Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 153: Depression

The narrow corridor, after ten minutes in progress, finally came to the head -

A place wider than the previous hall, appeared in front of Ye Qi and his party.


Looking around and feeling the damp environment around, the dark elf girl said with some surprise.

She didn't feel any change before, just like walking on the ground, but now, it is deep into the underground.

At least nearly a hundred feet deeper than the first underground world.

"Deceive perception..."

The dark elf girl looked around with some uneasiness.

In fact, as the instinct she is best at, the Dark Elf girl rarely has such mistakes, especially in the case of preoccupation - she is wary after entering the city.

"Hey, the surface man, have you found out?"

The dark elf girl looked at her side and kept her indifferent Ye Qi, whispering.

For such questions, Ye Qi did not answer. His attention has already seen something that should not exist here -


Ye Qi looked at her eyes and began to think about it.

In fact, the previous breath was sent from here.

Very weak, but very clear.

"You didn't hear me?"

The dark elf girl pulled the clothes of Ye Qi.

Business opening! governments

Ye Qi answered the question.


When the Dark Elf girl has not reacted, everything in front of her has changed -

The axe gold city master. The body suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

A trace of green smoke emerged from him.

Hildeline, who is answering the axe gold city master, is a glimpse. Then, the next moment, a scream was made.

"Adult, adults!"

The gnome climbed to the side of Ye Qi.

"Hide back!"

The dark elf girl shouted at the gnome, and then two slender scimitars appeared in her hands, and the gnomes were swiftly returned.

Hildeline is not a fleeing escape, after all, his fighting power, stay here. Even the qualification of cannon fodder is not enough.

It is better to avoid the far away, waiting for the opportunity to prepare some potions.


A low, hoarse, laughter like a nightingale appeared in the entire basement, and echoed in a very special way.

“Fresh materials are coming again! Very good, fresh materials!”

Another sound sounded.

"This time is mine!"

The last sound sounded up.

The three figures appeared in the basement like this – not suddenly, but in a looming way. It just appears slowly.

It seems to be a ghost.

The fire of the soul in the eyes of the other party indicates the characteristics of the other party and the undead creature.

The Lich, the caster, faces a limit of life and begins a form of conversion.

However, compared to what Ye Qi knows.

The three lichs in front of us are somewhat different.

The traces of the figure and the skull. After Ye Qi just glanced at it, he was able to confirm that this was Zall.

If you encounter such a existence after the millennium, Ye Qi will never be surprised.

but. In the present, the era of this wizarding dynasty. If there is a drow lich, it is definitely not a small thing; after all, the sorcerer of the human wizard has only appeared for less than a few hundred years.

Moreover, Ye Qi, who is a wizard emperor, can be sure that such a conversion method, although not complete, is also top secret.

Simply put, if in the normal way, the underground world simply cannot know how to convert.

And the appearance of the drow lich... seems to illustrate some problems.

"what is this?"

The dark elf girl was swept by the sights represented by the three drow lichs' flexible fires. Immediately, the spirits snorted, and the sense of tremor in the soul was definitely not an illusion.

It is as if the mouse feels like a natural enemy after seeing the cat. It is exactly the same.

Undead creatures are natural enemies for the living.


Ye Qi simply replied.

And the dialogue between Ye Qi and the Dark Elf girl seems to irritate one of the lichs -

“I need fresh experimental materials, but I will let you suffer!”

The drow lich on the left, roaring loudly.

The remaining two drow lichs voiced a similar approval.

Undoubtedly, these three drows were not good people in their lifetime. After turning into undead creatures, they seemed to be even more intensive. At least, they began to enjoy people.

"You controlled the axe without killing him, nor did you start with other dwarves to attract more people?"

Ye Qi suddenly opened his mouth.

“Experimental materials don't need curiosity!”

The drow lich faced such an inquiry, the kind of anger that seemed to be bitten by the ant, and suddenly a green flame appeared in his hand.

With a cold flame tail, the green flame rushed straight to Ye Qi.

"Be careful!"

The sense of crisis that appeared in the perception made the dark elf girl shout loudly, and the subconsciously grabbed Ye Qi’s clothes, and was ready to open Ye Qi.

"Stand up!"

Feeling the goodwill of the other party, Ye Qi smiled and gestured to the dark elf girl, the arm was slightly smooth, and then brought the other person behind, and then, this kind of flame that faced this calmly.


The green flame erupted like this, followed by the laughter of the drow lich.

"Let's mourn, cry! Here, this will be the most beautiful accompaniment!"

Another drow scream shouted loudly.

The other one is the thrill of the whole body, as if you are expecting something.

However, their expectations are doomed to be lost.

There is no sorrow, let alone crying.

A faint voice rang -

"Yes? If you like mourning and crying, I will help you!"

The white flame suddenly appeared in this darkness.

The next moment, the three drow lichs covered immediately, including the painful mourning sounds.

The three drow slayers have a spell that wants to extinguish such a flame, but it is helpless at all - although not the sun gold flame, nor the sun flame.

But the most basic sun fire has the characteristics of burning soul, ignoring ice and water.

And with the strength of Ye Qi, as long as he is willing, the fire of the sun seems to be instinctively controlled.

Although, this will consume the power of faith.

Ps face is itchy... I am so tired...

Various pits...

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart. ~~~ Decadence again Thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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