Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 49: Prelude

Forty-ninth chapter prelude

When the three-day Midwinter Festival was over, the entire Shak’s Devil’s Headquarters resumed the orderly order. All the people who left the post and went back to the festival returned to their posts in the evening of the last day of the holiday, even if According to the regulations, they still have a night's vacation - of course, it does not include Ye Qi, who is an instructor of the apprentice apostle. Reading network)

Ye Qi, who accompanied the female cavalry chief, was in the last day of the festival, but she did not leave the female cavalry chief - even if the female cavalry chief was on duty, he would silently follow him.

This move made Lancelot bite the roots of the teeth. If it is not known that it is not Ye Qi’s opponent, Lancelot will definitely destroy Ye Qi directly and eventually destroy the body; especially when the female cavalry officer on duty is on duty that night. Not returning to his tent, but staying behind Ye Qi’s tent, Lancelot’s idea is more and more uncontrollable. Even when he sees Ye Qi, there will be a cold and suffocating suffocation.

However, Ye Qi shrugged and did not pay attention to it at all - he thought that Lancelot was only a child's heart, and possession was overwhelming; of course, the most important thing was that there was a female cavalry. Long indelible merit; if there is no persuasion of the female cavalry commander, even if she knows that she is a child-like possessive, it is naturally impossible to turn a blind eye to Lancelot’s hostility.

The steady sitting on Gronin's back Ye Qi recalled the shyness that the female cavalry commander had when he left him to leave the tent. He felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the arrogant world, the most powerful and abandoned. The Great Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the great Zhou, the royal gods, the night killing gods. God's Seal, the throne of the world, seeks the devil, and the world's most powerful abandonment of the warmth of the Zhou Dynasty's royal family. A smile is unconsciously appearing in the corner of the mouth - this time back to Shake, he feels that he is lucky and smoothly upgraded. Increased strength, but also got two pieces of the moon-level sacred device and a star-level sacred device

Of course, what is most gratifying to him is the qualitative improvement of the relationship with the female cavalry chief – this is a crucial point for him to persuade the other party to leave at some point in the future; after all, the will of the vest-loving person, Stunned the other party to take away, as long as there is a chance, he does not want to do this

However, even if the relationship between the two has a qualitative improvement, but Ye Qi still has no confidence in whether he can successfully persuade the female cavalry chief to leave. No one can understand the female cavalry chief’s stubborn counterpart like Ye Qi. The way of the knight that the heart inherits always makes Ye Qi feel helpless...


Ye Qi sighed softly, shook his head slightly, and threw out the idea of ​​how to persuade the female cavalry chief to leave. After all, after taking the two pieces of the chameleon's two-month-level sacred device, even if the other party disappeared now, But he doesn't think that the other party will disappear like this; he is sure that the other party will appear again at his side after changing his face, pulling him to deal with the broken mind and the powerful enemy that the other party can't resist.

Since it is necessary to help the other party to deal with the broken thoughts, the plan to leave the female cavalry chief must be stranded - this is an unknown danger, he does not want the female cavalry chief to participate; if the female cavalry chief is involved in it He will never forgive himself for any harm; even if there are two compensations for the Sun Yat-Sen, he will not be able to make up for his blame for the female cavalry chief.

Of course, rest assured that the female cavalry chief will continue to stay in Shaq, a large part of it is because of the attitude of the devil's headquarters change; otherwise, even if there is danger, he will definitely leave the female cavalry chief - the broken mind...

Speaking of this organization in the dark mercenary world, Ye Qi carefully recalled the information about this organization from the blond girl because of the investigation of the chameleon, the broken mind, the darkest mercenary organization in the top ten The team, with its absolutely rigorous organizational structure and chilling strength, had a reputation for zero failure before meeting him; its leader was code-named as a commander, a very mysterious guy, no one knows his gender, age Even the purebred humans don’t know...

Of course, except for the commander of the leader, the deputy leader whose right arm and the right arm is coded as the godfather is also a kind of existence that cannot be ignored by others. The most famous battle of the other party is to kill the original ninth squad in the dark mercenary sector with only one person. The leader of the stone scorpion, and grew up in the middle of a heavy encirclement; even seriously said that the godfather’s reputation in the dark mercenary community is greater than that of the commander.

After all, the godfather has a real and proud record, and the commander just keeps the mystery; even many people speculate that the commander is just the leader who broke the mind to confuse the outside world, and their true leader is godfather

Of course, this is only a guess and has not been confirmed.

In addition to the leader commander and deputy leader godfather, and the chameleon, there is also a person who makes Ye Qi very concerned - the monologue like the chameleon, codenamed Duke; according to Ye Qi, the other side rarely shot And do not participate in the organization of regular gatherings.

Ye Qi clearly remembers that when the chameleon talked about each other, the slightly vigilant eyes - the characters who can make the chameleons rise to vigilance, Ye Qi will of course put it in his heart, even if the other party did not finish the task well. The same rate

Commander, godfather, duke...

In the mind, the code of these people was turned, and Ye Qi’s brows wrinkled slightly—he believed that the chameleon’s rebellious behavior, whether the other side is for their own dignity or to shock other members of the organization, is likely to shed And it is necessary to kill the chameleon by the thunder and smashing; at that time, he is likely to face the three, and there are other hidden or infamous powers in the broken mind...

Broken thoughts?

With a cold scream, Ye Qi’s frowning brow stretched out – since it’s already unavoidable, let’s let go.

Escaping is not his style

Of course, let go of a war is not a hard hit, this is not a war of apostles, there is a referee like this final insurance--any negligence between life and death, will make the battle full of any Accidents, and whenever and wherever Ye Qi tried to avoid it, he clearly remembered John’s words in the past four years of teaching, each time before the start of the day’s training—the battle is more than just the body. Also use the brain

This sentence, he always remembers, but also does this

Maybe, I should start preparing now.

Ye Qi patted Gronin's head lightly, and the other immediately snorted and ran toward the central castle at a speed of assault--as a trainee apostle who served as an instructor, and a half-month term; And this is the time for his next battle with the broken mind.


PS's abandoned friend was gone in the dark, and it took a long time to get the basic word counted~~~ Thanks again for [Anonymous] 588, ght 100, windy month 100, unrequited → wind 100, Bihai Shenglongquan 100, and the desolation dragon, the ultimate moon ticket ~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~

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