Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 119: ready

"Well, I think I can do it!"

After Ye Qi licked his own swelled temple, this said - in fact, for Ye Qi, he never found out that reading is such a painful thing.

Every word, he recognizes that with the special expertise [memory corridor], everything he has seen will enter his mind, but this does not mean that he does not need time to understand; it is like these documents Aside from those that are shallow, each one has a certain meaning.

Whether it is the incumbent of each department, the consuls, or the local nobility.

All need to be analyzed in a simple way, not just one-sided.

In this regard, Ye Qi is very admired to write these documents, the officials of the intelligence department - after combining some of the simplest words, there will be such changes, perhaps at first glance, I don’t think anything, but look closely, Some clues are undoubted.

Just like the family behind the governors.

The intelligence department did not list it in a big way, but wrote a straight family, while the sideline was mixed in other ways.

As for the alliance and collaborators?

It is when those simple words appear.

Text is always such a mystery, isn't it?

Ye Qi shook his head slightly, once again opened the previous documents, and carefully looked up - not that Ye Qi is such a love for his work as a wizard emperor.

He did this only to become familiar with the entire wizarding dynasty.

Or... in order to prepare for the war that subverted the entire dynasty four years later.

However, the bodyguard did not know this. In his eyes. The new wizarding emperor is slightly frivolous and accommodating in some habits. But most of the time, it is extremely serious and reliable.

Of course, it would be great if you let the mouse away!

Almost subconscious, the guardian once again looked at the 'source of the plague', which is almost the size of a child of four or five years old - although the body has been cleaned and brought with the crystal coat, there is no filth at all, but The annoyance of the creature of the mouse did not make the bodyguard change because of this. And there have been changes.

In the same way, as the source of the plague, which was transformed by the power of faith, the wisdom is also a little bit away from the animal instinct. When facing the gaze of the guard, it moved very intelligently. In the footsteps, close to his master, then he picked up his teeth at the guard.

Obviously, it’s not just shit.

The mouse is the same.

The guardian's eyes stared at the huge mouse and thought about how to make it clear to Ye Qi. A crisp ringtone came.

Just like in the past, the guards went to Ye Qi, who was buried in the head, after a ritual. Quickly walked outside the temple of truth.

After a while, he once again took a file and walked back.

“Your Majesty, this is information about the fortress ‘Great Emperor’, you need to read it first!”

The guardian reminded me.

"Okay, I think I will do that!"

Ye Qitou did not lift, pointing to the other side of his desk.

Looking at Ye Qi's appearance, the guards did not say anything more, they put those documents there - he was just a guardian, and there was no right to blame, even if it was a suggestion, it was overdone.

Time began in the morning, lunch Ye Qi spent in the office, dinner was also, until late at night, he completely left the chair.

And such hard work is naturally a very successful one. One third of the information, he has already read it.

Although not all, but for the clan dynasty, Ye Qi is also on a step.

In this kind of cognition, he became more and more unbelievable about the war that broke out four years later. After all, the hierarchy of the wizarding dynasty is not as harsh as the later generations. In fact, the governor is removed. In addition to the assistance, there are also monitors on the sidelines.

If there is a large-scale riot, or a large-scale death, such a thing is absolutely impossible to survive the wizarding emperor.

Unless the governor and the inspectors simultaneously rebelled against the wizard emperor.

And this... obviously is unlikely.

The governor, because of power, may be corrupted, but the vast majority of the monitors are loyal. After all, some of the ombudsmen themselves are disciples of the wizarding emperors.

If there is a rebellion in this way, then there is only one possibility...

Ye Qi almost subconsciously thought of the ‘light’ that had begun to act – it is clear that there is no other possibility than the god.

Simply put, war is what the other party has provoked.

Moreover, Ye Qi can be sure that the other party has now begun to act.

As for entering Lorante?

It may be very difficult, but it is definitely not impossible - at least, the other party has succeeded in history, and now the other party may have begun.

Whether it is avatar or leaning over.

The other party is able to achieve its goal.

In this regard, Ye Qi is undecided, all he has to do is to find each other and see the other side's every move.

No need to block, just monitor.

Or, he needs a result that is consistent with history but can be 'considered'.

And this is equally difficult, but it is definitely not impossible. At least, Ye Qi has already begun -

"No. 1!"

With Ye Qi’s words, Shadow Knight No. 1 appeared in the room, and the other side of the 'plague source' screamed; obviously, as timid as a mouse, this sentence does not appear for no reason. .

