Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 123: Debut

Ye Qi’s answer was very simple, even with a lingering room.

However, Amon did not give up because of this. He chuckled and asked: "After facing the wizard emperors, can you still let them die?"

Amon’s question, though a questionable surname, is affirmative in the discourse.

With his understanding of his contractors, what kind of choice Ye Qi will make is really obvious. But for the kindness of his contractor, Amon has never been as lucky as this moment. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"The wizarding emperor and the **** are different!"

Ye Qi’s tone was not loose.

"Of course, the wizarding emperor has no real priesthood, and Hongsu and Mute have, but...the sun has fallen before, but can I still exist here?" Amon shook his fingers with a chuckle. "We just need to let Luna and God of War die, but Hong Su and Mutter are alive!"

"I need you to help me make the wizard emperors survive!"

Ye Qi was stunned and said after a while.


Amon said with a smile: "So, we can discuss it now, our plan, oh... need to speed up sudu, that guy really can't wait!"

At the beginning, it was like the words of the spring breeze. When it came to the next moment, it seemed to be raging like a cold wind.

As for who is that guy?

Apart from ‘light’, no one can still make Amon so resentful.


Luna's sudu is very fast, just like the moonlight under the night sky, almost fleeting.

And what it pursues is the breath of his own father.

only. That kind of breath is also very fast. It even has a strange feeling that it seems to be distorted. It should never appear on its father, but it is true that the scent of the sun is not wrong.

"What happened?"

The eager moon **** did not notice that his distance from the gods was getting farther and farther, and even beyond the maximum distance that the gods could support.

At this time, the golden light in front of it appeared.

It is ‘the sun’!

This is undeniable, Luna's sudu at this moment. I reached a limit, almost the next moment appeared in the gold before the bursts of painful mourning, which is coming out of the gold, making the heart of the moon a glimpse, the subconscious is a hand: "Father !"


And when Luna's hand was about to touch this golden color, an inexplicable wave of volatility broke out from the golden color, and the moon **** was wrapped in almost the next moment.

The sun is very hot!

In the blink of an eye, the golden flame of the sun burst into a crazy burning.

"Father, it is me! It is me Hong Su!"

The moon **** resisted such a fierce golden flame, and it shouted loudly. It is obvious that you want to call back the wisdom of your own father, the simple moon god. Did not think of other keneng.

The breath of the ‘the sun’, plus the barking of his father’s pain.

The moon **** has already relaxed his vigilance.

The hidden 'light' is a big excitement. Although it has already anticipated such a thing, it is still excited when such a thing really appears.

"Besides Amon, the rest are not enough! Hong Su's simplicity, Mutter's impulse, is too good to use!"

Thinking like ‘light’.

Then, a very unnoticeable wave of volatility appears behind it, the instinct stemming from the body, making the 'light' subconscious flash, a sharp thread, rubbing its body, but that kind of front Sharp, but let its body faintly hurt, even if it is not destroyed.

But this is just enough to make ‘light’ surprising.

Yes, its body is the body of the law, especially at the moment when it is about to enter the powerful power, the law of the law is once again strengthened. It is no longer a normal weapon, even the holy device. Unless there is a saint of powerful power level, there is keneng.

Therefore, after feeling the pain of the [law of the law], ‘light’ has rapidly opened a distance.

"Who is it? Come out!"

It shouted loudly.

Then the figure emerged looming from the void in the astral world. There was no windbreaker in the style. The deep hood completely hides the face of the other party. Of course, the more attractive idea of ​​the 'bright' is in the other hand. A silk thread, although only a silk thread, gives a crystal clear feeling.

Of course, what makes ‘light’ even more amazed is that there is a touch of breath that can’t be grasped.

It is both ethereal and weighed.

Both great and small.

"who are you?!"

Faced with the spoiler who did not calculate at all, ‘light’ expressed his vigilance.


The other party did not answer, just shook his wrist slightly, and the silk thread seemed to be picked up by the viper, and spurred toward the ‘light’.


With a cold sigh, ‘light’ moved slightly, and the attack was dodged.

However, just in the moment when ‘light’ thought it was dodging, the silk thread appeared in front of it in a vacuum, and then it was hit.

