Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 107: Strike

For the upcoming history, Ye Qi is helpless, and the rest is still helpless - until now, he did not think of a way to solve it with the best of both worlds.

After all, the wizarding emperors would not look at the destruction of the wizarding dynasty.

In the same way, once the civil war broke out, the seven heroes who stood on the slave side would not give up those slaves. Ye Qi is quite clear about his teacher's temper.

One party insists that the other party is tough.

Ye Qi has been able to imagine what kind of situation he will face.

What makes Ye Qi even more troublesome is what caused what is happening now.

He will never believe that he, his own teacher, profiteers, etc. are here for no reason -

If he said that he has the blood of Time Dragon, it appears here, and there is an explanation for it.

So what happened to his teachers and profiteers?

Through time, even the gods can't do it!

Obviously, although his teachers and profiteers are strong, the former has special blood, while the latter uses the power of the mortal body user, but the two still do not have such qualifications.

Doubt, it is like a net bag, which is directly placed in Ye Qi, so that he can not distinguish clearly.

It's better to be an invisible big hand, and it's all in the back.

"Joe, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Ye Qi, who was caught in contemplation, the gem emperor couldn’t help but care.

"Nothing, sire, just..."

Ye Qi showed a smile, indicating that he had no relationship, but the next moment Ye Qi was slightly stiff and stayed in place -

[Discover unknown energy...]

[Unknown energy analysis is completed...]

[Specialization promotion: the road to secondary killing - the road to killing - the heart of the second killing - the heart of killing]

[Unknown energy surplus...]

[Specialization transformation: the transformation of killing heart...]

[divineness: killing]

[Miege: Nothing]

[Between the endless bodies, only your standing, the mourning of countless souls, you are not moving - cold and ruthless you. Once you aim at the target, no matter the demon, you will be waving a butcher! 】

[Note: In the battle, you will start the kill mode. You can consume 10-100 points of faith and create a field of killings of different sizes. In the field, you and those who are loyal to you will get a 1-10 times increase (can only be maintained in an attack, defense or auxiliary behavior). Once you change or continue to the next round, you need to re-bend) - the dead life will be far from the land of the dead, turned into a combat servant, and enter your killing field (Note: every 100 low-level (star photos) ) Combat servants, consume a little faith every ten days; after the level is promoted, it will consume more faith, and you can choose to give up)

As prompted by the system. A special breath began to surround the body of Ye Qi.

Although the next moment, Ye Qi restrained and concealed this breath.

However, this moment is enough to perceive the wizarding emperor in front of him.

However, what Ye Qi expected was. The emperor of the gem did not show a hostile gesture. On the contrary, the wizard emperor only smiled and smiled.

"Welcome to join us, Joe!"

In the crisp applause, the emperor emperor stood up and walked to Ye Qi.

"Your Majesty. I am a little overwhelmed now. Can you explain it to me?"

Ye Qi said half-truthly - first of all, the continuous promotion of the secondary killings, until the top transformation [divine], really makes Ye Qicuo out of defense.

Although, his colleague Kutcher once said. [The killing way] is the simplest, but because of the fear of being stunned by the [killing way], Ye Qi did not intend to choose this path.

However, what Ye Qi did not think of is that [the way to kill] there is still such a 'shortcut'!

That's right. It is a shortcut!

On the battlefield of Tuyu's aliens, he did not have a real shot. He only relied on spreading the plague to reach his goal of Aunt Kuchi. This is really a shortcut for Ye Qi, or... It was a pie that fell from the sky, and it was straight into the hand and sent to the mouth.

Although there is no such thing as [the priesthood], Ye Qi, who has the power of the sun and the power of the king, does not need to be too demanding to conform to the killing.

Or to say... This is a good thing for Ye Qi.

After all, when facing ordinary people, Ye Qi could not raise the heart of killing.

“Sure enough, is it the easiest?”

Once again, I glanced at the words "God: Killing", and Ye Qi thought silently; then, his gaze was placed on the emperor's body in front of him.

Obviously, the wizarding emperors have mastered much more than he knows.

At least, it is enough to say that they did not see the appearance of [divineness] on him, and the masters of the wizards were quite profound about the ‘the gods’.

In addition, after the other party's words, Ye Qi is not difficult to guess some 'rules' - the wizarding emperors should have their own "divineness."

Then, the gem emperor confirmed Ye Qi’s guess –

"This is a qualitative change. Only when such a change is made can it be said that there is a real confrontation with the 'God of God'; otherwise, everything is talkative! So, now you can call my name directly - - because we are standing above the same height!"

