Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 7 Chapter 30: Smog

"This mission, in addition to the three of us in the break, there is another one who sneaked into Langburg!"

Eraser said that this paused, looked up and looked at Ye Qi, feeling that the other party was still not surprised, and couldn't help but raise a panic - Ye Qi could just intercept the three of them, and the battlefield was the population. The concentrated Lancaster Street is empty at the moment; even if the rubber reaction is slow, I understand that the other party is ready; therefore, for the foolproof post-organization arrangement in the organization, he can't help but wonder if he is also seen by the other party. Mobile reading novels, synchronous update \\!{\'}

However, seeing the faceless white rocket stunned, the rubber could not help but bite the teeth, and eventually evolved: "The task of our three people is to ambush you, to be able to capture your best. If you can't, just take you away from Langenburg. The mission is also complete! Because the chameleon that actually performs the mission will change into the look of yours and the hunters and your friends in the raids in Randenberg."


A strong wind suddenly came out of Ye Qi's body, and the black windbreaker hunted. The nine nights of the innocent hips were blown four times. The front side facing Ye Qi's rubber felt in the chest. The heart trembled as if to burst, an indescribable repression made him suffocate in the past - the anger in his heart made Ye Qi’s repressive control of Longwei break out; this time Ye Qi’s Long Wei There is no slight repression, accompanied by the anger of the high-level of the demon hunter, completely complete, completely burst out.

The high-level people of the demon hunter want to do anything, even if the rubber is not finished, but Ye Qi has already guessed a rough - let him become a dog of funeral! There is no place for you anymore!

No organization will have any good feelings for the traitors. The hunter-manufacturer will be allowed to quit. He can retire after signing a confidentiality agreement with magical branding; but he will never allow the traitor to kill the hunter. Survival in the world; the former can rely on savings and hunting magic to go to the pension according to the number of times the task is completed, as for the latter? The door of the Tower of Thorns will be opened to it, and it will be a feeling of enjoyment.

And the most hated thing for Ye Qi is that the other party started with his friends!

This is something Ye Qi can't forgive!

Without concealing the anger, Long Wei’s power was even stronger and stronger, and in the void in the back of Ye Qi, there was a long-lasting dragon that went straight for nine days!


The dragons are low and continuous, and the surrounding fog seems to encounter endless suction, and the bees are coming, a kind of mist is formed, and the ripples are presented - a dragon proudly spreads its wings, the body made up of fog, despite the However, it does not damage a trace of power, such as an hourglass scale covering the eye like a mask, and the circular black scales with uneven distribution of twelve positions are radiated from the back to the front, like the annual rings; a similar day The pointer-like spurs stretched out from behind the skull; a pair of triangular wings protruded from the narrow point behind them and unfolded...

The dragon formed by the mist opened its wings and floated behind Ye Qi. Its pair of triangular wings stretched out from the narrow point behind it and spread out. It was like a time when the hourglass appeared behind Ye Qi. The flow of fog is like a sand flowing slowly in the hourglass...


"What!" Enid looked at the dragon formed by the fog in the distance, and the panic in her heart made her body tight and eventually evolved into a state of battle. The instinct of the body made her fear of the creature in front of her. Couch raised his hand and a blue light curtain blocked her and her disciple, obscuring the body that was almost exposed because of the disciple's movement; however, at this moment, Kuchi's face is also full of surprises. Look: "That is a dragon? No... but if not..."

"Bastard! You also said that the stinky boy is not your son!" Quaker, who was originally surprised by the face, suddenly thought of something, and immediately screamed out with a sigh of relief, and the chest was more violently ups and downs; Enid asked: "Teacher, what happened to you?"

"Nothing, just been deceived by an unconscionable **** for more than a decade!" Couch's voice was so light, it seemed that nothing happened; but Enid felt the whole body erect, the body's instinct has been told She, her teacher is now on the verge of violent walking; Enid has stepped back two steps without a trace - although she likes to fight with others, but does not mean that she is brave, in the face of the danger of instinct, she Still choose the wise avoidance; looking at the disciple's movements, Kuqi did not breathe a sigh: "Reassured, swearing, debts have the Lord; I will not take you as a punching bag! Well, let's go!"

"where are we going?"

"Go to a mad woman, then go find the unconscionable middle-aged firewood man and do another one..."


