that the other party can escape the past.

But what it expected was that the other party did not escape -


A metal sword with a thunder and lightning swayed in front of its claws, and the claws and swords made a sound of metal strikes.

Hey, hey, hey!

Both sides have each withdrawn three steps, one because of the strength of the other, and the other because of the lightning on the sword.

"who are you?"

While trying to abandon the residual numbness of the body, the head of the aliens saw the appearance of the other party. Even if the other person had a hood, it could not stop its sharp vision.

In its mind, there is no high-level, strong person in the Witch's Emergency Department that fits the look it sees.

Therefore, it is asking.

At the same time, it is also adjusting its own state, ready to give the other party a fatal blow.

As for the so-called 狡猾?

They are all like this, and it will not be ashamed or even proud of it.

However, the next moment, the alien leader changed his face -

Bang, boom, boom!

Just as it asked, behind it, three lightnings were coming out of thin air, and the thunder and light, surrounded by the aliens of the remaining wizards, fell to the ground.

The aliens who were hit for the first time, or who were close to each other, became coke in the first place, while the remaining ones, which stood farther, were also trembled in the scattered thunder.

Obviously, in the face of lightning, it is important to defend against the first wave of attacks, but it is also urgent to think about the second wave of attacks.

The unresolved wizards, without any hesitation, immediately began to expand the results of the battle -

The most representative fireball in the plastic spells, the pieces were thrown into the surrounding aliens by these wizards, and a burst of sound. A stream of flames. Quickly dispelled the darkness around.

undoubtedly. After ample time, the power of the wizard is absolutely not to be underestimated!

"You must die!"

Feeling the volatility of the spell behind him and the mourning before his death, the head of the aliens yelled loudly at the 'uninvited guest', and as the snoring just fell, it rushed toward the other side.

Obviously, the performance of this 'uninvited guest' has already made it omit the heart of inquiry.

Looking at the other person who rushed over, Ye Qi resisted the urge to give the other party a fatal blow. It was very ‘embarrassing’ that resisted the opponent’s offense—although there was no ‘the attention’ of the wizard emperor and the gods, but more than fifty wizards’ eyes, but watching him closely.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is inseparable.

Of course, there is no hostility in these eyes, but rather gratitude and worry.

Grateful for his helplessness.

And... worried that he is not at the other side, and there is danger.

Of course, for Ye Qi, the latter will never appear. He wants to kill the alien who has a leopard's head in front of him. It only takes a long sword to wave - although it is not the most famous knives, but for Ye Qi who has the immortal level [cold weapon]. The long sword is the same, even any cold weapon is the same.

As long as he is taken in his hands, he can exert an immortal power.

Therefore, even if the speed of the alien in front of him is fast and the body is unusually different, it is useless for Ye Qi.

As long as Ye Qi wants to kill each other, he only needs one trick.

However, in order to have more 'spectators', Ye Qi can only express his support of 'stubborn'; after all, the other side has the extraordinary high-level combat power, and he is just entering the extraordinary, plus because of the rescue, there is no The arrangement is not followed by the wizard tower.

The contrast between the two sides naturally requires him to 'fall into the wind'.

But even this 'stubborn' battle is enough to make the remaining wizards feel a long sigh of relief – they have not forgotten how their ministers, deputy ministers, and some captains are vulnerable in this alien. It is dead; it can be said that although it was suddenly ambushed, the success of this ambush was because of the power of the other.

If the high-level departments of the emergency department are dying, they will never fall to the present level.

Therefore, after seeing Ye Qi relying on the 'exquisite sword' and spells to resist this alien, all the remaining wizards began to increase their morale, and the spells of the road continued to shoot at the aliens around.

And when the warriors once again appeared next to the wizards, the balance on the battlefield began to tilt again.

Oh, oh...

The arc of the road flashed through the claws of the alien head, causing its body to tremble involuntarily. Obviously, the degree of difficulty of this human wizard is far beyond its expectation. .

Not only that, but also because of the appearance of the other side, the situation on the entire battlefield has also changed.

"Failed, need to retreat!"

Such an idea has begun to appear in the minds of this alien leader. For a good hunter, the death of war is not a proper quality. It is a clearer examination and judgment, rather than recklessness. Obviously, the hunter gene belonging to this alien head began to play a role, and it was ready to retreat.

Even if you don't need to perceive the other's fluctuations, it is judged from the rhythm of the opponent's attack. Ye Qi understands what the other party wants to do.

In order to make this battle more reasonable, Ye Qi was very 'cooperating' in the sudden and intensive claws of the other side, slightly retreating two steps.

It was the two steps of this retreat, and the alien head turned and left.

Therefore, it did not see the few pharmacy that appeared in Ye Qi's hands. Ye Qi was very fortunate to have improved these pharmacies so that he had better reasons to explain his changes.

Although, after entering the extraordinary, the effects of these agents began to decline linearly. Once they entered immortality, they were almost the same as sugar.

However, he is now ‘first-time extraordinary’!


The long sword with lightning, such a piercing from the back of the alien head, reveals the chest.

"How is this possible?"

With an incredible tone, the alien leader said.

And Ye Qi did not care what the other party was saying. The straight wrist was turned, and the metal long sword suddenly opened a huge mouth in the other's vest and chest.

However, it is clear that the vitality of interracial creatures is always tenacious.

Even if they suffer from an absolutely fatal injury to humans, they can still be strong -

"You slaves will not succeed. You will never understand what you are facing, waiting..."

The alien leader still wants to say something, but Ye Qi has already left the other's head before he finishes it; Ye Qi is naturally clear about what the alien wants to say.

However, Ye Qi does not mind.

There is a fortress of the wizarding emperor, and there is a reminder that if the other party can still succeed, then the wizard emperor will not be worthy of fighting with the gods for so long.

Therefore, he only needs to do his own thing well--after all, the army around the aliens, although the leader was killed, fell into chaos, but far from the real collapse.

And Ye Qi naturally does not mind, will speed up this process.


Just as Ye Qi was about to get involved in the battle in the jungle, Zhan Yurui, who had bypassed the battlefield, finally returned to the fortress.

But he was in trouble -

"I want to ask to see you!"

Zhan Yurui said sincerely.

"No one can't meet without the will of His Majesty!"

The monitors who were responsible for the monitoring and guarding tasks answered meticulously.

"I really have a very urgent thing!"

Zhan Yurui’s face was anxious.

However, the monitors in front of us are simply unmoved.

Ps smashed this power outage again... pit ......


Thanks to the prodigal sons drifting around the sea, turtle0920, the reward of the 200 hearts of the lost heart, and the reward of the 100 starting currency ~~~ decadent again Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ (to be continued. .)

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