Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 104: Plague

There is an internal struggle between humans and wizards, and similar internal struggles exist between aliens and orcs.

This has nothing to do with the kingship and the theocracy. It is just a kind of competition between intelligent creatures. Perhaps some of the existence will not put this in the eye, but such existence is called in human beings. The saint is a rarer existence than immortality.

And in the alien?

According to Ye Qi, there is no such existence.

After all, the belief in the law of the jungle, the more direct aliens, is far more difficult to achieve than the human beings bound by the rules and regulations.

As for the elves?

Yes, they are very passionate about nature and peace, but the classes among them are more explicit, even harsh, and they are even more cruel to outsiders, especially humans, orcs. In the fertilizer, you can definitely find some bones.

Therefore, in the pool of thirty alien cities, the city of the elves is the most closed and independent.

If it is not because of the existence of wizards, and the gods they believe in as 'guides', the elves can't stay here.

Of course, these Ye Qi are not concerned.

Even, in the battle between the orcs that are about to be staged, Ye Qi does not want to participate in it - if not worried, if he is seen to be flawed, he has already left.

However, at this time, Ye Qi looked at the orcs around the surrounding or other aliens, he could only sit quietly here, waiting for the end of the farce.

That's right, this is a farce in Ye Qi's view -

The former, the orc who first appeared in front of his felt, is undoubtedly powerful, and he has maximized his racial superiority, only by brute force. Even if it is a moon-level apostle, he is not willing to face the party. Sharp.

The latter, although not the power of the former, but has the dexterity and skill that the former does not have.

Just take a look. Ye Qi can conclude that the latter is for the former. More is a drama, not an opponent's battle with each other.

Simply put. The latter is completely playing the former.

In fact, apart from Ye Qi, the aliens who were on the scene, the orcs, discovered this situation only after a while; they only had different looks on their faces, and some were completely onlookers’ watching. Some are joined to one of them, cheering loudly -

\"Big man, come on!\"

\"Hit it, hit it!\"

\"Hide the beautiful, counterattack, counterattack!\"


The cheering sounds of the past. The original calm market has instantly entered the hustle and bustle of the Colosseum, and both sides in the field are also in the cheering voice. All of them have entered the state of bloodthirsty. Blood, the unique state of the orcs, is similar to the Berserker in human rumors, but more violent, regardless of the enemy.

The chests of both sides are undulating like bellows, and the strong breathing sound makes the interracial people around them hear clearly.

In such a heavy breathing sound, the cheering and cheering sounds only a slight glimpse, and it broke out with a stronger reaction.

Some aliens couldn't help but jumped up and waved their arms hard.

As if, if you don't do this, it will not be enough to show your excitement.

And the aliens who do this, in the eyes of Ye Qi's eyes, are definitely not in the minority - it is a kind of excitement about blood, very direct, no need to cover up.

One will die!

Or... go with it!

Ye Qi took back his gaze and placed it on the two orcs who were fighting in the field, thinking with great certainty.

The bloodthirsty state not only increases the strength of the orcs, but also causes them to lose their final rationality, becoming like a real beast, pointing to death or getting tired.

And the battle in front of you, of course, does not need to go to the latter.

However, the death of the war is true -


The orc named Tida, the claws in his hand, once again the former, the tall body brought out three blood vessels with deep visible bones.

The former once again made a scream, but the Tomahawk in his hand did not stop at all, and the backhand was a wave.

But as before, the orc named Tida evaded and relaxed, and then left a scar on the opponent's body.

Undoubtedly, this continues, the outcome has already been decided.

After all, even the body of a strong orc, the blood inside the body is not inexhaustible.

Soon, the orc who first stopped in front of Ye Qi felt, the whole body became crumbling. Before that, it was like dancing a firewood-like battle axe. At this time, it is also necessary to hold the hands tightly. Don't let it come out, even if there is support from this Tomahawk, the beast will not fall.

The orc named Tida looked at his opponent like this. It didn't rush to understand his opponent in the first place, but enjoyed the cheers of the winner - holding his arms up. Waving the claws covered with blood, screaming around the circle formed by the onlookers.

This kind of roar, without any vocabulary, is completely a snoring with excitement.

It seems that the buzz between the beasts is average.

Walked around the circle formed by the audience in front of the audience, and walked three times, this. [,! The beasts named Yuda took up their own nature and strode to the opponent's face, lifting their claws on their palms, ready to receive the opponent's life.


