Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 16: Their respective persistence (below)

Chapter 16 respective adherence (below)

The weather in Langburg is always so gloomy, the morning fog is full of sight, and another heavy snow last night, so that even the most greedy dock merchants do not want to drill a warm bed in this cold weather.

The pale-looking rocket leaned against the door of a warehouse in the dock and tapped the number according to the agreed code. When the door opened and a small slit appeared, a flash was drilled in.

"How, find the boat that left?" The spider closed the door and immediately asked; the rocket looked ugly and shook his head: "No, the godfather has sent people to send out the news that the three of us are traitors, and In the dark mercenary community, a few snake heads near the overnight pier have been controlled by the guys who smelled the bounty."


After that, the Rocket looked up at the warehouse with only one spider, and couldn’t help asking it—although in this state of being chased, it would make the big man of the Rocket feel embarrassed, but after the rubber showed his heart, They have become lovers; even if they are dangerous again, the Rockets decided to take the rubber together.

"She also went out to inquire about intelligence; rest assured, her ability will never be a problem." Spiders understand that after just becoming a lover, the hardships between men and women are difficult; however, she does not have the heart to bother now. As the backbone of the organization, she is more than the rocket and the rubber to join the broken mind, she is very clear about the organization's style; once it is determined that a member betray the organization, it is absolutely ridiculous, and will never give up.

If Lord Ye Qi is there...

The spider in the sinking did not know why he suddenly thought of Ye Qi, who had left Lanting Fort. He could not help but shook his head for her own unrealistic thoughts - even if it was, what could it be? We can come up with something in exchange for our safety...

The door rang again, and the invisible rubber showed a figure—the rubber that was detached from the invisible state, with an anxious face on it; let the spider’s heart, which had no way to do it, sink and whisper Road: "What happened?"

"The bullet died and died in the suburban forest of Randyburg. It was the hand of the chameleon. But the organization decided that we joined the chameleon together with the hand under the bullet..." Speaking of this, the face of the rubber is full at the moment. The Rockets couldn’t help but walk over the shoulders of the rubber, and the rough face was full of tenderness: “Don’t worry, the situation is not as bad as you think. Even if the bullets are not dead, we will still face the organization’s pursuit. And when he dies, it will only make the organization kill us with a weak force..."

"Yes," the spider nodded and agreed with the Rockets: "The bullet is also one of the backbone of the organization. His death will inevitably delay the organization's pursuit of our plan; take advantage of this opportunity and we must leave Lan immediately. Dingborg"

"The waterway is not working. The entire dock has been blocked by them." The rocket frowned and thought about how to leave Langenburg: "We can only mix in the crowd to see if we can take the train to leave."

"Train? It's too dangerous. If we are not good, we will fall into the trap." Hearing the rocket's proposal, the spider couldn't help but shake his head after thinking about it; the rocket's rough face once again showed the curiosity of challenging Ye Qi. "We are already in the encirclement. If we don't fight together, how can we escape? Let us have a big fight."


After hesitating for a while, the spider finally nodded and agreed to the rocket's proposal; as for the rubber? She has taken the big rocket and has already defaulted...


"Captain, all the matters have been handed over, we can set off." The young blast team members asked the blonde girl, his eyes will not be asked because of the gender and age of the other party; after all, have tried They are deeply aware of each other's extraordinary.


The blonde girl nodded lightly, but did not act immediately, but turned her head and looked at one direction - he had already left, what else do I have to stay in? The blame raised in the heart made the blonde girl finally sigh and stood up.

"In the future, I will hand it over to you."


Originally a secretary, but with the recommendation of the blonde girl, the former secretary has become the head of the Bay Area; however, in the face of the blonde girl, she still maintains the rules that she should have as a secretary - not only It is because of the recommendation of the blonde girl, and the identity of the blonde girl; even if it is the lowest level of the blast team leader in the fourth class, she needs her to look up; and as a civilian, she is destined to join the special The squad, and her from the Secret Service, could not enter the Senate and the House of Representatives; therefore, the title of the head of the Bay Area has already reached her end.

It’s absolutely impossible to upgrade to another level; however, this does not prevent her from finding a promising big backing for herself, and it’s clear that the blonde girl has it all – young, capable, wrist Outstanding, good relations with the various parties, such a big backer, especially she also served as the secretary of the blonde girl, and was pulled by a blonde girl, it can be said that the system is not too much.

If she is not sure about it, then she will not be able to join the Secret Service and climb to the position of the blonde girl secretary safely - the former secretary, now the head of the Bay Area Secret Service, is gradually getting blonde The back of the girl and her gradual away, bowed and respectfully said: "Lord Lilith, please go all the way."


