Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 144: Convergence


A big drink appeared in the floating city, and then came a very powerful boxing. The broken air ripples were enough to show how powerful the fist is.

However, even if it is such a fist, hitting the big man's body seems to have no effect at all.

In fact, for the big man at the moment, such a blow is almost like tickling.

There is a feeling that is willing.

But as for pain?

That's really nothing at all.


Looking at the fist that clung to his chest, the big man took a deep breath and his chest suddenly went out; suddenly, the master of the fist was like the wizards of the past, straight through a wonderful arc. , flew toward the stacked humanoid pyramid.

However, one thing is different, that is, in midair, the attacker has a head, straight down, and stood firmly in place.


Looking at the attacker's stable standing in the same place, the big man was amazed; but then he didn't care to laugh. After all, this is the most prosperous era of the wizarding dynasty. Some real strong people are not surprised. In fact, the big man is absolutely familiar with the strong men of the wizarding era.

You know that even after the millennium, the names of the sixteen wizarding emperors are still not annihilated.

\"Can you take me to see the Dragon Emperor?\"

The big man asked like this.

The extraordinary strength of the other side, the big man thinks that the other side should have some more rights to intersect with the superintendent of the consul, the man in front of him. More worthy of the big man.

At least. The other party is not a shelf but has a ‘real talent.’

For those who have the strength and strength but have no experience and skill, for the big man, it really disappoints him.

Even, he also produced, no wonder the illusion that the wizarding dynasty would be destroyed by seven heroes.

\"Are you looking for a dragon?"

The guardian looked up and down the big man in front of him and had the same huge size as described by His Majesty the Dragon; however, the behavior was somewhat different, there was no such a sense of honesty, but instead there was a feeling of inferiority; Let him be a little uncertain.

\"Do you know Snowy Grand Duke?\"

The chief of the guard asked.

In fact, this is also the snowy night grand priest who gave him when he left, and he did not know what role he played.

However, this is definitely a key link.

Because, this indicates whether the other party is eligible to enter the fortress ‘Great Emperor’.

\"Snow Night Grandpa? Lie... well, know!\"

When the big man stunned and immediately nodded and left, the female cavalry chief described everything she saw at the time, including the snowy night.

For the description of the female cavalry chief, the big man will certainly not forget.

\"So. Please come with me!\"

The head of the guard said, turning around and heading for the transmission line across the bridge across the whole of Lorante. The big man did not hesitate and went up to the other side to mention the snowy night, obviously knowing something; Ye Qi did not appear? In this regard, the big man has nothing to worry about, he believes in the strength of his good friend, of course, including his strength.

Watching the guardian Chang Jin leave with the powerful monster, the wizards in the floating city have a sigh of relief.

In fact, until now, even if you are involved, most people still don't understand what is going on.

As for the Snowy Night Grand Master mentioned by the Guardian?

Although the other side is known to the wizards of the wizarding dynasty because of the sacred dragons, it is clear that the opponent's reputation will not shock the monster.

However, after hearing this name, this monster is obviously very obedient. really incredible...

The wizards, including the consul, face each other and have not spoken for a long time.


The light flashed again and again.

The big man followed the guard's head and stepped on the snow and ice. However, such ice and snow did not have any effect on the big man at the moment, even if he was shirtless.

Of course, the big man did not intentionally do this.

It is because of the battle before, although he can ignore those attacks, but his clothes can't be done; after all, his clothes are not immortal.

\"Here is the Snowy Principality?\"

The big man asked the head of the guard in front of him, and looked at the surroundings. The darkness of the heart contrasted with the millennium. Then there was a sigh of joy and joy, compared to the frosty area where there was no life after the millennium. At this time, the snow-free duchy, but it has more vitality.

Looking at the blue smoke from the surplus, the patrolling soldiers, and the hunters wearing thick clothes but holding bows and arrows, the big man expressed his joy.

For the big man, he likes everything that is full of vitality.

People, animals, and even flowers and trees are like this.

\"Well, here is the Snowy Principality!\"

Looking at the people who were under the dragon’s squatting, the guards nodded, and then looked at each other’s eyes. They were slightly strange as the chief of the wizarding emperor. The strength and ability of Kim are unquestionable, at least He can easily distinguish the body shape in front. [,! ] The huge geek, the previous sigh is containing the joy.

The kind of admiration for ‘life’ is obviously not something that a violent person can give.

However, before the other party’s actions, it indicates that the other party is definitely not a kind person.

Even the guardian of the wizarding emperor, at this time, some of them are unclear and of course, as the deputy of the fortress 'Great Emperor', the gold that controls the entire fortress has not been true for hundreds of years. After the inspection of Lorante; even if he returned, it was because of official business, rushed, and hurried away.

He didn't even know what the current state of Lorante was.

Of course, some text messages he is identifying.

However, the text is far from being ‘real’.

After all, the emergence of some 'rhetoric' is always for ‘cheat’.

For a hundred years, for the extraordinary, immortal, it is only a short process, but for some people, it is a lifetime.

The change in life is obviously huge.

At least. The guard of the guard is somewhat unexpected.

However, these things were not expected by the bodyguard, but in some cases, the bodyguard was doing the right thing.

For example: Ye Qi told the story.

With the big man, the guards all the way into the snow night for unimpeded access.

\"Grand Duke!\"

Facing the snowy night, sitting behind the desk, the guard was very polite.


The snowy night nodded, and then looked at the big man.

In fact, if placed in the crowd, the big man is definitely the most conspicuous group of people tall, strong enough beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

And. At this moment, it is not able to send and receive the momentum.

Always make the big man a feather in the night... oh, or exactly a lighthouse!

At this moment, the big man is watching the snowy night, but he has been described by the female cavalry chief, but when he saw the snowy night, the big man was still shocked.

The same face, exactly the same breath.

Even the look of every move is very similar.

If it is not confirmed that the female cavalry chief is indeed in the Lorante after the millennium, the big man will definitely mistakenly think that the other party is with him.

‘that guy should have a relationship with me! ’

The infamous big man thought of the sentence that the female cavalry commander said.

\"The same face, breath, look the same, if it doesn't matter, this is strange!\"

The big man’s heart was so appreciating that the female cavalry commander’s ‘not frankness’ was obvious. The big man was also clear about some thoughts of the female cavalry chief.

After all, the female Dagong in front of him appeared with his good friends.

The female cavalry officer who was a wife saw a woman who was exactly the same as her own. When she had no thoughts in her heart, it was incredible.

\"Excuse me, this lord...\"

The female Dagong looked at her big man all the time, and her brows subconsciously wrinkled, and wanted to vent her reprimand; but, the next moment, she thought of some things when Ye Qi first saw him, her When the swordsman first saw her, it seemed to be very similar to the person in front of him.

Therefore, the original inquiry changed in the next moment.

\"Ike, please come to the swordsman!"

The female grandfather told her guardian.

\"Yes, Grand Duke!\"

The chief of the female grandfather, a ceremonial, then quickly ran towards the outside.

After a while, a footstep sounded.

Then, John was in the hall with the guardian of the female grandfather. When he saw the big man standing there, the old John was a glimpse.

Similarly, seeing the old man of John is also a glimpse.

For Ye Qi’s companion, Old John knows very well, especially the very distinctive people like the big man, which is more in mind.

Although the big man has never seen the old John, but has the description of his friend Ye Qi, and the two photos that he usually collected subconsciously, he is sure that he is not mistaken.

Although compared with the photo, the Juggernaut at the moment seems a little sad, not trimming...

\"Your Mightiness!\"

Did not call his name, big man salute.

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You guys are bad guys! ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200 ~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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