Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 148: Bright in the dark

Once again, Ye Qiyi was sitting on the broad back of the lizard. Unlike the squat bridges that gnomes like, Ye Qi prefers comfortable chairs.

Therefore, when it came out again, this should have placed a chair in the position of the saddle bridge.

Moreover, according to Ye Qi's requirements, it must be lenient, and has two deputies and a depth that allows people to fully lie in the back.

Of course, the backrest also needs to have the height and curvature it should have.

Combined with Ye Qi’s request, this is of course a weird chair. Fortunately, the gnome is not a versatile craftsman, but the appearance of the chair is still very strange in the eyes of the gnome – but if the wooden material is changed Into gold, set with gems, and add some thickness.

This chair, or... the throne, will surely familiarize all creatures.

After all, in the Supreme Tower, there is such a throne in the Temple of Truth, a total of sixteen, representing sixteen wizarding emperors.

Ye Qi had to admit that the person who designed the throne was really ingenious. After getting used to such a seat, it was difficult for him to get used to other chairs.

Of course, if it is a softer sand, Ye Qi will not refuse.

However, in the age of wizards, although the sand craft has some brows, it is far less comfortable than the sand craft of the free age.

Even if the gnomes are imitation, they are much more comfortable than those of the sand.

After all, the board is tied to the mat, even if the mat is thick. And it is soft enough. But still let Ye Qi feel uncomfortable.


‘The source of the plague’ sits at the foot of Ye Qi. The kind of cry that is heard by ordinary people is just plain, but it is full of doubts in Ye Qi.

Obviously, the previous move of 'No Guest' was all seen in the eyes of the 'source of plague'.

However, without Ye Qi’s command, the source of the plague did not dare to act.

In the face of the incomprehension of ‘the source of the plague’, Ye Qi did not have too much explanation. He just showed a smile and gestured to 'the source of the plague'.

For this ‘no guest’, Ye Qi has his own guess.

Before the ambush in the 'tunnel', Ye Qike did not forget that those ambushes did not shoot, not because they did not look at his team, but because their targets had others.

However, it is clear that their goals are even smarter than they think.

Or say... oh some.

And one thing is ok... the dark elves that have been mixed into their ranks are not malicious.

after all. According to the previous situation, if this dark elf is really malicious. None of the scouts who were scouting and later went to explore could survive.

This is definitely not common in the underground world.

Kind and kind.

Such a vocabulary is impossible to appear. Neutrality is the biggest concession.

The previous act, in the underground world, is absolutely good--and the good dark elf in the underground world can only be associated with one: the dark girl who is being searched by his contract companions.

If you want to contact the spider, it is a good thing to have the help of this dark girl.

And if you can't find this dark girl, then...the existence of the other believer and sacrifice is also a good choice.

At least, you can find out about the dark girl.

Therefore, Ye Qi will choose to keep silent.

As for when the other party comes out?

Ye Qi is even more worried about this. After all, the distance of Noda City is not too far.

In fact, the time to reach Noda City was one day earlier than that given by Hildelin - of course, this is not for no reason.

The two armed groups of dwarves appeared in the team of Ye Qi.

These dwarves are the guards of Noda City and are performing routine patrol missions.

For the guards from Wade City and to Noda City, these dwarves are naturally welcome – in fact, for traders, any city-state will welcome it.

Even in some cities where the control of the heart is controlled, there will be businessmen.

Of course, the premise is that you must have enough strength.

Black and black, it is very common in the underground world.

And because of the appearance of these dwarf guards, some of the dangers along the way can be ignored, and the degree of the entire team has also accelerated a lot.

Especially Hildeline, it is a long sigh of relief.

Obviously, he is not good at fighting, he prefers his own lab, not the dark tunnel.

To this end, he deliberately took out two moonstones as gifts and gave them to the captains of the two dwarf guards - although not a rare ore, but for the natural love of the ore, but the two dwarf captains quickly saved It became a friend of Hildeline who had nothing to say, and the friendship between the two sides increased with the whimsical conversation of the gnomes.

Listening to the conversations between the two parties, Ye Qi clearly realized that Hildeline was not as 'learning and knowing' as self-described, at least some things in Noda City, he said wrong - although both sides reused The underground lingua franca talks, but with the accumulation of time and unforgettable expertise, Ye Qi is no longer ignorant of the language of the underground.

At least, he can understand more than half of the vocabulary.

And guessing the remaining half is not difficult for Ye Qi.

However, Ye Qi did not blame Hildeline for such a thing.

After all, from the performance of this gnome, the other side has been trying to understand everything about this city of Noda - this is a good phenomenon.

