Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 43: Morning (below)

Chapter 43—Morning (below)

After the disintegration of the wilting, Ye Qi did not try it; on the contrary, in the early stage of John's training for him, because of various incompatibility, this wilting state after the disengagement has been with him; this time in Shak, continuous The disengagement gives him a feeling of revisiting the initial stage of training.

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Of course, now he is much better than the beginning of training. At least not every time he faints to the ground; however, in the early days of training, he has never experienced the experience of trying again after getting out of the wilting state. - Looking at the twelve girls who were in front of him, especially when the leader Lancelot shouted the slogan of saving the older sister out of the clutches, Ye Qi knew that his expression at this time must be extremely exciting.

"Lancelot, what are you doing?" The female cavalry officer’s face had a faint blush—at the door of the Ranger’s camp, Lancelot’s unobstructed point broke her relationship with Ye Qi, and even I also used some special words; even if Lancelot is just a child's words, she still makes her feel ashamed; the blushing female cavalry chief tries to maintain the majesty of training during the weekdays: "Hurry back to the Midwinter Festival. Holidays are not for you to be carefree."

In the face of the female cavalry commander, Lancelot is far from being tough when facing his companion; as soon as he hears the reprimand of the female cavalry commander, the moment is to shrink the neck and want to go backwards; but when she sees the exhausted leaves Odd time, but hard to stop the pace of retreat - can become the leader of the twelve, Lancelot's strength and mind is of course among the best among the people; she naturally understands the current opportunity Rare

Regarding Ye Qi’s rumors, she is no stranger to Shaq, especially after the battle with Alcatel yesterday, before the tiankeng, this rumor gradually became a trend toward legendary evolution, Lancelot I know that even if she is with her sisters, she is still the winner in the face of Ye Qi.

Therefore, at the beginning, Lancelot did not think about the intention to be enemies with Ye Qi. However, now that she sees Ye Qi’s face exhausted, the body even needs the female cavalry to help her, she knows the golden opportunity. - After all, there are more intrigues and tricks, and there is no real defeat to the enemy, so that the other party is ashamed of the reality; not to mention, Lancelot is convinced that Ye Qi’s pride, even in this state, has been lost to her. I will never find trouble afterwards. At that time, Ye Qi also had no face to stay with the female cavalry chief...

At the thought of being able to "save out" the clutches of the older sisters so smoothly, Lancelot, who had been repulsed by the female cavalry chief, had a courage that could not be imagined at the moment - reaching out and pulling out the waist The long-formed sword of the cavalry reserve, the tip of the sword pointed at the leafy Lancelot Jiao Jiao: "Reservative Ranger Lanslot, challenged Ye Qi"


The female cavalry chief frowned. Although the Ranger was not an army, but the female cavalry chief who followed the Cavaliers, could not stand the soldiers who disobeyed the order; even if she disobeyed the order, she had always been a sister of Lancelot; However, just as she was going to be angry, Ye Qi’s hand rested on her shoulder. Looking at the anger, but Ye Qiwen, who is struggling with the female cavalry in the depths of his eyes, said: "Give it to me."

"Do you want to challenge me?"

In the face of the girl Lancelot's challenge, Ye Qi still smiles - Ye Qi's temper can certainly not be the kind of good gentleman who faces the door, but smiles and welcomes people; the reason is nothing more than the middle There is the presence of the female cavalry chief; if the female cavalry commander is left behind, even if the other is a girl who is about the same size as his disciple, he will not be so gentle.

Of course, some corresponding etiquette, Ye Qi is not lacking; after all, in the subsequent test, there are opportunities, so that he can arbitrarily smash opponents - but now the opponent is not his ability to swear, even There is no female cavalry chief in the middle, and it takes a lot of trouble to win the girl in front of him in his current physical condition.

"Yes," Lancelot nodded hard and looked at Ye Qi without retreat: "Please promise."

Seeing the opponent's determined attitude, Ye Qi did not speak again this time, reaching out to the other side - his physical strength has not allowed him to take the initiative, only the defensive counterattack is the best policy; and the opportunity to defensive counterattack Only one time……

However, it is clear that Ye Qi somewhat underestimated the alarm of Lancelot, even if she was so provocative in the face of Ye Qi, she still did not rush to the heart, but instead surrounded Ye Qi, turning a small step; obviously He is going to exhaust Ye Qi's physical strength.

Looking at Lancelot's move, Ye Qi frowned. The situation is obviously worse than he expected, and he sighed softly in his heart - if he could, he didn't want to use this trick to deal with Lan. Slot's but compared to this, his pride does not allow him to lose in the hands of a young girl of the age of his apprentice.

Ye Qi’s original standing body suddenly glimpsed, and it was different from Longwei but with the same momentum. The a visible airflow around the Yeqi-- The harvest last night was not only how to fully exert its own skills, but also surprised Ye Qi by his actual combat with Kaqiu, Teddy and Ferribe. His expert cold weapon finally broke through the 50 mark. , reached a height of 52.

Although this time there was no more tempering with Zaka for one night, but the poor grade of the expert-grade cold weapon before, and the level of 45 last night, the degree can be imagined; after all, the system The level is also the more backward, the more difficult it is to upgrade.

Of course, the difficulty is increased, and the harvest is also correspondingly improved; just like the current Ye Qi, although it is still impossible to fully achieve the level of physicalization above the expert level like Zaka, but the momentum is from nothing. Become very easy to get up; no need to have fog or other special conditions to support

The result of the momentum from nothing is gratifying, but Ye Qi is not blind. He knows that he wants to be truly like Zaka, but he still needs a lot of way to go; and he is just stepping in now. That threshold

But even if it’s just the threshold, it’s enough to deal with Lancelot, the doorman who doesn’t know how far away from the threshold. The airflow formed by the momentum is like a tornado, and Lancelot is rolled up in an instant. Go in.

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