"I need you to lead your subordinates and do something!"

Ye Qi told me, and Shadow Knight No. 1 would not object at all.

"But before that, you need to have an identity!"

Ye Qi looked at the shadow knight in front of himself on one knee and sank for a while. Pressed the bell on the table. next moment. The chief of the guards pushed in.

"His Majesty!"

Looking at the Shadow Knight No. 1 appearing in the room, the chief of the guard was a frown, but he didn't ask much, just bowed to Ye Qi.

For the guardian, he has been following the wizarding emperor and has seen too many incredible things.

Even this collection of negative energy creatures is not the first to see.

but. The appearance of human beings surprised him a bit.

"This is the number one. I need you to give him the status of a monitor... Hey, if I can, I need more places!"

After the introduction of Ye Qi's brief answer, he asked to look at the guardian.

"Yes, as a wizard emperor, you have the right to form a team of no less than 100 monitors!"

The guard did not hesitate and nodded.

“Is there such a right?”

Ye Qiyi, he did not listen to other wizarding emperors.

"Except for the alchemy, the two potions, and other sire. I have not exercised this right!"

The guardian explained.

Ye Qi nodded awkwardly, obviously. With the strength of the wizarding emperor, there are more than one hundred people, and there is no difference between them.

The two wizarding emperors of alchemy and potion are undoubtedly need more powerful assistants.

Therefore, they need such a quota.

"So, gold, apart from this right, what else is the right that I don't know?"

Ye Qi asked like this.

"No, sire! Others, you should know from those articles!"

The guardian shook his head.

"Well, you can help me handle the identity of these 100 people!"

When Ye Qi waved his hand, the guards turned and walked away from the room, and after a while, they came back with a box of magic crystals.

"This is the magic crystal of identity identification. You only need to put your own power into it, you can lock it!" Picking up one of the magical crystals of the little finger size, the guard said, "Please don't lose, damage, because this Will cause unnecessary trouble!"

Obviously, the supplement to the latter sentence is to explain to the Shadow Knight No. 1 - in the eyes of the chief of the guard, such a gathering of negative energy is almost the same as that of the cockroach. There is no wisdom at all, or there is some wisdom, but it is very Less, less to the point of almost negligible.

Ye Qi did not explain, he just took the box of crystal.

Then, the task of picking the shadow knight is handed over to Shadow Knight No. 1 - there are a total of 120 shadow knights, and ninety-nine of them will enter Lorraine with Shadow Knight No. 1. Special, the monitor’s 'bright' action; and the remaining twenty.

Ye Qi did not intend to send him - at some point they will be the best messengers and supporters.

[The power of faith +1000]

When the Shadow Knight disappeared with one of the subordinates, the land where the gods fought began to greet the 'daytime', and with the arrival of the day, the power of Ye Qi’s faith increased again.

In fact, after becoming a wizarding emperor, such an increase has become a routine – almost every few hours, even several times an hour.

Compared to the original, this is naturally quite impressive.

However, for Ye Qi, it is still not enough -

The agglomeration of the "law of the law" is definitely beyond the estimation of Ye Qi. After the millions of beliefs have been thrown in, there is no slight change.

Throw a stone to the surface of the lake and raise the shackles of the piece.

However, the power of this million-dollar belief is like throwing it into a black hole. There is no such thing as a slight movement.

If it is not on the character panel [the body of the sun] does exist, Ye Qi almost thinks that he has an illusion.

Looking at the increase of the power of one thousand beliefs, Ye Qi is half-distributed and continues to invest in the "body of the sun" - the investment of over one million of faith is enough to make Ye Qi understand that he wants It is impossible to complete it in a short period of time. Therefore, for the distribution of the power of faith, Ye Qi will not invest all of it again, but will invest half and leave half.

After all, now, he often needs to use the power of faith.

Just like this moment -

A small force of faith, invisibly integrated into the oak fruit in Ye Qi's hands.

The originally withered oak fruit began to glow. only. It is very weak. It is like a small flame, and there is always the danger of being extinguished again.

And if you want to make it strong, you need to constantly invest in the power of faith.

This oak fruit is a gift given to him by the gluttony emperor - a crystallization of priesthood.

According to the introduction of the eclipse emperor, this is a crystallization that represents the [growth] [cure] priesthood, and for these two priesthoods, Ye Qi still has considerable interest.

However, I want to extract these two priesthoods. Ye Qi needs to 'treat' it.

