Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 7: Return to Shake (below) 2 in 1

Chapter VII returns to the Xia Ke (2) two-in-one chapter

"Boss" Tiger pushed the wheelchair in front of Ye Qi, and the wheelchair smiled and greeted Ye Qi: "The captain will give it to me."

Ye Qi nodded and watched as the two men took the bartender and walked to the side and whispered in a low voice. Ye Qi, who had exhausted all the reasons, could only take the wheelchair from the source of everything. .

As for whether the wheelchair can successfully persuade the bartender, Ye Qi still has some confidence - after getting along, he has a certain understanding of the internal structure of the remnant; the bartender is well-deserved is the boss, and everyone is called the captain, but then The second person is not the vice captain’s lame, but the wheelchair that was originally the staff officer.

The wheelchair as a staff member is similar in nature to the small man in his absence, but more comprehensive than the small one; not only the general plan of the remnant is responsible for the wheelchair, but also the cleaning of the team itself. Small things are all responsible; it can be said that a wheelchair is a "nanny captain" who is more competent than a bartender.

I hope to convince Amanda...

Ye Qi looked at the calm wheelchair and the bartender who had been shaking his head in the distance, and he secretly looked forward to it; if he couldn’t even persuade the bartender in a wheelchair, his retreat plan would need to make some major changes; Ye Qi did not want to make any changes to this part of the plan. After all, it involved 20 orphans who had been secretly trained by him. These orphans removed the Rhines who were personally accepted as disciples and were accepted by wheelchairs. Outside of Tiger, a disciple, the remaining 18 are not as good as the two, but they are equally extraordinary; they only take three to five years, and when they reappear from Hailin, they can come in handy; therefore, It is especially important to teach these children's remnants during this time; therefore, he will insist on the insistence of the bartenders and the remnants.


Northder Family Estate, the patriarch's study.

Gail sat at the desk, squinting at the slightly swelled temples—even as an apostle, with an incomparable body, but after continuous thought, he still felt mentally unhelpful; especially in this When a major incident occurs, it is enough to make him feel a headache.

"Is the Locke thing true?"

Even if he never doubted the family's intelligence collection system, Gail still felt unbelievable after seeing the information that had just been delivered. The housekeeper faced Gael's doubts and understood that Gael's current feelings were turbulent. Qiankun Holy King made the sacred king will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the throne, seek the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big week, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night killing god. God's Seal, the throne of the world, the most powerful, abandoning the Great Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoning the big Zhou royals - because he was seeing the above information, the same Like Gail, the family elite who passed the intelligence have checked each other three times.

"Yes, the lord, unless there is a major flaw in the intelligence system of our family that has been bought and bought; otherwise, it is true." The butler nodded affirmatively, and then suddenly there was a bitter smile on his face: "Although it looks It’s no different from fake ones."

"As the owner of the Six Pagodas of the Hunting Mania, the Pedangan of the Tower of Knowledge will be seriously injured, especially the serious injury that the main tower of the tower, Hessel, cannot heal; this news is really It’s the same as the fake...” Gael showed the same smile as the housekeeper, and he couldn’t help but shook his head: “Locke, let’s confirm it”

"Yes, Master"

Even though he had personally verified it three times, when he heard Gael’s words, he still went out without hesitation as a housekeeper – Gael stared at the information on the table and couldn’t help but breathe a lot of weight. As if I have seen the paper under this thin sheet of paper, the waves are turbulent.

What kind of choice should the family make?

Gail’s mind was thinking about the choice of this emergency – although away from Shak, it does not mean that he has no knowledge of Shak; instead, with the entire Northder family as the backing, he What happened to Ke is quite clear; even some things that Pedernange did, he is quite clear; but in order not to anger the other, not to cause unnecessary trouble to the family, he did not The matter is deep.

But now, even if you don't want to go deeper, it's too late—with the serious injury of Pedernange, the owner of the tower of knowledge, there will be a slight disorder in the headquarters of the Hunter; and for the Northed family that has already participated in it. In short, even if it is only a small disorder, it is also a storm, a big earthquake that can shake the foundation; if it is in the wrong position...

Gail couldn't help but shook his head in the thought of possible scenes. In the Bay Area, the Northder family can be said to be the largest family. The Northall family, which holds more than half of the economic lifeline of the Gulf, is absolutely unique. But this is only in the Gulf. If you are in the whole of Lorante, the Northder family is only in the top 20; compared with those who are really in the top ten, there are still irreparable gaps. Compared with the three parties in the top three, the Holy See, the Hunting Man and the highest government? It is not even a grade. Any party to these three forces will make the entire Northder family suffer an unacceptable blow.

"Maybe you should try to work with the boy." The voice from behind him made Gail stunned. After a long while, he reacted: "Boy? You say Ye Qi?"

