Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 18: First battle 3

The eighteenth chapter of the first battle of three levels (seeking various protections ~)

Ye Qi, the **** of blasphemy, looks up again - yes, it is indeed ten channels.

In the entire Demon Hunter headquarters, the Tower of Athletics can definitely be listed as the top three most familiar with Ye Qi; whether he was trained as a trainee a year ago, he was trained as a temporary instructor. Trainee apostles, the Tower of Athletics is an indispensable place; especially yesterday, he also defeated Jesse, who once again challenged the second floor arena. Book friend whole ~ Liti ~ for

Awesome means...

Ye Qi looked at the ten channels that stood tall in front of him. He found that with his eyesight and hearing, he could not only see and hear everything in it, even the feelings given by the unfavorable blinds were isolated and could not help. Sighed with a sigh; at the same time, the heart of the hunter-and-mortar artificial means of praise - after all, in one day's work, in the tower of the competition to make such changes, even if Ye Qi's heart on the hunter artificial There are contradictions, but they also have to admire each other's means.

Glanced at the ten identical channels, Ye Qi went straight to the passage in front of him - since there is no difference, then it is good to choose; if you are lucky, Ye Qi thinks that he will not give it to others.

At the moment of entering the channel, Ye Qi felt that he had broken through a film, just like passing his hand through the container where the water was placed, and then passing it out from the other end; and after passing through the invisible film, suddenly Ye Qi’s vision, hearing and blind sense are completely restored.

Amazingly glanced at the film that did not exist in the field of vision, Ye Qi continued to move forward, but the heart guessed - is the enchantment of the magical array? Still a special ability? Or is it a sacrament?

"It's the power of your apostles." The wolf black gives the answer in the bottom of his heart; but its tone is also a little surprised: "But this ability like enchantment is really uncommon, even if we are The age is also very rare..."

"Very rare? The ability to enchant is very powerful?" The surprise of the wolf caused the doubts of Ye Qi - in his view, although the enchantment ability is rare, and the function as a hidden aid is also good, but completely It shouldn't be so surprised to the other side; in the face of Ye Qi's surprise, the wolf is very disdainful and snorted: "What do you know? Although the enchantment ability is nothing under the moonlight, but when it reaches the Japanese glory There will be qualitative changes that produce another capability: seals."

"Seal?" This time, Ye Qi was really surprised. After all, although the seal is powerful, he has not seen it personally, but there is one example of living. He will not forget that the wolf is not forgetting its own statue. In order to break its own seal; take a deep breath, and Ye Qi calmed down the shock, and then asked again: "What level is the apostle who has made the enchantment ability?"

Since the seal can seal the wolf, then there is now a person with such potential. I think that in the future, it may be standing on the opposite side with the hunter, and Ye Qi must be cautious about this dangerous person.

"Do not worry, it's just a little character of a month of high class." The wolf is very appreciative of Ye Qi's cautiousness, but it is impossible to express it; with a contempt, the wolf is proud of it. "And even if he is a Japanese glory, the enchantment becomes a seal, and there is no danger to me; you must know that I sealed nine seals and took a few special sacred objects; and if It’s not that I’m not careful...”

"When the Japanese glory level is reached, the enchantment ability will become a seal ability..." Ignore the strange wolf, and from the other's words, Ye Qi, who captures another piece of information, immediately asks: "So other abilities." What? Will other capabilities change?"

"Of course," the wolf's answer is very positive, but when it comes to the detailed place, it is ambiguous: "But if you want to know the detailed information, we have to complete a transaction."

"The remaining 20% ​​of the key pieces of the Doomsday is useful, don't think about it." Ye Qizhen replied with a slap in the face, and immediately added that when the wolf did not respond, he immediately added: "The benefits of hunting after the demon can not be changed."

"You are a profiteer, you are a ghost, you don't want to get any news from my mouth..." Faced with the idea of ​​being pierced, some strange wolves who are angry and roaring, Ye Qi just doesn't care. Shrugging, I will continue to move forward - because he knows the character of the other side, he knows, don’t look at the wolf now roaring, a pair of desperate, but as long as the objective benefits are given, the other party will soon change. Have a good color...

Ye Qi didn't know what kind of transformation the Hunter's Headquarters had made to the Tower of Athletics in this day, but after he walked for five minutes, he was still in the long corridor passage, and the surrounding area was still a piece. The generous stone of the block can't see the end of it...

After five minutes of moving on, Ye Qi finally found out that it was wrong - because he once again appeared in the place where he had walked before, picking up the Kimpton, Ye Qi, who was deliberately placed on the ground as a signpost from the ground. The hand on the knives of the knives was involuntarily clenched.

Even in the dense jungle, Ye Qi thought that he would not lose his sense of direction, but now he lost his way in this straight passage, even if the passage was done by the designers of the Hunter Headquarters, but the leaves It’s not these things that I believe that really affects him. After all, the clever traps of the organs need to be manipulated.