The claws were inserted into the chest of the opponent without any hindrance, but the face of the orc named Tida was changed because it felt a different resistance.


And when the orc named Tida raised his head in a strange way, a strong wind pressure appeared.


4. The head of Tida flew high and rolled off the dust.

From the beginning to the end, the orc with the Tomahawk is only effective in this attack, and it is also a blow.

However, this does not mean its victory - although it relies on the obstacles of strong muscles, it has won a line of time for itself. But compared with the heart, the claws of metal are undoubtedly the harder and sharper of the former, while the latter The touch of the former, obviously the former is victorious.

The orc with the heart puncture. Looking at the head and flying out, the opponent who fell to the ground. Covering his mouth to reveal a victorious smile, but in the end the smile still did not bloom. Just like this, the sky fell to the ground and stepped on. The opponent's footsteps; and the surrounding onlookers once again gave a cheer.

It is both cheering for such a battle, but also for its own harvest. In the aliens, the definition of property is very clear: there is the Lord and the Lord.

The former is protected by his own master. As for the latter? Who is naturally who is caught?

It’s like the front, no one has touched the scattered Kimpton, because this is Kypton’s Kimpton, but the items belonging to the two fighters are being madly robbed.

Of course, after that, because of this robbing, another battle broke out.

And such a battle. Naturally, it is inevitable to die, and whenever death occurs, there will be more combatants.

Because, this means more gains.

From a one-on-one battle. It has been developed to the battle that has spread to the entire market. It has not taken a long time. It is only less than ten minutes of work. A big chaos of more than one hundred people has been created.

Looking at the big chaos in front of him, Ye Qi had to retreat in order not to be affected, and stood with other onlookers – these vendors did not want to join, just because they understood their own strength, or Representatives of certain forces, they cannot join.

At the very least, Ye Qi saw several vendors whispering, his eyes flashing, and one of them took off his coat and joined it.

Of course, more vendors are to distinguish themselves.

Shaman, in the orcs, the status of the aliens is not low, whether in the single fight, or in the war, the shaman is a part that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, the strength of any shaman is recognized.

This is why Ye Qi got his own two hundred Kimptons. Otherwise, he can't get anything - look, those are just ordinary aliens, the fear on his face can know that everything is not so beautiful. It is.

Human beings are deceitful, but they are bound by rules.

Interracial is straight, but under the control of violent, it is not much better than the former, and even more dangerous, because the high-level aliens have no blackmail.

Ye Qi glanced at the distant buildings - the orc soldiers, the guards, were gathering, but they were obviously not very summoning, it seemed that it was not so slow.

In this regard, Ye Qi has a hint of speculation.

And when these soldiers, the guards rushed into the market, began to unrelentingly expel the fighting crowd, for hesitation, rebel, painful killer, and, after smoothing the other's property, Ye Qi knew how much his guess was. The correct - the winners are always the high-level who have both human cunning and alien violent.

Even, compared to the high-level humans, they don't need too many face problems.

Because the aliens built on the law of the jungle do not care about the so-called face, they only know that the fist is the truth.

Soldiers, the guards appear fast, and they leave fast.

Only the blood and corpses that are scattered all over the market are left behind - these corpses, soldiers, and guards will not be taken after the valuable things are taken away.

Who is going to deal with it?

Ye Qi looked at the vendors who walked up and couldn’t help but shrugged.

Obviously, in this city, whoever has several jobs.

Similarly, the reason why you can take several jobs is because part-time work is not complicated – it is like now, to throw a body, just throw it into a large pit not far from the market.

In fact, there are quite a few bodies in that big pit.

As for filling up?

Filled up, just need to dig one more.

Until all the locations of the city are filled, it is necessary to consider outside the city.

Of course, it takes a long time. After all, whether it is a priest or a shaman, it requires quite a lot of corpses; it is like this big pit in front of you, according to Ye Qi’s inquiries, it was excavated thirty years ago. Start. Until now, it has not been filled.

Every few days, even hours, there will be some aliens coming to pick the material.

Of course. Such materials are worthless!

Where are the really valuable materials?

Ye Qi looked at .[,! The ‘goods’ chained up in the chain. After a slight glimpse of his eyes, he quickly bowed his head. He was very worried about his anger and would make his plan unnecessarily unexpected.

As for why there is such an anger?

Look at those 'goods', or... slaves.

There are orcs, seas, elves, and humans!

