Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 134: Under the arrangement

The contradiction between the civilians and the nobility has always been one of the fundamental contradictions of the wizarding dynasty.

Even the scholars of later generations believe that the destruction of the wizarding dynasty is due to such contradictory points. For such an assertion, people in the dark world also admit it.

However, more is believed to be from the battle of the wizard emperor and the seven heroes.

Of course, when Ye Qi crossed the millennium, he really learned some historical truths hidden by time.

For such historical truth, Ye Qi expressed his happiness as a more paranoid and curious person, and the truth of the answer is always so pleasant.

Although there is a historical truth, it does not mean that something does not exist.

Since it has been inherited for countless years, and it has always been considered the most likely ‘historical truth,’ then nature has its fundamental nature.

Just like this moment

Ye Qi looked at some of the things that recorded some secret talks of the wizards.

This record is not very complete, about one-third of the whole thing, but only one-third of this content, some things are enough to make Ye Qi frown.

The battle between the civilians and the aristocratic wizards has not been broken, but everyone maintains a bottom line of ‘not in the real sense of the battle, without damaging the other’s life.’

And obviously, someone is now ready to go beyond this bottom line.

\"The emergence of the witches, let these guys feel their position has been shaken, ready to rebel in this way... Hey, not for the civilian wizards. faith……\"

Ye Qi guessed.

Then, the next moment, he contacted his shadow knight by contract.

Obviously, in the wizarding dynasty, it is effective to influence the sorcerer's respect for him, and the belief, only the ‘lighting’ of the ‘prepared’.

And only the other side, when the wizard emperors and the gods all in the clouds, set the back.

Soon. The news returned by the Shadow Knights confirmed Ye Qi’s guess.

Although the performers are the wizards and nobles, the real planners are the ones that are ‘light’ or accurate, and that are controlled by ‘light’.

There are not many such shackles in the wizarding dynasty, but each one is cultivated with the focus of ‘light’.

When it is not absolute, it will definitely not be used.

Obviously, ‘light’ will never give up the chance that the wizarding emperors will almost all enter the ‘cloud’.

As for Ye Qi?

Although in the last two years, Ye Qi gained considerable prestige as the Emperor of the Dragon, and even slaughtered the ‘God’.

However, for ‘light’, Ye Qi still can’t really make him care.

Even the other wizarding emperors are like this.

Except for Abigail, who gluttoned the emperor, there is no such thing as to be able to make this ‘god’ care.

Now, Abigail and the gluttony emperor are in the 'cloud', away from Lorante, where the gods are fighting. Under such premise, if 'light' does not do anything, Ye Qi will be surprised. .


Ye Qi shouted outside the door.

\"His Majesty!\"

The chief of guards came in.

\"The guy above, all stare, if... one does not stay!\"

Ye Qi’s tone suddenly cooled down.

In fact, the chief of guards did not stay away from being an assistant to the wizarding emperor. The guardian had the right to read any information from the top; therefore, the guardian also knew this thing. Similarly, he also understood the importance. Sex; therefore, he did not hesitate.

\"Yes, kneel down!\"

The guards nodded and turned and walked outward. The next moment, they disappeared into the long corridor; while Ye Qi, who was still in the room, thought about the brows.

Obviously, the ‘light’ approach is that I can’t wait to completely control the whole of Lorante.

In the next two years, before the confrontation between the seven heroes and the wizarding emperors, the other party will never be forced to move because of such a failure. On the contrary, as the rest of the wizarding emperors become more and more close to the 'cloud', Then the other party will be more and more eager to start again and again, and this is all that he needs to stop.

However, he is not likely to be guarding against each other in the true sense.

Because, some more important things need him to do.

\"Must be squatting...but, I can’t completely sever its hopes, let it think it’s an accident, an acceptable, but distressing accident!\"

Ye Qi reached out and tapped the arm of the chair. Finally, when his finger stopped, a shadow began to appear in front of him.

\"His Majesty!\"

Shadow Knight No. 1, like the guardian general, is called Ye Qi.