The gem emperor said that while the left hand palm began to shine, colorful, very beautiful.

However, what Ye Qi pays attention to is not such a radiance, but the radiance of the divineness that is mixed with it. It is different from the vastness of the [sun], and it is different from the icyness of [killing], but it is a more honest and practical. The feeling - similar to [the earth], but different from the [earth].

"Is this a gem?"

Ye Qi guessed and asked.

"Well, it is [gem]...from [earth], but it is different from [earth]!" The emperor glanced very honestly, and then asked Ye Qi: "Are you [plague]?" ”

"No, it is [killing]!"

Ye Qi shook his head and said frankly.

"[Killing]? It’s really a must..."

The gem emperor admired, but his words were not finished. The gaze looked at the direction of the alien city, where a special wave of volatility was flashing.

In the cold, there is a gloomy gloom!


Almost for a moment, the gem emperor had such a decision - except for the gods, it was impossible to trigger such a wave of change.

Ye Qi is also in the first place. Feel such fluctuations, even more clear than the gem emperor.

Because, in that wave of fluctuations, it is also mixed with the help of the 'source of plague'!

“Is it the source of the plague?”

The gem emperor apparently found something wrong in the next moment.


Ye Qi nodded.

"Oh, I think the 'source of the plague' should not die like this!"

The gem emperor said this, and the whole person walked outside the ‘the temple of truth’.

“Need a helper?”

A thunderbolt flashed, and the Thunder emperor appeared beside Ye Qi, smiling and asked Ye Qi.

"my pleasure!"

Ye Qi smiled a dagger.

Only the next moment, the direction of the alien city pool. There was another wave of volatility, and the sorrow of the ‘the source of the plague’ became more and more urgent—


Feeling such fluctuations, the Thunder Emperor was the first to sing.

The gem emperor was also frowning.

"It seems that the other party simply sent me an invitation!"

Ye Qi shrugged.

"You can't go! Although you now have [divineness], but you only have [divineness]. There is no power to match it, you need more prestige, and after a long period of time, you can really be in the sense. Just as positive as ours and not falling into the wind! So... your battle is not now!"

The Thunder Emperor pushed his glasses and said it very seriously.

"Compared to the 'source of the plague,' we need you more!"

The emperor emperor sighed and said.

obviously. Such a discourse is naturally clear, and he gave up the 'source of the plague.'

"Oh, I think I need to take a look - the 'source of the plague' is what I made, and I have a contractual relationship with it...not the kind of soul, just a servant; but my servant I was caught and killed, but I didn’t dare to show up. I think my reputation would smell like it?"

Ye Qi said indulgingly.

With Ye Qi's words, the two wizarding emperors silently said that they knew the importance of ‘prestige’ for Ye Qi, who already had [divineness].

One has [divineity]. But there are no people who should have prestige, obviously will not be a member of them.

Because the other party does not have the strength to match it.

As for concealing it?

As the old rivals of the gods, the two wizarding emperors were well aware of the means of these so-called 'the gods' - for the ultimate victory, they were always trying to counter the prestige of the wizarding emperors in the minds of the wizards.

Even if there is no fact, it will be fabricated.

Moreover, under the premise of having real facts, they will spare no effort.

"I think this is my test?"

Ye Qi felt the eagerness of the ‘the source of the plague’, and shrugged his shoulders and walked toward the temple.

"This is very arbitrary - but I appreciate it!"

The Thunder Emperor said alone.

"Although we can't really appear, but as a backup - if we don't do anything, it's too weak!"

The gem emperor said as he threw a gem into Ye Qi’s hand.

"With it, we can arrive at any time!"


Ye Qi waved his hand, and after leaving the ‘the order of truth’, the whole person suddenly turned into a lightning bolt and vacated.

Such a move naturally caused a stir in the surrounding guardian observers.

However, very soon, such turmoil subsided, but another news, but the entire fortress began to boil -

The alien plague is from the hands of the wizard, and that is the ‘Joe’!

This is enough to shock the wizards.

However, the news after that made them even more shocked!

One of the gods actually controlled a helper of ‘Joe’, let ‘Joe’ go alone, and ‘Joe’ left the fortress like this.

"is this real?"

"It won't be fake, it was announced by the monitors!"

"Jiao really went?"

"Don't you see that thunder?"

"Damn, damn. How can this be!"

"I hope Master Joe can be okay!"

"May Joe Master is fine!"


Almost when Ye Qi arrived in front of the alien city, his power of belief that was about to be warned began to grow wildly, with the number of '10' ‘10’. Constantly beating.