Compared to the previous dodge, this attack, 'Brightness' did not completely evade, its chest, was opened a deep wound, golden blood began to emerge; although only the next moment, It is restored, but the 'bright' injury is a fact.

This makes the ‘light’ of everything that is stable and voicing feel a bit of anger, but more is shocking.

Because, even now, it does not figure out what the weapon the other party is using, and what is the **** itself? Humanity? Or is it other?

Especially when I think of the unreliability of several of my allies, this bright **** is facing an unknown enemy. The decision to retreat was decided.

of course. It's going back. Not direct

"If you want to save Hong Su, then you will be sad with its priesthood!"

With such words, the whole body of 'Brightness' disappeared, and as it disappeared, the raging flames, more and more vigorous, full of hundreds of feet of sun-like flames, not only swallowed the entire moon **** . Even the gods who are about to approach, have to go backwards.

According to the extremely hot nature of the sun, such a huge explosion, even the Luna will dare to be burned.

However, sometimes, accidents always occur.

Amon arbitrarily shuttled among them. He walked to the stunned son and looked at the hesitation and unbelief on his son's face. He couldn't help but sigh softly: "When it is time to die, you should not Hesitating!"

Said while. Amon put his hand on his son's body.

The golden inflammation is swallowing the body of the moon god. However, with the palm of Almond on the body of the moon, such engulfing has become different.

Devouring, did not stop.

However, there is a slight change in the direction of devouring, and divine power, divine duties, and even divinity begin to melt.

As a 'sun', it is not difficult for Amon to do this.

After such ablation reached a limit, suddenly, the divine power, the priesthood and the divinity began to show a change. The statue of a bright moon began to appear above the moon god.


Amon picked up this round of the moon statue and threw it straight to his contractor.


With a strong wind, this Mingyue statue appeared in the hands of Ye Qi and in the eyes of the gods in the distance, it was this mysterious existence that rectified the Luna, and got the crystal of the Luna.

Suddenly, these gods began to roar.

However, there is no one to sway them. They are paying attention to this mysterious existence. They are related to each other's identity. They are almost subconscious. They think of the 'sun' from Xilu.

Coupled with the previous abnormalities, they have raised a feeling of no hunch.

Did Amon fail?

Such premonitions made them even more afraid to act rashly; so that Ye Qi calmly and Amon ‘away’.


"I don't think this is a good idea!"

Although Hongsu was saved very easily, but facing the Mutter, Ye Qi shook his head: "You want, that squad, after gathering the power of all the wizarding emperors, even you, It is also difficult to face to face!"

"So, I need this look!"

Amon pointed to his face exactly the same as Ye Qi.

"I always feel that you have been plotting!"

Ye Qi frowned.

"But I think it's a coincidence more simply!"

Amon shrugged. Sometimes, some things, he is very clear, do not recognize the fact that even after facing the iron, even if it is facing iron, coincidence is also a reason.

In this regard, Amon has always believed.

"So what about Hong Su?"

Ye Qi frowned again, but did not intend to pursue it. He put his gaze on Hong Su's body.

"The deprivation of divinity, priesthood, and divine power, for him, the damage is too great. In a short time, he can't wake up and stay in one of your plane pieces for a while!"

Amon stared at his son and there was a distress on his face.

"I think you should think about it earlier, how to explain it!"

Ye Qi reminded me.

The millennial time is not simple for the gods to accept.

"We will talk about Mutter now, the rest... I will find a way!"

Amon shrugged his shoulders and tried to express his disdain. However, Ye Qi was keenly watching the unnaturalness of his contractual companion's face.

Of course, if it weren't for his face, Ye Qi would distinguish this unnaturally more clearly.

As for now?

Ye Qi definitely does not want to go deeper.

After all, it seems to be analyzing another one.


Somewhere in the Stars, the battlefield.

Fourteen wizarding emperors stood in the void, and the **** of war was panting.

The situation on the battlefield is almost at a glance. As for the outcome? That is only time.

The fourteen emperors were clear. The **** of war is also very clear.

therefore. Both sides are accumulating and completing the final blow.

The wizarding emperors are going to kill the powerful existence of this god.