In the square of a remote village leading to the desert in the dry forest, a group of children are worshipping around the white robe, sitting quietly and listening to the white robe offering a story about God.

"Uncle Otto, does God really exist?"

At the end of the story, the white robe rituals have already got up and ready to leave, but the children are obviously still unfinished, still surrounded by white robes, hoping that he will put another story; watching the eyes full of childlike, the white robe sacrifices to stop the footsteps I sat down again; however, a voice suddenly coming from the children’s group interrupted his thoughts.

"Don't be afraid of the child's nothing," the white robe sang looked at the child who became obsessed because he was indulged, and smiled and waved his hand; then, after hesitating, he slowly said: "God exists in the scriptures. But it is undoubtedly beautified by the kind people; I also hope that the gods are as described in the scriptures..."

Embarking on the white robe ritual of seeking the path of self-truth has completely liberalized the burden of the heart - all the way to see the crimes caused by poverty, the death caused by hunger, the indifference of the rich, the yin of the Holy See After Fengyang violated, he would no longer blind his eyes because of the aura of God; although he still couldn't tell what kind of road he was going to take, the heart that no longer lost became self-firm.

"Uncle Otto, are you a sacrifice?" Looking at the child who was stunned, but now curious, the white robe sacrificed gently and nodded: "Yes."

"I have to be a sacrifice after I grow up." The child is full of innocent language, making the white robe sacrifice and laughing: "A qualified sacrifice is difficult; not only must be proficient in the law, but also learn how to use the magic. It’s the way to expel the disease for you...”

The white robe sacrifices are explained in the language that the children can understand. When listening to the interpretation of the white robe sacrifice, the children who still have the eyes of the eyes around, the eyes quickly dimmed; the children who have been asking questions before are even full. The face was frustrated: "I just want to help you, like Uncle Otto, to listen to everyone's troubles. I didn't expect it to be so difficult..."

Like me, help everyone, listen to everyone's troubles?

The child's words, which are not meticulous, are like a flash of lightning in the white robe. Why did I become a monk of the Holy See, a sacrifice, a high priest, and even a bishop? Isn't it just to help everyone and listen to everyone's troubles? Why should I cling to the existence of God or not? Don't you want to help everyone better?

A series of questions, let the white robe sacrifice straight in the same place, until the children who could not wait to practice and incite his sleeves, he reacted; looked down at a group of children around him simply eager When he looked like, he suddenly chuckled: "In fact, if you don't become a sacrifice, you can help everyone and listen to everyone's troubles..."

At this moment, the only one of the robes in the white robes was completely released. He, Otto, just wanted to help everyone, listening to everyone’s troubles, no matter if God does not exist, it is the same.


Randenburg, inside the cathedral.

Lyman, standing in his quiet room, had a trace of shackles on his face—the people in his heart didn’t die; when he saw Aja’s intact appearance in front of him, he felt his original lonely heart live again. Come over; Aja, as he was in the past, did not have the vigilance or barrier because of his disciplinary knighthood. He seemed to return to his childhood orphanage at that moment, hiding behind the other side.

However, after a short meeting, it was another time - standing on the road leading to Hailin, he silently watched Aja leading the **** glory disappeared behind the dense trees; during this time, he more than once He wants to rush over and leave with the other party, but he has to hold back his teeth tightly; because, he knows that if he rebells against the Holy See and follows the other party, he will only bring disaster to the other side.

Damn Holy See

The same thing, blocked between him and Aja twice, made Lehman destroy the heart of the entire Holy See. No moment is as firm as now - Aja, then wait; the time is right, I will soon Go find you...

"team leader"

Outside the quiet, the sound of Lions Havel retracted Lehman's thoughts, and as he turned and walked out of the quiet room, the coldness of hatred once again became the perfection of the captain of the Cavaliers.

"Master Constance, let you go to the front hall"


Lanes looked at the perfect Lehman, with his eyes revered, followed closely behind him and walked forward...


Two weeks, the moment is over.

In two weeks, Ye Qi taught the apprentices during the day, and at night he ran a rune gun and studied "Samikina's Drive"; during the period, because of Ye Qi's words, this time removed the other than Aiqi. Nineteen people challenged him, and Jesse challenged him no less than ten times.

At the time of the battle, although Ye Qi tried his best to control his own strength, the slightly younger apprentices still could not win; even if Sodick, Libes, and Jesse had caused enough trouble for him, but single-on-one Even if they face Ye Qi who suppresses strength, they still can't do it now.

In the past two weeks, at least two battles a day, Ye Qi also had an unexpected harvest - the unarmed fighting has been upgraded from the previous 20 to 25, reaching the requirement that the skill point can be catalyzed to the proficient level; and the cold weapon expert also 8 has grown to 10; as for the run-in guns and the study of "Samikina's Drive" every night, his alchemy has increased from 6 to 15; mysterious knowledge is proficient, and it has increased from 1 to 5 ......

