Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Level 7 discovery

When the blonde girl arrived at Freika's residence, Ye Qi and John had already left, leaving only a messy ruin in front of her.

Although the heart knows that the hope is not big, but the blonde girl still searched carefully with the luck of the fun, and found that not only the disappearance of the two disappeared, but the entire ruin, whether it is the underground pit, or the surrounding rubble There is nothing even worthwhile - the battlefield that was carefully cleaned by Ye Qi and John, is naturally clean.

"Hey! Ye Qi, isn't it? We will see you again!"

In the end, the blonde girl looked at the rubble of the ruins in front of her eyes and whispered to herself.



The demon hunter sitting in the co-pilot suddenly sneezed and did not care about licking his nose and continued to look at his property bar:

Name: Ye Qi

Title: Senior Hunting Man

Level: 7

Occupation: Warlock Level 3

Attribute: Strength: 16

Agility: 16

Constitution: 14

Perception: 17 (+2)

Charm: 14

Unassigned attribute point: 1

Expertise: Beast Instinct; Vampire Touch, Battle Casting.

Number of specialties not selected: 2

Skills: Valuation 5, Cheat 5, Focus 8, Trap Production 4, Medical 2, Hidden 18, Listening 15, Rumor 2, Unlocking 10, Plagiarism 2, Search 10, Gunpowder Weapon Mastery 1, Cold Weapon Mastery 1, Spell Identification 10 , mysterious knowledge 10

Unassigned skill points: 15

Zero-level unallocated spell bit: 0

Level 1 unallocated spell bit: 0

Secondary unallocated spells: 1

Level 3 unallocated spells: 1

"Zero-level spell selection: increase resistance, switch, reading magic, Master's hand"

"First-level spell selection: identification, wizard armor, burning hand"

"Secondary Spell Selection: Bear's Toughness"


Looking at his own property bar, Ye Qi didn't want to add a little attribute point he just got to his physique. After this battle with the demon service, Ye Qi understood more about the physical strength of the continuous combat. importance. When Ye Qi put the body point to 15, the specialty selection bar suddenly became brighter, and there was a choice of heart expertise - robust.

Robust: You have gained extraordinary physique in your long training. Effect: +1.

Ye Qi, who already knows the robust attributes, did not want to choose this feat. Immediately, the physical attribute points were added again and became 16. Ye Qi looked at the first level of magic and could not use the bear's tough blessing. After nine times, I couldn’t help but grow a tone – at least not to mention the other, plus the tough blessing of the bear. In a limited time, he will meet opponents like the demon service, and he will never be warned because of his physical strength. The danger of the move is desperate.

At the thought of the desperate efforts of the past, Ye Qi could not help but feel that the whole body was hot again and it was difficult to breathe. However, Ye Qi did not live in unpleasant memories for a long time, his eyes once again cast on the expertise selection bar - the emergence of strong expertise has already caused Ye Qi's curiosity.

Since the fourth level of the character level has the first free choice feat, there will be a new feat every level, and Ye Qi thinks that these feats are randomly appearing, but just add the physique to 15 when suddenly The strong expertise that emerged gave Ye Qi a new idea.

Is the specialty determined according to various attributes - a glance at the artistic temperament, the alert heart, the double skill, the heavy armor skill, the intuitive prejudgment, the blind fight and other six specialties in the specialty column, Ye Qi’s heart for himself The guess is getting more and more sure. The sense of decision is the added expertise of the sixth level, while the blind fight is the added expertise that has just been upgraded.

Intuitive Prejudgment: Since you can remember, your major decisions about every important thing are always inseparable from your feelings. You will decide one thing based on your feelings. Effect: +1 will save, +1 risk judgment.

Will save: By the self-increasing will to fight the fear and confusion caused by charm and illusion, those with high will can immunize the mind.

Dangerous judgment: For one thing or thing, you can check in advance whether it is dangerous to yourself.


Blind Fight: Cruel combat training allows you to judge your opponent's movements simply by relying on ambiguous feelings. The character that gains this feat will be able to fight better when blind or facing invisible opponents. Effect: Look straight into the dark, hit +4.

Hit: In the face of any enemy, you can improve the accuracy of the hit.


Among the five attributes, there is no doubt that the highest level of perception, and among the six existing specialties, there are three specialties of alertness, intuition and blindness, which can be linked to perception, accounting for half of them; The skill of both hands and heavy armor is linked to agility and strength; the artistic temperament is naturally undoubtedly charmed; and the unfortunate thing is that the same glamour is 14 points and there is no expertise, but it is precisely because of this, In order to let Ye Qi discover the relationship between attributes and expertise so early - if you find it after a dozen or 20 levels, the whole character development has been finalized, and you can't change it if you want to change it.

Be sure to consider it more carefully when adding attribute points later! After Ye Qi’s heart secretly reminded himself, he turned his eyes to the property bar again. Extracting 10 of the remaining 15 skill points, Ye Qi points the mysterious knowledge to 20.

A battle with the demon servant before, not only completed the task, Ye Qi also got a good spoils - the black cover of the spell book.

At that time, when John saw Ye Qi interested, he directly threw the book to Ye Qi. The hunters who completed the mission could distribute the spoils according to their own wishes. No one can deprive them.

Ye Qi certainly wouldn’t be polite with John and took the spell book straight. This book will be known as a dark wizard's mantra book. For Ye Qi, who is now relying on spells to eat, it is undoubtedly a beautiful thing to understand the half of his peers and learn from the advantages.

However, when he opened the spell book, Ye Qi was stupid. In addition to reading the title of the book "The Eye of Mao Mo" on the cover of the book, the contents of the book are just like a book of heaven. Difficult to understand In order to quickly understand the contents of the book, Ye Qi had to add the mysterious knowledge of skills to 20. After all, it’s not a simple matter to relearn a language and understand what it means, and it can be like a spell. It’s rumored that it takes nearly five years for the Dark Wizard to get familiar with magic. Text. Ye Qike did not have five years of hard work to relearn, so even if it was a bit reluctant, Ye Qi had to add 10 points of skill points to mysterious knowledge. And these 10 skill points are naturally not in vain, although "Mao Mozhi" seems to be still oysters, but at least Ye Qi can barely read.

After allocating attribute points, feats, and skill points, Ye Qi’s gaze was also placed on the last major spell option for him as a warlock. Ye Qi, who has already made a choice, has immediately completed the selection of a new second-level third-level spell.

Level 2 Spell: Spider Web

Level 3 Spell: Fireball

Spider Web (Web): A sticky web is created in a 20-foot radius. Effect: Enemies attached by spider web will lose their ability to move. Duration 1 minute / every 2 levels.

Fireball: Fire a fireball full of bursting energy. Effect: 1d6 points per level damage, range radius 20 feet.

PS excited ah ~~~ decadent finally climbed to the tenth ah ~~~ and 丿 神 灬 先 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 L's routine rewards are also a decadent rejoicing ~~~ So, today's three more ~~~ In addition to the normal two chapters at 12 noon and 6 pm, about 10 o'clock, add a chapter to repay your brothers ~~~

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