As for why it happens, this is the case.

Ye Qi is naturally well-informed - since he chose to come, the two wizarding emperors certainly can't give up this, giving him the opportunity to grow up with esteem.

Or say... give him this trip and add some opportunities.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally expressed his gratitude. After all, no one will refuse to help him truly meaningful.

At this moment, Ye Qi stands in a place, from the opposite side of the city. About a kilometer or so distance, therefore, the outline of the alien city pool, he looked very clear.

Of course, what is more clearly seen is the 'source of plague'!

Bundled by an iron chain, the 'source of the plague' was hung on the city. It was constantly being whipped by a whip that was waving in a volley.

The ‘the source of the plague’ sounded a sigh of 吱吱 in every slap.

However, after seeing the owner of Ye Qi, the pain of the 'source of the plague' suddenly became cheerful, and there was also a fierceness in the cry of the ‘吱吱’.

obviously. Not only will the dog be in the doldrums, but the mice will be even more excessive.

Although I can't understand the meaning of the 'source of plague' in detail, but it is just a few simple words, but let Ye Qi understand that 'the source of the plague' is first insulting the other's mother's direct and collateral relatives. Then there is a strong threat.

of course. This is in exchange for a more powerful whipping of the whip.

"I think that my appearance has already let you let it go!"

Ye Qi said slowly in the scream of the 'source of the plague' against the void in front of him.

"No, no, I don't think so!"

In the void, a smack of scorn and a slap in the face came out. With such a voice, the other person's figure also slowly appeared in the position of about five yards in front of Ye Qi.

This is a 'person' who wraps his whole body in a black cloak. The black color that is visible to the naked eye is starting from the robe and starting to dance around the claws. However, the other party does not wear a hood, but is openly exposed. A face that looks young but has a haze.

At the moment, this face has a smug look.

"You see, you are such a hypocritical guy, obviously not willing to come, but have to come for the sake of fame... Oh, in our words, it is the power of faith!" The god, walked slowly In front of Ye Qi, after turning around Ye Qi for two laps, he reached out and said, "Get it! The smell of Allen's guy, I still remember it!"

Ye Qi did not hesitate to throw the gem that the gem emperor gave to the other side.

"Look, this is our difference - you will vote for a mouse, and I will take the initiative in the real sense!" The **** got the gem of the gem emperor, face The look on the more and more smug, it crushed it, gently patted the broken end, as if it was what I thought of, a shot on the forehead: "Right, forgot to introduce myself - death Adults from God: Plague!"

"As for my real name? Sorry, that's a secret!"

As if to say a joke, the ‘plague’ immediately sent out the kind of 'giggle' after the voice fell, as if the fox had stolen the chicken laughter.

"However, I can know your name - Joe!" "The plague," said awkwardly. "In the recent period, your name has been very good for us! It’s not just making a game for me. The plague is scared, and, more importantly, you have passed our 'eyes and ears' and have to say that you are doing very well!"

"It's a pity... the guy you made is an uncompromising fool. He doesn't even know how to 'transfer'. He just stays in the corpse and keeps releasing the plague. Don't tell me, this is your command. If this is the case, I think we have to lower the evaluation for you!"

It was a complete cynicism, spurting from the mouth of the plague.

The kind of pretentious look makes anyone like to give him a punch, and Ye Qi is no exception.

However, Ye Qi is not eager to do this -

"Yes, that's my order... Now, can you put it?"

Ye Qi nodded and acknowledged the other party's statement, and once again mentioned the 'source of the plague' - and in fact, as the other said, the 'source of the plague' was only completed according to his orders. Only; some accidents are inevitable and appear here.

Although I guessed the involvement of the gods, Ye Qi did not think that the other party would be so fast.

“Sure enough, the ‘blind’ of the ‘black gem’ could not reach a higher level!”

Ye Qi’s heart sighs silently—the appearance of the other is obviously the failure of the ‘black jewel’, and after such a big riot, the failure is taken for granted.

Otherwise, it is not a ‘key’, but a true function of the gods.

In fact, even the gods cannot continue to be deceived under such disturbances. This is not powerful or not, but the amount of faith that needs to be spent. Obviously, in the case where costs and gains are not proportional, Anyone, the gods will have a correct choice.

"Let? Of course, but I want to know how you did it - hey, I am not talking about the plague, you understand!"

The ‘plague’ nodded, but it made new demands.

Decadence continues to give support for the new book~~ "Emerald Tower", very good, everyone goes to the collection, recommend it~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart.~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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