The fog gradually dissipated, just as it appeared before, it was as unreal as a dream of Nanke; but the nine nights in front of Ye Qi and the rubber knew that it was definitely not a dream, but a real The facts that appear in front of you!

It turns out that your blood is a dragon...

Nine nights innocent eyes staring at Ye Qi - although Ye Qi's mixed blood is unquestionable under the judgment of the collar, but for Ye Qi's blood, the members of the entire blood glory are curious; however, because of the organization Since its establishment, there is a rule that unless the other party voluntarily does not allow to explore the origin of the other party's blood; therefore, although the members of the blood glory are somewhat curious, they are all in the bottom of their hearts, waiting for the day that Ye Qi volunteered to speak.

But for the nine-night innocence, waiting is undoubtedly the thing that makes her most suffering; after she has figured out the character of Ye Qi, she is still prepared to try to make Ye Qi say it herself, but now everything is clear, fundamentally Without Ye Qiduo, she also knows the blood of the other party; she has no effort to know the desired result, let the nine nights of preparation for a big fight, some powerless feelings and frustration after a punch. But soon she was happy.

To know that the dragon has disappeared for countless years, as long as a few books in the dark age have limited the existence of this ancient and almost invincible creature - in the face of Ye Qi, who has such a blood, how can it be nine nights? Can not be excited; if it is not to beat Ye Qi, she must have stunned Ye Qi back to the lab at this moment.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world's most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the gods, killing the gods, the gods, the throne, seeking the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou royals, the hot eyes from behind, Ye Qi Didn't breathe a sigh, even if you don't think about it, he guessed that the nine nights of innocence already knew the dragon veins in his body and his intentions; after all, so many specimens, utensils and several operating tables in the other laboratory were enough. Let him understand the nature of each other's Frankenstein.

Although he exposed the blood of the dragons on his body, Ye Qi did not have the idea of ​​murder and murder. The members of the blood glory of the ally knew that he was a dragon, and it was not a loss for him; after all, blood The particularity of the existence of glory has already limited the direction of its exhibition. It is impossible to sell his news to other forces or individuals unless the blood glory wants to die.

As for the other people present?

Ye Qi glanced at the rubber that had been fainted before the fog formed the misty dragon, and disdainfully licked his mouth. For an outsider who did not know anything at all, killing people was synonymous with extra-budgets.

Ye Qi took out the silver jug ​​that John sent him, and poured the cold drink poured out from the jug on the face of the rubber; the moment the wine slammed into the face, the rubber immediately woke up - although before Under Ye Wei's Long Wei, the other party directly evolved into a coma, but as a member of the dark mercenary organization, the other party removed the special talents, and the physique was out of the ordinary; even if Ye Qi did not shoot The other party will soon wake up.

However, the look of the rubber that woke up at this time was a little bit horrifying, and I looked at Ye Qi’s eyes with some fear; I don’t know Ye Qi’s secret rubber looked at Ye Qi who only let his coma stunned by the momentum, and immediately turned the leaves The strange strength is magnified infinitely in the heart; at this moment, he thinks of the strongman of the day and the legendary stigma...

"I have expressed my sincerity!"

Ye Qi pointed out that the nine-night innocent had been on the spot for the rocket to start suturing the wound - although the black granules suddenly appeared in the hands of the nine nights innocent constantly squirting a yellow pus The water is nausea, but the effect is very significant. The bones in the chest are deep and visible. The scars appear in the yellow water of the granulation, and the breathing is stable.

Ye Qi glanced at the rocket that had been out of danger. For the first time, he had some curiosity about the innocent blood of the nine nights. When fighting with the disciplinary knight, the spurs behind the opponent and the granulation that appeared during treatment are enough. It caused his interest; of course, Ye Qi knew that now is not the time to explore the origins of the nine nights, and more important things are waiting for him.

"The chameleon is the second most important thing in the thought of the commander and the deputy godfather!" After seeing the rocket out of danger and the indication of Ye Qi, the rubber that has been scared by the power of fantasy Zhongqi is immediately chameleon. The situation is detailed: "In addition to the commander, we don't know his true face. He can change into any one, and can imitate any voice without flaws. And he joins the broken. After reading, the task completion rate is 100%, and there is no failure..."

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