Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 7 Chapter 21: Kindness within the scope

I hope that Lilith and Otto have not left...

A bitter smile appeared again in the corner of Ye Qi’s mouth, which was moving fast towards the agreed place. The negotiation with the female leader of the blood glory organization was smooth. After the other party learned the task, he agreed to it after a moment; although the reward Raised to 50%, and still have to do an experiment for the nine-night innocent assistant, but this is not the scope that Ye Qi can not accept; therefore, the two sides quickly reached an agreement.

As for the nine-night innocent experiment, Ye Qi did not pay attention to it - when the other party proposed that he be an assistant to complete the experiment, Ye Qi already knew what kind of mind the other person held; after all, in the blood glory It’s not a good thing to meet with each other for several consecutive times; therefore, Ye Qi guessed that the other party was taking this opportunity to retaliate against him.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not care; even if he now has an organization that seeks for the other party, if the other party raises something other than his tolerance, he will still not do it; not to mention the other woman’s leader will not let the other party This offends him.

But when he moved the lab-like organs soaked in formalin in the lab and followed a fate farm tour behind him, Ye Qi knew that he had miscalculated the nine-night innocent experiment—the other party did not Anything that is difficult for him, there is no excessive demand, but the smile is always greeted; the only request is to let him move the organ that is soaking formalin and walk on the farm of Fate, being the animal husband And a variety of livestock onlookers...

Especially when he mentioned that in a hurry, the other party even smiled and convened more people to use him as a blueprint, using the organs in the formalin for comparison, to explain the common sense of the body...

Really careful woman!

Ye Qi looked at the open-air cafe in the distance, and after making an unusually loyal evaluation in the heart of the nine nights, he took a deep breath and pushed the door in. If you let Ye Qi say that the trouble is now What, he must say that he met a woman who is careful; and if it is more troublesome, Ye Qi will definitely say that he has met two women who are careful.

The blond girl with the ninth cup of coffee, the expression of an unusually calm look at the Ye Qi who came in from the door, whether it is the look or the look, she has no difference in peace at the moment; but looking at the sneak eyes of him In the white robe ritual and the unusual temperature in the box, Ye Qi noticed an unusual difference; and he was very familiar, just like the nine nights that had just said goodbye to his inner smile. It feels the same.

"Long time no see, Lilith, Otto!" Ye Qi smiled at the two and said hello, opened the chair and sat down: "Because something..."

"Men's explanations are excuses! Fantasy Violet, a very high-end perfume..."

The blonde girl did not listen to Ye Qi’s explanation. She straightened down the coffee cup and turned her head and looked straight at Ye Qi – but the power was a bit big. The coffee cup and the table made a crisp sound, and the coffee in the cup was With this force, it overflowed a lot; even the spilled coffee spilled on her, she didn't pay attention; all her sights were completely concentrated on Ye Qi's body, and the original calm expression was a little more Let Ye Qi feel the grievances of his back...


"If you do this, it is easy to make Ye feel resentful!" The gentle young man screamed an inexplicable song cheerfully, and the nine-night innocent waving knife and fork reminded: "Don't forget the first time you met." Ye is not merciless to you, he is definitely not the ones who rely on appearance..."

"Yes, Ye does not have the bad guys of the average man, and he is incomparably self-disciplined; he has his own code of conduct!" Nine nights innocently a little headache admitted to the gentle young man, but soon her face It shows a proud look: "But he also has his own weaknesses!"

"Weakness?!" The gentle youth stunned - from the beginning of the first knowledge of Ye Qi, Ye Qi left him with an almost perfect impression, not only strong, but also calm, and he is very principled, with almost no shortcomings; therefore After hearing the innocent words of nine nights, the moderate youth almost immediately subconsciously asked: "What weakness?"

"Don't tell you!" Nine nights smugly ran out of the room, leaving a gentle young man in a daze; after a long while, he turned his eyes to the rest of the hall, and finally put his eyes on it. The female leader who has never spoken after the start of dinner, the silent leader: "The leader, do you know what it is?"

"Oh, the weakness of Ye Qi can not be called a weakness, but it is one of the necessary elements of his success!" Looking at the mild youth of doubt, the female leader chuckled: "However, sometimes, if you use it, We are still very good!"

"Not the weakness of weakness? What the **** is it!" The gentle youth's face carries a rare curiosity: "Come on me!"

"Yeki will be within the range he can accept or endure.

Keep a kind heart! The answer from the female leader was obviously not enough to satisfy the moderate youth. Sitting in the chair, he shook his head and did not understand: "A good heart within the range that can be accepted or endured?" This is not good at all, but selfish! And if you say so, even the butcher who kills the wild will have a kind heart! ”

"Yes! The butcher who kills Yingye also has a kind heart. Even the devil in the abyss has a kind heart. On the same as the former two, Lord Yeqi maintains the kindness within his acceptable range." The heart!” The female leader got up and smiled at the high level left in the blood glory of the room: “The selfishness of Ye Qi is more warm than the love of the **** who loves the world!”

After that, the female leader greeted and slowly left the restaurant.

"Ah! I understand!" Just as the remaining high-level members of the blood glory thought about the meaning of the female leader's words, the tall Andy, the cracked ground suddenly shot with both loudly Said: "The meaning of the leader is that Lord Ye Qi has a heart with a butcher and a demon!"

"We are full, my sister and I have to go to rest first!" After the amazing speech of Andre Ru., the whole hall was silent for a moment, after which only four people's dining room was left, and two people were lost again. Andy Weiss, brother and sister who disappeared into the corridor, Ander Ruo scratched his head and looked at his good friend: "Ivan, what am I wrong?"

"No!" The gentle young man shook his head, resisted the twitching corner of his mouth, and patted his friend's shoulder: "It's just that you said it's straightforward, and Ainworth's brother and sister are a bit unacceptable!"




Doctors who use ~~~ps should use less eyes, although in the afternoon, they use gauze to make a blindfold to block the right eye, but the eyes still hurt a lot; today there are only so many, decadence has tried their best... Thanks again Xi Si's rewards ~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support

[Fiction mm member dedication]

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