Of course, the harvest of these skills is not the biggest surprise for Ye Qi in two weeks. The biggest surprise is that he finally triggered the fluctuation of the soul of the samurai in the "Samikina Drive" yesterday, and it happened to be the female cavalry yesterday. He also completed a one-week patrol and auxiliary patrol mission; this led Ye Qi, who was recognized by the Samikina Drive, and moved back to the Ranger Camp this morning.

As for the "Samikina's Drive" which took him a lot of work, he did not disappoint him.

Samikina's drive (four seals): A book made from the broken soul of Samikina, which records everything about the demon **** Samikina; the accredited person can get the Samikina Inheritance, but the need to persevere research; effect: ossified skin, evoke the dead spirit, other seals unknown...

Ossified skin: make the skin have bone-like toughness; +2 natural armor; Samikina's drive for each unblocking layer and then +1;

Evoke the Necromancer: You can summon five undead servants every day; the maximum number is 20; the sum of Samikina's tactics is +20 for each layer; 1 time/day.

Looking at the introduction of the system, Ye Qi knew that the resonance of the "Samikina's Drive" that he evoked was only preliminary. At least four deeper gullies were in front of him; but this Ye Qi Not the slightest unhappiness, but full of joy; after all, from the system's "Samikina's drive" skills to infer that each time he unsealed a seal, the skills will be stronger, and there may be new Skills.

But looking at the skills given by "Samikina's Drive", Ye Qi has a deep understanding of the characteristics of the Pale Lord - a simplified version of the undead king that the wolf once said; although powerful, it is definitely When it appears, it will be a model of the justice party.

The Lord of Pale, the Lord of Shadows...

Thinking about the name that might be obtained in the future, Ye Qi’s mouth could not help but reveal a self-deprecating smile; that is, this one is shaking, and Lancelot, who is working with him, seized the opportunity, the wooden sword in his hand. Straight stabs Ye Qi’s chest.


After the crisp sound, Ye Qi stood innocently, and the wooden sword in Lancelot broke into several pieces; looking at the wooden sword that was interrupted by hand, Lancelot looked at Ye Qi incredulously, loudly Ruan said: "Ye, how did you do it? Tell me, are you wearing a chain armor in your clothes?"

Two weeks is enough to make the eleven girls of Ye Qi and Lancelot mixed; after all, the twelve of them who are stuck in their free time every day are the female cavalry chiefs; therefore, they often stay away from the female cavalry. I don’t want to be familiar with the twelve girls. When he just pulled back to the camp this morning, he was asked by the female cavalry chief to train for the twelve girls.

For a girl who can't reach the level of the twelve apostles, if it is not the female cavalry chief, Ye Qi will not do it at all; and, even if Ye Qi promised the female cavalry chief, it still remains. It seems to be absent-minded; after all, he has the blood of a dragon, his skin has been given the defense of the dragon's scales, even if it is a young dragon, but it is still a dragon; plus has just been driven by "Samikina" The layer of ossified skin given by the two adds up. Even if Lancelot and other girls are holding the real sword, it is estimated that he will be most painful. Don’t expect to break his defense. As for the wooden sword? Estimated that it is tickling...

"Well, Lancelot, I can guarantee that the leaves are just wearing an ordinary single coat without any protective gear inside." The female cavalry officer standing on the side pulled back Lancelot, who was entangled in Ye Qi, and then I looked at Ye Qi with anger and whispered in a low voice: "Don't you be so worthy of your care with Lancelot?"

Apparently Ye Qi had just been discovered by the female cavalry chief in a flash; Ye Qi looked at the female captain of the face with anger, and immediately raised his hands to make a surrender: "Not sure, of course, I am just thinking about this evening. The apostles who started the contest will meet those people..."

"Is it sure?" The apostle's contest was obviously attracted to the attention of the female cavalry chief. She looked at Ye Qi's eyes and flashed a bit of worry - the contest would inevitably be damaged, even if she knew the leaves. Odd is very powerful, but every year the apostles are emerging in a few strong, and the cruelty in the ring makes her have to worry: "If you lose, it doesn't matter."

"Don't you look forward to losing me?" Ye Qi looked at the female cavalry chief and shook his head again and again, and couldn't help but smile: "Do not worry, even if you let me add more confidence to me, this year's champion I Also set it up"

"B-level mission: winning the championship; winning the championship at this apostle contest..."

PS Thanks for the 100th of leisure reading music, 588 of [Anonymous], 100 of the wind and the moon, thank you for your support~~~

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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