Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 1: Looking for IX

"I think we are faced with the situation, everyone knows!"

Ye Qi’s eyes glanced around, especially on the witch’s body, whether it was discovered by the other party or only by nature.

However, Ye Qi hopes that the other party will not have any excessive moves at the crucial moment.

After all, he can guarantee that he is fine, but he can't take care of it more – although he can't accept the feelings of the Dark Elf girl, Ye Qi also doesn't want the other person to have any accidents because of himself.

This is a question that involves principles.

"Well, I will listen to Joe, but... you must protect me!"

Similar words are spoken from the mouth of Betasha, but there is no such a sense of charm. On the contrary, there is a very formal look; and the gnomes and lizards who look at this look are a glimpse.

Obviously, the different expressions of the witches have made them guess.

None of the guys who can survive in the underground world are idiots.

The only dark elf **** the side was a little unhappy - because she found that only the secrets she knew were not exclusive.

"I will, you are the same, the premise is... you listen to me!"

Ye Qi nodded and looked at other people.

The Dark Elf girl nodded first.

"of course!"

There is no objection to the gnomes and lizards.

"Then you first prepare me some pharmacy, the kind of attacking power - flame pharmacy, gas pharmacy and the like!"

Ye Qi said this.

"Do you want to grill the 'octopus'? However, the resistance of the devil is very high, the ordinary flame..."

A gnome. Then instinctively said.

"Give it to me. The rest. You just look at it!"

Ye Qi said confidently.


Because there is no light, most of the time in the underground world relies on hourglasses - there are special timekeepers in some towns, but in the wild, they can only rely on hourglasses.

Of course, some casters have more convenience.

For example, the demon in front of you is using a trick-level [luminescence] to determine time.

The remaining enchanted demons have begun to clean up the ruins that were once called ‘Relin’s city state’.

And very soon. They will find out -


In the crisp glass breaking sound, a flame suddenly appeared, and then it was a crisp crack. Suddenly, the flame instantly expanded to a level that was unimaginable to ordinary people - almost instantaneously, it became a human form. torch.

However, under the burning of the flame, the figure in it seems to be no pain.

A roar was made.

Suddenly, the demon in the entire ruin was alarmed.

They are at a fast speed. With their own slaves, they began to gather together - in the dark. The light is undoubtedly the most conspicuous, and the light that is constantly rising in a group, unless it is a blind man, otherwise, anyone can see it.

"Come on, here!"

Ye Qi, with a snarling tone, threw the flame bottles in his hand on the opposite of the demon.

Although the resistance is very high, but under repeated burning, the heart-wrench also feels pain.

Of course, this is not the point!

The sorcerer feels that his ability to control his mind has failed—not the failure after being defended, but the failure in a radical sense.

It is like a drop of water drops thrown into the lake, it will bring up a circle of cockroaches, and then disappeared; but now, this drop of water is disappearing out of thin air.

This feeling makes the devil feel very uncomfortable.

What makes it even more puzzled is that it has clearly made evasive actions, but the flame bottles of those ones are still on the body, as if they have tracking functions.


Another broken bottle of flame medicine.

The flame that had just been extinguished burned again and again.

The devotees who were repeatedly attacked by the flames could no longer ignore them. It began to destroy the flames of these bodies by their own means.

However, the pace did not stop.

Although the power of mind control has failed, it does not mean that there is no other way - the slaves controlled by it begin to rush.

In the farther places, the remaining figure of the devil has appeared.

"Eight, nine, ten... all here!"

Ye Qi silently counted, and then, the flame bottle in his hand kept throwing, and the direction of advancement was constantly adjusted - gradually, the devils began to approach, and the slaves were blocked by a group of flames. .

Soon, when Ye Qi was completely trapped in the encirclement, ten of the devils appeared at the forefront of him.

"Human, you are dead!"

When the ability to capture the devil can't work, he said to Ye Qi in the lingua franca of the underground world.

For such a statement, Ye Qi gave a simple answer -

A small magic scroll appeared in the hands of Ye Qi and was shredded without hesitation.


A stream of air suddenly appeared, and then, the lightning with a devastating atmosphere began to appear, raging around.

Even with those slaves, including all the devils, no one can escape.

Thunder and lightning, like the electric dance silver snake, the sound of smashing, it is like fried beans.

However, in the dazzling electric mansions, there was a burst of meat scorching, stinking and disgusting.


"This, this, Joe won't have anything!"

Underground, staying beside the crystal ball, the gnome couldn't help but whisper.

"It shouldn't be!"

The lizard people on the side are also somewhat uncertain.

"Or else, let's go out and see?"

The gnome asked like this.

"But Joe asked us to stay here honestly, not to go out!"

The lizard's face was full of hesitation—one with fear of Ye Qi and the other with Ye Qi's obedience, which made him swing again.

However, such hesitation and swaying soon disappeared -

In the crystal ball, Ye Qi’s figure appeared once, but the robes on his body were obviously changed.

"The body is still the body of the law, there is no problem with the defense, but the clothes..."

Looking at the few spare clothes on his body, Ye Qi couldn't help but smile.

Everything before is in his plan.

In fact, it is not a plan, but the simplest way to make it based on the advantages of the moment.

The scroll, from the collection of Ye Qi itself.

Since becoming a wizarding emperor, Ye Qi’s several [Dimensional Bags] have always prepared some scrolls - some are gifts from the wizarding emperors, some are excellent talents, and they are dedicated to him, and there are very few Part of it is Ye Qi's tentative production.

In any case, these reels have something in common: they are powerful or have a peculiar effect.

Just like that, it was made by a new legendary wizard who mimicked the style of the Thunder Emperor.

Although far from the original, it is enough to eliminate those who are devilish.

"There should be some dedication in the follow-up, they will be more careful... However, it is not very difficult; only finding the main brain is a bit of a hassle!"

Ye Qi thought, then, quickly returned to the witch's residence.

It is the same as finding the whereabouts of the female cavalry chief and the female grandfather.

Looking for the whereabouts of the main brain, still need the help of the witch.

"Joe, you just used the scrolls of the wizards?"

The gnome said with a very curious tone.

Of course, he didn't know the scrolls, but he never saw such a big scroll.

"Well, a wizard from the surface gave me... the power is very good!"

Ye Qi changed the ‘entertainment’ to a ‘gift’. Then, he shook his robes and signaled the power of it.

"Of course Those guys are scorched!"

The lizard man is meticulous and refers to the scene inside the crystal ball.

"West Park, we should not pay attention to those, but should pay attention to... here!"

The gnome greeted the lizard and pointed to Ye Qi.

"These scrolls can't be sold to you or given to you, because many of them are not against me... I'm fine, it doesn't mean you can be okay!"

Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand, blocking the words of the gnome who had not yet opened.

Then, walk quickly to the depths of the witch's residence.

Ps 颓 想要 want to eat ribs...


Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the reward of the starting price of the turtle0920200~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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