Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 233: Missing things IX

This is a void somewhere in the astral world.

Delpa, the wizard emperor, the teacher, and the friends were sent to Ye Qi after the millennium. Once again, the female cavalry chief, the chameleon and the female grandfather returned to the millennium.

Of course, before leaving, the female grandfather returned to the snow-free country that she had disappeared.

Take away some tried and tested people.

And after finishing everything, and confirming that people who have a relationship with them have returned to the millennium, Ye Qi started the last step before the war.

He needs to find the last helper - Time Dragon.

Or seriously say: Time Dragon Group.

In the first step, Ye Qi needs to go to the River of Light. As he did at the moment, he stood in the void and began to build the time gap for the first time.

It is not the use of other existence, nor is it a simple cover.

It excludes everything, leaving only the gap of time.

This has a very clear record in the 'time power' in the Hall of the Spirit. After Ye Qi tried it a little, it was easy to create his time gap.

It's not difficult, but it's a bit like learning a bicycle.

Before the study, the difficulty was incomparable.

However, once you learn it, it is like instinct.

Standing in his own time gap, Ye Qi began to push the time gap, let him lead him into the river of time, it is like water droplets converge into a stream, and the creeks will gather into lakes, and the lake will eventually belong to the river. And the river sails toward the sea, which is a process of water change.

The time is similar!

However, the process is responsible for a lot, and the relative time is much longer.

Although the time at the moment should be stopped, but Ye Qi's calculations, let him know. When he felt the vibration, the entire time interval really integrated into the river of time, at least a decade or so.


The vibration is still going on. And getting bigger and bigger, and finally when a muffled sound. The time gap has completely disappeared, and Ye Qi clearly sees the outside world -

Colorful, like a misty cockroach.

However, more is the waves.

The river of time!

Feeling the atmosphere surrounding ‘time’, Ye Qi is so sure.

Standing out of the air, suspended in a colorful cloud, Ye Qi looked up.

There is no trace of time and no dragons at all. Moreover, more importantly, with his perception, he could not see the end of the place and could not hear the sound here.

“Ordinary perception, is it invalid for ‘time’?”

Ye Qi silently thought.

Then, subconsciously lifted the palm of his hand, stretched out a finger, and touched the colorful clouds beside him.

It is like a real cloud, there is no other special feeling.

And this made Ye Qi slightly frown.

because. Before the touch, Ye Qi Ming Ming felt a sigh of ‘time’, and after touching. This breath is disappearing.

Not absorbed by him!

It is integrated into the larger colorful clouds below.

This kind of transformation made Ye Qi feel puzzled.

“Can ‘time’ be transferred?”

Ye Qi asked himself like this, but neither his knowledge nor the memory of inheritance can give Ye Qi an accurate answer.

After a while, such a problem was left behind by Ye Qi.

He did not forget his purpose - looking for the time dragon group!

After ordinary perception has no effect, Ye Qi begins to rely on intuition -

Feel free to pick one, after he seems to be a good direction. Ye Qi began to fly forward.

Not slow or slow, can maintain a certain forward force. It can also make his eyes not miss the place where there may be time.

And such a flight lasted for a year in the river of time.

Even this is not fast or slow. Ye Qi can also guarantee that his degree lasts for a year, enough to fly around Gothic Galloland for thousands of laps.

However, in the river of time, it is only a small distance forward.

It is like the distance from the upstairs to the downstairs.

The number of floors in this building is at least +, and it is only the first stage. When the next stage is reached, the same floor appears.

"No, the river of time is too big!"

Ye Qi shook his head and temporarily stopped moving forward.

He knows that his efficiency is very low, although step by step, eventually will find time, but the time spent is absolutely unthinkable.

Even if the time here stops, there is no such concept of 'time'.

However, Ye Qi still wants to find a faster degree.

"If you can't find it, then let them come to me..."

Ye Qi silently said to himself.

Then, the ‘time’ power on the body of the second law began to provoke the power of the “blood” on the body of the first law.


After the two superimposed on each other, suddenly a dragon rang.

Invisible ripples began to shatter all the colorful smoke around them, but before the reaction of Ye Qi, the 'time' power in the colorful smoke began to blend into his first law. In the 'blood', and then, it seems to be a strong man who has been hungry for countless years.