Explain that the gnome knows what he should do.

Therefore, Ye Qi maintains his silence.

Of course, silence does not mean doing nothing.

In fact, for Ye Qi, it is impossible to do nothing – until I see Noda City. Most of Ye Qi’s time is to continue to build and understand the law. There is only a relatively small part of the time. I will listen to the dialogue between the gnomes and the dwarves.

"Adult, Noda City is here!"

The gnome reported to Ye Qi, who seemed to keep his eyes closed, and began to arrange to **** his goods to the market. Hildeline was very clear, although he and the two dwarf captains established a deep friendship. But once you enter Noda City, the help of the other party is still very limited.

After all, the city of Noda was removed from the dwarves. There are other forces.

At least, in the eyes of the gnomes, those dark elves are worthy of vigilance—although the dark elves in Noda City have always claimed to be kind, the believers of the dark girl.

However, almost born, Hilderlin has no good feelings for the Dark Elves.

Of course, the gnome will never admit it, because he used to be a slave of a dark elf.

"We need to find a place to rest, after that. I need to visit the axe gold!"

Ye Qiyu opened his eyes and looked at the city of Noda in front of him, and said.

Noda City. Compared with the former Wad City, there is basically no difference in Ye Qi’s view. Apart from the fact that the city wall is taller and more tough, the overall layout is the same, and the market is the beginning. , has been spreading inward, several different houses, living as people with different identities.

It is really very easy to identify.

"Of course, adults, please come with me!"

The gnome nodded again and again, and then walked toward Noda City.

In fact, Hildelin and the two dwarf captains inquired, the accommodation and food of Noda City accounted for 40% of them - for the strange requirements that Ye Qi from time to time, it is clear that Hildeline is a memory. Still fresh.

However, Hilderlin did not feel surprised because of this.

After all, in his view, the real big man is like this, even his city owner will inevitably ask one or two excessive demands.

What's more, is the existence of Ye Qi?

It can be said that as long as he does not want his little life, Hildeline will try his best.

The place to stay is not a hotel or a pub - there is no such facility in the underground world, but a city center in the city of Noda.

The vacant city security office will sometimes become a temporary station for the brigade merchants.

And Ye Qi and his party are naturally not a big team businessman.

However, fortunately, the goods brought by Ye Qi and his party were quite rich. After a simple inspection, they went straight into the city security center.

And the gnomes are busy setting up their booths – just at the gate of the city guard.

The existence of the market makes them unnecessary to travel around.

Ye Qi jumped off the underground lizard he was riding. Then he looked at the belly of the underground lizard and quietly didn't make a sound—one day ago, the ‘no guest’ changed the boarding tool.

Obviously, the other party understands that it is the safest place.

The underground lizard, which is always used for food and water, is no doubt less than any gnome, and the underground lizard that Ye Qi is riding.

This kind of gaze lasted for about two minutes, and a figure was quietly drilled out -

"Have you already been there?"

This is a soft voice, white short, with a black skin under the cloak and a frown, but the face of a woman makes it have a different charm.


Ye Qi nodded, but it was difficult to hide his disappointment.

Although the reluctant Dark Elf Girl (Ms.?) inherited all the talents of the Dark Elves, but the other's short, it shows that the other party is definitely not a believer in the Dark Girl.

Obviously, compared with the former, Ye Qi pays more attention to the latter.

Therefore, disappointment is inevitable.

"What are you disappointed?"

The dark elf girl asked.

Undoubtedly, Ye Qi did not hide his expression too much, so that the other party can easily see it.

"Some important things that are not important!"

Ye Qi answered very casually.

For a stranger, Ye Qi does not think that too much communication is a good thing, especially in the underground world.

"The people on the ground, I hope you really said what you said, if you have any..."

The skin exposed at Ye Qi’s wrist is enough for the dark elf girl to confirm the origin of Ye Qi; however. Because of such confirmation. But the more the dark elf girl doubts the ‘disappointment’ of Ye Qi’s before—it is similar to the kind of appraisal. Dissatisfied businessmen in general.

And the merchant who regards people as goods is not a good person.

In fact, the dark elf girl who lived in the surface world for a while is very aware of her value in the minds of certain human beings.

Only, her scimitar in her hand, let those people understand what is the real value.

Of course, the eyes she had encountered before were more amazing. Not disappointment - but, because of the lack, the dark elf girl pays more attention to Ye Qilai.

I have been obscuring my face, I can't see the cloak, and there is a strange mouse pet.

