Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 226: Missing things II

"It's not a thousand years ago, it should be eight years ago...hey, can't say that, because the time here is similar to the prohibition--in the gap at some point!"

Ye Qi thought for a moment and replied. .

However, when he finished speaking, he found out how useless his interpretation was -

The chameleon hugged him tightly, smiling at the female cavalry chief and the female grandfather, while the latter two were alert to watch the sudden appearance of the chameleon.

Especially for the first time, the female grandfather who met with the other party was even more careful with twelve points.

In the face of the female grandfather's cautious appearance, the chameleon smiled more and more brightly.

"We are like this...not only me, Els, but also others, if you are not happy, you can quit!"

The chameleon smiled and said.

"It’s the right thing to quit!"

The female grandfather held Ye Qi’s hand tightly and said in a slightly tough discourse.

"Oh? Why are we leaving us? You... It seems that there is nothing with Ye! Don't you wonder what I am relying on to travel through time and space? I rely on the power of leaves left in my body to do this. One step... What is the power of this strangeness or the way it stays in the body?"

The chameleon raised his head high and looked at the restless female grandfather with a look down. He said faintly: "So, what qualification do you have? Do you think that one can top us all... Ye Your good feelings are from the face of Els; if you change the same... Hey, it seems that you understand something!"

Looking at the female grandfather who was in the same place and lost his palm in disappointment, the chameleon showed a triumphant smile.

However, the next moment, such a smile is a bit stiff.

Because the female Grand Duke's hand was lifted up and only held Ye Qi's arm.


The female grandmother said reluctantly.

"Do you not say anything?"

The chameleon's eyes looked at the female cavalry chief.

"This is not the trouble that arises from my will, although she is troubled because of me..."

The female cavalry chief frowned, but, after waiting for the female cavalry chief to finish, the female tycoon directly interrupted and said: "Don't take it for granted because we look like it - perhaps for some reason, but now It’s definitely not the time when you are proud to speak with your appearance!”

The ladies look at each other, and every time they look at each other, they seem to be taking Mars.

"Can I say one?"

Ye Qi feels the strangeness around him and interjects straight.


"Well, of course!"

"Yeah, let's talk!"

The answer is different, but it expresses the same meaning.

“I have a more important thing to come here – it’s about our lives and deaths!”

Ye Qi finally added a sentence to prove the importance of this matter.

"Black hand behind the scenes?"

The chameleon asked subconsciously.

"It’s not a black hand behind the scenes... at most it’s a dull, stubborn, unrecognized existence. But ta has absolute power, so I need to make up for myself... at least, in the face of ta’s cleanup, Not to fight back!"

After that, Ye Qi simply described the existence of ‘order’.

Immediately, the attention of the lady was shifted.

"Female tree world? There is still such a place... the tree of the world that gave birth to the gods..."

The female cavalry commander whispered to herself.

"The **** above the gods?"

The female grandfather is instinctively concerned with something she is familiar with.

"What are we going to do?"

The chameleon is the most practical.

"Here, wait for me!"

After Ye Qi finished, the whole person disappeared in the same place.


The Hall of the Spirit, somewhere.

Ye Qi’s figure appeared again and looked around –

“Does it not only exist in the gaps of time, but also overlap the space?”

Ye Qi, who talked to himself, raised his palm and gently touched the 'air' in front of him; however, in the next moment, these 'airs' began to smash out layers of ripples.

It is not the kind of horizontal spread to the surrounding, but a three-dimensional, full-back, left and right, spread in all directions.

The location of Ye Qi’s station is also within the scope of this spread.

Feeling the faint force that comes from the body when he touches his body, Ye Qi can't help but look at his eyes: "Only the body of the law can touch?"

Although the feeling of corrosion is very slight, it is only for the body of the law.

If it is an ordinary body, Ye Qi can be sure that it will be directly annihilated by these, and even the gray can not be left.

However, this is naturally easy for Ye Qi.

Looking at the gates that formed after the retreat, Ye Qi stepped forward.

At this time, every minute and every second, Ye Qi is suffering from the embarrassing corrosion, especially when it is approaching the gate, the 涟漪 is layered, as if the tide is generally flushing Ye Qi's body.