For such a change of title, Ye Qi did not think that there was anything wrong with it. With the emergence of the power of faith, the title of the Lord of Shadows is not very far.

Even quite close.

However, because of some ideas, he did not implement this idea in the first place.

Now, you need to implement it.

The power of the majestic belief began to infuse the body of the Shadow Knight No. 1 in front of him. Suddenly, the slightly erratic figure was in. [,! ] The first time stabilized.

At the same time, a mysterious atmosphere began to emerge.

The Lord of Shadows, the unique law of the body of the [shadow of the body] began to build a body different from Ye Qi's law in the body of Shadow Knight No. 1 [the body of the sun]; for Ye Qi, who is a dragon, This change is not only a change in blood, but a complete sublimation.

But the Shadow Knight is different on the 1st. It is the shadow knight of the shadow creature itself. It does not need any sublimation at all. It only needs a little change.

And this change, for Shadow Knight No. 1, it takes a long time to accumulate, to achieve the degree of qualitative change.

However, with the indoctrination of Ye Qi’s faith, it is completely different.

Under the bond of the soul contract, the Shadow Knight did not waste the power of those beliefs. Just a few minutes later, a man with a majestic body and a slightly dark skin stood in front of Ye Qi.

\"Your Majesty, sincerely thank you for your reward!\"

Shadow Knight No.1, kneeling down on the ground, like a real knight.

\"I need you to temporarily help me manage some things under the guy's hands, I need you to remove people who bring you, but don't need to be thorough, just need to make them feel pain, chill!"

Ye Qi told me.

\"Yes, kneel down!\"

The Shadow Knight stood up on the 1st, and the whole person sank from the ground into the shadow of the ground, just like being thrown into the stone, like a circle, and the Shadow Knight No. 1 is like a drop of water. In general, there is no stagnation into it, and then, into a special, only shadow creatures into it.

In the end, disappeared without a trace.


\"Those who don’t know how to be good, we must let them pay the price this time! Let them understand, what is the real wizard!\"

A middle-aged man wearing a robes of a wizard, but with a luxurious body, stood in the middle of a group of people and said with impatience; and the people around him shouted loudly when his voice had just fallen.

\"Deve off those guys!\"

\"Get rid of them!\"


The crazy and distorted face completely expresses the resentment of these people's hearts because of jealousy.

Among the people who need to be mad, some of the ghosts are cold and cold, but when someone looks at them, these people will become exactly the same.

However, some of the shadows exist, but they are like the best hunters, staring at these people.

Of course, there is also the presence of the crowd in the center.

Some can be let go, while others must be removed.

It is like a tumor. If it is not removed, it will affect the whole body.


\"we want……\"

The gorgeous middle-aged wizard also wanted to say something, but a **** flower broke out on his chest, and a black figure stood there, and the blood on the sword in his hand was slipping from the blade. His cold eyes were sweeping the crowds around him from extreme hustle and bustle to extreme silence, just like a duck that was screaming and smashed his neck.

\"what are you……\"

A young wizard angered and prepared his own spells.

However, before he was ready to finish, a long sword was placed around his neck.

\"If you move, kill you!\"

The cold words, coming from behind the young wizard, the tone of no emotion floating, instantly made the young wizard stiff.

Because, he knows what the other party is saying is true.

\"watch dogs!!\"

At this time, the crowd suddenly burst into such a shout.

Suddenly, the wizards who were distorted by jealousy began to chill, and those who were sorrowful were unmanned.

The wizard at the scene did not dare to speak out.

Because, for the reputation of the monitor, they are too clear.

However, these wizards did not move, and did not mean that the monitors did not move the team of special monitors composed of shadow knights, in full accordance with the orders of their own leaders, meticulously executed.

Raise your hand and swing your sword!

Blood donation spray, life is gone!

Almost completely carved out of a mold, without any difference, this seemingly ordinary movement, but brought great fear to the wizards present.

Because they are facing these cold-blooded people.

\"Everyone runs!\"

A voice slammed in the crowd.

Ps today is squandering to take a motor home... first time in advance, say...

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