Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 7 Chapter 26: peep

How long do I need to stay here? ”

After returning to the "room", I learned that Mark Beth, who is now in the middle of the room, asked Ye Qi; the tone and the initial stiffness were somewhat relieved, but it was more or less resentful. ——Whoever is forced to go to a place, no one will be happy; as for leaving? Mark Beth did not even think about it. Since the other party has spent so much effort to "please" him here, and want to leave with one sentence, it is impossible. Read the novel [\'\'] free text update! So, Mark Beth did not mention it at all; however, he hopes that the other person can give him a clear answer when he can leave the vault.

"Five days!" Ye Qi accurately reported a time limit - the deadline in the system's mission requirements, so that he has a very clear bottom line; however, this time obviously makes Mark Beth somewhat unacceptable, looking slightly Frowning opponent, Ye Qi chuckled: "The enemy hidden in the dark is not easy to deal with, even until now, I don't even know who the other party is; so for your safety, and my mission, this deadline is a must of!"

Ye Qi knows what the other party is worried about, nothing more than the other's career, but he knows more about what the other person cares about - his own life, the blue sky of the official career, and the need to have a life to enjoy; of course, the other person who appears again afterwards There will definitely be some trouble, but he is even more convinced that the ability of the other party in the army and the Senate will definitely solve these problems; in this way, the choice of the other party is naturally clear.

"Yeah!" As Ye Qi expected, Mark Bass finally he nodded after hesitating. Even at the end he was extremely dignified and reiterated: "Five days, only a maximum of fifteen days!"

“Happy cooperation!” Ye Qi smiled and reached out, and then immediately released it after a virtual grip. Even though this is a must-have etiquette, the hypocrisy contained in it makes him very cold; therefore Ye Qi immediately entered the topic: "Although I got information about you before, but the text does not describe your trouble well; therefore, in order for you to leave here as soon as possible, please explain to me in detail. !"

"Yes!" After a moment of indulgence, Mark Beth organized the language and slowly said: "When I am about to be transferred to become the mayor of Langburg..."


"A kidnapped?" Pedernange looked at his disciple strangely; facing the teacher's doubts, the cold-faced man immediately said again: "Well! Mayor Mark Bass met when he took a boat to Saskatoon. The kidnapping of unknowns, the other party has not yet made any request!"

"Hey!" A cold voice, Peder Nange beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m innocent face appeared disdain: "It's really boring tricks!"

With a strong sarcasm, Pedernange closed his eyes slightly, and the light blue water on the bright forehead slammed brightly; however, the light blue water pattern was faster than before. The speed dimmed, and the cheeks that followed Pedernange's blush became pale, and the whole person was awkward.

"What happened to the teacher?" The cold-faced man helped his teacher and carefully reached the chair. He said with concern: "Teacher, I will go to ask Hesel!"

"No!" Pedernange stopped the disciple's actions. After a slight breath, he waved at the disciples: "I'm fine, go ahead!"

"Yes, teacher!"

Despite worrying about the teacher's body, but the cold-faced man who had been accustomed to obeying the teacher's orders, did not resist; a slight glimpse, slowly stepped out of the room of Pedernange -

This article is transferred from the book network - l- "damn! Even you are standing on his side!" After the cold-faced man left, Pedernange’s face was rosy again because of anger, but it seemed to be very Hey: "I will definitely let you regret it!"



A stream of blood was sprayed in midair, forming a colorful **** fog, and the white-faced profiteer's body slowly fell to the bar.

"Ward, are you okay?" The person who called the name of the profiteer, of course, could not be John. With a fragrant wind, Kuchi, who was dressed in leather, quickly helped the profiteer to the sofa in front of the bar; but complained in his mouth. The opponent's incompetence: "Pedernanga crazy woman is not only the tower of the tower of knowledge, but also one of the twenty holy marks, who do you think you are?"

"She is one of the twenty holy marks, don't I?" The profiteer still refused to accept the loss, but still had to admit the strength of the other side, watching Kuqi not angry, shook his smile Shaking his head: "However, I didn't expect her strength to be so strong now. Just to stop her from checking the leaves, I almost wanted my life!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Our great pre-trial judge, if you are not half-dead, you are definitely one of the most powerful! And the Juggernaut, if it is not the same as you, it must be The most powerful existence!" Couch's face is not good, scorning the profiteer and John who just came out of the room: "But now, you and John are two disabled, one is countered by his own weapon to death, one is Cursed half-man and half-ghost; oh, it’s funny, it’s called the Juggernaut and the spread of the Gospel. You two are really worthy of this name! There are still a bunch of unknowing little devils, who treat you as idols, if they Seeing what you look like now, you will definitely know how stupid you are!"

"There is hope in the dream! Destroy the children's This cruel behavior, kind Kuchi, you will definitely not do it!" John quickly took it out of the bar drawer The test tube of the golden holy water, after being fed by the profiteer, immediately started playing with Kutcher: "Although I promised that your opera was not seen for some reason, my heart is always with you... ”

"Okay!" Looking at the hippie smile in front of him, and the two who didn't take their injuries seriously, Kuch couldn't help but sigh: "You brought me to Ye?"

"Well, I and the profiteers are now inconvenient to move and need to find a place to heal; so, please come to you during this time!" John nodded, with a rare solemn face; Kuchi silently with John I looked at it for a long while and suddenly asked: "Ye is really your apprentice, not your son?"

"Of course!" John immediately cocked three fingers: "I swear by my ancestors!"

"Hey! People who have already given up their surnames will care about their ancestors?" Couch smacked his lips, turned around, and walked toward the first floor. The voice came: "You must be fast. Come back, I can't hold the mad woman for a long time..."

As long as there are so many ps today, the softness of the whole body feels that it has been abandoned.

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