"Well, that's the boy named Ye Qi. He gave me a familiar feeling." Without any basis, it didn't make Gail angry. Instead, it showed a kind of respectfulness that has never been seen before: "Let's go Working with Ye Qi, can he really? Although he performs very well, but..."

"Oh, Gail became the patriarch, you are also confused by the worldly." The smirk made Gail fall into meditation, and the other party said, "I don't find out what happened at the Hunter Headquarters." Is it the center of the boy's whirlpool? Knowing that you are in a whirlpool, the distance will only attract, and stay away from the bones that will make you more quickly..."

Ye Qi...

Gail fell into meditation, and the voice was silent; after all, the patriarch of the Northder family is now Gail...


"Can you tell me how you say Amanda?" Ye Qi and the wheelchair walked out of the bar. Although I already knew that the wheelchair had persuaded the bartender, Ye Qi still couldn’t help but curiously ask; Before, he said that it was useless to break his mouth; the wheelchair heard Ye Qi’s question and could not help but smile: “I want to convince the captain not to persuade from the position and form, but to order”

"Command?" Ye Qiyi, the wheelchair smiled and nodded: "The command of the military is the most useful for the captain who has carved the soul into the bones."

"It turned out that" Ye Qi smiled awkwardly, then turned to look at the wheelchair in front of him and extended his hand: "Although I admire the military, I still use my way to express my gratitude. Gran, future Please take care for three years, we will come back soon."

The wheelchair took the hand out of the covered blanket and held Ye Qi’s hand tightly. He said: “For the next three years, give it to me outside.”


"Come goodbye?"

The blonde girl turned her back to Ye Qi’s line of sight through the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the pedestrians on the square. The tone was extremely calm and there was no wave.

"Well," paused, and Ye Qi whispered softly: "A week later, I will leave."

"Is it coming back?" Faced with the question of the blonde girl, Ye Qi’s answer was exceptionally firm: "Of course, here is my base; giving up is only temporary."

Ye Qi’s time in Randyburg was the longest period of time after he left John. Even if he was originally from this time, it was not voluntary, but the painstaking effort made it difficult for him to completely abandon it; otherwise, It will not leave the hidden device of the wheelchair, control the marginal forces of the city of Langfang and even the Bay Area; all this is to prepare him for the day of returning to Langburg; maybe that day he is not the hunter labor of the Bay Area. Branch of the club, but he must re-establish his own unique territory in Langburg

"Hey, I know you will say this, but I won't be waiting for you here." The blonde girl suddenly snorted and then turned around and pulled out a order under the desk and placed it in front of Ye Qi: "Because of the praise of Lord Mark Bass, I have regained the qualification to return to the battle squad. You just didn't think I would stay here waiting for you to come back? Hey, the self-loved man is a fool. Eh"

I looked at the order in front of me and looked at the blond girl who thought it would be sad, but she smiled awkwardly. Ye Qi shrugged helplessly; looking at Ye Qi’s helpless appearance, it seemed that she finally got a game. The blond girl who won the battle between the two cheered him off, and waved at Ye Qiyi: "Okay, hurry up and say goodbye to Otto. I have to pack up the things in the battle squad. I have no time to entertain you. ”

"So, goodbye"

"See you"


The door of the office was lightly closed, and just at the moment of closing, the blonde girl who just smiled and smiled immediately became soft in the chair, sitting in the chair; the reddish eyes were difficult to cover the tears of the crystal, and the sound of the hard-to-find self The language is slightly transmitted: "Stupid fools fool..."


"You have to leave Langenburg"

On the way to the Cathedral of Langburg, Ye Qi and the white robe sacrificed unexpectedly. Ye Qi, who had just told the other party that he had left the news, got a message that made him even more surprised. Ye Qi looked at the white robe sacrifice. After confirming that the other party is not joking, immediately ask: "Why?"

"Ye, do you still remember that day I asked you questions about God?" The white robe sacrificed with a gentle smile, and the whole person couldn’t seem to say it easily - he pointed to the crowd around him: "Although I still I can't figure it out, but I decided to accept your suggestion, go out and walk more, see more, experience God's true teachings and have the position of Master Constance to take over my bishop. I think it will be more suitable than I would."

"Where are you going to go?" Ye Qi, who had been indulging for a moment, once again looked at the white robe and stared at it - although the other party was a member of the Holy See, but the sincerity and kindness of the other party allowed the two sides to establish friendship; Qi also owes a lot to each other. At this moment, watching the white robe sacrifice that is about to travel, Ye Qi can't help but say: "What help is needed?"

"My destination hasn't been booked yet." The white robe worship looked at Ye Qi's look. He couldn't help but smile. He pointed to a simple travel bag next to him: "As for help? I am just a single person, there is a Sheepskin blankets, a kettle, and a bag of food are enough."