"The head is exposed, the pet is weird, and the previous prestige is a blessing... a powerful, evil surface man!"

Almost instantaneously, in the heart of the dark elf girl, Ye Qi made such an evaluation.

Therefore, instinctive. She opened the distance from Ye Qi.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not care. Bypassing each other, I went straight to my room. After Ye Qi’s body, the source of the 'plague' looked up and down, and the eyes showed a scornful look. Then, followed Ye Qi entered the room.

For the 'source of the plague', such a contempt will certainly not come from appearance.

In fact, no one can understand the aesthetics of the mouse.

The ‘the source of the plague’ is purely from the perspective of strength – and it is clear that the dark elf girl who has not yet entered the legend is naturally despised.

After all, from the beginning of the birth, the ‘the source of the plague’ that has been following Ye Qi’s body has long been accustomed to being filled with immortality and spirit.

As for the legend?

That is just just enough qualifications.

After all, if even its strength is not as good, the 'source of plague' does not believe that the other party is qualified to talk to his master.

Simple, simple theory.

However, in quite a few times, it is effective.

However, the dark elf girl was suffocated, even the wide cloak could not be covered, her chest up and down because of intense anger.

damn it!

She is the captain of the West German family Avengers!

The female goddess of fear in the city of West Germany!

Actually, I was despised by a mouse!

The dark elf girl looked at the back of the ‘the source of the plague, thinking about how to slash the knife and split the other into two; however, the next moment, she sighed long.

Killing, it should not have appeared in her hands.

The purpose of her coming to Noda City is not to stay away from killings and conspiracy?

At the thought of this, the dark elf girl could no longer care about the strange surface people and the hateful mouse pets. She turned into a breeze and disappeared into the city center and ran towards her destination.

Believe in the temple of the dark girl!

In the nearby city-states, the only temple of the dark girl - in fact, the temple of the original dark girl, although rare, but not to the extent.

But with the ruin of the year, after the inexplicable power of the spider, the temple of the dark girl is getting scarcer.

Of course, this has a great relationship with the killing of the dark elves.

Several inexplicable battles have greatly reduced the number of dark elves - some city-states have been completely destroyed.

Although it has been recuperating for several years, it still does not reach the original level.

But even if this is the case, the spider is still not satisfied.

She keeps asking for the purpose every day, demanding fear, pain, and killing.

Some dark elves are happy.

Others began to get bored, after that, they fled!

Just like her.

However, she may be more special.

Because, she originally existed as a hunter for these defectors.

Just don't know when, as a hunter, she began to be gradually infected by these defectors, and began to recall everything in the surface world -

Perhaps the eyes and expressions of those who were dying when they were dying, made her cold and curious.

She began to explore what makes these guys, such nostalgia.

Sun, breeze, grass, lake...

Everything seems to be a phantom that usually begins to appear in front of her eyes, so that she can't help but yearn for and chase.

In the end, she made something she could not believe.

Betrayed his family and went to the temple where the dark girl was believed.

All the way, naturally, it is extremely hard, continuous pursuit, after she gave up killing, it became even more difficult, and several times even died.

If you don't meet that strange ground person, there will definitely be a few hard battles to fight.


I thought of Ye Qi’s dark elf girl, inexplicably coldly snorted.

However, very quickly, the dark elf girl was attracted to the temple in front of her eyes -

There is no **** after the massacre.

There is no negative, cold, negative energy.

More is a soft feeling.

A round like a bright moon, holding a silver sword, dancing. 躶. Body dark elf female, telling Marlene Sid, her destination is here.

But the next moment, Marlene Sid frowned.

She is not in the right place.

No breath!

Any breath does not exist!

Whether it is the sacred girl of the dark girl, it is still the atmosphere that many priests should have.

Even the breath of life is gone.

There is only a quiet piece.

The new month of ps began. On the first day of the eleventh, the decadent must have five thousand words and one chapter~~

However, after the four chapters of "The Tower of the Emerald", the chapter of "Hunter" is 5,000 words, and it feels like you have collapsed again... plus allergies recently, all kinds of itchy acne on your face, and From one to eleven, I will attend the endless wedding, and I feel that I am already busy with the decadence...

In addition, I would like to ask for the support of the new book "The Tower of Emerald"~~~ The results are a bit rushing, and I am looking for a subscription, a monthly ticket~~~

Thanks for the reward of the starting price of the ash ash (thanks to the deceased archer, remember the glass brother who came back from the National Day)~~The prodigal son of the wandering sea, the reward of the starting currency~~ The lost heart and the reward of the starting point of the book friend ~~~Decadence again Thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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