Compared with the first three. The latter is undoubtedly very rare. Therefore, it is a hot item. The possibility of being captured by a wizard is very low. At the last moment, each wizard will open the [blood lead] and basically remove it. Get an incomplete corpse outside, you can't get anything at all.

In addition, the compatriots who have been sinned as slaves by themselves are too many, so that the few poor human captives appear to be getting less and less.

However, even if there are few, the slave is still a slave.

Clothing is not covered, whipping, hunger...

Nothing will be lacking, as long as it is not dead - it is too easy for the aliens with shamanism and magic.

Therefore, every slave has been tortured all over again.

Ye Qi can clearly see the numbness in the eyes of these slaves.

There is no such thing as despair, it is numbness, very simple numbness - he saw the whip smashed on a human slave, the other fell to the ground, his cheeks were smashed, blood flowed, but the other party seemed to have no feeling In general, stand up and continue walking.

The beatings made a smug laughter, and then in order to make themselves more embarrassed, proud, its whip began to wave.

Hey, hey, hehe...

Every time the sound is loud, it means that the skin is fleshy and bloody.

And every smuggled slave is so unmovable, it is like a cockroach.

If I said that Ye Qi had a trace of doubts about her own plans because of her conscience, now she is absolutely gone.

Is there a conscience for slave traders?

Are you stupid by the Thunder?

Looking at the slave trader and walking into the special building in the distance, Ye Qi put away his own felt and slowly left the city on the 17th and rolled the city.


Between the 17th and 16th centuries, on the back of the wilderness, Ye Qi found some camps where the stones were accumulated. After a little arrangement, he entered.

Confirming the surrounding arrangement is enough to confuse, after ignoring the perception of the letter on him, Ye Qi opened his own [Advanced Dimensional Bag] and took out the [Pandora Box].


Just opened [Pandora's Box], [阎魔刀] can't wait to rush out, and sent a burst of humming around Ye Qi.

\" Wait a second, wait a minute, not until you play!\"

Ye Qi caressed the handle of the [阎魔刀], the scabbard, the scabbard, and slowly said, and with the words of Ye Qi [阎魔刀] slowly subsided, gently put their own Once again, Sabre returned to [Pandora's Box], and Ye Qi picked up another item.

Immortal Key: Black Gem!

This black gem, which includes betrayal, aristocracy, deceit, and martial arts, was once deprived of Ye Shu by the characteristics of the martial arts.

The remaining betrayal, nobility, and deceitfulness remain.

Now, Ye Qi needs the priesthood character of betrayal.

Of course, it is only needed, not deprived, and inherited in its own body - the 'the sun' will not allow such priesthood characteristics to be integrated into it.

Therefore, Ye Qi is just ‘borrowing’ in order to complete his own plan.

And this is not all natural, Ye Qi still needs other things, such as: plague.

Although those alien cities have the reinforcement of faith and refused the possibility of the plague, it only refused the ordinary plague, and it was definitely not a plague with faith.

Use alchemy, the power of faith to create potions with plague.

Although Ye Qi is doing it for the first time, it does not mean that he does not have a pharmaceutical formula - his contract companion has given him more than one such formula.

However, in order to be on the safe side, Ye Qi did not use it.

But -


A shout of shouts came from the iron cage next to Ye Qi. Two huge mice were hung in them. Apart from the huge and mental energy, the two mice had their own hard to heal. The wound, many of which have begun to flow out of the green blackened juice.

And this is what Ye Qi needs!

He used a straw to carefully retain the thick juice from the wounds on these mice, while at the same time interpreting the black gems in his hand.

Although it is a dual-use, but Ye Qi is done in an orderly manner.

Until the black gem gave a shock, Ye Qi had to stop and put it again into the Pandora's Box.

Although he arranged a confused, cover-up array, but for the sake of insurance, these special items still exist in the [Pandora's Box], the security.

When the black gems were put in place, Ye Qi devoted himself to the refinement of the 'plague virus', the speed of the latter began to increase rapidly. After the day's color was brightened and dim, a total of three blacks were black. The medicinal test tube appeared in the hands of Ye Qi.

Each one carries a sense of trepidation far beyond the depths.

.[,! ]

As if, there is an abyss.

Ps 颓 新 new book "Emerald Tower" uploaded, and everyone's support ah ~~~ later single chapter, send a link ~~~ can also point directly from the decadent recommended works, the first one is ~~~

Desperate and rolling, ask everyone to support the new book~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son floating around the sea, the reward of the starting price of turtle0920200, the lost heart, the reward of the starting point of a424436373100 ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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