With the white robe ritual finished, Ye Qi did not speak again, and the two fell into silence; after a moment, Ye Qi, who sighed slightly, raised his head and looked at the other's peaceful smile, whispered: "So I wish you a good trip, my friend"

"Well, thank you," the white robe sacrificed and stood up and extended his hand to Ye Qi: "I hope there is a chance to drink with you next time."

"There will be some guarantees"


In the gloomy weather in the afternoon, Ye Qi accompanied the white robe to finish the last section of the other in Randyburg; looking at the back of the distant disappearance, Ye Qi turned and walked back to Langburg.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Qi did not tell the white robe to sacrifice him to leave the news of Landingburg - looking at the other side's relaxed look, Ye Qi really did not want to let the other side worry and Ye Qi believe that they will definitely again After all, it’s not too difficult to ask the local churches about the bishops and high priests in the tour.


Ye Qi, who returned to the bar, was stopped at the door by the butler of the Northstead family; the other party respectfully succumbed and politely handed out a post: "My grandfather hopes that you can participate in the manor tonight. Dinner"

After picking up the invitation, I took a look at the very polite wording. After thinking about it, Ye Qi nodded. The news that he left Randinburg did not intend to tell the Northder family in advance, even if the other party was nominally and blonde. The white robes are all his allies; but the allies are different, and they are very close to each other. He is still very clear; after all, the family interests are always in the hands of the Northed family. First place.

However, now that Ye Qi saw the invitation, he was somewhat addicted – did the Northder family have discovered the clue he wanted to evacuate?

In thinking, Ye Qi did not pay attention to the butler of the Northed family, but walked straight into the bar; when he walked into his studio and saw the alchemy array covered with the ground, this reaction was reflected; I took a look at the invitation in my hand and smirked it to the side - no matter whether the other person saw the clue, but it didn't matter; since the other party sent the invitation, it means there is room for negotiation. With the room for negotiation, the situation will not be the worst; let alone, at this moment, he has already stated that he has to give up everything in Randenburg, and why is he afraid of the excessive demands of the other party?

Compared with the other party's banquet, it is still true that the energy in the key pieces of the last day will be transformed into a shadow servant. Of course, he will definitely go to the dinner this evening. He wants to know what kind of conditions the other party will propose.


Late last night, the last group of people, including the young man and his disciples, had left Lanternburg in the night; despite the girl’s demands, but in the case of Ye Qi’s face, the compromise was awkward. Together with the little man, he entered the Hailin District with Fia's company. Picking up the cloth, Ye Qi carefully wiped all the wine glasses in the wine cabinet again, and finally closed the glass door of the wine cabinet.

He left this time and did not stingy and go to the last post. Everything in the bar was removed. It can be said that except for the extremely personal things, most of the items in the bar were reserved for his next appointment. Down - the small man and others are secretly evacuated, but Ye Qi is not the opposite. Ye Qi is leaving with the banner of Guangming Zhengda.

Every year at the Shakespeare's Headquarters in Shakespeare, there are two large-scale competitions; one is the comparison of the ordinary hunters before and after the Midsummer Festival, and the other is before and after the Midwinter Festival. The apostle-level hunter-like test; and Ye Qi is applying the slogan of the test to the Hunter's headquarters. Since the slogan, Ye Qi will definitely go to participate in this test; after all, this time has a holy instrument As a final winner's prize, the conference can be said to be a rare ten-year experience. It is a pity to not see the apostles' ability when they have arrived in Shak.

Of course, Ye Qi’s real purpose is to pick up the female cavalry chief to leave – his relationship with the other party is not a secret at the Hunter’s headquarters; in the case of losing the traces of a small man and others, his biggest concern is The other party will become the target of the high-level headquarters; even after getting some real news about the headquarters from the Northder family that day, he still does not trust, even more worried about it; after all, the dragons have no heads, lack of constraints, each Unpredictable situation is the most dangerous

So If possible, he must take the female cavalry chief away - of course, he knows the temperament of the other person, has made the worst plan: stunned the other side to go away; Afterwards, the other party may hate him, but he does not want to resent himself after the other party’s accident.

Cut, I am a selfish person.

Ye Qi, who picked up the travel bag, laughed at himself.

Step on...

In the footsteps, Ye Qi, carrying a travel bag, walked down the stairs and once again glanced at the bar behind him; picked up the sign that had already been prepared in his hand and placed it at the door, gently closing the door of the bar - constantly shaking The brand is faintly reprinted with the shadow of Ye Qiyuan, and the bar is temporarily closed on the sign.

PS afternoon decadent friend came, did not have time to send the first chapter, so the final evolution of the two chapters together ~~~ Thanks again to Feng Fuyue, [Anonymous] rewards and 91193 monthly tickets ~~~ Above and everyone's support~~~

[Fiction MM member dedication]

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