Ye Qi squinted and followed the direction of the wave directed by the perception given by the blind bucket, and the sorcerer's knives went straight out of the sheath - even if the konjac was not used, the knives that are the sacred instruments have enough sharp edges themselves. And because of the sharpness of the accompanying skills, and after being blessed by Ye Qi’s firm belief, the blade of the knives is really like the name of the sharp and unskilled skill - the front, the knives of the knives, the length and width The one-meter generous stone is like a knife-cut tofu, and there is a "small path" that is enough for one person to pass.

"You are Ye Qi?" After Fang Shi, a middle-aged man dressed in a housekeeping suit and standing upright looked at Ye Qi who had already walked in. The original serious face could not help but have a smile: "Sure enough, like information. The same as described above, it is really unexpected."

"I am the first tester of the Ferry Bay" did not wait for Ye Qi to open, Ferribe as a tester once again said: "The original test is a test of your speed, as long as I break through at my own speed. Controlling the polarizing power in the middle of the star-level level is a smooth pass, but you have discovered my existence, which makes it difficult for me to do."

Polarizing ability...

Ye Qi secretly recited the other's ability name, and some of them had been circling before it was; however, Ye Qi was scornful to the other party's words - the other party seemed to be unintentional, but in his opinion it was fighting his confidence. Anyone who is not determined will, after hearing the other person's words, will regret why he will break the wall, instead of breaking through according to the speed of use of the other party; after all, the ability of the star-level mid-level to attend the apostles For the apostles of the contest, it is not too difficult.

"If you knock down you, can you move on?"

Ye Qi did not pay attention to it as a difficult Ferribe, but said it from the self; and at the same time five magical missiles around the electric light went straight out - the other party has already said its own polarizing ability, Ye Qi certainly does not Will go up and fight hard with each other; using the tracking of magic missiles is the most correct choice at this time.

With an arc, the five magic missiles finally evolved through the Yere "eyes" of Ferribe, flying to a place less than five meters by the side - with a dull percussion, the original empty space, With a burst of embarrassment, the slightly embarrassed Ferribe appeared there, although the magic missile was not enough to cause fatal injuries to him, but the pressure on the force field caused his neat coat to rupture; In the "eyes" of Ye Qi, "Feribe" disappeared like a moon in the water picked up by the scoop.

"What is this ability?"

Feribe asked subconsciously, but did not get Ye Qi's answer - as the other party generally disclosed his own ability to the public, Ye Qike did not agree; even if he was based on the spell, but not It will make such a stupid thing like a self-defeating family; after all, knowing oneself and knowing each other is useful for anyone else; just like the opposite of Ferribe; if not the other person’s self-reporting, what about him? Can you beat each other so easily?

"Multiple abilities are really a group of annoying guys." Ferribe apparently stared at the sarcasm in Ye Qi's eyes; but he was not angry, just whispered, and it would be a matchbox-sized one. The circular number plate was thrown at Ye Qi; after seeing Ye Qi catching the sign, he continued: "I have passed the check; take this number plate to find the two guys behind to get the same number of signs, even if you Qualified"


After glanced at the number on the number plate, Ye Qi straightened it into his pocket, then turned back and looked at Ferribe, who had lost his sight again. He turned and walked outwards - as an apostle One of the testers, the other party did not deceive him in such things as qualifications; however, it was so easy for him to pass him to the next level, but he was puzzled...

Of course, this doubt is just a fleeting moment, and he was thrown into the brain in an instant - the two guys in the other's words are what he should pay attention to now; before and after inference, it is obvious that the demon lord headquarters will be the apostle In the first round of the contest, the contest was divided into three levels according to the number of layers of the athletic tower. They were sent to guard, and only the three number plates in the hands of the guards were considered qualified. Think of the previous few along the outer wall of the tower. The apostle who climbed the rock, Ye Qi couldn't help but chuckle the number plate and turn the number plate in his hand at the fingertips quickly...


"Okay, come out," Feribe, who was invisible on the side, saw that Ye Qi had gone far, and once again showed his figure, and shouted at the same time, screaming at the back; When Jacob came out, Ferribe couldn’t help but complain: "A stupid boy who doesn’t know how to respect the old and love the young, is it worth your help?"

"Of course," Jacob answered the truth: "He is the husband that Els has chosen, and he also gets the younger I admit."

"Hey, the guy who stinks" Ferriebe looked at Jacob with a disdainful look, then sorted out the cracked coat and looked at the cracks in the palm of his hand. He couldn’t help but blame Ye Qi: "If not In your words, I must beat him to find the teeth."

"Really? To know that the real strength of the guy can never be weaker than you." Say, Jacob’s face appeared like a smile, and Ferrie’s eyes became interesting: "And Hesherta, you mainly take care of his orders, you will not forget it?"

When he heard Jacob's words, Ferribe screamed in a hurry, but did not say anything about the rebuttal; after all, Jacob said the truth, they were indeed taken care of to be "friendly" to Ye Qi, Otherwise, even if he has a good personal relationship with Jacob, he will not make such a clear discharge.