Even at the time of the law, at this time, a trace of scars began to appear.

However, there is no blood.

The true blood does not exist in the body of the law.

Feeling the scars on the body of his own law, Ye Qi squinted at the eyes, and the armor of the faith, the blessed armor, began to appear firmly around, and began to resist the power of the screaming.

Under such premise, Ye Qi is slowly moving forward again.

It's not that he doesn't want to be fast, but he can't get up quickly. It seems to be close to the door. In fact, under the superposition of layers of space, it is not too far from Ye Qi.

Ye Qi seems to be moving forward at this moment, that is, through a wall of the orbital plane - although it is not the crystal wall of the main plane, it is not known how many half planes, the surface of the plane of the plane fragments are superimposed. After that, it is enough to make Ye Qi's progress slower.

Fortunately, I can still move forward.

Moreover, Ye Qi does not intend to retreat.

Finally, Ye Qi stood in front of the door, his palms gently placed on the door, and then, violently pushed -



First, the sound of broken glass broke out. Then, it was like a threshold that had not been oiled for several years, and it made a burst of harsh sound.

This sound did not spread and was passed into the ears of others.

It’s just that Ye Qi heard it alone, and felt it –

A burning, ridiculous, lifeless breath.

The world behind the door is a desert, a desert without any existence.

However, there is no yang in the sky. This kind of heat is completely from the sand on the ground; or... it is not too much to say that lava.

The warmth of Ye Qi’s feet made him very sure of his own guess.

"Here is... West Lu?!"

Ye Qi walked into the door and looked around at the innocent desert, a little guessing.

Supported by the body of the second law, Ye Qi scanned all the whole world. He did not find any life, even the insects.

"At such high temperatures, any life will be extinct; however, the place where this light shines is what I am looking for..."

After scanning the entire Xilu, Ye Qi did not get nothing.

He found the breath of ‘time’.

The figure disappeared again, and then appeared again.

When Ye Qi appeared again, he was already standing in front of a big tree, a big tree that was unimaginable, an indescribable tree.

However, it is dead -

"The world tree of Xilu..."

There is no need to guess that the big tree in front of you can only be the world tree. Apart from the world tree, Ye Qi can't think of any trees that can be so big, and emits the light that shines through the world, even if it withers.

Ye Qi’s eyes looked up, and it was very natural to see the black bark and the dead branches that had completely lost their moisture.

"'The earth' stands for the trunk, as a dwelling place for people and other creatures, but because there is no life because of the heat, and the departure of the natural gods makes the branches lose their last hope, completely withered... Everything in Xilu, you want to leave your life to Xilu at the last minute. Unfortunately, the partner you chose has deceived you, even if she was born out of you!"

Ye Qi reached out and touched the withered trunk and muttered to himself.

Looking at the world tree in front of him, Ye Qi can be sure that the original world tree still had a glimmer of hope. Therefore, he chose to merge with the Lord of the Spirit and want to evoke the vitality of the whole Xilu again.

However, the world tree obviously cannot imagine what is called the human heart.

After all, this is hard to understand for a world tree like a guardian woman. It will always have love, not a trace, for children.

"In the end, have you let go of the Lord of the Spirit?"

Bypassing the huge trunk, Ye Qi looked at a raised root - the root of the tree was only the thickness of an ordinary person, but with a sharp sense that Ye Qi could not ignore.

Obviously, even the body of the law cannot resist such a root.

However, the root of the tree has the feeling of being stabbed, but it has a force.

The Lord of the Spirits seeks the secret of the tree of the world.

After being discovered, he quickly withdrew and retreated. The tree of the world subconsciously counterattacked, and when the roots were about to pierce the Lord of the Spirit, they stopped.

In the mind of Ye Qi, is a straightforward situation.

According to the traces of the hard-rooted stop on the root of the tree, Ye Qi can be sure.

It is not blocked by external forces, but is determined by oneself.


Inexplicable, Ye Qi sighed softly.

At this time, the tree of life that he had just sprouted in his arms began to beat.

Ps all kinds of troubles! !

Decadence means comfort! !

I really want to burst into tears! !

Thanks for the waves floating in the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200~~~Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~r1152


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