Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 24: Get rid of (below)

Chapter 24: Getting Rid (Bottom)

damn it

Cursing in his heart, Moretti bit his teeth and desperately swallowed the **** foam that was about to blurt out; then, looked up and smiled at Ye Qi - Morrie did not yell unfairly, if not I was injured Childish excuses; after all, any objective facts cannot hide the reality that he has lost.

"Do you have any injuries?"

Morriet’s situation can’t be beaten by Ye Qi, who played against it, and looked at the faintly **** mouth of the other side. The previous attack was carefully calculated by him, and the attack that only wanted the opponent’s action to be blocked was absolutely Impossible to cause such obvious internal injuries

"I still want to stop me?" Although I knew that the other party was hurt at the moment, Ye Qi did not feel pity for this. The two sides are now the relationship between the enemy and the non-friends, so that Ye Qi can not waste his feelings extravagantly. Looking coldly at Moretti, Ye Qi slowly asked: "Or you already have the consciousness of the heroic monument?"

The heroic monument is the same as the Holy Spirit Hall of the Holy See, in order to commemorate the facilities of the people who died for the public; only one is the stone, and the other is the mourning hall.

"Do I have a choice?" Although the internal injury recurred and faced a strong enemy, Moretti was free and easy to smile: "In such a situation, kill me, and then quickly retreat, isn't it the style of your dark mercenary community? ?But I don't want to sit still."

During the speech, two M1911s appeared in the hands of Moretti. Just a glance, Ye Qi, who had a lot of experience in changing guns, immediately found that the double guns in Molisti were bigger than the guns of the general M1911. By observing Ye Qi, I can be sure that Molletti’s double guns have not only improved in power, but also loaded at least 3 rounds of bombs, reaching 7+3 rounds, a total of ten bullets.

Compensating for the shortcomings of the number of bombs, coupled with the excellent operation of the gunman, M1911 is enough to become a firearm that makes anyone feel a headache - of course, this person is only referring to ordinary people, people like Ye Qi are definitely not in it.

Although it is still impossible to make the black bat Fendi like a ducky bullet in the rain of bullets, but only two M1911 want to threaten him, it is just an idiotic dream; even if the two M1911 have been modified

Unless Moore's hand holds Jacob's ebony, white ivory weapon, or the sacred armor, for the blessing of the armor and stone skin, and the leaf of the natural dragon dragon armor itself. Oddly, it’s just a toy.

Most, but it is just a toy that will make Ye Qi hurt.

Of course, now is not a time of life and death, but how to smoothly retreat - originally Ye Qi is also prepared to create some special noises to attract passers-by outside the street; therefore, for the emergence of two guns, Ye Qi more Still holding the attitude that I am happy to see. Mobile reading novels, synchronous update \\!{\'} (read novel)

After all, only an item like a firearm that can make a very attractive sound is the excuse that he can satisfy the suspicion that the other party is suspected of retreating - as it is now, taking advantage of this advantage and retreating without reason, will undoubtedly The other party suspects that even more things will be found out because of this suspicion; like this, he is not as good as the direct evolution of the other party.

As for whether Moretti is holding the idea of ​​using gunshots to attract passers-by so that he can escape smoothly, it is not Ye Qi’s concern; anyway, it’s a coincidence or a plot, it’s all in the middle of the heart.


The loud gunshots sounded in the streets and alleys, and the same modified armor-piercing bullets fell into the wall behind Ye Qi. Not far from the murder scene, the re-emergence of gunshots was undoubtedly a striking, Ben Feller, who was tortured by the perverted murderer, looked at the traces in the scene hall and felt a headache again. The gunshots immediately made him want to go crazy.

"The **** hastened to block the shooting scene. It is absolutely not allowed for the reporters who are raising the dog to enter the hurry and give me full speed." Feller, squatting, screamed loudly: "If I see anything in the newspaper tomorrow, Today, the real description of the shooting scene, I will let you go to the reservoir."

The policemen who had already run fast enough, under the roar of Feller, the speed was once again a few points faster, and blocked the entire scene in front of the reporters who were against the guns and guns - a double-layered group of tall and strong policemen. The wall effectively blocked the shooting of the reporters; even if there were one or two reporters who were high or jumped up, they would be blocked by the police who formed the second floor.

It’s certainly impossible for journalists who can’t see the scene to disperse. They seem to smell **** flies, and they are constantly spinning around the entire field, hoping to find a valuable news clue. But even It doesn't matter if you can't find it. After all, they have extraordinary penpower. If you write enough to be fascinating, you can sell it.

As for true and false?

Didn’t see them at the beginning, they would be guessed.

Of course, some necessary things to do before writing the manuscript - the person in charge of the interview police should know that most of the time, the best guess is that the person in charge can pull out a little bit from the other person's mouth. If the clue comes, it will be developed at least. This month’s bonus will be doubled.

So When Feller came to the alley from the building site of the last murder, he was once again surrounded by reporters in three layers and three layers - looking again like a blood fly The reporters who came up, Feller's brows couldn't help but wrinkled together, and the head felt a tingling tingling.

To be honest, the number of times he appeared on TV in the past few days is more than the mayor of Dude. Of course, if possible, he really does not want to wait for TV in this situation; after all, the Secretary’s The scorpion is too ugly; Feller even thought of the secretary sitting in the office, looking at himself in the TV, gnashing his teeth.

After a series of undeclared announcements, Feller squeezed out the encirclement of the reporters. After successfully passing the control of the two-story wall, he finally appeared on the scene of the shooting; but when he saw that he had been placed by the medical staff When Moretti, who was on the stretcher for emergency treatment, he had just stretched his breath and stretched his brows. He frowned again again. Because of the cooperation, although the character was somewhat different, but Feller and Moretti The relationship is good, plus Morriet's special identity; therefore, Feller immediately asked before the stretcher.

"how about it?"

PS Thanks again for the 100th of the Starry Sky and the monthly ticket of General Peachtree~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~

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