Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 195: Looking for III

Ye Qi and the Dark Elf girl did not start immediately, but waited for a larger caravan to appear. After paying a brilliant stone, they came together behind the caravan.

"There are many accidents in the 'tunnel'. If there are more people, it will always be better!"

The dark elf girl explained this to Ye Qi.

Then, she did not need to be a scout, as a bodyguard, sitting on the same underground lizard with Ye Qi, and sneaked at Ye Qi from time to time with her witchcraft, and then revealed the smile of the girl's feelings.

Ye Qi, who saw that smile, felt the meaning of it, but always felt a little hairy on the back.

Therefore, most of the time, it is the closing of the eyes, the perception of the completion of the law.

In this regard, the dark elf girl does not mind.

She is only Ye Qi’s ‘weakness’. Even, sometimes, the dark elf girl can’t wait for Ye’s ‘weak’ period to grow longer.

The team is moving forward, and the gnome merchants go ahead according to the prescribed itinerary, not much more, and not less.

And those who are hired are obviously very glad that they can have such a relaxed job.

Therefore, the atmosphere inside the team is still very good.

Of course, the identity of the Dark Elf Girl Drow is obviously still being guarded. Even Ye Qi is also in the scope of this alert. At least, whenever Ye Qi is wandering around the ranks, there will always be one. The bodyguards of the two caravans followed him, and even some of them had very obvious grips on their weapons.

In this regard, Ye Qi will not mind.

The dark elf girl also kept silent after seeing Ye Qi had no objection - after all, Ye Qi was very 'weak'. If there is a bodyguard that always follows, it is naturally a good thing. .

Just like today -

When the team is resting again. Ye Qi strolled again, and a bodyguard in the caravan, still behind Ye Qi.

In fact, this is the case every day.

These bodyguards of the caravan are already a little tired. However, in order to be safe, I have to do this.

Therefore, for Ye Qi's disgust, he deepened a point.

After all, they really can't see it. What are the beautiful scenery around the black, why Ye Qi will have such great interest.

Ye Qi certainly does not think that there is anything good about the scenery of the black.

But is it better to stay with the dark elf girl?

The kind of eyes that are always in love with each other make Ye Qi stand up and down, and it is better to escape some good.

and. Not all of the caravans are boring things -

Hey! clang!

The sound of metal weapons was once again ringing, and a caravan boss shouted loudly: "Bet, bet!"

Combat. This was originally a project in the surface pub, I do not know when it appeared underground.

Or...some things, always common?

In this regard, Ye Qi does not want to explore, but this does not prevent him from standing aside and watching such a gamble.

Although not much skill. It is the strength of strength, but it is better than a pile of stones.

"come on! Come on!"

The person who bet, the person who did not bet, began to shout loudly.

Let Ye Qi, this silent figure, appear to be such an independent character; however, the caravans. I have been used to the existence of Ye Qi.

Reticent, seemingly like reading, but a book that doesn't look up has been flipped back and forth.

It is really impossible to see whether it is in real reading or in random.

It seems to be something like that.

Underground creatures, for such a title. Some strangers; however, one thing that is certain is that Ye Qi is very harmless and weak.

Therefore, no one wants to take a positive eye to see Ye Qi.

However, because of the existence of the Dark Elf girl, no one will take the initiative to provoke Ye Qi, especially after some of the provokes the existence of Ye Qi, after some inexplicable disappearance, the situation has become even more so.

Of course, some bad rumors like ‘small white face’ ‘forbidden’ have begun to spread in the caravans.

In this regard, the dark elf girl expressed shame.

And Ye Qi is smiling at the tip of his nose.

However, this has nothing to do with the current gambling, at best, it is to get a free ‘seat’ for Ye Qi.

On the court were two half-giants with mixed blood. The skin became pale because she didn't see the sun all the year round. However, the hardness is still the same.

Of course, that power is also beyond the reach of ordinary creatures.

Two large wooden sticks with adult waist thickness are swayed by two and a half giants.

However, beyond this, there is nothing to look at.

Basically, you hit me, I will hit you to see who can't hold it.

However, the surrounding underground creatures are watching the relish, the power and defense are talked about by them - after all, the talent of the semi-giant is really very bad.

Whether it is strength or defense, it is comparable to the existence of the moonlight level.