The God of War is to not humiliate the honor of her husband, but the death does not retreat. Although she does not have anything for her husband, but since it represents her husband at this moment, then she is responsible for the honor of her husband.

"come on!"

The **** of war was so low, a spear composed entirely of divine power began to appear in its hands, and the opposite emperors, a brilliant magical light. Also began to gather in the hands.

At the moment when the two sides were on the verge, a figure suddenly appeared.


The sorcerer's emperor couldn't help himself.

The opposite ‘Dragon Emperor’ was smiling, and a crystal-clear silk appeared in his hands.

"Be careful!! He is not Joe!"

Abigail and the overeating emperor shouted almost in no particular order.

Such a reminder obviously made the wizard emperors react quickly and their respective defenses began to appear. However, what they expected was that the silk thread did not appear in front of them, but instead bound the war god; This suddenly caused the anger of the **** of war.

"it's me!"

However, it is just such a simple statement. The latter was so fiercely struggling, but it was frozen in an instant. Let Amon drag away.


Abigail’s shouts instantly reminded him, and the one that followed was the unparalleled attack.

Even the void of the astral world has been brought up by the ripples.

However, such an attack is lost.

Amon with his wife disappeared into the astral world.

"That is the plane anchor?"

The overeating emperor asked some uncertainties.


Abigail nodded with a dignified look. Whether it was a mysterious presence with the same face as the Emperor of the Dragon, or the plane anchor used by the other party, they had to pay attention to the former, and their companions, while the latter It is about the latest developments in their research.

No matter which one, you can't let it go.

"Return to the fortress "Great Emperor!"

Abigail said this.


In one of the plane fragments owned by Ye Qi, Mutt looked at Amon in front of him and looked at Ye Qi again. Its brow could not help but wrinkle, especially after discovering the unconscious Hongsu. Ye Qi believes that if Amon is not standing here, he will absolutely inevitably have a battle.

give it to you!

After Ye Qi gave a look to his contract companion, he left the plane and left the leaf. He knew that he had to return to the fortress ‘the Great’ faster.

After all, his contract companion, with his appearance, did a very big event.

When Ye Qi appeared again in the land of the gods, there was no existence around him, but in his perception, the gods existed around.

Obviously, when Ye Qi discovered the gods, these gods also discovered Ye Qi.

However, they are not eager to encircle.

Undoubtedly, the disappearance of the ‘the sun’ ‘the moon’ ‘God of War’ has already made them look bad and have no time to take care of them.

Before the other party did not take the initiative to provocatively, Ye Qi at the moment would never meet. After he determined the direction, he quickly thought about the fortress ‘Great Emperor’ flying away.

Just ten minutes later, Ye Qi returned to the fortress and went straight to the temple of truth.

"His Majesty!"

All the observers along the way were all married.

The guard is no exception, but he is quicker to tell Ye Qi to come with him.

"what happened?"

Ye Qiming asked why.

"Abigail's face is ugly!"

The guardian is obviously not, but he reminds Ye Qi; after all, two years of getting along have already given the two people a friendship.

Ye Qi nodded to the guard and said his thanks.


When Ye Qigang walked into the Temple of Truth, and he asked the emperor of the sorcerer, Thunder and other sorcerers, he glanced at him. After Ye Qi nodded slightly, he walked into his position and sat down.

"Joe, what happened to you before?"

Abigail asked quickly after Ye Qigang sat down.

"Well, before the moon **** suddenly left the land where the gods fought, and then was killed by a mysterious existence!"

Ye Qi nodded and looked very solemnly.

"Mysterious existence?! Killing?!"

The wizarding emperors who apparently did not get the news did not have a trip.

"The mysterious existence can use the flame of the ‘the sun,' and the manipulation of a silky silk thread gives me the feeling, very bad!”

Ye Qi frowned and described everything she saw on the sidelines.


All the wizarding emperors sat up straight, even the bloated emperor was no exception, but even if the wizarding emperor sat up straight, he could not see it.

"Do you see the mysterious face?"

Abigail frowned and asked No, the other person took a hood and blocked the real face! ”

Ye Qi shook his head.

"It's a pity that if Joe saw it, he would definitely be shocked!"

The emperor emperor said with a smile.

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