Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 36: Midwinter Festival Night

Chapter 36—The Midwinter Festival Night

"Daton Darlan"

On the shoulders, Ava, who was lying on the shoulders of the purple carat, waved his hand at the small man and the big man outside the camp fence. The footsteps quickly reached a few points - even in the Druids, everyone was very good to him. Owad’s Connor and Bud’s Fia are more friendly to him, but a stranger in a different place always stalks in his heart, making him unable to adapt to Druid’s life, even The same is true after awakening one's own natural spirit. Full-text novel (see novel)

However, when he saw the little man and the big man standing outside the camp and smiling at him, the strange feeling that had been entangled disappeared instantly, followed by a warm flow called a partner that made him feel warm.

"Hey, have you changed so much after you have been away for so many days?" The little man stood up and down in front of Ava, and looked left and right for a long time. Then he hangs a familiar smirk and concludes: "Look The wake-up ceremony of the Spirit of Nature must be a failure?"


Ava’s ridicule in the face of a small man has become accustomed to it. Even at this time, there is a feeling of nostalgia; however, the sable carat is not doing it – the carat that holds the upper body and sits firmly in Ava’s On the shoulders, the two forelimbs couldn't hold the paws, and the mouth uttered a call for the master. Of course, this voice can only be understood by Ava.

However, the extremely vivid movements have made the small and big men present understand the meaning of the other party, and both of them laughed.

The three men sat straight at the door of the camp. The little man put out the food specially prepared for them by the gentle youth, and when he took out a bottle and left Lanting, he deliberately did not cry from the devil. The brandy that was hiding; the big man with the wine glass enviously looked at the lively mixed blood in the distance, took a sip of the wine in the glass, flatned his mouth, and suddenly sighed: "Today is the dinner of the Midwinter Festival. Unfortunately, this is the case. Lively scene, leaves are not there"

The small man who was toasting each other and Awa heard the words of the big man, and suddenly stopped the action. The atmosphere became a bit dull at a time; and after finishing the conversation, he found that the wrong big man could not help but scratch. Scratching my head, I don’t know how to get better. They understand why they left Langingburg to come to Hailin this time, thinking about Ye Qi, who is alone in risk, and staying in the sea. As Ye Qi's partners, their hearts are like the uncomfortable bites of poisonous snakes, even if they have not said anything, but they understand very well, otherwise they will not go crazy and generally want to enhance their strength. In order to be able to stand next to Ye Qi when the next danger is encountered, instead of needing Ye Qi to cover the retreat

"I swear this is my last midwinter dinner with my partner alone." The little man suddenly stood up and raised his glass in a high direction. Ava and the big man looked up and suddenly stood up. The little man, acquainted with a smile, also stood up and raised the glass in that direction - the direction was Shaq

Leaf, waiting for us

We will soon gather again and fight side by side.

The three people who had the same vows in their hearts, after drinking the brandy in the cup, had a tacit turn and each went to the direction of the previous time - in order to complete their vows as soon as possible, they needed strength.

And the strength of exercise, only use time, sweat to accumulate


Shaker, the tower of the Moonlight of the Devil's Headquarters.

The Midwinter dinner of the Demon Hunter is not like other forces. Before the dinner begins, it is necessary to give a series of cumbersome procedures to hone the nerves of the people present; just after Hessel’s toast to drink the first glass of wine, Even if it has completed all the preliminary processes; of course, even if there is a different opening, but some places are still the same as other parties' banquets - more than 200 people attended the dinner, divided into dozens of large and small Small groups, everyone abides by the rules at the banquet: don't bother each other

Even if you say hello, it’s just a fare-lifting gesture, and it’s not going to be rushing into the other’s small group. Ye Qi used to be very dissatisfied with this practice, but after sending out a dozen small groups that invited him, He suddenly understood why there were so many large and small groups in the banquet; at the very least, some people would be bothered when necessary.

Therefore, when the swordsman and Job came to the sofa in front of him with a wine glass, Ye Qi expressed his friendship with the smile of the two - although he would not admit that there were three people who had the existence of the temporary trading ally of Job. It will be a small group, but other people don’t know, this is enough.

"Ye, is this afternoon really true?" The knifeman couldn't wait to sit down as he sat down - because of the quarter-finals, he didn't intuitively fight Ye Qi and Alcatel, he could only watch afterwards. The battle traces like a tiankeng to speculate on the situation at the time; for this reason, the knifeman regretted why he did not end the battle earlier - for this reason, since the end of the quarter-finals at noon, he has been inquiring about the real The situation is like, but in the face of many versions of the knife, it is really true whether it is true or not; now, after seeing the party Ye Qi, of course, will not let go of the opportunity to understand the truth; the knife-cutter with the wine glasses frequently urged: "Hurry up and tell me what is going on? Did you really send out the Alcatel in two halves like a dragon?"

Upon hearing the inquirer's inquiry, Job, sitting opposite, also showed an expression of interest - like the knife, he did not see the scene of Ye Qi and Alcatel.

Facing the inquisition of the swordsman and the curiosity of Job, I knew that the more hidden it was, the more I was asked to be questioned. It was wise to selectively say some things in the afternoon; after all, things like the power of faith, He will never say it; it will only lead to more trouble for him; escaping from small troubles will often happen but Ye Qi will generally kill this situation In the cradle, don't let it have the opportunity to take root.

After hearing the change of Ye Qi's narrative, the knife and Job had a very different expression on their faces; the former suddenly realized that the original looks like this; the latter is obviously skeptical – for him, he is also a devil contract Ye Qi, Job always felt that Ye Qi did not tell the truth; after all, with the help of Walliff, what strength and convenience he got, that is to say, can not finish; even if he does not know Ye Qi is The contract with which demon god, but certainly not as bad as Ye Qi said, completely relying on the other's anger to get a chance to survive.

Of course, Job is also very clever and does not break through the inadequacies of Ye Qi; after all, he is now asking for Ye Qi, especially after he has paid two pieces of moonlight.

"Gentlemen, I hope I didn't bother you." In the conversation between the three people, the giant Han who was dressed in a formal dress smiled and appeared in the corner where the three people were doing. Seeing the eyes of the three people, the giant Han pointed Refers to the position in the middle of the banquet: "But, as the protagonist of the night, you have to go out."

PS Thanks for the infinite horror bug 200, the wind-fighting month 100, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 and the moonlight and shadow monthly ticket~~~颓颓 Thank you for your support~~~

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