Instead, as with other priesthoods, it can be extracted directly.

In fact, according to the introduction of the gluttony emperor, it is not only the crystallization of this priesthood, but the crystallization of many priesthoods is difficult to extract directly.

All need to meet certain requirements.

However, the premise of these requirements is the power of faith.

When the oak fruit could not absorb more of the power of faith, Ye Qi closed up. What appeared in his hands again was the sarcasm of the spindle.

In the same way, Ye Qi began to infuse the power of faith.

For this very special priesthood. Ye Qi is extremely cautious - even without any introduction, Ye Qi has already guessed what the spindle-like priesthood is.


However, it is precisely because of this knowledge that Ye Qicai became more and more cautious.

After all, fate has never been certain.

Different from the crystal of the fruit of the oak tree, this spindle-like priestly crystal, every time the absorption of the power of faith, is extremely large.

It is as if Ye Qi is shaping another [law of the law].

Almost the rest of the power of faith has been invested in it.

It is precisely because of this that he can no longer examine the crystallization of another priesthood - as for direct extraction? It is undoubtedly a luxury to make the priesthood a sacred instrument.

That black gem, because of the unpleasantness in the heart, and the situation forced, Ye Qi did not have the slightest way.

However, other priesthoods, Ye Qi, need to be cherished.

After doing all this, Ye Qi did not rest, he began the work of ‘one day’ straight—almost the previous piracy.

Buried in the layered file.

Fortunately, this time is not too long, just twelve weeks.

In the meantime, Ye Qi did not do anything.

At least, those books from the Thunder Emperor, he is also 'reading' - naturally, those magical books.

As for other books?

After reading those documents, Ye Qi did not want to deal with any words in a short time.

And those books of magical creatures make Ye Qi gain a lot of things -

The improvement of skills, the promotion and increase of expertise.

Even, simply get the attribute points.

Although not many, only five points, compared to the more than three hundred magical books, such a small number of columns, but Ye Qi is unusually happy.

Because, he is very clear, what these five attribute points represent.

Therefore, for those books of magical things, Ye Qi has more needs -

"Your Majesty, is it too much for the reward of contributing books?"

The guardian reminded Ye Qi, after all, a thousand high-level magic crystals, even for a big wizard, is a huge fortune.

"Knowledge is priceless!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

Perhaps a thousand high-level magic crystals are very expensive, but can they be compared with attribute points?

Even skill points are not comparable.

"I need to remind you that if you go on like this, your finances will have a deficit!" The guard said very objectively, "although the pharmacy you made is now very popular on Lorante, but once it appears Saturated, then you will be troubled by finances!"

Ye Qi’s acquisition of the funds of the solitary books, of course, could not have allowed the wizarding dynasty to come out, all of his own funds.

Fortunately, however, the news from the snowy night of the Principality made his pharmacy very popular, not to mention the fact that at the moment he was the pharmacy that was sought after by some people.

But, as the guardian said.

Once there is saturation, he will be financially troubled.

This is a fact. After all, the wizard who can buy his potion is not the majority.

As for the direct sale to the wizarding dynasty?

As one of the wizard emperors, Ye Qi can not afford the word 'selling', at most as a reward appearing inside the wizarding corps - which helps to increase the power of faith.

Ye Qi naturally knows how to choose.

"I will introduce new ones!"

Ye Qi responded like this.

"I look forward to your new potion!"

The guard's helpless one, once again left the room - even the wizard emperor, the development of a drug is not readily available.

Otherwise, the two wizarding emperors of alchemy and potion will not set up a laboratory, and rely on the accumulated time to complete one subject after another.

However, as a guardian, what can he say?

At most, what he said - wait and see!

And seeing the incompetent words, but the good-hearted guardian’s departure, Ye Qi is a dumb smile, and he certainly understands what the other is worried about.

But his pharmacy is not something that needs to be created.

The one-piece alchemy prescriptions are in his mind, and only need to be skilled.

However, the next moment, Shadow Knight No. 1, the news from the bottom of my heart, let Ye Qi converge on her own smile -

"Is it finally started..."

He frowned and thought to himself.


Ps today is daring to try a bit of bombing... The amount, how to say it, crisp... Then, in the afternoon, I ran the toilet in the afternoon - it looks like the decadent stomach is a bit unaccustomed; however, the taste is good~ ~~

In addition, the new book is for support, ah, everyone to collect, recommend it ~~~ 颓 拜 拜 ~~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the falling of the land, the loss of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~ to be continued. .

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