If there are some tricks, it is definitely a difficult opponent.

Ye Qi silently evaluated in the bottom of his heart.

And the field finally got the difference -

A half-giant who looked bigger and bigger, eventually won.

"Hey, hey!"

Waving the giant wood bar that is comparable to steel, the half-giant who won the victory, squatting up; the loser moved out of the field under the joint efforts of several dwarves.

As a banker's gnome, the gambling is gratifying, and those who lose are dejected, while those who are unwilling and angry are gnashing their teeth.

For a moment, Ye Qi almost witnessed all the imaginable emotions.

"Who is here? Who else is coming? Big Jack has won five games in a row, and now the odds are 12, and there are challengers?"

Gnomish merchants constantly provoke the atmosphere and want to involve more people.

However, with the failure of the previous half-giant, it is clear that the challengers have not estimated the difference between the two sides.

Naturally, the gnome merchants began to raise the odds.

Starting at 12, up to 13.5, and this odds are finally a bit tempting -

"I come!"

A head with a lizard. But the underground creatures that have stood up have come out.

"Welcome our brave, everyone starts betting!"

The gnome businessman shouted again loudly.

Suddenly, the surrounding participants started a new round of betting; of course. Because of the record of ‘Great Jack’, most people are optimistic about the half-giant.

However, the bet on the newcomer is obviously much higher.

At any time, people who want to make a big deal will not be a minority, and they are very fond of taking risks.

However, more results are nothing to lose.

And this time is no exception -

Just after the two rounds of the match, the ‘newcomer’ was hit by the ‘big jack’ stick, as if it were a baseball home run...

. After hitting the wall straight and heavy, it began to slip.

And a few gnomes and dwarves who used to look at it slowly shook their heads.

Undoubtedly, this guy died for his own rash.

In this regard, the underground creatures have nothing to care about. In the underground world of the weak meat, sympathy is definitely a luxury, and Ye Qi, on the side, has no movement except for a slight sigh.

Let me not say that he has no ability to return to life at this moment.

Even if there is, Ye Qi will not do this; after all, that is the choice of the other party - blinded by greed. Then naturally it is necessary to pay the price it deserves.

"Is there anyone else? Is there still? 14...15..."

The gnome merchants once again spurred up, but the death of the previous ‘newcomer’ apparently made the challenger somewhat discouraged—although he had long been accustomed to the jungle of the underground world, it does not mean that they would ignore their own lives.

Again and again, there is no effect. Just as the gnome merchants blamed their own ‘big Jack’ rash, let the business end prematurely, and when it was ready to really end the gambling, a voice sounded –

"Is it really 15?"

Said while. A short guy walked into the field.

This is a gnome, wearing a leather armor, a short sword at the waist, and of course, a gnome-specific height.

“Are you ready to challenge ‘big jack’?”

The gnome businessman looked at the same family in front of him.

"is it not OK?"

The ‘newcomer’ looked up and looked at the behemoth in front of him, and there was a burst of smirk around him. The guy who was not taller than the big Jack’s knees had to challenge. This is really ridiculous!

The laughter was so loud that the gnome merchants were hesitant.

After all, he seems to have seen everyone on the 'big Jack' and he has lost a lot.

"Our challenger must... of course!"

The gnome businessman wanted to find an excuse to reject the same family, but when the other party took out a bag of sparkling stones and said that they were pressing on themselves, the gnome businessman immediately changed his mouth.

Merchants are profitable, nature is so.

Then, the battle started again. When 'Big Jack' came into the field, everyone shouted—obviously, the vast majority of people put money on 'Big Jack’. .

Of course, it does not include Ye Qi.

Ye Qi took out two brilliant stones pressed on the gnome.

Although the strength has temporarily disappeared, but Ye Qi’s vision is still there, naturally it is to know who wins and who loses.

However, this has been ridiculed by the people around me ruthlessly -

"That little white face actually bet!"

"It must be the money that Zall gave him!"

"I don't even know how to accumulate it and make a fortune for myself!"


In such a discourse, Ye Qi feels helpless and touches the tip of his nose.

Ps scrapped recommended documentary "Alaska's Brown Bear" ~ looked very good ~

Thanks for the waves floating in the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~Decadence again Thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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