After a two-step walk, Ferribe suddenly smirked and looked at Jacob proudly: "The third level of my passage is the one that is most hated by the Zaka guy." Even if the guy who doesn’t have the strength to rely on the relationship finally lets Ye Qi’s stinky boy pass the customs, he will definitely teach the stinky boy before.

"Is it?" Jacob's face still carries the kind of unmistakable smile, confidently said: "Yeqi is a character that will surprise you? Do you want to make a bet?"

“What kind of bet?” Looking at the informative Jacob, Ferribe frowned and thought for a long time, then he asked, and Jacob, who had been waiting for Ferribe’s hook, saw the other’s mouth open. The original unmistakable smile suddenly splendidly scored a few points: "If you gamble Ye Qi and Zaka, if Ye Qi is very embarrassed, I will lose you a Vulcan; otherwise, you will follow me after the Midwinter. Go to the Thousand Marsh Area"

"it is good"

When he heard the contents of Jacob's bet, Ferribe did not hesitate to agree, and his face also showed a brilliant smile like Jacob. Although Ye Qi looked good to him, he decided that Ye Qi Even if it is strong, it is impossible to retreat under the force of Zaka; after all, Zaka is the presence of the top five among them.

When Jacob, who walked to the side, saw that Ferribe had promised without hesitation, the smile became more and more bright. At this moment, the smiles of the two were so similar, they were like foxes who caught the chicken. general……


Without the blockage of Ferribe, Ye Qi only saw the upward stair after only three minutes or so. The hall on the first floor was changed beyond recognition, and the second floor was also out of the list. The original collapse of the competition was gone. There is only one small eccentricity; there is no surprise to the scene in front of Ye Qi, since there are ten passages in the hall downstairs, then the corresponding two-story arena is definitely divided into ten; The medium-sized slanting hall fits his guess.

However, at this time, Ye Qi did not guess the surprise afterwards, but was shocked. The confrontation with the first layer of Ferribe was only a simple temptation, but the other party was undoubtedly the apostle of the moon. Then, to infer that the gatekeepers in the remaining nine channels are absolutely apostles of the Moonlight class; one layer of ten people, two layers of ten people, three layers of ten people...

For the hunter-manufacturing association that can compete with the Holy See and the Supreme Government, he never had a small heart; but he was still sent by the other party to instantly send out 30 moon-level apostles to act as apostles. Jump; after all, the moon-level apostle is not a star-studded apostle

The star-level apostles only need to awaken their own talents, and after a certain training, they can get the title by exercising their own abilities to perfection; but the moonlight level is the title that can be obtained after the quality change of the star-level level. According to the apostle, he could not reach this realm in his life, but the headquarters of the Demon Hunter sent out 30 people at once, and Ye Qi believes that as long as the Hunter’s headquarters needs it, he can definitely send more...

Sure enough, is it not possible to reach the level of the day?

Self-deprecating, Ye Qi took a deep breath and suppressed the shock of the hidden forces of the Devil's Headquarters. After calming down, he calmed down and looked toward the partial hall. A young woman in a T-shirt jeans stood in a partial position. In the center of the hall, although the appearance of the woman is not bad, but Ye Qi just glanced at it, and then he gaze in a tray next to the other side, which is full of the number plate marked 329.

The woman looked at the incoming Ye Qi and picked up the dial in the tray to indicate it. He said straightly: "The method is not limited. If you grab this number, you will pass."


A loud sound, the other party after the end, actually took the initiative to launch an offensive - a black whip in the air after a whip flower, went straight to Ye Qi's forehead; although the wind is fierce, but for this kind of offensive means without murderous Ye Qi just hides from the side; at the same time, he does not wait for the other party to change to quickly rush toward the other side - for the whip, a wide range of partial door weapons, close combat, Undoubtedly the best choice; however, Ye Qi’s momentum has to be slowed down because the opponent’s other hand has a dagger.

Ye Qi has not seen anyone who uses different kinds of weapons to fight with both hands, but most of them use the same kind of weapons, such as double swords, double daggers, etc., at most, a sword and a knife; The combination of a long whip and a dagger in front of him is the first time he saw it.

Unknown combination weapons, Ye Qi added a bit of caution, especially after the appearance of the dagger, the murderous murder on the other side made Ye Qi’s caution once again a more point - a cone of flame directly sprayed each other, At the same time, Ye Qi’s body shape, which was rushed forward, was quickly retreated by the reaction force of the burning hand.

PS Thanks to Fassis's 588, non-1979's 588, the wind and the moon's 200, 3 seconds, the fast gunner's 100, derelict, thank you for your support~~~ and the 3 second fast gunner's 3000 reminder. Decadence is the acceptance of a thick face; it is really lack of ability, one day five thousand is already the limit, decadent and shy... If you want to get rid of the gas, then you can take a click, a recommendation, a monthly pass, a reward to decadent ~~ ~ decadent will die without regrets~~~

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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