‘Blood’ opened his mouth and began to swallow the ‘time’ around him.

Almost an instant, Ye Qi felt a sense of 'swelling', which was from the inside out.

However, ‘blood’ does not seem to stop.

Still madly swallowed.

Ye Qi wrinkled his brow and did not stop it, because he is now swallowed up like this, his first law is changing.

Long Wei, Dragon Scales, Dragon Power, Dragon Breeze, Dragon's Physique!

Beginning one by one, then, one by one disappeared.

In a different way from the system, it fits into the body!

Gradually, layers of multicolored smoke gathered toward Ye Qi's body, and then. The more concentrated it is.

Just a moment later, a colorful ‘egg’ appeared on the river of time.

Oval eggs. It's like an egg that has been enlarged for countless times.

But it is a lot more powerful than a fragile egg.

咚, 咚, 咚...

The heartbeat sound like a drum is in the 'egg', and then the whole 'egg' is followed. A layer of Longwei began to appear.

Weak, but pure.

Without the mixed blood, there is only one kind of complete purity, and then a touch of 'time' begins to emerge from the 'egg', and the whole 'egg' is constant.

The river of time continues to flow.

The sound of the waves is still the same, and the ‘the egg’ floats in the sky like this, and the dragon is clearer. The more ‘time’ is clearer.

In the end, he attracted some bad existence.

These are hidden in the river of time, the body is completely corroded, leaving only a little residual consciousness, and began to flock here.

Hey, hey!

It is like gasification. The existence of these bad things is really eroded by the ‘time’ around them at the moment of the “egg”.

There is only a trace of smoke left.

Then, quickly integrated into the fog around the River of Time, leaving no traces.

Only those clouds. The more vivid and bright.

However, such disappearance cannot fade the existence of these bad. On the contrary, the more crazy they are, the more tidal they are used here.

Because, the breath of life, let these guys who only have a little consciousness understand that it is their only hope.


In the colorful clouds, a touch of black began to appear.

Then, the black began to expand rapidly, the remaining consciousness. From the beginning to the million, and then to 100 million. Then there is trillions!

According to the normal time, just a few breaths.

And in these few breaths. The river of time in which Ye Qi is located has a strange boiling.


Gasification continues to appear, and the more airflow in the sound is integrated into the smoke; and the residual of countless consciousness, with only a little residue, perceives the final result.

So they started to change!

A black, huge claw, shrouded in the sky, and began to shroud in the 'egg' where Ye Qi was.

Ye Qi, in the 'egg', is awake from beginning to end.

That is to say, when these residual consciousness appeared, Ye Qi was in the eyes, but only felt the changes in the body, Ye Qi did not pay attention to these residual consciousness.

After all, this has brought him countless benefits, if not necessary.

Ye Qi definitely does not want to terminate.

As soon as you move, breaking this 'egg', this change will stop!

And such a change can only be one time!

This kind of information is very clear in the heart of Ye Qi - the memory from the inheritance of the dragon is not manifested, but a subconscious of stress.

Only when you meet it will you know.

Therefore, Ye Qi has always kept his body still.

And those residual consciousness did not cause much trouble to him before, but the breath that was released by ‘time’ was eliminated.

However, when these residual consciousness began to converge.

Ye Qi knows that he can no longer sit back and ignore it.

After all, the breath that is revealed is not what he is now, still, and can resist.

At least you need to deal with it carefully!


Ye Qi sighed like this in the bottom of my heart.

However, just as Ye Qi was just about to open the egg, a ripple began to appear above the black paw.

Although black covers the sky, such ripples are ignoring everything.

Then, a pair of eyes appeared there.

Calmly looking at everything in front of However, when I saw the 'egg' formed by Ye Qi, there was a wave of fluctuations, accidents and surprises.


The low humming sound appears from the ripples.

In an instant, the black claws that cover the sky are annihilated, and there is no chance of gasification. It completely disappears into the whole world, and at any time.

Then, the 'egg' formed by Ye Qi was lifted by an invisible force and entered into the ripples, disappearing without a trace.

The river of time, once again restored the calm, slowly flowing, boundless.

Ps up has not eaten, it has been a code manuscript! !

Finally, the code is over, hurry to eat~

Also, everyone is Merry Christmas~~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating around the sea, the starting point of the rewards ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued)

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